MINUTES - Finance Advisory Committee - 20160322 TOWN OF AURORA FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Time and Location: 5:30 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall Committee Members: Councillor Michael Thompson (Chair), Councillor Harold Kim (arrived 5:53 p.m.), and Mayor Geoffrey Dawe Member(s) Absent: None Other Attendees: Councillor Tom Mrakas, Doug Nadorozny, Chief Administrative Officer, Al Downey, Director of Parks and Recreation Services, Dan Elliott, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer, Jason Gaertner, Manager of Financial Planning/Deputy Treasurer, and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. 1. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Thompson THAT the agenda as circulated by Legal and Legislative Services be approved. CARRIED Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Page 2 of 4 3. RECEIPT OF THE MINUTES Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 16, 2016 Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the Finance Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 16, 2016, be received for information. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS None 5. CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 1. Memorandum from Treasurer Re: Departmental Budget Review – Parks and Recreation Services (PRS) Presentation by Al Downey, Director of Parks and Recreation Services Mr. Downey presented an overview of the departmental budget for Parks and Recreation Services for the four main functions of Administration, Business Support, Recreation, and Culture. He discussed aspects of the consolidated and detailed budget worksheets and challenges, the business review including program utilization and subsidies, market and community group pressures, retention, and residential growth, and new initiatives respecting Culture, a subsidy program, and the seniors’ discount. The Committee suggested using program utilization as a key performance indicator going forward to illustrate cost effectiveness. Staff reviewed the options for next steps and the Committee indicated areas that would require clarification. Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT the memorandum regarding Departmental Budget Review – Parks and Recreation Services be received; and THAT the presentation, comments, and explanations provided by the Director of Parks and Recreation be received; and THAT the comments and discussions of the Committee be referred to staff. CARRIED Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Page 3 of 4 2. Review of the BMA Management Consulting Inc. Municipal Study – 2015 Link to full report: http://www.aurora.ca/bma Presentation by Dan Elliott, Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer Mr. Elliott presented highlights of the BMA Management Consulting Inc. Municipal Study – 2015 including background, executive summary for the Town of Aurora, and comparisons related to socio-economic factors, assessment and housing, and financial indicators. The Committee indicated that context and comparable community data would be useful. Staff indicated that review of the Municipal Study would be continued at the next meeting. Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the presentation and comments from the Director of Corporate and Financial Services/Treasurer be received; and THAT the comments and discussions of the Committee regarding the BMA Study and its relevance and use by the Town of Aurora be referred to staff for consideration. CARRIED 3. Memorandum from Treasurer Re: History of Residential/Non-residential Assessment Split Motion to defer Moved by Mayor Dawe Seconded by Councillor Kim THAT Item 3, Memorandum from Treasurer, Re: History of Residential/Non- residential Assessment Split, be deferred to the Finance Advisory Committee meeting of April 19, 2016. CARRIED 6. NEW BUSINESS None Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 22, 2016 Page 4 of 4 7. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Kim Seconded by Mayor Dawe THAT the meeting be adjourned at 6:51 p.m. CARRIED COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS ARE NOT BINDING ON THE TOWN UNLESS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT A LATER MEETING.