MINUTES - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee - 20170420 Town of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, April 20, 2017 Time and Location: 7 p.m., Holland Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair), Councillor Michael Thompson (Vice Chair), Juergen Daurer, Richard Doust, Stephen Kimmerer, Eric McCartney, and Brian Trussler Member(s) Absent: Reg Chappell Other Attendees: Allan Downey, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. 1. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Juergen Daurer Seconded by Brian Trussler That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 2 of 4 3. Receipt of the Minutes Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2017 Moved by Brian Trussler Seconded by Eric McCartney That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2017, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Matters for Consideration 1. PRCSAC17-002 – Canine Commons Update Staff provided background and reviewed elements of the report. The Committee and staff discussed various issues, including options for an alternate park location, replacement and disposal of wood chips, fencing, sponsorship opportunities, and maintenance. Staff noted that a service level needs to be identified for this park. Moved by Juergen Daurer Seconded by Richard Doust 1. That Report No. PRCSAC17-002 be received; and 2. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee recommend to Council: (a) That staff proceed with the priority site capital upgrades and maintenance requirements; and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 3 of 4 (b) That these upgrades be funded in the 2017 Capital and Operational budgets and all related works be completed in 2017; and (c) That future PRCSAC Operational budgets be funded sufficiently to conduct the ongoing service level increase at the Canine Commons Leash Free Park, as outlined in this report. Carried 6. Informational Items 2. Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017 Re: Parks and Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2017 Moved by Stephen Kimmerer Seconded by Juergen Daurer 1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017, regarding the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2017, be received for information. Carried 7. New Business Eric McCartney inquired about park lighting and whether there are plans to update and replace the old light standards. Staff advised that there is a plan to review the lighting requirements of all trails and parks toward standardization. Eric McCartney inquired about drawings for the proposed Library Square, and staff advised that concept plans had been received, which will be first reviewed by Council. Eric McCartney inquired about trail signage, and staff advised that signs are in the process of being installed. Eric McCartney inquired about the timing of meeting agenda distribution and staff provided a response. Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Thursday, April 20, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Eric McCartney inquired about education pamphlets regarding dog waste, and staff provided an update. Staff provided an update regarding the involvement of By-law Services to ensure that all dogs using the leash-free park are licensed, noting that any dog without a dog tag will not be allowed in the park and dog owners/walkers may be fined. Staff provided an update on a recent meeting with Highland Gate Developments Inc. regarding the Highland Gate area park, noting that they will be seeking public input and the trails issues will be considered by the Trails and Active Transportation Committee. Staff provided updates regarding the proposed multi-use sports facility, the need for additional baseball diamonds, and the new Ice Allocation Policy. Staff noted that a public consultation meeting will be held on April 24, 2017, regarding concept plans for Library Square and the Cultural Precinct. 8. Adjournment Moved by Stephen Kimmerer Seconded by Eric McCartney That the meeting be adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless otherwise adopted by Council at a later meeting.