MINUTES-Community Advisory Committee-20210218 1
Town of Aurora
Community Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 18, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Video Conference
Committee Members: Balpreet Grewal (Chair)
Laura Thanasse (Vice Chair)
Shivangi Bagga
Chris Gordon
Earl Cochrane
Denis Heng
Janet Mitchell
Jennifer Sault
Councillor Sandra Humfryes
Members Absent: Sera Weiss
Other Attendees: Techa Van Leeuwen, Director of Corporate Services
John Firman, Manager, Business Support Services
Lisa Warth, Manager, Recreation
Erin Hamilton, Sport & Community Development Specialist
Michael Bat, Traffic/Transportation Analyst
Ishita Soneji, Council/Committee Coordinator
1. Procedural Notes
This meeting was held electronically as per Section 19. i) of the Town's
Procedure By-law No. 6228-19, as amended, due to the COVID-19 situation.
The Council/Committee Coordinator called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
The Committee welcomed Councillor Sandra Humfryes, and new members
Shivangi Bagga and Earl Cochrane.
Balpreet Grewal assumed the Chair at 7:06 p.m.
2. Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
Moved by Laura Thanasse
Seconded by Janet Mitchell
That Balpreet Grewal be elected as Chair for Year 2021 of the Community
Advisory Committee (2018-2022 Term).
Moved by Janet Mitchell
Seconded by Jennifer Sault
That Laura Thanasse be elected as Vice Chair for Year 2021 of the Community
Advisory Committee (2018-2022 Term).
3. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Laura Thanasse
Seconded by Chris Gordon
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services, be approved.
4. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
A declaration of interest was made by Chris Gordon under Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50, respecting Item 7.2 Memorandum from Sports
and Community Specialist; Re: Sports Plan Status Report 1, due to current
affiliation with the sport organization Aurora Diggers Girls Softball Association.
Mr. Gordon did not participate in any discussion or voting on Item 7.2.
5. Receipt of the Minutes
5.1 Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2020
Moved by Earl Cochrane
Seconded by Janet Mitchell
That the Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of November
19, 2020, be received for information.
6. Delegations
7. Matters for Consideration
7.1 Memorandum from Manager, Business Support; Re: Update - Sports Field
Development Strategy
Staff provided an overview of the memorandum providing an update on
the study conducted for the development of a sports field development
strategy. Staff further reviewed the recommendations from the complete
study indicating areas of focus, priority, and the next steps. The
Committee provided feedback and inquired if sufficient outdoor fields
would be secured through the partnerships with schools and if alternate
acquisition of lands would be necessary, and staff provided clarification.
The Committee inquired if partnership with the public or private school
boards would impact the existing school extra-curricular activities, and
staff indicated that they would not be impacted.
The Committee further inquired about the process of evaluating current
sports fields for potential upgrades for improvements and enhancing field
utilization, and staff noted that the process is dependent on the sports
field and involves internal, public, and user group consultation accordingly.
The Committee noted the demand for indoor facilities and outdoor sports
fields during off-season, and staff indicated that further assessment is
forthcoming dependent on the outcome of future partnerships with the
The Committee and staff discussed about the ongoing communication
process with user groups including the involvement of parasport and
Special Olympic user groups in this study. The Committee referred to the
impact on engagement with the user groups due to the ongoing pandemic
and staff indicated that continuous engagement is ongoing noting
responses have been affected due to the organizational impacts to the
user groups.
Moved by Laura Thanasse
Seconded by Councillor Humfryes
1. That the memorandum regarding Update - Sports Field Development
Strategy and the Executive Summary be received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding the
Sports Field Development Strategy be received and referred to staff for
consideration and further action as appropriate.
7.2 Memorandum from Sports and Community Development Specialist; Re:
Sports Plan Status Report 1
Erin Hamilton, Sports and Community Development Specialist, presented
an overview of the Sport Plan progress highlighting the eight key Sport
Plan priorities identified following a review of the Sport Plan
recommendations through consultation with local sport organizations and
provided details of the ongoing implementation efforts. The presentation
included the gender equity report providing next steps in addressing gaps
for women and girls in sport, resources and guidance to support sport in
the community, changes in execution methods due to the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic and alternate forms of communication, efforts in
prioritizing sport tourism, and future engagement opportunities through
Mayor's Roundtable of Sport meetings.
The Committee provided feedback regarding the sport plan
implementation efforts and inquired about the opportunities for sports
grants, and staff indicated that as the implementation efforts within
various focus groups materialize, opportunities for grants would be
assessed accordingly. The Committee sought clarification about the
future delivery of initiatives to ensure individuals can safely return to sport
and physical activity. Staff noted that return to safe sport guidelines and
procedures have been provided to user groups and noted that depending
on the Provincial orders, the implementation process and planning
continues to evolve.
The Committee and staff further discussed about the possibility of
consolidation and collaboration of sports groups within the community to
enhance opportunities to improve program delivery and encourage multi-
sport participation.
Moved by Councillor Humfryes
Seconded by Laura Thanasse
1. That the memorandum regarding Sport Plan Status Report 1 be
received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding the
Sport Plan Status Report 1 be received and referred to staff for
consideration and further action as appropriate.
7.3 Memorandum from Traffic and Transportation Analyst; Re: Henderson Drive
and Lee Gate Pedestrian Crossover
Staff provided a brief overview of the memorandum outlining the details of
the recently installed pedestrian crossover at the Henderson Drive and Lee
Gate intersection and the criteria for the pedestrian crossover warrant
analysis. The Committee referred to a resident's concern regarding the
malfunctioning flashing beacon and staff indicated that any concerns of
non-compliance since the installation were addressed by the contractor. It
was mentioned that York Region Police has been contacted to ensure
enforcement measures are implemented at the intersection. The
Committee suggested that installation of additional signs prior to the
subject intersection or area indicating any such new additions should be
considered in future projects.
Moved by Laura Thanasse
Seconded by Shivangi Bagga
1. That the memorandum regarding the Henderson Drive & Lee Gate
pedestrian crossover be received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding
Henderson Drive pedestrian crossover at Lee Gate be received and
referred to staff for consideration and further action as appropriate.
8. Informational Items
9. Adjournment
Moved by Earl Cochrane
Seconded by Laura Thanasse
That the meeting be adjourned at 8:31 p.m.