MINUTES - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee - 20190408
Town of Aurora
Community Recognition Review
Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, April 8, 2019
Time and Location: 11 a.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Erin Cerenzia (Chair), Brian North (Vice Chair), Diane
Buchanan, Paul Martin, Jo-anne Spitzer, and Mayor Tom
Members Absent: Elaine Martini
Other Attendees: Councillor Rachel Gilliland, Shelley Ware, Supervisor,
Special Events, Samantha Yew, Deputy Town Clerk, and
Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator
The Deputy Town Clerk called the meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.
Appointment of Committee Chair and Vice Chair
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Brian North
That Erin Cerenzia be appointed as Chair of the Community Recognition Review
Advisory Committee.
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer
That Brian North be appointed as Vice Chair of the Community Recognition
Review Advisory Committee.
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 8, 2019 Page 2 of 4
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Mayor Mrakas
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
3. Receipt of the Minutes
4. Delegations
(a) Samantha Yew, Deputy Town Clerk
Re: Advisory Committee Orientation
Ms. Yew presented an overview of the roles and responsibilities of an advisory
committee, its members, the chair, and staff. She noted the importance of an
advisory committee as a tool for civic engagement and public input, and
highlighted various aspects of procedure, including the Town’s Procedure By-
law and the new Code of Conduct for Local Boards.
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer
That the comments of the delegation be received for information.
(b) Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events
Re: Committee Update
Ms. Ware presented an update of the Committee’s role in supporting various
aspects of the Town’s annual Community Recognition Awards event, including
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 8, 2019 Page 3 of 4
an overview of the background, award categories, and recognition forums. She
provided a brief review of the event phases, including the Citizen of the Year
Reception, Community Recognition Awards Ceremony, Awards Ceremony
Reception, and event debriefing.
Moved by Diane Buchanan
Seconded by Paul Martin
That the comments of the delegation be received for information.
5. Matters for Consideration
1. Round Table Discussion
Re: 2019 Awards Event – Citizen of the Year Reception
The Committee and staff reviewed and discussed various aspects of the Citizen of
the Year Reception (for previous award recipients), held just prior to the Awards
Ceremony, including venue and attendees, food and refreshments, name badges,
historical database and photographs, archival and future newspaper articles, and
working group meetings.
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Jo-anne Spitzer
1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2019 Awards Event – Citizen of
the Year Reception be received and the comments of the Committee be
referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate.
2. Round Table Discussion
Re: 2019 Awards Event – Community Recognition Awards Ceremony
The Committee and staff reviewed and discussed various aspects of the
Community Recognition Awards Ceremony being held on Monday, May 27, 2019,
including entertainment, award design, greeter options, Council member
involvement, accessibility, singing of the national anthem and video, and emcee
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 8, 2019 Page 4 of 4
options. It was agreed that staff would work with the Chair and Mayor Mrakas
toward securing an emcee for the Awards Ceremony.
Moved by Paul Martin
Seconded by Diane Buchanan
1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2019 Awards Event –
Community Recognition Awards Ceremony be received and the comments of
the Committee be referred to staff for consideration and action as appropriate.
6. Informational Items
7. Adjournment
Moved by Mayor Mrakas
Seconded by Paul Martin
That the meeting be adjourned at 12:27 p.m.