MINUTES - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee - 20191104
Town of Aurora
Community Recognition Review
Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, November 4, 2019
Time and Location: 11 a.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Erin Cerenzia (Chair), Brian North (Vice Chair), Diane
Buchanan, Paul Martin, Elaine Martini, Jo-anne Spitzer, and
Mayor Tom Mrakas
Members Absent: None
Other Attendees: Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events, and Ishita Soneji,
Council/Committee Coordinator
The Chair called the meeting to order at 11:05 a.m.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Jo-anne Spitzer
Seconded by Diane Buchanan
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 4, 2019 Page 2 of 3
3. Receipt of the Minutes
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of July
25, 2019
Moved by Elaine Martini
Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer
That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of
July 25, 2019, be received for information.
4. Delegations
5. Matters for Consideration
1. Round Table Discussion
Re: 2020 Awards Event – Award Categories Review
Staff distributed the draft 2020 Community Recognition Awards Categories &
Criteria form and provided details of the discussions held at a working group
meeting in September 2019 to consider the suitability of current award categories
and other options, including the addition of the Senior Award category.
The Committee and staff reviewed the proposed 2020 awards criteria form, made
suggestions to the award descriptions and eligibility criteria for various categories
where necessary, and discussed about the addition of the Senior Award category. It
was determined that the addition of the Senior Award would be a pronounced
addition and would complement the purpose of the award program.
Staff noted that the a report regarding the addition of the new category and the
proposed 2020 Community Recognition Awards Categories & Criteria form will be
brought to the November 19, 2019 General Committee meeting for Council’s
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, November 4, 2019 Page 3 of 3
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Paul Martin
1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2020 Awards Event – Award
Categories Review be received and the comments of the Committee be
referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate.
6. Informational Items
2. Memorandum from Deputy Town Clerk
Re: Advisory Committee Chair Rotation
The Committee sought clarification on when the new Chair and Vice-Chair would be
appointed, and staff provided a response noting that the new appointments would
be carried out at the first Committee meeting in 2020.
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Elaine Martini
1. That the memorandum regarding Advisory Committee Chair Rotation be
received for information.
7. Adjournment
Moved by Paul Martin
Seconded by Diane Buchanan
That the meeting be adjourned at 11:44 a.m.