MINUTES - Community Recongition Review Advisory Committee - 20210201 1 Town of Aurora Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Location: Monday, February 1, 2021 2:00 p.m. Video Conference Committee Members: Erin Cerenzia (Chair) Brian North (Vice Chair) Diane Buchanan Paul Martin Elaine Martini Jo-anne Spitzer Mayor Tom Mrakas (arrived at 2:10 p.m.) Other Attendees: Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events Ishita Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Procedural Notes This meeting was held electronically as per Section 19. i) of the Town's Procedure By-law No. 6228-19, as amended, due to the COVID-19 situation. The Council/Committee Coordinator called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. Erin Cerenzia assumed the Chair at 2:06 p.m. 2. Appointment of Committee Chair and Vice Chair Moved by Diane Buchanan Seconded by Elaine Martini That Erin Cerenzia be elected as Chair for Year 2021 of the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee (2018-2022 Term). Carried 2 Moved by Erin Cerenzia Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer That a Brian North be elected as Vice Chair for Year 2021 of the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee (2018-2022 Term). Carried 3. Approval of the Agenda Moved by Brian North Seconded by Diane Buchanan That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, be approved. Carried 4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50. 5. Receipt of the Minutes 5.1 Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2019 Moved by Elaine Martini Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2019, be received for information. Carried 6. Delegations None. 7. Matters for Consideration 7.1 Round Table Discussion; Re: 2021 Awards Event - Award Categories and Descriptions 3 Staff provided a brief overview of the award categories and descriptions and the nomination form, noting that the form and categories are the same as 2020 and sought the Committee's input for any suggestions and improvements. The Committee was in agreement with the proposed award categories and form and noted that no changes were required. Moved by Brian North Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer 1. That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee comments regarding the 2021 Awards Event - Award Categories and Descriptions be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 7.2 Round Table Discussion; Re: 2021 Awards Event - Event Logistics Staff provided an overview of the proposed 2021 awards event logistics and sought the Committee's input regarding the 2021 ceremony date and trophy design upgrades and possible alternatives. The Committee and staff discussed about the possible ceremony dates, required timelines for planning the event, and the logistics of a virtual and socially distanced in- person ceremony. The Committee proposed that the ceremony be held on May 31, 2021, either virtually or in-person depending on the permitted gathering restrictions and guidelines at that time. The Committee and staff discussed about possible alternatives to the physical award and upgrading the trophy design. The Committee was in agreement with the current design and noted no changes were required. The Committee and staff further discussed about the allocated budget for the overall event and the possibility of collecting additional donations and in-kind sponsorships for the event. The Committee and staff agreed to conduct working group meetings to further discuss the awards ceremony logistics in detail. It was noted that the working group meetings will be held on February 18, 2021 and March 4, 2021 respectively. Moved by Diane Buchanan Seconded by Paul Martin 4 1. That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee comments regarding the 2021 Awards Event - Event Logistics be received and referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate. Carried 8. Informational Items None. 9. Adjournment Moved by Diane Buchanan Seconded by Brian North That the meeting be adjourned at 2:46 p.m. Carried