BYLAW - Adopt Official Plan Amendment 13 - 20170328 - 596517The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-law Number 5965-17 Being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 13. Whereas on September 28, 2010, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (the "Town") enacted By-law Number 5285-10, being the new Official Plan for the Town, including amendments thereto (the "Official Plan"); And whereas authority is given to Council pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, to pass a by-law amending the Official Plan; And whereas the Town deems it necessary and expedient to further amend the Official Plan; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 13 attached hereto and forming part of this By-law be and is hereby adopted. 2. This By-law shall come into force subject to compliance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and subject to compliance with such provisions, this By-law will take effect from the date of final passage hereof. Enacted by Town of Aurora Council this 28th day of March, 2017. Geoffrey Dawe, Mayor Samantha Yew, Depgty Clerk Page 2 AuRoRA yoWre 4", good Cowl asry Amendment No. 13 To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Page 3 Amendment No. 13 To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora The Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area which was adopted by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended. The Regional Municipality of York Per: Date: Name: Page 4 Amendment No. 13 To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Statement of Components Part I — The Preamble 1. Introduction 2. Purpose of the Amendment 3. Location 4. Basis of the Amendment Part II — The Amendment 1. Introduction 2. Details of the Amendment 3. Implementation and Interpretation Page 5 Part I — The Preamble 1. Introduction This part of the Official Plan Amendment No. 13 (the "Amendment"), entitled Part I — The Preamble, explains the purpose and location of this Amendment, and provides an overview of the reasons for it. It is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the Amendment. 2. Purpose of the Amendment The purpose of this site specific Official Plan Amendment is to permit single detached dwellings as a permitted use within the "Medium -High Density Residential" designation. 3. Location The lands affected by this Amendment are located south of Wellington Street East, east of Adena Meadows Way, municipally known as 1289 Wellington Street East; having a lot area of approximately 11.8 hectares; and legally described as Part of Lot 20, Concession 2, Whitchurch, Parts 1 to 10, on Plan 65R-36523, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the "Subject Lands"). 4. Basis of the Amendment The basis of the Amendment is as follows: 4.1 The Official Plan Amendment application (file: OPA-2016-01) and Zoning By-law amendment was submitted to the Town for consideration on May 18, 2016, to permit the site specific Official Plan Amendment on the Subject Lands. The related amendment to the Town's Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision were submitted on May 6, 2016. 4.2 The Public Planning Meeting was held by the Town's Council on June 29, 2016 to obtain input from members of the public and the Town's Council. 4.3 The proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision consists of 145 lots for single detached dwellings. The Draft Plan of Subdivision consists of lots with frontages varying from 11.1 m to 18.3m. 4.4 The Bayview Northeast Area Secondary Plan (OPA 30) designates the subject lands as "Low -Medium Density Residential", Medium -High Density Residential" and "Linear and Other Open Space". The existing land use designation of Medium High Density Residential limits residential uses to predominately above grade housing forms. An amendment to the "Medium High Density Residential" is required to permit the proposed at -grade housing forms while still maintaining the permitted density range. All other designations and policies remain unchanged. 4.5 The implementing Zoning By-law amendment will incorporate appropriate development provisions and performance standards for the development of the Subject Lands. 4.6 The subject lands are situated in between the existing townhouse development to the north and the existing golf course open space to the south and represent a transition between these land uses. Page 6 4.7 This portion of Wellington Street East is not identified as a Regional Corridor with rapid transit service in the Region's Transportation Master Plan. 4.8 The site specific policies as outlined in the Details of The Amendment are considered to be compatible, appropriate and a complementary land use and built form within the 2B Community. Part II — The Amendment 1. Introduction All of this part of the document entitled Part II — The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached maps, designated as Schedule "A" (Land Use Plan) constitutes Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan. 2. Details of the Amendment The Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): "Notwithstanding any policies to the contrary as outlined in section 3.2.2 b) of OPA 30 (213 Secondary Plan) respecting the Medium -High Density Residential Designation, the following site specific policy shall apply to the lands designated as "Medium -High Density Residential — Site Specific Policy No. 45", within the area shown as Schedule "H" attached hereto and forming part of this plan: a) The permitted uses within the Medium -High Density Residential — Site Specific Policy No. 45 designation shall be single -detached dwellings." 3. Implementation and Interpretation This Amendment has been considered in accordance with the provisions of the Official Plan. The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Official Plan, Zoning By-law and any Subdivision Agreement. Page 7 Explanatory Note Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 13 By-law Number 5965-17 has the following purpose and effect: The purpose of this amendment is to amend the Town of Aurora Official Plan, as amended, for the lands shown on Schedule "H" Special Policy No. 45 to permit single detached dwellings in the "Medium -High Density Residential" designation. All other provisions of the 2B Secondary Plan (Official Plan Amendment No. 30) will continue to apply.