BYLAW - OPA #66 - 20060822 - 483606DOPA66
By-law Number 4836-06.0
BEING A BY-LAW to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 66
The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17
(22) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990 Chapter P. 13 as amended, hereby
enacts as follows:
1. Official Plan Amendment No. 66 for the Town of Aurora, consisting
of the attached explanatory text and schedules, is hereby adopted.
2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to
the Regional Municipality of York for approval of Official Plan
Amendment No. 66 for the Town of Aurora.
3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the
final passage thereof.
AUGUST, 2006.
OPA 66
The Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora
Planning Area which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the
Town of Aurora is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the
Planning Act.
Date: __________ _
Heather Konefat,
Director of Community Planning
Regional Municipality of York
Purpose of the Amendment
Basis of the Amendment
Details of the Amendment
Implementation and Interpretation
1. Introduction
This part of the Amendment, entitled Part I -The Preamble, explains the purpose and
location of this Amendment, and provides an overview of the reasons for it. It is for
explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the Amendment.
2. Purpose of the Amendment
The purpose of this Amendment is to revise and update the current Official Plan
designations and policies that apply to commercial, industrial and employment land
uses throughout the Town. It is also intended to consolidate several existing site specific
commercial and industrial Official Plan Amendments.
The Amendment also provides for new economic development policies which are
introduced through a new section of the Official Plan. This new section implements the
goals and objectives of the Town's Economic Development Strategy that are related to
land use.
The updated policies further provide for the replacement of several existing Industrial
designations in the Aurora East Industrial Estates Secondary Plan (OPA #52).
3. Location
This amendment applies to commercial and industrial lands within the Town.
4. Basis of the Amendment
Since 2003, the Town of Aurora has completed a number of studies (Economic
Development Strategy, Five Year Official Plan Review, Strategic Directions Report and
the Employment Land Retention Strategy) which have all resulted in Council adopting
recommendations for changes to the Official Plan policies for employment and
commercial areas, and economic development. In June 2005, Council approved the
terms of reference for a review and update of the existing employment and commercial
policies of the Official Plan and associated Secondary Plans to implement its
The purpose of the employment/commercial policy review and update was to:
(i) ensure designated employment areas met the current and future employment
needs of the Town;
(ii) ensure the employment land retention strategy was implemented;
(iii) review and update the current commercial land use designations and policies
to ensure that they met the current and future needs of the Town; and,
(iv) formalize the Town's Economic Development Strategy into the Town's Official
The review and update of the employment and commercial designations and policies
was undertaken in three phases. Phase One consisted of the collection and review of
background information and the completion of the Existing Conditions Report. The
Phase I report on existing conditions provided a context within which to evaluate options
for land use policy changes which would address future employment and commercial
land use development.
Phase Two of the study involved the completion of an Options Report. The Options
Report provided a review of the existing commercial and employment structure, policy
options, an analysis of the planning framework including Provincial and Regional
policies and a recommended approach for updating the industrial and commercial
policies in the Town's Official Plan and Secondary Plans.
The final phase provides for the draft Official Plan Amendment to implement the
recommended changes.
Employment Areas
The Phase Two report assessed the existing supply of employment lands in the Town,
the projected supply and the residential and employment assessment balance. The
issues raised as part of the Town's Five Year Official Plan review in relation to
employment lands were also identified, as well as the current relevant Provincial
policies and the existing site specific amendments for industrial areas.
Three options for planning for employment lands were analyzed and based on the
Town's current conditions and planning framework, it was recommended that changes
to the current policies be based on a balanced approach. The balanced approach
provides a policy framework which provides overall goals, objectives and policies for
employment areas and then sets out two basic designations which generally covers the
older industrial areas and the newer and proposed employment areas. The
designations are generally reflective of the municipality's existing and projected
employment. This type of approach provides the municipality with clear policies for
each type of area and allows site specific exceptions using special policy areas.
The Phase Two report recommended that the Official Plan be modified to provide for a
more clear identification of the two basic forms of employment areas in the Town: the
older general industrial areas and the newer business park areas. It was recommended
that the existing industrial section of the Official Plan be renamed as Section 3.3,
Employment Areas and contain an introduction (updated) with a general goal and set of
objectives. General policies for all of the employment areas were also recommended. It
was further recommended that within the employment area policy section, a reference
to the new policies on economic development be provided as well as the inclusion of the
employment land retention policies from OPA 55.
The two new designations: General Industrial and Business Park were to be defined
with each designation containing a general description, list of permitted uses and set of
policies which generally described the form and function of the areas. There was to be a
strong emphasis on the limitation of accessory and ancillary uses in these areas.
Commercial uses in these areas are to be accessory to industrial uses on site or be in a
designated and zoned service commercial area that services the employment lands.
This is intended to provide greater controls over the intrusion of commercial uses into
employment areas.
Economic Development
The Phase Two report addressed ways in which the Town's Economic Development
Strategy could be articulated through a set of policies in the Official Plan. Based on the
format of the Town's Official Plan, there were two options for implementing economic
development policies.
The policies could be added into the new Employment Area general policy section for
employment lands. However, given their importance to all economic areas, it was
recommended that they be stand alone policies.
The proposed new policies provide for overall economic development goals and
objectives and the detailed policies contain land use related policies from the three key
components of the Town's action plan: product to market, market the product, and
provision of service to support the product.
Commercial Land Uses
The Phase Two report identified the existing commercial structure in the Town. It was
clear from the contextual review that the Town's current commercial structure is not
consistent with the hierarchical structure in the Official Plan. There are also a number of
older site specific amendments to the Official Plan which impose strict limits and
controls on commercial lands which may no longer be required or appropriate. Based
on the existing planning framework, the current Provincial policies and the existing
Regional policies, there was a need to revise and update the commercial land use
The Phase Two report analyzed a number of options for modifying the commercial
policies. Based on the context of commercial development in the Town, it was
recommended that a flexible approach be considered which would provide a more
simplified hierarchy with clear policies related to planned function of various commercial
centres. The strict controls on size and uses would be implemented through the zoning
by-law and not the Official Plan.
The Phase Two report recommended that four designations be provided in the Official
Plan: Regional Commercial Centre; Community Commercial Centres (with recognition
of the Historic Core and Sub-Regional Centre as special policy areas); Convenience
Commercial Centres; and Service Commercial Areas.
The intent of the new centres is to provide a designation which covers a commercial
area which functions as a centre and provides various formats of retail and service
commercial uses to meet a planned function. The Service Commercial Area is an area
designation which is intended to provide lands for service commercial uses which serve
a larger area or corridor with a variety of uses. Automotive-related commercial uses
would be focused in these areas. These areas would also be located adjacent to
employment areas with the intention of servicing the employment area.
The conclusions of the review supported a more flexible approach for both employment
and commercial policies while generally remaining consistent with the existing policy
structure. The recommended option and approach for both forms of land use was to
lessen the role of the Official Plan as a development control tool and increase its use as
a tool to provide strategic direction.
The amendment to the Official Plan to implement the recommended changes
represents the third phase of the review. It should be noted that further implementation
through minor amendments to some of the Secondary Plans may be required and
amendments to the existing Zoning By-law will also be needed.
1. Introduction
All of this part of the document entitled Part II -The Amendment, consisting of the
following text and attached maps designated as Schedule "A" (Land Use Plan),
Schedule "B" (Commercial Centres) and Schedule "H" (Site Specific Policy Areas)
constitutes Amendment No. 66 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora.
2. Details of the Amendment
The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows:
Item (1): Schedule "A" Land Use Plan, is amended by changing the land use
designation for the lands shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming
part of this amendment.
Item (2): Schedule "B" Commercial Centres, is amended as shown on Schedule "B"
attached hereto and forming part of this amendment.
Item (3): Schedule"H" Site Specific Policy Areas, is amended as shown on Scheule "H"
attached hereto and forming of this amendment.
Item (4 ): Part One-Aurora 2016, A Vision, is hereby amended by adding the following
paragraph on page 2 of part one just before the second paragraph:
"Land use decisions should maintain the intent of the economic
development-focused mission statement for Aurora and be committed to
supporting a healthy business environment and vibrant community that is
responsive to the needs of its existing businesses and also attract new
business enterprises. Land use decisions should enhance the Town's
prosperity and sustainability, residents' well-being and quality of life as
well as promote a positive community image."
Item (5): Part Three -Planning Components is hereby amended by relocating and
renaming the existing Section 3.0 Oak Ridges Moraine to a new Section 2.3
in Part Two -Context.
Item (6): Part Three -Planning Components is hereby further amended by inserting a
new Section 3 -Economic Development with the following new policies:
"3.0 Economic Development Policies
Economic Development is essential to the future of the Town.
The Official Plan shall provide a policy framework which supports economic
development initiatives and facilitates the implementation of the Town's
Economic Development Strategy. Land use decisions shall maintain the intent
of the economic development-focused mission statement for Aurora and be
committed to:
'Supporting a healthy business environment and vibrant community that is
responsive to the needs of its existing businesses and also attracts new
business enterprises, thereby enhancing the Town's prosperity and
sustainability, resident's well-being and quality of life. Promoting a positive
community image and meeting the needs of its future population'.
The Town shall strive to meet the following objectives for economic
A. the Town shall recognize the important relationship between
planning, economic development, and environmental preservation
in sustainable development and healthy communities.
B. the Town shall foster a positive climate for economic development
and growth and the building of community capacity through
development opportunities and local employment and the
diversification of the employment base.
C. the Town shall ensure that employment lands are used to their
fullest and highest potential.
D. private/public partnerships shall be encouraged as a vehicle for
achieving economic goals.
E. the Town's economic development strategy shall be recognized as
an important tool to implement key policy goals and objectives.
3. 1 Economic Development Policies
The Town will ensure that the three key components of its Economic
Development strategy are followed by recognizing the following policies:
3. 1.1 Product to Market
A. Designating appropriate lands for employment uses within the Town to
provide for a short and long term supply for business development
opportunities in Aurora.
B. Require high quality design and development standards to increase
development opportunities.
C. Support opportunities to develop the Wellington Street East Corridor as a
prestige, mixed use area.
D. Target a goal for more balanced residential to non-residential assessment
in Aurora with an activity rate of at least 1 job for evety 2.5 residents.
3.1.2 Market the Product
A. Retain existing businesses and support local expansion opportunities.
B. Identify revitalization programs for the Historic Core.
3.1.3 Provide Service to Support the Product
A. Identify and implement opportunities to streamline and expedite
development approvals which stimulate economic development by pre-
consultation opportunities which assign dedicated staff to specific
Item (7): Section 3.2, Commercial Centres is hereby renamed from 3.2, Commercial
Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, Service,
Regional, Site Specific Policy Areas to 3.2, Commercial Areas: Regional
Commercial Centre; Community Commercial Centre; Convenience
Commercial Centre, Service Commercial Area and Site Specific Policy Area.
Item (8): Section 3.2, Introduction, is hereby amended by deleting the entire section
with the exception of the first paragraph and adding the following after the first
"Commercial centres and areas vaty in their form and function. Some
supply convenience goods and services within walking distances and are
located within residential communities. This Plan refers to those as
Convenience Centres. Larger residential communities a/so depend on
commercial centres which service the larger community area with a broad
range of goods and services. Community Commercial centres are
generally located at accessible, central, nodal locations. They may include
specialized nodes such as the historic core which can include mixed use
areas, and sub regional centres for larger format retail stores.
Item (9):
Item (1 0):
Commercial areas identified as serving a regional commercial function
shall cater to the entire Town and the surrounding region. They shall
provide a full range of goods and services which meets market needs.
Industrial areas contain commercial uses to support the surrounding
employment areas. There are also retail and service commercial uses that
are located along arterial roads that provide a range of services. Service
Commercial areas are designated in and near industrial areas and along
arterial roads to provide support services to the employment areas and
reflect the existing linear commercial strips located along the arterial
roads. Adult entertainment uses shall not be permitted in commercial
areas but shall be directed to locate in the general industrial areas that are
not adjacent to residential areas.
Commercial uses may also be provided as a component of mixed-use
developments as ground floor retail or a service commercial use. Where
commercial and residential uses are combined, uses shall be compatibly
Section 3.2 Goal is hereby amended by replacing the goal with the
·~ full and viable range of commercial centres, at the regional, community
and convenience level and service commercial areas, shall help meet the
material, social and employment needs of the people in Aurora."
Section 3.2, Objectives, is hereby amended by deleting the existing
section and replacing with the following:
A Accommodate all commercial uses that are necessary to serve
Aurora and area residents on a daily, weekly and occasional basis
through the following hierarchy of commercial centres:
-Convenience Commercial Centre;
-Community Commercial Centre;
-Regional Commercial Centre (through OPA 58); and,
-Service Commercial Areas.
B Ensure the economic and functional viability and appropriate design
of commercial centres in accordance with Section 3.0. Council may
require proponents of commercial development to undertake
supporting studies such as transportation, market, social,
environmental or design studies.
C Enhance the accessibility, diversity, uniqueness and the sense of
vitality, safety and community of commercial centres through public
and private development policies. This applies to the traditional and
pedestrian oriented community commercial centre in the Historic
Core and the newer centres to the north and south along Yonge
D Encourage intensification opportunities and aesthetic and functional
improvements in the Historic Core which are compatible in design,
style, scale and function with the surrounding buildings in the area,
and maximize opportunities for mixed uses to maintain the vitality
and viability of the mainstreet in the core.
E. Ensure that the location and design of a regional commercial facility
strengthens Aurora's economy and sense of community.
F. Ensure that all commercial developments:
are designed to function as effective centres or nodes within the
commercial hierarchy. This includes co-ordinated design,
pedestrian, transit, cycling and vehicular access and parking
meet the highest standards of conceptual building design, siting,
massing and public access and off street loading;
do not encroach or negatively impact adjacent neighbourhoods and
are adequately separated from residential areas;
are subject to site plan approval; and,
are developed in accordance with Section 3.9, Urban Design.
G Ensure that Commercial Centres provide evidence of adequate
sanitary and storm sewer, water and transportation capacity and
comply with all relevant policies in other Sections of this Plan,
Section 3. 7 Community Identity;
Section 3.8 Heritage;
Section 3.9 Urban Design;
Item (11 ):
Section 3.10 Transportation;.
Section 3.11 Environment;
Section 3. 12 Utilities; and,
Section 4.11 Tree, Sign and Soil Preservation By-Laws.
H. Ensure that all development in the employment lands complies with
the policies of the Region of York Official Plan and is consistent
with the Provincial Policy Statement."
Section 3.2 is hereby amended by adding the following new General
General Policies for Commercial Areas
A Regional Commercial Centres which serve the Town and
surrounding region shall contain significant groupings of larger
format retail uses. The current Regional Commercial Centre is a
special area as it is located within business park designation.
B Community Commercial Centres shall provide for a full range of
retail and service commercial uses, containing large single users
or clusters of smaller users or a combination of both for up to
150,000 square feet. The Community Commercial centres are
intended to serve the wider residential community and should
include a food store component as part of the centre. The location
of community commercial centres shall be at major transportation
and transit routes. They shall be focused at nodes and centres
which provide a broad range of goods and services and include
specialized areas such as the Historic Core, and sub-regional
centres such as Bayview and Wellington.
C Convenience Commercial Centres shall generally be defined as
small commercial plazas located in or near residential
neighbourhoods, ranging in size from 5,000 to 20,000 square feet.
The designation shall be used to recognize the existing
convenience and neighbourhood plazas. The planned size and
function of such centres should be designed to serve the trade
area of the surrounding residential neighbourhood.
0 Service Commercial Areas shall be defined as existing service
commercial corridors and those areas which service the
employment areas. Such areas shall also be designed to serve the
traveling public.
Item (12):
E Locate commercial centres at strategic intersections appropriate to
the function of the centre where there is adequate transportation
infrastructure to service the centre.
F Take advantage of unique geographic, social and development
conjunctures to meet the goals and objectives of this Plan through
site specific policy areas.
G. Drive-thru facilities shall be carefully designed and sited in
accordance with Town guidelines and shall be permitted in
accordance with implementing zoning and be subject to site plan
H. Existing motor vehicle service commercial uses including gas bars
and service stations, car washes and establishments for repairs
shall be permitted to continue in all commercially designated areas.
New uses shall be directed to Service Commercial Areas.
I. Where any commercial use is permitted adjacent to residential uses
or as part of a mixed-use development, consideration shall be given
to the nature of the commercial use to ensure minimal impacts.
Appropriate uses and provisions shall be provided in the
implementing zoning by-law in such instances.
Section 3.2.1, Convenience Commercial Centres Policies, is hereby
amended by replacing it with the following new section 3.2.1, Convenience
Commercial Centres and adding the following:
"3.2.1 Convenience Commercial Centres -Policies
These policies should be read in accordance with the general policies for
all Commercial Areas.
A Permitted uses in the Convenience Commercial Centres shall
Retail and service commercial uses including convenience stores,
food stores, variety stores, financial institutions, restaurants,
personal service shops and child care centres.
B, To ensure that Convenience Commercial Centres are appropriately
located and blend harmoniously into surrounding neighbourhoods,
they shall:
i locate:
within walking distance of the neighbourhood they seNe,
at a comer location,
at or near collector or arterial intersections, or at gateways to
near other proposed or existing neighbourhood seNices;
ii be designed as centres or nodes with co-ordinated design
and safe, pedestrian, cycling and vehicle access and parking;
iii link, where possible, to the Linear Open Space Network;
iv seNe a radius within reasonable walking distance of
approximately 1 kilometre and avoid overlapping the seNice
areas of other Convenience Commercial Centres; and,
v not exceed 1,800 square metres of floor area (20,000 square
feet). This is to minimize any adverse impact on the
adjacent neighbourhood and to protect the economic
viability of community and regional commercial centres.
Existing centres of less than 1,800 square metres of floor
area (20,000 square feet) shall be permitted.
C Convenience Commercial Centres shall be incorporated in
secondary plans, and plans of subdivision and shall be subject to
site plan agreements. Such agreements shall ensure:
i screening of loading, parking and waste containers from
adjacent residential uses, as specified by municipal
ii conceptual design of buildings, layout, massing, public
vehicular, pedestrian and cycling access which consider the
safety of employees, residents and customers; and,
iii high standards of maintenance of buildings, landscaping,
parking and access areas.
0 In determining the maximum height of buildings to be permitted in
Convenience Commercial Centres Council shall have regard for:
i the height of adjoining buildings either existing or proposed;
Item (13):
ii the degree to which the site lends itself to physical
separation from adjoining buildings or properties; and,
iii secondary plans which further may determine the building
height of Convenience Commercial Centres based on overall
analysis of the site and its surroundings.
E Council shall encourage residential units over Convenience
Commercial Centres, while complying with the provisions listed in
policy 3.2. f of this Plan.
F Notwithstanding the policies of this Plan to the contrary, lands
located on the Oak Ridges Moraine shall be subject to the relevant
policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Act, and
the applicable policies of Section 3.13 of this Plan."
Section 3.2.2.a, Community Commercial Centres Policies, is hereby
replaced with a new section 3.2.3, Community Commercial Centre:
"3.2.2 Community Commercial Centres -Policies
These policies should be read in accordance with the general policies for all
Commercial Areas.
A. Permitted use in the Community Commercial Centres shall include:
A full range of retail and service commercial uses including food
stores, retail stores, personal service shops, drug stores and
pharmacies, offices, hotels, places of entertainment, studios,
recreational and health establishments, places of religious
assembly and other public or institutional uses and service
stations. Residential uses above or to the rear of commercial uses
shall be permitted in accordance with Section 3.2.(f) and 3.2.2(g)
and (h).
8 Community Commercial Centres should be easily accessible to
the population in the community to be served and provide
convenient pedestrian, cycling and transit access.
C. The Community Commercial Centres should be at central
locations accessible by arterial roads or at or near major
D. Community Commercial Centres should consist of a grouping of
retail.and service commercial functions occupying a single site or
consist of the integration of a number of smaller sites which share
common features including access, landscaping, parking and
E. To strengthen the economic viability of Community Commercial
i. Where a major expansion to an existing community
commercial centre or the creation of a new centre is
proposed, a market feasibility and impact study shall be
required to ensure that there are no significant impacts to the
planned function of other commercial centres; and,
ii. Planning, transportation, design or other impact studies shall
be required where the scale or context of the development
warrants supporting studies.
F. In considering the development and redevelopment of Community
Commercial Centres Council shall:
i. encourage infill and intensification including the potential for
mixed use with residential above the first storey of retail or to
the rear, as well as the consolidation of existing centres;
ii. encourage the co-ordination of pedestrian and vehicular
access, parking, setbacks, landscaping, lighting and signage
with redevelopment of centres;
iii. ensure high urban design, building and maintenance
iv. ensure high standards of construction and maintenance of
public components such as sidewalks, roadways, landscaped
median strips and public street furniture and signage; and,
v. Consider reduced parking requirements for residential units
above or at the rear of commercial uses and/or a cash-in-lieu
contribution for parking where conditions such as alternative
parking and transit service warrant.
G. Development Agreements for sites within Community
Commercial Centres shall encourage comprehensive design
schemes, which have regard for:
i a height limitation of 5 storeys, including bon using;
ii co-ordinated design of the development within the context
of the Centre including:
setbacks from the street;
facade treatment;
street furniture;
landscaping and,
off-street parking and loading, and pedestrian, cycling,
transit and vehicular access.
iii maximum display window space along facades;
iv burying overhead wiring, where feasible;
v continuous and convenient pedestrian access
throughout the centre, including protection from inclement
weather with canopies or arcades at entrances and along
storefront facades;
vi special importance of high urban design standards at arterial
intersections from which automotive service stations shall
be excluded;
vii residential and office uses above or at the rear of the first
floor which are compatibly designed and subject to site
specific zoning;
viii screening of unsightly site elements such as loading,
parking, refuse storage areas, transformers and roof
mechanical equipment or gaps in development, as specified
in municipal standards;
ix provision of a landscaped buffer such as grass strips, trees
or shrubs and or decorative screens, walls or fences, along
arterial and collector road frontages and between adjacent
residential uses; and,
x below grade parking only for employees and residential
H. Mixed use developments which permit a substantial residential
component shall be implemented through specific zoning by-laws
and site plan agreements. Such by-laws and agreements shall
prevent conflict between the different uses within and adjacent to
the site by requiring:
i compliance with maximum heights and densities of the
designated use;
ii appropriate location of the uses within buildings;
iii appropriate location of mixed use projects within the
community, to ensure that such projects enhance the
amenity, visual and functional aspects of the area they serve;
iv safe pedestrian, cycling, vehicular and public transit access
and parking;
v screening of noise, visual, odour or other nuisances;
vi appropriate setbacks;
vii interior and exterior amenity spaces;
viii adequate transportation, water, sewer and other utility
ix adequate park, community and neighbourhood facilities;
x compliance with Housing Supply policies in. Section 3. 1.3 of
this Plan.
I. Notwithstanding the policies of this Plan to the contrary, lands
located on the Oak Ridges Moraine shall be subject to the relevant
policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and Act,
and the applicable policies of Section 3.13 of this Plan."
Item (14): Section 3.2.3 is hereby amended replacing the existing section with the
following new Section 3.2.3 Community Commercial Centre -Historic
Section 3.2.3 Community Commercial Centre -Historic Core -Policies
These policies should be read in accordance with the general policies for all
Commercial Areas.
A. Permitted uses in the Historic Core shall include a full range of
retail and service commercial uses including specialty shops,
restaurants (excluding drive-thrus), offices, entertainment and
recreational uses, community uses, government, institutional,
research, cultural and social facilities. Residential uses above or to
the rear of commercial uses shall be permitted in accordance with
the policies in Section 3.2.f and this section. Automotive related
uses including service stations shall not be permitted.
B. Council shall strengthen the Historic Core Community
Commercial Centre, outlined on Schedule "B" of this Plan, by:
i encouraging infill, consolidation and redevelopment
which is compatible in design, style, scale and function with
the existing surrounding buildings in the area;
ii not extending the boundaries of the Historic Core unless
such extension is supported through a Secondary Plan
iii requmng that any major development proposals for more
than 2,800 square metres (30,000 square feet) of
commercial use, submit a market feasibility and impact
study. Council may also require planning, transportation,
design, or other impact studies where context or scale of the
proposed development warrant;
iv ensuring high standards of construction and maintenance of
public components such as:
roadways, sidewalks, landscaping;
improvement, extension and high maintenance standards of
the Open Space System outlined in Section 3.5 of this Plan,
around the Historic Core area;
street furniture, planting, lighting and signage which enhance
attractiveness, clarity and visibility;
completion of arterial roads to bypass Yonge and Wellington
v applying for federal and provincial programs to fund
maintenance and improvement of older commercial areas
such as indicated as Improvement Area I on Schedule G of
this Plan;
vi enforcing the Property Standards, Tree and Sign By-laws;
vii encouraging heritage residential buildings fronting on
arterial roads to be used for commercial activities while
maintaining the existing structure in accordance with Section
3.1.1, with consideration to reduced parking requirements;
viii encouraging residential uses above or at the rear of
commercial uses and the use of senior government grants
to achieve this. Such mixed use developments shall comply
with the standards outlined in policy 3.2. f of this Plan; and,
ix alleviating parking requirements by:
maintaining and improving signage for public off-street
considering parking reductions for residential units over
commercial uses;
considering cash-in-lieu payments for parking requirements
where conditions such as sufficient alternative parking and
transit warrant;
providing bicycle stands; and,
supporting improved transit access.
C. This Plan aims to enhance the distinctive historic, human scale and
pedestrian environment of the Historic Core as outlined in Sections 3. 7
Community Identity, 3.8 Heritage and 3.9 Urban Design. Zoning
provisions and/or Site Plans shall therefore require:
i building heights generally between 2 and 3 storeys at the street
ii residential and office uses above or at the rear of the first floor
which are compatibly designed and subject to site specific zoning;
iii commercial buildings built flush to the front Jot line or at par with
adjacent commercial buildings;
iv direct and accessible street access to retail and service
v facades which maximize display windows;
vi awnings to shelter pedestrians over entrances and display
vii private parking:
at the rear of commercial properties, and where possible shared
with other establishments; and,
permitted below grade for employees and residential uses only.
viii design of loading areas which minimize conflict with pedestrian
ix new development which does not overshadow heritage
landmarks such as the old Post Office, the Trinity Anglican and the
Aurora United Churches;
x links to the Open Space System, where appropriate;
xi high standards in the conceptual design of buildings, their
massing, siting, exterior and public access areas to attract
speciality and "carriage trade" retail, as well as community
commercial establishments; and,
xii screening of site elements such as loading, parking, refuse
storage or mechanical equipment with trees, shrubs, planting,
decorative screens, walls or fences to minimize negative impact, as
specified by municipal standards.
D. Development proposals adjacent to existing or potential transit
stops shall be encouraged to show special use and design
consideration to this function of the site.
Item (15):
Item (16):
E. Council shall protect the adjacent heritage neighbourhoods by:
i prohibiting any further incorporation of residential lots on streets
adjacent to commercial frontages, unless justified through a
comprehensive study;
ii encouraging social, institutional, community services and
mixed commercial residential uses to create a transition area off
the major retail streets, and to utilize the residential house form of
historic buildings which become vacant or unviable as residential
uses, as outlined in Section 3.1.1.j of this Plan; and,
iii requiring adequate buffer planting or screening between
commercial and adjacent residential uses. This may include the
provision of grass strips, appropriate tree and shrub planting and/or
decorative fencing, screens or walls, as specified by municipal
Section 3.2.4 is hereby deleted.
Section 3.2.5, Service Commercial Centres Policies is renamed and
renumbered as 3.2.4, Service Commercial Areas and replaced as follows:
"3.2.4, Service Commercial Areas -Policies
These policies should be read in conjunction with the general policies for all
Commercial Areas.
A. Permitted use in the Service Commercial Areas shall include
. service commercial uses, hotels, restaurants including drive-thrus,
automotive sales and repair shops, service stations, offices, garden
supply centres, government, institutional and recreational uses, and
commercial schools.
8 It is the intent of the Service Commercial Areas to service as a
corridor designation recognizing existing service commercial uses
along the Town's major corridors. Several of the existing service
commercial uses have been developed in a linear fashion with
very little consideration for integration of uses, access and
common features. Many of the areas provide a transition into
residential neighbourhoods and as such any redevelopment shall
be carefully considered with respect to compatibility and impact.
C. Service Commercial Areas shall be located along arterial roads.
Item (17):
D. Any redevelopment of the Service Commercial Areas shall be
carefully considered with respect to design and compatibility with
surrounding residential areas.
E. Redevelopment of the Service Commercial Areas shall ensure
adequate separation and buffering to adjacent residential areas.
F Restrictions shall be placed on outdoor storage with the
redevelopment of the Service Commercial Areas.
G. Council will require site plan approval for service commercial areas
which shall:
i. Display a high standard of design of buildings, their massing, siting,
exterior access and public areas;
ii. Display a high standard of and separation from residential areas;
iii. Have strictly controlled vehicular access points onto arterial and
collector streets;
iv. Have uniform setbacks to the street;
v. Indicate co-ordinated design of signage, street furniture, lighting
and landscaping and ensure appropriate lighting adjacent to
residential areas;
vi. Provide convenient, attractive and safe pedestrian and transit
vii. Provide display areas where such centres orient to pedestrian
viii. Provide spatial and visual separation for adjacent residential uses;
ix. Provide appropriate locations for loading facilities to ensure minimal
impact to surrounding residential uses; and,
x. Restrict outdoor storage.
Section 3.2.6 is hereby renamed and replaced with the following new
section 3.2.5 Special Policies -Regional Commercial:
A Regional Commercial Centre is designated within the Bayview North
East Area 28 Secondary Plan. This regional commercial centre shall be
part of a larger business park development and shall service the
community and surrounding areas. It shall contain a wide range of
regionally serving retail and service commercial uses and shall be
developed in accordance with the policies in Section 3.4.4 of Secondary
Plan 28 and those in Official Plan Amendment No. 58. "
Item (18):
Item (19):
Item (20):
Section 3.2.7 is hereby renamed and renumbered with the following new
Section 3.2.6 Site Specific Policy Areas.
Section 3.2.7 a, e, f, f.a, g and h and are hereby deleted and should be
removed from Schedule H to the Official Plan.
Section 3.2.7 b, c, d, i , I, m, o, p and q are hereby renamed Section 3.2.6
a through i and should be revised on Schedule H to the Official Plan.
Item (21 ): Section 3.3 is hereby renamed from Industrial, Employment and Economic
Base: Site Specific Policy Areas to 3.3 Employment Areas.
Item (22): Section 3.3 Introduction is hereby amended by replacing the last paragraph
with the following:
"Development in the employment areas shall be consistent with the economic
development policies set out in Section 3.0. The Town shall continue to retain
employment areas for employment uses to ensure a sufficient supply of
employment land.
In 2001, the total labour force in Aurora was 22,530, a 22% increase from
1996. The labour force has increased at a higher percentage (22%) than the
increase in population (15%) over the same time period. This pattern
continued between 2001 and 2006 with an estimated labour force by 2006 of
29,751. Appendix 6.1 illustrates the continued growth in employment."
Item (23): Section 3.3, Goal, is hereby amended by replacing the current stated goal
with the following:
Plan and maintain appropriate areas, support service, development and
performance guidelines for industries in Aurora, to ensure ongoing economic
viability, assessment, and employment opportunities for the community and to
provide for a wide range of employment uses."
Item (24): Section 3.3, Objectives, A through G are hereby amended by deleting
them in their entirety and adding the following new objectives:
"A. Council shall maintain a viable and diversified industrial base for
Aurora to provide Aurora's labour force with as many jobs as
possible within the Town.
B. A target level of employment proportionate to the Town's population
of 1 to 2.5 shall be encouraged.
C. Council shall adopt planning and design standards which prevent
conflict and encourage compatibility between industrial and non-
industrial uses and which are consistent with the current MOE
guidelines for separation distances (0-6).
D. Council may permit appropriate supportive and complimentary
services for industry within employment areas.
E. Ensure that industrial development complies with all relevant
objectives and policies in the Official Plan.
F. Council shall ensure that all development in the employment lands
complies with the policies of the Region of York Official Plan and is
consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.
G. Council shall monitor the rate of industrial growth and the utilization
of industria/lands to ensure sufficient industrial/and continues to be
designated and that a balance between residential and employment
areas are retained.
H. Council shall encourage development in employment areas that
exhibits efficient use of infrastructure and is accessible by transit.
I. Council shall take advantage of unique geographic, social and
development conjunctures which meet the above goal objectives in
site specific policy areas."
Item (25): Section 3.3.1 shall be renamed as 3.3.1 General Policies for Employment
Areas and the following new policies shall be inserted:
"3.3.1 General Policies for Employment Areas
The primary focus for the employment areas is to protect and establish a
range of employment opportunities in both the older industrial areas and the
newer business park areas. The Town will encourage development,
redevelopment and intensification in all employment areas in accordance with
the economic development policies in Section 3.0.
The following policies will apply to all employment areas:
A. Development shall be compatible with surrounding development and
shall be undertaken in accordance with the current guidelines from the
MOE. The scale and size of employment uses in proximity to residential
uses shall be determined in accordance with the current MOE
guidelines and be limited to those uses with minimal impacts. Adequate
separation and buffering between employment areas and residential
areas shall be implemented through the Zoning By-law and through site
plan control.
B. Development shall be subject to the urban design policies of Section
C. The use of alternative and renewable energy sources for production
and manufacturing shall be encouraged as part of new developments.
Individual or group co-generation systems to produce energy for a
business or a group of businesses shall be encouraged so long as such
uses are compatible with surrounding residential areas. Such uses will
be subject to site plan control and may require additional approvals.
D. Accessory uses in employment areas shall be limited so as to ensure
the viability of the area for industrial and business purposes.
E. The designation of additional lands as General Industrial or Business
Park shall be based on Secondary Plans which will:
(i) reflect economic, social and environmental priorities at that time;
(ii) establish specialized site plan and land use guidelines to reflect
industrial, technological and locational requirements at the time;
(iii) be based on available capacities for utility, transportation and other
seNice requirements of the proposed uses. No further land shall be
designated for general industrial uses unless it is seNed by
municipal sewer and water seNices; and,
(iv) encourage access by transit, walking and cycling.
F. Council will not consider the additional designation of sites for
employment uses in flood prone areas, wetlands, or the Oak Ridges
Moraine or any otherwise environmentally sensitive area unless all
criteria are met which are listed in Section 3. 11 Environment and
Section 3.13 Oak Ridges Moraine."
Item (26): Section 3.3.1, (i) through (m) is hereby renumbered (g) through U).
Item (27): Section 3.3.1 is hereby amended by replacing (g)(i) as follows:
''i high standards for the design of buildings, their massing, siting,
exterior and public access areas as outlined in Section 3.9 Urban
Design and Section 4.4 Site Plan Control with the requirement for peer
review as required;"
Item (28): Section 3.3.1 is hereby amended by deleting (h) and adding G) as follows:
"J. Limited institutional and recreational uses may be permitted in
employment areas."
Item (29): Section 3.3.1 shall be renumbered Section 3.3.2 and renamed as General
Industrial. The following shall be inserted immediately after the new Section 3.3.2:
"Section 3.3.2 Genera/Industrial
The General Industrial designation shall apply to the existing, older industrial
areas in the Town including the Industrial Parkway North and South."
A. Permitted uses in the Genera/Industrial designation shall include:
-manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, warehousing, storage
of goods and materials, transportation, transit and railway related uses,
automotive repair facilities and public garages, utilities and wholesaling,
printing establishments, and limited accessory office and retail uses which
shall not detract from the character of the industrial area;
-business and professional_ offices and accessory uses shall also be
permitted with the exception of medical offices;
-industrial uses which require outdoor storage and processing shall be
permitted provided the outdoor storage and display areas are not visible
from roadways, park or residential areas. All outdoor storage of goods,
materials and equipment will be permitted in accordance with zoning
provisions relating to storage, location, buffering, screening and
landscaping requirements; ·
-accessory uses which are subordinate to and directly related to the
functioning of a permitted use may be permitted. Limited accessory retail
sales may be permitted in accordance with zoning provisions; and,
-limited institutional and recreational uses may be permitted. Adult
entertainment uses may be permitted in accordance with implementing
B. Council shall ensure that appropriate sites are provided for a range of
general industrial uses and their accessory and support functions and
encourage the intensification and redevelopment of existing sites where
C. Accessory uses should be clearly subordinate to and directly related to the
functioning of a permitted use. Some limited accessory retail and
automobile sales may be considered in association with automotive uses
. with restrictions on the location and size of such uses implemented in the
zoning by-law. Generally no more than 20% of the total floor area shall be
used for accessory retail uses.
D. Institutional and recreational uses shall generally be encouraged to locate
in Service Commercial Areas. Subject to rezoning, a limited number of
such uses may be permitted in the general industrial areas, provided:
(i) they are located on collector roads with access to public transit;
(ii) they do not impact existing industrial operations which may
require minimum separation from sensitive lands uses through
Certificate of Approval requirements;
(iii) current or potential future adjacent industries do not pose any
safety hazard; and,
(iv) safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access is ensured
through various provisions and design guidelines.
E. The redevelopment of contaminated lands within the General Industrial
area shall be undertaken in accordance with the necessary environmental
audit requirements of the Ministry of the Environment.
F. New adult entertainment uses shall be subject to rezoning with adequate
separation from residential areas, institutional and recreational facilities.
New uses must be located a minimum of BOO metres from another adult
entertainment use. The Town should further provide for adult
entertainment uses through its licensing by-laws to ensure adequate
separation and minimal impacts to adjacent uses.
Item (30): Section 3.3 is hereby further amended by adding the following new
Section 3.3.3, Business Park:
"3.3.3 Business Park
The Business Park designation shall apply to the newer industrial and
employment areas in the Town. The Business Park designation shall include a
mix of business activities that operate mostly in enclosed buildings. Business
Park areas shall be highly visible and accessible.
A. Permitted uses in the Business Park designation shall include
-manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, warehousing,
enclosed storage of goods and materials;
-business and professional offices, research and development
-limited accessory retail and service commercial uses; and,
-financial institutions, banquet hall facilities and restaurants in
accordance with implementing zoning.
Automotive repair, sales and service facilities shall not be
B. The maximum floor space index for offices shall be 1.5.
C. Offices shall be developed in low to mid-rise buildings.
D. Accessory uses shall be generally limited to 20% of the total floor
area on the principle use. All accessory uses shall be clearly
subordinate to and directly related to the functioning of the
permitted use.
E. Activities and operations associated with industrial uses shall be
primarily within enclosed buildings.
F. Existing outdoor storage and display areas shall be permitted in
accordance with the implementing zoning by-law provisions and
site plan requirements and be adequately setback and screened to
reduce visibility.
G. Retail and service commercial uses shall be directed to
commercially designated areas. Some limited retail and service
commercial uses may be permitted through rezoning where they
are compatible with surrounding lands uses and provided at
locations with adequate access, parking, screening and buffering
and satisfactory on-site circulation.
H. Institutional and recreational uses shall be permitted through
rezoning in the Business Park designation."
Item (31 ): A new Section 3.3.5, Employment Land Retention is added as follows:
"3.3.4 Employment Land Retention
Employment land has traditionally been referred to as land in industrial
areas, but currently accommodates a much wider range of uses.
Employment areas today accommodate traditional activities such as
manufacturing, distribution and warehousing as well as many other types
of uses such as research and development, offices, service commercial,
recreational facilities, institutional and accessory retail uses.
In the Town of Aurora, employment land accommodates a full range of
uses from traditional activities such as manufacturing and distribution, to
support services such as commercial printing, to small commercial
businesses serving local needs such as garden supplies and bakery
Employment land is a critical component of the variety of land uses that
create a vibrant and. healthy community. From a community perspective,
no one land use is more important than any other. Instead, what matters
is balance. Within this context, it is important to maintain a balance
between population and employment. To create a balanced community,
in which opportunities are provided within the community for residents to
work, employment growth is required. Employment growth is beneficial to
a community for a number of reasons:
1. Promoting a better live-work relationship helps reduce traffic
congestion when fewer residents must leave the community to find
employment opportunities.
2. A greater diversity in the property assessment base allows the
community greater flexibility in responding to unanticipated
changes in the community or the market.
3. In most cases, non-residential development still generates a
greater long term net fiscal benefit to the municipal corporation.
In June of 2002 the Town of Aurora commenced a Five Year Official Plan
Review process. The Town of Aurora Five Year Official Plan Review
process identified a concern perlaining to conversion of employment
lands to other land uses. The Final Strategic Directions reporl dated April
2003, completed as pari of the official plan review, concluded that
guidelines be added to the Official Plan perlaining to redesignation of
employment lands to other uses. This recommendation was approved by
Council on May 27, 2003.
The Town recognizes the imparlance of protecting the employment land
supply. The Town also recognizes that pressure for the redesignation of
employment land to other urban uses will continue. The vacant land
supply is becoming constrained for all types of urban uses. Because of
this situation, strong policies regarding the retention of the employment
land supply are required. The Town has underlaken an employment land
retention strategy to address this need:
A. Within employment areas as identified on Schedule "0", Council
shall not approve applications for the redesignation of employment
land to other urban uses that involve or are based upon
disagreement with, or challenges to, the overall amount of
employment land designated in the Town, including arguments of
scale, outside of a comprehensive growth management process, or
five year official plan review process.
B. Otherwise, employment land shall only be redesignated to other
urban uses if both of the following two conditions are met:
i. The proponent shall have the onus of demonstrating that the
site cannot be developed for any employment land use due
to a valid physical planning reason: site configuration;
access; or surrounding land uses; and,
ii. The proponent shall have the onus of demonstrating that the
proposed alternative is compatible with all land uses
permitted on surrounding and nearby lands, will not cause
any negative effects on the existing or prospective employ-
ment land uses, including potential destabilizing effects, and
will also be beneficial to the Town in the areas of:
• Contribution to the overall intent, and goals of the
Town's policies;
• Demands on servicing and infrastructure;
Item (32):
Item (33):
• Fiscal impacts; and,
• Alternative locations within the Town to accommodate
the proposed use.
C. If either condition is not met, the application shall not be approved.
Any reports submitted in support either of these above two
conditions must be subjected to a full peer review process, at the
expense of the applicant.
Section 3.3.2, Site Specific Policy Areas is hereby renumbered and
renamed as Section 3.3.5, Site Specific Policy Areas with all previous
subsections (a through f) deleted.
Schedule H shall be revised in accordance with the revisions to Section
3.2.2 and the new Section 3.3.5.
3. Implementation and Interpretation
This Amendment has been considered in accordance with the provisions of the Aurora
Official Plan. The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in
accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan.
Appendix 1
Aurora Po~ulation and
Emplo' ment Forecasts
1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026
Population 36,000 41,650 50,000 56,000 63,000 69,000 75,000
Households 11 '125 13,040 15,900 18,300 21,000 23,800 26,700
Employment 14,600 17,740 19,000 22,000 26,000 30,000 33,000
Source: York Region Planning Department
Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 66
Official Plan Amendment No. 66 has the following purpose and effect:
This Amendment revises and updates the current Official Plan designations and policies
that apply to commercial, industrial and employment land uses throughout the Town. It
is also simplifies and consolidates several existing site specific commercial and
industrial Official Plan Amendments including Secondary Plan designations and
The Amendment also provides for new economic development policies.
1222] Commercial Policy Change Areas
0 250 500
Commercial Policy Change Map created by the Town of Aurora
L::::::c.:) From "Industrial" to "General Industrial"
~ From "General Industrial" and "Prestige Industrial"
~ to "Business Park"
0 250 500
Industrial Policy Change Map. created by the Town of Aurora Planning Department, July 6th, 2006.
Modified August 1st, 2006. Base data provided by York Region
-Municipal Boundary
m==~~~~a • ___,. .. l)ot __ ...__ -----............. ---_.,....,_our.!
--Major Streets
--Miner Streets
Convenience Commetcial Cenlra
• e • Lands Subject to the Policies
of OPA 52-The Aurora East
Industrial Estates Secondary Plan
-Community Boundary
1. Yonge St. North Community •
2. Historic Cora Community '
3. Ycnge SL South Community •
• For Exact Boundaries, Seu T&l!l
-Municipal Boundary
m~:!.:~~~n~ __ ...... __ ....._ __ ,__....., _ ___, .. __ _
_ ,__.,1112
--Major Streets
--Minor Streets
- - -Proposed Streets
mcomm~mlly Commercial Cunlfe ·Historic core
gj Community Commercial Centre
~ COnYitniunce Commercial Cuntre
-Service Commercial Area
~ Regional COmmercial ($pedal)
• • • Lands Subject to the Policies
of OPA 52-The Aurora East
Industrial Estates Secondal)' Plan
-Community Boundary
1. Yonge St North Community •
2. HistoriC C0ro CDmjllunity "
3. Yonge SL South Community •
• Fer Exact Boundaries. See Tmrt
==too."'~'"'ll ...U./hiJOniiJOO~of-psiAifBir.;
lhl Hou""'9 2002. Bus lllfolrMlien riatMHJ
lh&Oiig/nal OPA St:iJeduJes llhDuld he COIISU/md
Capi!lsofth<l Dl1gjlalo ""'8~1nthBC/...b
f)~:-}}:'f.~~j Site Specific Policy Areas
Site Specific Policy
Areas To Be Deleted
-Municipal Boundary
Oak Ridges Moraine
rT"'T Conse!Vation Plan Area
• &:lundoo:yofOoi<Rid;oooMcnnoeon......,..
• -..,ofOokRldgu-•
---Major Streets
---Minor Streets
----Proposed Streets
Rllp!t)ducedbyt/111 Towrtr1Ailrot3Pisndtl9
with/he On!Bm Mln!sl<lrOII.Iurtlcipel/lJfairs
end Housi1J9 2002. 1../p<lslect Au9u=t 2006.
&rH mtom>stlon <M~ tmm /he R$gkm otYDIIc.
This st:hfHiulels a <XIIIS!llldrtion 11nri Is! propat&d
for cotMOIIIcinCII only. For OCCUiilla 11118rM<:'es,
!Ire <Nigln/J/ CPA Scl>9dulo, Sl!auld be CllMlitfHI.
Cop/tJ~ orrne ~riglnals Me!IRilllble II'! lila Cl<m<$
<X PlannJng Deparlmellt;.
flf:fffi%f,i:J Site Specific Policy Areas
Site Specific Policy
Areas To Be Deleted
-Municipal Boundary
.........-.-Oak Ridges Moraine
' ' ' Conservation Plan Area
FlenAiu a-turio ~""" 1~002
• 8Do....,OIOak-Riclgoo/Wnino
---Major Streets
--Minor Streets
-- - -Proposed Streets
Rspmduf;sd by the Town Of Auton~ Pllllllling
/JepBIItnelll. August 2003.~«~er L.1canc9
wifh the cnt.>D M1nismr olifunir:ipB/AffB/a
-Holning200Z. U(Jd81edAugp:st2000.
8Bs8 lr1foml8tDI derwed htrn the Rllg/on of Ytlflt
Certificate of Approval
This official plan document which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora
is approved, as modified (see Schedule 1), pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act and came
into force on July 25, 2007.
Date: a
I Heather onefat,
Director of Community Planning
The Regional Municipality of York
Schedule 1
Town of Aurora Official Plan Amendment No. 66
I. Modify Section 3.1.1 D by replacing the words a of at least I job for every 2.5 residents" with
"in accordance with. targets for the Town of Aurora, as established in the York Region
Official Plan" so that the clause reads as follows:
"D. Target a goal for more balanced residential to non-residential assessment in Aurora
with an activity rate in accordance with targets for the Town of Aurora, as
established in the York Region Official Plan."
2. Delete Schedule UA -Map I" and replace it with Schedule "A-Map I" attached to this
Schedule '1'.
3. Modify Section 3.2.1 B (v) by replacing the word "less" with the word "more" so that the
clause reads as follows:
"v not exceed 1,800 square metres of floor area (20,000 square feet). This is to
minimize any adverse impact on the adjacent neighbourhood and to protect the
economic viability of community and regional commercial centres. Existing centres
of more than 1,800 square metres of floor area (20,000 square feet) shall be
permitted. n
4. Modify Section 3.2.2 E i) by adding the word "negative" before the words significant
impacts so that the clause reads as follows:
"E. To strengthen the economic viability of Community Commercial Centres:
i. Where a major expansion to an existing community commercial centre or the
creation of a new centre is proposed, a market feasibility and impact study shall
be required to ensure that there are no negative significant impacts to the
planned function of other commercial centres; and,"
5. Modify Section 3.3 by inserting the words Has identified in the York Region Official Plan
and in conformity to the Region-wide employment land analysis" after the words "sufficient
supply of employment land" so that the clause reads as follows:
" Development in the employment areas shall be consistent with the economic development
policies set out in Section 3.0. The Town shall continue to retain employment areas for
employment uses to ensure a sufficient supply of employment land as identified in the
York Region Official Plan and in conformity to the Region-wide employment land
6. Modify Section 3.3 by replacing the number "6.1" with the number "I" at the end of the last
7. Delete Section 3.3 B in its entirety and replace it with the following Section 3.3 B:
"3.3 B. A target level of employment proportionate to the Town's population in
accordance with targets for the Town of Aurora, as established in the York
Region Official Plan shall be encouraged."
8. Modify Section 3.3.1 to add a Section G after Section F as follows:
"G. Higher intensity employment uses are encouraged to locate along arterial roads".
9. Modify Section 3.3.3 A by adding the words "accessory to the permitted uses" following the
words "enclosed storage of goods and materials" so that the beginning of the clause reads as
"A. Permitted uses in the Business Park designation shall include
manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, warehousing, enclosed storage
of goods and materials accessory to the permitted uses;"
10. Delete Section 3.3.3 B in its entirety and renumber Section 3.3.3 accordingly.
II. Delete Sections 3.3.4 A and 3.3.4 B in their entirety and replace them with the following
Sections 3.3.4 A and 3.3.4 B
"A. It is the policy of the Town to protect and preserve the employment areas as
identified on Schedule "0". As such, the Town will only support the conversion
of lands within the employment areas to non-employment uses through a
municipal comprehensive review where . the following conditions have been
a) there is a need for the conversion;
b) the Town will meet the employment forecasts established in the Regional
Official Plan for the Town of Aurora;
c) the conversion will not adversely affect the overall viability of the
employment area, and achievement of the intensification target, density
targets, and other policies of the Provincial Places to Grow Act;
d) there is existing or planned infrastructure to accommodate the proposed
e) the lands are not required over the long term for the employment
purposes for which they are designated; and
f) cross-jurisdiaional issues have been considered.
For the purposes of this policy, major retail uses are considered non-employment
B. A municipal comprehensive review is defined as "an official plan review, or an
official plan amendment, initiated by the Town of Aurora that comprehensively
considers the policies of the Town, York Region, and the Province of Ontario."
The purpose of this mod(fication to clean up some housekeeping matters and include new policy
language from the Provincial Growth Plan. The modifications maintain the purpose and intent of
Official Plan Amendment No. 66.
I22ZJ Commercial Policy Change Areas
0 250 500
Commercial Policy Change Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning Department, July 6th, 2006.
Modified April 9th, 2007. Base data provided by York Region.
.._ __ Munk:ipat Boundary
m ~~~~it~~~~~~~"!rea • ..,._,.,.~--c.., .... ..., ...., ..... o.o..~~--.. .... ,_,. .. ,... .......... ....
--Major Streets
--Minor Streets
- - -Proposed Streets
COMMERCIAL DESIGNATIONS a Community Commerc~l Centre· Hlsltmc Core
~ Community Commerc..,t Centre
E5illJ Convenience Commercial Centre
-Service Commercial Area
~ Reg10nal Commerdal (Spec~l)
mmJ ~~:~!a~~~;nep~:n'sci~c
e • • Lands Subject to the Pol'lcies
of OPA 52 ·The Aurora East
Industrial Estates Secondary Plan
-Community Boundary
1. Y011ge St. North Community •
2. His!Oiic Core Community •
3. Yonge St. South Community •
• For Exact Boundaries, Soo Tex1
ReproCIJC8rJby/he Town of A<ltora Ptannmg
~partmel'll, A"!!USI 2003. tmrJer Ucette6
with /he Onra"" Mino;/~r or MtNOe>/>81 Affe,.;
811d HoUS"'!} 2002 Updated Apn1 MDT.
Base in/Otmlllkm denverJ from the Rfi!Jion of Yollr
This schll<iule is a conmlidalion anrJ is p18pa18d
for convenience ani)' Far acoWilfe 18fer&nces.
the orig;rn.t OPA Schll<iulas shou//1 be COIISullfld.
Copies of the ongiM/s ere a•ailablri m rtw Clrid<s
or Pianfllf!g O..pallmer>ls