MINUTES - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee - 20170216
Town of Aurora
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date: Thursday, February 16, 2017
Time and Location: 7 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair), Councillor Tom
Mrakas (Vice Chair), Juergen Daurer, Richard Doust,
Stephen Kimmerer, Eric McCartney, and Brian Trussler
Member(s) Absent: None
Other Attendees: Allan Downey, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Services, and Samantha Kong, Council/Committee
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Stephen Kimmerer
Seconded by Brian Trussler
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, with the following addition, be
• Delegation (b) Howard Crangle, Resident; Re: Item 1 – PRCSAC17-001 –
Leash Free Park
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2017 Page 2 of 5
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
3. Receipt of the Minutes
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 17,
Moved by Richard Doust
Seconded by Stephen Kimmerer
That the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November
17, 2016, be received for information.
4. Delegations
(a) Reg Chappell, Sport Aurora
Re: Future Facility Development
Mr. Chappell discussed the increased demand for sport facilities due to
population growth and inquired whether staff and Council have considered
investigating the current and future needs for facility development in the Town.
The Committee expressed support regarding the investigation.
Moved by Stephen Kimmerer
Seconded by Juergen Daurer
That the comments of the delegation be received for information.
(b) Howard Crangle, Resident
Re: Item 1 – PRSCAC17-001 – Leash Free Park
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2017 Page 3 of 5
Mr. Crangle discussed the list of improvements within the staff report and
identified the parking lot, gate, and fence as high priorities for replacement or
Moved by Stephen Kimmerer
Seconded by Juergen Daurer
That the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 1.
5. Matters for Consideration
1. PRCSAC17-001 – Leash Free Park
Staff provided background information regarding Canine Commons which was
a resident-initiated request to use and maintain the land. Staff advised that the
parking lot was constructed using permeable materials since it is located within
the flood plain.
The Committee discussed creating separate sections within Canine Commons
for smaller and larger dogs, as well as investigating alternative locations. The
Committee expressed support for the list of improvements; however, its was
suggested that Council consider rectifying the top priority concerns this year,
and consider the rest within the 2018 Capital and Operating budgets. Staff
indicated that the estimated cost of the proposed 2017 improvements would be
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Richard Doust
1. That Report No. PRCSAC17-001 be received; and
2. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee
recommend to Council:
(a) That the Canine Commons continue to be operated based on the
status quo; and
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Thursday, February 16, 2017 Page 4 of 5
(b) That all upgrades and operational requirements be presented in both
the 2018 Capital and Operating budgets; and
(c) That staff be directed to work with the Canine Commons Committee to
determine priority issues, expectations and overall satisfaction of the
existing facility and future uses; and
(d) That staff be directed to report back to Council with a list of priorities
for improvements to Canine Commons; and
(e) That the following issues be considered as top priority, and to be
undertaken in 2017:
i. Paving of parking lot; and
ii. Replacement of fencing and gate.
6. Informational Items
2. Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016
Re: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
November 17, 2016
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Stephen Kimmerer
1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of December 13, 2016, regarding the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting minutes of November
17, 2016, be received for information.
7. New Business
The Committee discussed facility requirements to meet the demands of the growing
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 2017 Page 5 of 5
New Business Motion No. 1
Moved by Juergen Daurer
Seconded by Stephen Kimmerer
1. That the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory Committee
recommend to Council:
(a) That staff be directed to investigate the current and future needs for facility
development in the Town, and report back to the Parks, Recreation and
Cultural Services Advisory Committee.
Steven Kimmerer advised that Reg Chappell would be the second representative
from Sport Aurora to be joining the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Advisory
Committee, as per the new Terms of Reference.
Steven Kimmerer extended an invitation to the Committee to join in an event held by
Sport Aurora at the Aurora Public Library, Magna Room, on February 22, 2017, at 7
Eric McCartney discussed the need for creating educational programs and videos to
inform residents about trail etiquette, as the use of Town trails is increasing.
Staff provided a verbal update with regard to projects and initiatives that the
Committee has resolved.
8. Adjournment
Moved by Councillor Thompson
Seconded by Juergen Daurer
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless otherwise adopted by
Council at a later meeting.