MINUTES - Finance Advisory Committee - 20170125 Town of Aurora Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair), Councillor Harold Kim (arrived 5:46 p.m.), and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s) Absent: None Other Attendees: Councillor Wendy Gaertner, Councillor Tom Mrakas, Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Dan Elliott, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer, Jason Gaertner, Manager, Financial Planning, Karen Oreto, Financial Analyst, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved. Carried 3. Receipt of the Minutes Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Page 2 of 4 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of July 28, 2016 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson That the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of July 28, 2016, be received for information. Carried 4. Delegations None 5. Consideration of Items 1. 2017 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee Staff briefly reviewed elements of the first proposal of the 2017 Work Plan for the Committee, and noted that the Work Plan was not all-inclusive and other items will be added as required. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson 1. That the 2017 Work Plan for Finance Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 2. 2017 Work Plan for Financial Planning Division Staff distributed an abbreviated version of the 2017/2018 Budget Work Plan to the Committee and highlighted various milestones and associated timelines throughout the year. The Committee inquired about multi-year budgeting, financial planning in relation to growth projections, and the Town’s financial system, and staff responded. Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe 1. That the 2017 Work Plan for Financial Planning Division be received for information. Carried Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Page 3 of 4 3. General Discussion by Committee Re: Use of Citizen Budget Survey Tool for 2017 Staff provided background on the past use of the Citizen Budget Survey tool. The Committee expressed support of the concept and suggested that the questions need to be reframed and more specific to gain better insights. It was further suggested to consider how to engage citizens, demonstrate the value, and make it easier to participate. Staff agreed to engage the expertise of the Manager of Communications and provide feedback to the Committee. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That the comments and suggestions of the discussion regarding continued use of the Citizen Budget Survey tool be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 4. Distribution and Introduction of Detailed Financial Information Re: Infrastructure and Environmental Services (IES) Staff distributed the line-by-line analysis of the final approved 2017 budget for IES (consolidated and by division) to the Committee, and noted that further information and explanations would be provided for the highlighted items. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That the detailed financial information for IES be received and referred for discussion and detailed review at the February 22, 2017 meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee. Carried 5. General Discussion by Committee Re: Topics of Focus for IES Review The Committee requested that the topics of focus for IES review include snow removal, utilities, and the capital asset maintenance process and strategy. Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Page 4 of 4 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe 1. That the comments and suggestions of the discussion regarding Topics of Focus for IES Review be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 6. Extracts from Council Meeting of August 9, 2016 Re: Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2016, and July 28, 2016; and Item 14, CFS16-026 – Budget Allocation 2017 – Cultural Partners Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim 1. That the Extracts from Council Meeting of August 9, 2016, regarding the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of July 12, 2016, and July 28, 2016, and Item 14, CFS16-026 – Budget Allocation 2017 – Cultural Partners, be received for information. Carried 6. New Business None 7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe That the meeting be adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Carried Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council at a later meeting.