MINUTES - Finance Advisory Committee - 20160712 TOWN OF AURORA FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair), Councillor Harold Kim, and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s) Absent: None Other Attendees: Councillor Tom Mrakas, Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Dan Elliott, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer, Al Downey, Director of Parks & Recreation Services, Tracy Evans, Financial Analyst, Budget, and Samantha Yew, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. 1. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services, with the following addition, be approved:  Additional Information to Item 1 – Draft Aurora Assist Policy for Parks and Recreation Financial Assistance CARRIED Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Page 2 of 4 3. RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2016 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of May 24, 2016, be received for information. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS None 5. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 1. Departmental Budget Review (Continued) – Parks and Recreation Services (PRS); Presentation by Director of Parks & Recreation Services, to include: 1. Aurora Museum and Archives 2. Subsidy Program Mr. Downey continued the PRS departmental budget review with an overview of the Three-Year Plan for the Aurora Museum and Archives, collection management and public access opportunities, measures of success, and annual financial implications. The Committee and staff discussed aspects of the Plan. Mr. Downey outlined the proposed Aurora Assist program, a financial assistance program that would provide qualifying low income residents with an annual subsidy of $150 for Parks and Recreation programs. The Committee spoke in support of the program, and inquired about aspects of program qualification and funding. The Committee and staff discussed approval timelines for the program, and the possibility of implementing the program in time for the winter season. The Committee suggested that the two new proposed service levels be raised for separate discussion during the 2017 Operating Budget review. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Page 3 of 4 THAT the Departmental Budget Review (Continued) – Parks and Recreation Services (PRS) and Presentation by Director of Parks & Recreation Services be received; and THAT the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration. CARRIED 2. Memorandum from Treasurer Re: 2017 Budget Documentation Modifications Staff explained the key changes in the proposed modified format of the 2017 Budget documentation and the alternative presentation of the PRS Budget information. The Committee provided comments and suggestions regarding the formats. Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the memorandum regarding 2017 Budget Documentation Modifications be received; and THAT the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for consideration. CARRIED 3. Extract from Council Meeting of May 10, 2016 Re: Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 19, 2016 Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of May 10, 2016, regarding the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of April 19, 2016, be received for information. CARRIED 4. Extract from Council Meeting of June 28, 2016 Re: Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2016 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Page 4 of 4 THAT the Extract from Council Meeting of June 28, 2016, regarding the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 24, 2016, be received for information. CARRIED 6. NEW BUSINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:45 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING.