MINUTES - Finance Advisory Committee - 20210119 1 Town of Aurora Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:45 p.m. Video Conference Committee Members: Councillor Harold Kim (Chair) Mayor Tom Mrakas Councillor Michael Thompson Other Attendees: Councillor Wendy Gaertner Councillor John Gallo Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer Rachel Wainwright-van Kessel, Director of Finance Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Management Tracy Evans, Advisor, Financial Management Lianne Jalali, Project Management Office Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Procedural Notes This meeting was held electronically as per Section 19. i) of the Town's Procedure By-law No. 6228-19, as amended, due to the COVID-19 situation. The Council/Committee Coordinator called the meeting to order at 5:51 p.m. Councillor Kim assumed the chair at 5:53 p.m. 2. Appointment of Committee Chair Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Mrakas That Councillor Harold Kim be appointed as Chair for year 2021 of the Finance Advisory Committee (2018-2022 term). Carried 2 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Mrakas That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of December 8, 2020 Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Mrakas That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of December 8, 2020, be received for information. Carried 6. Delegations None. 7. Matters for Consideration 7.1 Memorandum from Manager, Financial Management; Re: Council Administration and Office of the CAO Budget Materials The Committee reviewed the budget materials and inquired about several line items and variances. Staff provided clarification on items including subscriptions/publications, cost recovery, consulting, the external sponsorship program, mobile plan charges, full-time salaries (Office of the CAO budget), and memberships and internal grants (Council Administration budget). The Committee requested that a summary page, providing context within the Corporation and similar to that supplied in the Town's budget review binder, be included with the departmental budget materials for future departmental line-by-line analysis by the Committee. 3 Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That the memorandum regarding Council Administration and Office of the CAO Budget Materials be received; and 2. That the comments and suggestions of the review of the detailed financial information for Council Administration and the Office of the CAO Budget Materials be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Memorandum from Project Management Office; Re: Town’s Major Capital Projects Update Staff provided a brief overview of the major capital projects update. The Committee inquired about the determination of project start dates and suggested that more context be supplied around any reference to project delays. Staff provided clarification and agreed to deliver greater consistency and context in future updates. Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Mrakas 1. That the memorandum regarding Town’s Major Capital Projects Update be received for information. Carried 7.3 Memorandum from Manager, Financial Management; Re: 2021 Draft Work Plan for the Finance Advisory Committee Staff provided a brief overview of the draft 2021 Work Plan for the Finance Advisory Committee noting key areas for review. The Committee inquired about the possibility of including regular updates on the IT Strategic Plan as part of the Town's Major Capital Projects Update, and staff agreed to include the additional information in future. The Committee inquired about the planned Fiscal Strategy for the Town, and staff provided comment regarding the four fiscal strategy pillars of capital planning, reserve management, debt management, and revenue management. The Committee further inquired about the status of the One Investment Program, and staff provided a response noting that the Program is 4 currently on hold and will be further considered as one of the strategic actions under the Town's new fiscal strategy revenue management pillar. Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That the memorandum regarding 2021 Draft Work Plan for the Finance Advisory Committee be received; and 2. That the 2021 Draft Work Plan for the Finance Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 7.4 Memorandum from Manager, Financial Management; Re: Corporate Revenues and Expenses Budget Materials Moved by Mayor Mrakas Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That the memorandum regarding Corporate Revenues and Expenses Budget Materials be received; and 2. That the detailed financial information for the Corporate Revenues and Expenses be received and deferred for discussion and detailed review at the next meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee. Carried 8. New Business None. 9. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Thompson Seconded by Mayor Mrakas That the meeting be adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Carried