BYLAW - Adopt Official Plan Amendment No 16 - 20170715 - 600117The Corporation of the Town of Aurora
By-law Number 6001-17
Being a By-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 16.
Whereas on September 28, 2010, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora
(the "Town") enacted By-law Number 5285-10, as amended, to adopt the Official Plan
for the Town of Aurora (the "Official Plan");
And whereas authority is given to Council pursuant to the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.
P.13, as amended, to pass a by-law amending the Official Plan;
And whereas the Town deems it necessary and expedient to further amend the Official
Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts
as follows:
1. Official Plan Amendment No. 16 attached hereto and forming part of this By-law
be and is hereby adopted.
2. This By-law shall come into force subject to compliance with the provisions of the
Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and subject to compliance with
such provisions, this By-law will take effect from the date of final passage hereof.
Enacted by Town of Aurora Council this 11t" day of July, 2017.
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Michael De Rond, Town Clerk
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Amendment No. 16
To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora
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Amendment No. 16
To the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora
Statement of Components
Part I — The Preamble
1. Introduction
2. Purpose of the Amendment
3. Location
4. Basis of the Amendment
Part II — The Amendment
1. Introduction
2. Details of the Amendment
3. Implementation and Interpretation
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Part I — The Preamble
1. Introduction
This part of the Official Plan Amendment No. 16 (the "Amendment"), entitled Part I —
The Preamble, explains the purpose and location of this Amendment, and provides an
overview of the reasons for it. It is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part
of the Amendment.
2. Purpose of the Amendment
The purpose of this Amendment is to facilitate the development of a new place of
worship (known as the Aurora United Church) and a seven (7) storey retirement home
with 152 units and associated below grade parking.
3. Location
The lands affected by this Amendment are located at the northwest corner of the Tyler
Street and Yonge Street intersection, municipally known as 15186 Yonge Street, 55, 57
& 57A Temperance Street and 12 & 16 Tyler Street, in the Town of Aurora; having a lot
area of approximately 0.46 hectares; and legally described as Part Lots 9, 10 and 11,
W/S Yonge Street, Plan 9, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the "Subject
4. Basis of the Amendment
The basis of the Amendment is as follows:
4.1 The Official Plan Amendment application (File: OPA-2016-05) and Zoning By-law
amendment was submitted to the Town of Aurora for consideration in December
2016 to facilitate the development of a new two (2) storey place of worship and a
seven (7) storey retirement home within the Aurora Promenade — Downtown
Area Official Plan land use designation. The proposed place of worship would
replace the former Aurora United Church building which existed on the Yonge
Street frontage since 1878 prior to being destroyed by a fire in 2014.
4.2 A Public Planning Meeting was held by the Town's Council on March 22, 2017 to
present the application and obtain input from members of the public and Council.
4.3 A second Public Planning Meeting was held by the Town's Council on May 24,
2017 which presented revisions to the original application including a revised
building height limit of seven (7) storeys.
4.4 The Aurora Promenade Secondary Plan Schedule B2, provides specific height
controls for the Subject Lands. A minimum height of two (2) storeys and
maximum height of five (5) storeys is required by the Plan. An Amendment to the
Official Plan will be required to Schedule B2 to increase the maximum number of
storeys permitted on the site to seven (7) storeys (22.5 metres).
4.5 The development plans propose an active streetscape with both uses fronting on
Yonge Street. The building plans conform to the general provisions and are in
keeping with the directions of the Promenade Secondary Plan, and the Aurora
Promenade Concept Plan, Urban Design Strategy. Amendment to the Official
Plan are also required to accommodate minor build -to yard setbacks on the front,
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exterior side and rear yards as provided for in Aurora Promenade — Downtown
Designation Area development policies.
4.6 The Official Plan provides policies related to parkland dedication within the
Aurora Promenade. It is not suitable for the proposed development to provide the
required parkland on site. As such, a cash -in -lieu of parkland payment will be
required to address the Parkland dedication requirements. This is also
considered to be appropriate given the broader interests of intensification and
core area growth along the Promenade Corridor to achieve the objectives of the
Secondary Plan.
4.7 The implementing Zoning By-law amendment will apply site specific provisions to
implement the development plan by incorporating appropriate development
provisions and performance standards for the development of the Subject Lands.
4.8 The Site Specific Policies as outlined in the Details of The Amendment are
considered to be compatible and appropriate which will result in a
complementary built form within the Aurora Promenade — Downtown Area. The
request for an amendment to the height schedule is suitable in that the site is a
relatively larger site in the Downtown Area and the building will be stepped back
and tiered away from adjacent streets. The seven storey height along
Temperance is necessary to accommodate the sloping grade difference with falls
west from Yonge Street to Temperance Street. The proposed built form allows
two compatible uses on the site and maintains the important building transition to
the neighbouring residential neighbourhood. The development will support the
goal of intensification within the Aurora Promenade, and meets the objectives of
the Plan.
4.9 Appropriate development of the Subject Lands will be achieved through the
application and implementation of the urban design guidelines as part of the
Town's Site Plan control process as envisioned by the Promenade policies of the
Official Plan. This will be ensured through the Town Council's review and
approval of the final Site Plan and the subsequent site specific zoning bylaw
Part II — The Amendment
1. Introduction
All of this part of the document entitled Part Il — The Amendment, consisting of the
following text and attached as Schedule "A" and Schedule "B", designated as Schedule
"132" (The Aurora Promenade Secondary Plan Area) and Schedule "H" (Site Specific
Policy Areas), constitutes Amendment No. 16 to the Official Plan.
2. Details of the Amendment
The Official Plan is hereby amended as follows:
Item (1): "Schedule "B2", The Aurora Promenade Secondary Plan Area, being Part of
the Town of Aurora Official Plan is amended to increase the maximum height
on the property from minimum two (2) storeys and maximum five (5) storeys
to; minimum two (2) storeys, maximum seven (7) storeys for the Subject
Lands, as shown on Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this
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Item (2): "Schedule "H", Site Specific Policy Areas, being part of the Town of Aurora
Official Plan, is amended by adding a Site Specific Policy Area 47 over the
Subject Lands, as shown on Schedule "B", attached hereto and forming part
of this Amendment."
Item (3): Notwithstanding any policies to the contrary as outlined in Policy 11.3.2
respecting development policies, the following special site specific use and
policies shall apply to the lands designated as "Site Specific Policy No. 47",
with the area shown as the Subject Lands on Schedule "B" attached hereto
and forming part of this Plan:
"The site shall be developed as; a two (2) storey place of worship at the
intersection of Tyler and Yonge Streets forming a key focal point at the
intersection, and; a retirement residence having a maximum height of 6
storeys from the Yonge Street exposure and maximum 7 storeys from the
Temperance Street exposure.
The place of worship building may be built at a .3m setback to Tyler Street.
The retirement residence component of the building has exposure to Yonge
Street, Tyler Street and Temperance Street. The retirement residence shall
be tiered and stepped back from the abutting streets in accordance with the
angular plane policies of the Promenade Plan and the architecture and
building materials shall be sensitive and compatible to the character of the
Yonge Street Promenade Downtown Area and to the adjacent residential
neighbourhood to the south and west. The design shall also provide the
majority of parking within an underground parking structure and no direct
vehicular access will be permitted onto Yonge Street.
The retirement residence may be built at a 0 m setback from Yonge Street,
2.5m setback from Tyler Street and 2.5 m setback from Temperance Street."
3. Implementation and Interpretation
This Amendment has been considered in accordance with the provisions of the Official
Plan. The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance
with the respective policies of the Official Plan.
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Explanatory Note
Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 16
By-law Number 6001-17 has the following purpose and effect:
The Official Plan Amendment amends Schedule B2 to the Aurora Promenade Plan
by allowing the subject lands to be development as a place of worship and
retirement residence, with the retirement residence having a maximum building
height six (6) of storeys adjacent to Yonge Street and seven (7) storeys adjacent to
Temperance Street.
The Details of the Amendment also specify that the retirement residence is to be
tiered and stepped back from the adjacent streets in accordance with the
Promenade Plan and provides for minimum build to allowances.