MINUTES - Community Advisory Committee - 20200917 1
Town of Aurora
Community Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 17, 2020
7:00 p.m.
Video Conference
Committee Members: Balpreet Grewal (Chair)
Chris Gordon (departed 7:30 p.m.)
Denis Heng
Jennifer Sault
Laura Thanasse
Sera Weiss
Councillor Rachel Gilliland
Members Absent: Janet Mitchell (Vice-Chair)
Barry Bridgeford
Councillor Harold Kim
Other Attendees: Mayor Mrakas (ex-officio)
Techa van Leeuwen, Director of Corporate Services
Michael Bat, Traffic/Transportation Analyst
Natalie Kehle, Energy and Climate Change Analyst
Anca Mihail, Manager of Engineering and Capital Delivery
Phillip Rose-Donahoe, Manager, Library Square
Linda Bottos, Council/Committee Coordinator
1. Procedural Notes
This meeting was held electronically as per Section 19. i) of the Town's
Procedure By-law No. 6228-19, as amended, due to the COVID-19 situation.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Jennifer Sault
That the agenda as circulated by Legislative Services be approved with the
exception that Item 6.3 be considered at the end of the agenda.
Carried as amended
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.50.
4. Receipt of the Minutes
4.1 Community Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of February 20,
Moved by Councillor Gilliland
Seconded by Sera Weiss
That the Community Advisory Committee meeting minutes of February 20,
2020, be received for information.
5. Delegations
6. Matters for Consideration
Items were considered in the following order: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.3.
6.1 CAC20-002 - Master Transportation Study Update
Staff provided background on the Transportation Master Plan noting its
two major components: 1) to evaluate where we are now by looking at
existing demand; and 2) to determine what options the Town can consider
to accommodate future growth.
Jonathan Chai, Project Manager, HDR, presented an overview of the
Master Transportation Study Update including the study area and planning
context, transportation needs and alternative solutions, existing cycling
facilities, recommended cycling facilities and case studies.
The Committee expressed support for the proposed plan and discussed
various aspects with staff and the consultant including: improving existing
pathways for cyclists and accessibility; bike/shared lane signage and
markings; bollards; separated bike lanes; sharrows and speed humps; and
year-round access.
The Committee advised of an outstanding safety issue regarding the
discrepancy between pedestrian crossing lights on the south side of an
intersection versus the north side.
The Committee suggested that a stop sign be installed on Henderson
Drive at Seaton Drive to slow the traffic in that area.
The Committee referred to Denmark as an example of where the
infrastructure is designed to promote walking and cycling as the preferred
modes of transportation and suggested this concept be applied in the
Library Square area.
The Committee inquired about the east/west connectivity on Wellington
Street West between Yonge and Bathurst Streets. Staff provided a
response noting that this matter would be discussed with the Region as
Wellington is a regional road.
Moved by Laura Thanasse
Seconded by Sera Weiss
1. That Report No. CAC20-002 be received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding the
recommendations for active transportation presented in the
Transportation Master Plan be received and referred to staff for
6.2 Memorandum from Manager, Library Square; Re: Cultural Master
Plan Update
Phil Rose-Donahoe, Manager, Library Square, presented an overview of
the Town's Cultural Master Plan (CMP) including a summary of the
cultural planning accomplishments from 2014 to 2019. He reviewed the
CMP update process currently in progress and guided by the
Collaborative Leadership Team, and extended an invitation to Committee
members to be involved in the CMP process.
The Committee offered suggestions toward building the cultural
community including: support of school art events; flexibility in timing of
cultural programming; food and beverages at events; and public art and
front yard art installations. Staff noted that the Town's by-laws would need
to be considered for activities in certain locations. Staff agreed to follow up
on the suggestions.
The Committee suggested expanding the Collaborative Leadership Team
by adding music representatives to the cultural partners list.
Moved by Sera Weiss
Seconded by Laura Thanasse
1. That the memorandum regarding Cultural Master Plan Update be
received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding the
Cultural Master Plan Update be received and referred to staff for
6.3 CAC20-005 - Town of Aurora Proposed Anti-Idling Policy
Staff provided an overview of the report regarding the proposed anti-idling
policy, which aims to limit unnecessary idling within the Town limits, noting
that the primary implementation strategy would involve public education,
followed by enforcement of provisions of the Noise By-law when
The Committee expressed concerns regarding the proposed five-minute
vehicle idling limit, the potentially broad interpretation of the two
exceptions, and fleet management. The Committee inquired about the
accessibility of By-law Services in receiving complaints and staff provided
clarification on the availability of By-law Enforcement Officers, priorities,
and their approach to educate first. The Committee expressed its support
of the proposed communication and education campaigns and suggested
the idling limit be reduced to one or two minutes, similar to neighbouring
Moved by Sera Weiss
Seconded by Laura Thanasse
1. That Report No. CAC20-005 be received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding the
Town of Aurora Proposed Anti-Idling Policy be received and referred to
staff for consideration.
6.4 CAC20-006 - Implementation of Automated Speed Enforcement
Staff gave an overview of the report regarding the Region's
implementation of an automated speed enforcement (ASE) program
through a two-year, limited use pilot program in selected community safety
The Committee expressed support for staff's recommendation to defer the
Town's implementation of an ASE program until the Region has completed
its pilot program.
The Committee referred to a sloped section of Murray Drive, situated in
one of the designated community safety zones, and inquired about
alternative, more cost-effective solutions. Staff provided a response noting
speed cushions and flexible post signage as options.
The Committee inquired about the availability of any outcome information
to justify the need for safety risk mitigation in the selected locations of the
pilot program, and staff provided a response noting the situations could be
monitored and followed up with the Region after one year.
Moved by Denis Heng
Seconded by Jennifer Sault
1. That Report No. CAC20-006 be received; and
2. That the Community Advisory Committee comments regarding
Implementation of Automated Speed Enforcement Program be
received and referred to staff for consideration.
6.5 Round Table Discussion; Re: Future of the Community Advisory
The Committee discussed various aspects of its mandate and role in
providing feedback to staff and Council. It was noted that the
environmental aspect would be removed from this Committee's mandate
once Councillor Gilliland's motion to reinstate the Environmental Advisory
Committee is adopted by Council and its members are appointed, and the
Committee expressed support for this direction.
The Committee expressed a desire to meet at least bimonthly and more
often if necessary. It was requested that a standing item be included on
the agenda to facilitate an open discussion at the end of each meeting.
The Committee stressed the importance of staff circling back to update
members on the final outcome of their input and how it was received by
Moved by Sera Weiss
Seconded by Councillor Gilliland
1. That the Committee comments regarding Future of the Community
Advisory Committee be received and referred to staff for consideration
and action as appropriate.
7. Informational Items
7.1 CAC20-004 - Pedestrian Grade Separated Crossings and Future
Priority Crossings within Barrie GO Rail Corridor
Moved by Sera Weiss
Seconded by Jennifer Sault
That Report No. CAC20-004 - Pedestrian Grade Separated Crossings and
Future Priority Crossings within Barrie GO Rail Corridor be deferred to the
November 19, 2020 Community Advisory Committee meeting.
Motion to defer
7.2 Verbal Update from Director of Corporate Services; Re: Clean
Communities By-law No. 6257-20
Staff provided an update on the success of the new Clean Communities
By-law, which was discussed by the Committee in February and enacted
by Council in May 2020.
Moved by Sera Weiss
Seconded by Laura Thanasse
1. That the verbal update from the Director of Corporate Services
regarding Clean Communities By-law No. 6257-20 be received for
8. Adjournment
Moved by Jennifer Sault
Seconded by Sera Weiss
That the meeting be adjourned at 9:02 p.m.