MINUTES - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee - 20180507
Town of Aurora
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Advisory Committee
Special Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, May 7, 2018
Time and Location: 7 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair), Councillor Michael
Thompson (Vice Chair), Mayor Geoffrey Dawe (ex-officio
member), Reg Chappell, Juergen Daurer, Richard Doust,
Stephen Kimmerer, and Brian Trussler
Member(s) Absent: Eric McCartney
Other Attendees: Robin McDougall, Director, Community Services, Allan
Downey, Director, Operational Services, John Firman,
Manager, Business Support, Michael de Rond, Town Clerk
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
The Committee waived the provisions of the Procedure By-law to allow comments from
members of the public.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Richard Doust
Seconded by Reg Chappell
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Special Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 7, 2018 Page 2 of 3
3. Receipt of the Minutes
4. Delegations
5. Matters for Consideration
1. Memorandum from Director, Community Services
Re: 100 Vandorf Sideroad – Hallmark Lands Community Park Design
Staff provided the Committee a brief overview of the report and distributed
statistics regarding the usage of baseball diamonds and rectangular fields
(generally used for soccer). Members of the various local sports organizations
addressed the Committee regarding the memo.
Moved by Juergen Daurer
Seconded by Reg Chappell
1. That the memorandum regarding 100 Vandorf Sideroad - Hallmark Lands
Community Park Design be received; and
2. That the comments from the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Advisory Committee be received and referred to staff for consideration and
action as appropriate; and
3. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee
support the staff recommendation for the construction of two (2)
baseball diamonds on the Hallmark Lands; and
4. That staff continue to investigate repurposing facilities and fields
where possible.
Carried as amended
6. Informational Items
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Special Meeting Minutes
Monday, May 7, 2018 Page 3 of 3
7. New Business
8. Adjournment
Moved by Stephen Kimmerer
Seconded by Richard Doust
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council.