BYLAW - OPA #51 McGrath Hunter - 20040430 - 452104DTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4521-04.D BEING A BY-LAW to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 51 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990 Chapter P. 13 as amended, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 51 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached explanatory text and schedules, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make such application on behalf of the Corporation and to execute under the Corporate Seal such documents as may be required for the above purposes. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 30th DAY OF APRIL, 2004. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 301h DAY OF APRIL, 2004. B. Certificate of Approval AMENDMENT No. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA PLANNING AREA This official plan document which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act and carne into force on June 1, 2004. AMENDMENT NO. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA AMENDMENT NO. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA PLANNING AREA The Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990. B. Panl:izi(Town Clerk AMENDMENT NO. 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA STATEMENT OF COMPONENTS PART 1-THE PREAMBLE 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Purpose of the Amendment 3.0 Location 4.0 Basis of the Amendment PART 2-THE AMENDMENT 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Details of the Amendment 3.0 Implementation and Interpretation Schedule "A" -Land Use Plan Schedule "H" -Site Specific Policy Areas PAGE 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 7 Town of Aurora-OPA #51 1 PART 1 -THE PREAMBLE 1.0 INTRODUCTION This part of the Amendment entitled Part 1 -The Preamble, introduces the Amendment and describes the context and planning process leading to the document's preparation. It is for explanatory purposes only and does not form part of the Amendment. 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation on the subject lands shown on Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this amendmentfrom "Commercial Special" (by site specific Official Plan Amendment 27) to "Urban Residential" and to establish site specific policies to permit the use of the lands for residential purposes, allowing an increase in the number of residential units from 30 to 42 units and eliminating the requirement for a commercial use. 3.0 LOCATION The subject lands affected by this amendment are located along the east side ofYonge Street, south of Wellington, at 15085 Yonge Street, described as Part of Lot 17, R.P. 68 and Lot 164 and Part of Lots 163 and 165, R.P. 246, in the Town of Aurora 4.0 BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT Council has enacted this amendment in response to the following: 4.1 The site specific Official Plan Amendment 27 already recognized a predominately residential development. 4.2 The removal of the remaining 3% commercial requirement will enhance the viability of the project by reallocating parking to the residential use. Town of Aurora-OPA #51 2 4.3 The removal of the marginal commercial component would not interrupt any continual pattern of commercial uses along this portion ofYonge Street and would be consistent with other land uses surrounding the site and other properties designated "Urban Residential" in the vicinity. 4.4 The increase in the number of units will not alter the scale (i.e. height and footprint) of the building. 4.5 The reduced parking standard represents a difference of 1 parking space. 4.6 Given the constraints of the site, the development is not able to accommodate any additional parking spaces above or below ground. 4. 7 The subject property is situated in downtown Aurora, along a major transit corridor and is within walking distance from the GO-Station. Town of Aurora-OPA #51 3 PART 2-THE AMENDMENT 1.0 INTRODUCTION All of this part of the document entitled Part 2 -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached maps, designated Schedule "A" (Land Use Plan) and Schedule "H" (Site Specific Policy Areas), constitute Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. 2.0 DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: Item (1) Item (2) Item (3) The subject property, being 15085 Yonge Street and described as Part Lot 17 Registered Plan 68, Lot 164, Part of Lots 163 and 165 Registered Plan 246, is hereby redesignated as follows: i) Schedule "A" Land Use Plan, is amended by redesignating the lands from "Commercial Special" to "Urban Residential" land use designation as shown on Schedule "A", Land Use Plan, attached hereto; ii) Schedule "H"-Site Specific Policy Areas to the Town of Aurora Official Plan is hereby amended to include and reference the subject lands as "3.14.t", as shown on Schedule "H" attached hereto. Section 3.2.7.j is hereby deleted. Section 3.1.4 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 3.1.4.t: Town of Aurora -OPA # 51 4 "3.1.4.t In conjunction with all other applicable standards of the Official Plan, the following policy shall apply to the subject property, redesignated from "Commercial Special" to "Urban Residential", as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto: i) Notwithstanding Section 3.1.1. to the contrary, the subject lands shall only be permitted to be used for a residential apartment building with a maximum of 42 residential apartment units." 3.0 IMPLEMENTATION AND INTERPRETATION 3.1 The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan, Zoning By-law, and any Site Plan Agreement. I 0 25 ~~---Metres Scale 1 :1 ooo SCHEDULE 'A' LAND USE PLAN Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Church Street t Q) E n--+++++-tl .::J (!J 1-+-+-+-+-1-Hf Legend ES3 Commercial [22'j Institutional ~ Private Open Space ~OM& Public Open Space EEEJ Urban Residential Schedule~· Map created by the Town of Aurora Planning Department, February 2nd, 2004. Base data provided by York Region. / /~ \. I : \ !'-.. \ cr. 5" 0. c: U> J s: ( / !!!. I "U -J z ,..., A" /. :. . -:}::'.:' x;,:,.:,_.::: ... :, . ,'.~VF~;f.: t;.2.7.g ·t2\f(l1fi!~f~~·i~f1ijii~·; .{ ... I ront-., St :~ .: .. ··~ . -: :.: ::. ··~-~,:.' :·.:·>:iJ .. i: !\J.:.I ,l ... ':'''· : .:':::: . . . \A/1=1 I " 11 UN.::; I ~t:t: LEAST '" I?~~ / I ::al:'·:.,, . ' ' . . :::,; -::.\ :;' Moslev Sl @ ~;~1.''''·' . ,. TvlerSt Jllf~l <§ I I-i UJ {\]~~: UJ ,..., , St .·:: ;:::: . c! fE 3.5.4.b rn ~ ,.( , . ''''"''"· =·=::.::.:.~~'J::,: ~~tJm~ J;;1;,~~ ,;.:~r~~~Thl "ouho~ S c! . ''"" . ·.. 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EXPLANATORY NOTE Re: Official Plan Amendment No. 51 Official Plan Amendment No. 51 has the following purpose and effect: To amend the Town of Aurora Official Plan, to redesignate the subject lands being 15085 Yonge Street and described as Part Lot 17 Registered Plan 68, Lot 164, Part of Lots 163 and 165 Registered Plan 246, from "Commercial Special" to "Urban Residential" land use designation as shown on Schedule "A", Land Use Plan. c The amendment is to permit the subject lands to be developed for a residential apartment building with up to 42 dwelling units. The Official Plan policies shall be implemented by way of a site specific zoning by-law.