MINUTES - Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee - 20170821
Town of Aurora
Community Recognition Review
Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Date: Monday, August 21, 2017
Time and Location: 2 p.m., Leksand Room, Aurora Town Hall
Committee Members: Councillor Tom Mrakas (Chair), Diane Buchanan, Steve
Hinder, Tim Jones, Brian North, and Jo-anne Spitzer
Members Absent: Councillor Sandra Humfryes
Other Attendees: Stephanie Mackenzie-Smith, Manager of Corporate
Communications, Shelley Ware, Supervisor, Special Events,
and Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Secretary
The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
1. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Steve Hinder
Seconded by Brian North
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
3. Receipt of the Minutes
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 2 of 4
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of
February 22, 2017
Moved by Tim Jones
Seconded by Diane Buchanan
That the Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of
February 22, 2017, be received for information.
4. Delegations
5. Matters for Consideration
1. Round Table Discussion
Re: 2017 Awards Event – Debrief
Staff noted the positive feedback received on the event and provided an update on
the comments received regarding award categories, including the Good Business
Award, Green Award, and Community Leadership Award. The Committee
discussed various options and challenges, and agreed that the current selection of
categories should be maintained and that the criteria should focus on community.
Staff and Committee discussed further elements of the awards event including the
opening ceremonies, presentation and photo op area, food and beverage, and
Moved by Tim Jones
Seconded by Jo-Anne Spitzer
1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2017 Awards Event – Debrief
be received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for
consideration and action as appropriate.
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 3 of 4
2. Round Table Discussion
Re: 2018 Awards Event – Plans
Staff and Committee discussed various logistical options for the next awards event
including food and beverage, ceremony and reception format, invitations, venue,
entertainment, promotion, and minor revisions to the nomination form. It was
agreed that the 2018 Community Recognition Awards event will be held on
Monday, May 28, 2018, at Town Hall.
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Jo-Anne Spitzer
1. That the Round Table Discussion regarding the 2018 Awards Event – Plans be
received and the comments of the Committee be referred to staff for
consideration and action as appropriate.
6. Informational Items
3. Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017
Re: Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes of February 22, 2017
Moved by Steve Hinder
Seconded by Tim Jones
1. That the Extract from Council Meeting of March 28, 2017, regarding the
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee meeting minutes of
February 22, 2017, be received for information.
7. New Business
The Committee discussed the structure and location of future meetings and agreed
that formal meetings are not yet needed.
Community Recognition Review Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 21, 2017 Page 4 of 4
8. Adjournment
Moved by Brian North
Seconded by Diane Buchanan
That the meeting be adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Committee recommendations are not binding on the Town unless adopted by Council.