BYLAW - Highway Dedication - 20011127 - 431401TTHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4314-01. T BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands as public highway on Reference Plans 65R- 14749 and 65R-15577 forming part of Pedersen Drive, Earl Stewart Drive and Isaacson Crescent. WHEREAS, the provisions of section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 (as amended) authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass by-laws to establish and lay out lands as public highways; AND WHEREAS, the municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it necessary and expedient to dedicate certain lands and reserves as public highways; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the land described as Part of Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 65R-15577, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Isaacson Crescent in the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the land described as Part of Lots 84 and 85, Concession 1, EYS, designated as Part 3 on Reference Plan 65R-14749, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch), be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Pedersen Drive in the Town of Aurora. 3. THAT the land described as Part of Lot 84, Concession 1, EYS, designated as Part 4 on Reference Plan 65R-14749, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch), be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Earl Stewart Drive in the Town of Aurora. 4. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof and following registration in the appropriate Land Registry office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. B. TOWN CLERK 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Tel: (905) 727-1375 Web: www.town.aurora.on.ca December 4, 2001 St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. Attention: Brian Corbett 320 Harry Walker Parkway North Suite 13 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 8L3 DearSir: ~ Legal Services Tel. No. (905) 727-3123, ext. 229 Fax No. (905) 727-4269 Re: Registration of By-~o Dedicate Lands on Pedersen Drive, Earl Stewart Drive and Isaacson Crescent as Public Highway As per the attached requests, please be advised that the above-noted by-law has now been registered, a duplicate copy is enclosed herein. If you have any concerns or questions in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours truly, Encls. cc: D. Stewart, Bayview Wellington Management Inc. Province of ··'/., f'\·~rio -·~:; Number YR. . .Z.f.f..../!..2 ........ . CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT Document General DYE & DURHAM CFS POLARIS 1995 Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry 0 Land Titles [l\] I (2) Page 1 of · 2 Block Property (3) Property ldentifier(s) 03641-1885 03641-0900, 03641-0899 pages D Additional: See 0 Schedule (41 Na)Ufe of Document . BY-LAW (Pursuant to Section 297 of the Mumcipal Act R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45 as amended) (5) Consideration zero-00/1 00 >--' z ·o w '" :J NOV 3 0 2001 .f...t:J..l-Dollars$ 0.00 i. u: 0 a: 0 u. YORK REGION No.65 NEWMARKET New Property Identifiers ~~~ ~~l1tr1r Additional: (6) Description FIRSTLY: Part of Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, being Part 6 on Plan 65R-15577 SECONDLY: Part.of Lots 84 and 85, Con. 1, EYS, being Part 3 on Plan 65R-14749 (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch) THIRDLY: Part of Lot 84, Con. 1, EYS, being Part 4 on Plan 65R~14749 (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch) ~~~edule O All situated in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See Schedule D (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch : (b) Schedule for: : Additional 0 : Description 0 Parties 0 Other lliJ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA hereby applies to amend the register for the lands described in Box (6) herein, by the registration of By-law 4314-01.T, a certified copy of which is attached hereto. Continued on Schedule D (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Date of Signature THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Signature s) ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..f/4---1\-.. ·~ .. • Y . M • D J 2001 _ ]/ t ]<¥' 9. • • ' ' By its Agent et Van Scheyndel · L.aw Clerk · · · · · · · · ' ' ' ' J.... . . j •••• • • ' ' . . ~ . . . . . ' ' ' ' • ' • • t . • • • ' ' ' ' (111 ~~~=::ice Town of Aurora, 100 John West Way, P.O. Box 1000, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6J1 (12) Party(ies) (Setout Status or Interest) Name(s) (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property not available Signature(s) (15) Document Prepared by: Janet Van Scheyndel Law Clerk, Town of Aurora 100 John West Way, Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G6Jl Date of Signature Y M D ~ ....•..... ' • • ' • • • • • • I • • • • • • • ' ' ' . I . . . . . ' • ' • Fees and Tax Z Registration Fee 0 w ' ' • • • I" ••• • • • ' . • . I . . . . ' ' • • I • • • • ' ' ' • ~f-----+-------1 w '-' ~ f----------+-------------1 0 ~ F===========f=============~ I'• Total i! ii I I ' r: !i ii II II ii 'i II II I i :, !I II (i li i I II THE CORPORA T/ON OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4314-01. T BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands as public highway on Reference Plans 65R- 14749 and 65R-15577 forming part of Pedersen Drive, Earl Stewart Drive. and Isaacson Crescent. I WHEREAS, the provisions of section 297 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.45 (as ! amended) authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass by-laws to establish and 1 1 lay out lands as public highways; I II~. AND WHEREAS, the municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it necessary and expedient to dedicate certain lands and reserves as public highways; I' ~~ NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE I TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i i: ' :· ii li •: " " ,, I' " •' 1: :' '· i, ' ,, '• I; I !i I; ,, 'i 1 2. 3. 4. THAT the land described as Part of Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 65R-15577, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Isaacson Crescent in the Town of Aurora. THAT the land described as Part of Lots 84 and 85, Concession 1, EYS, designated as Part 3 on Reference Plan 65R-14749, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch); be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Pedersen Drive in the Town of Aurora. THAT the land described as Part of Lot 84, Concession 1, EYS, designated as Part 4 on Reference Plan 65R-14749, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (formerly in the geographic Township of Whitchurch), be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Earl Stewart Drive in the Town of Aurora. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof and following registration in the appropriate Land Registry office. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2001. . an Scheyndel, Janet From: Sent: To: Van Scheyndel, Janet September 7, 2001 3:14PM Atkins, David Subject: Request for Highway Dedication Bayview Wellington advised that Pedersen and Earl Stewart Drive have now been extended into their new subdivision and have requested that the following Town owned reserves be dedicated as public highway: Part 3 on 65R-14749 (Pedersen) Part 4 on 65R-14749 (Earl Stewart) Please provide your comments in this regard. consideration. Thank you! /J()l5". 7 /o I 1 ' 270 Chrislea Road, Woodbridge Onl•rlo, L4L 8A8 Phone (905) 264-9844 Fax (905) 264-9646 To: The Town of Aurora Legal Se;vices Department Attention: Ms. Janet Van Seheyndel FalQ 1-905-841-3483 Phone: 1-905-727-1375 Ra: Bayview Wellington North Subdivision Phase 1 65M-3497 Bayview-Wellington Management Inc. From: David Stewart Pages: 2(including cover page) Date: September 6, 2001 CC: 0 Urgent 0 For RevieW 0 Pleua Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle • Co111ments: Further to the above referenced subdivision, please forward the necessary bylaws to Council for dedication of the following lands as public highways in accordance with the attached sketch: 1. Part 3 65R-14749 Pedersen Drive 2. Part 4 SSR-14749 Earl Stewart Drive Also, please confirm-u;a'f:art 5 on 65R-17716 (Hollandview Trail) has been dedicated as public highway. This was likely done as part of our previous plan SSM- 3192/3193. Thank you, \ "' :> ,_ 00 n "' :> :> "' 00 ~ ID "" Part3 65R-14749 (Pederson Drive) Part4 65R-l4749 (Earl Stewart Drive) PartS BAYVIEW WELLINGTON NORTH 1f:::, 65R-17716 Ill ) i!~ (Hollandview Trail) I ""' l . .. -- t -.... -.. .._:.·· -.'. 19T-ll DRAI ....... """"· .,.,. .. lOlftfO ...... FOIII£I "KJ<:Ii SCHeo! AAEATI ""'"'"' """ """'-~ "" """" """""' !IM',W. Pill! """' .. ~- """""" ' """"- Ull~ 11) Bl ""'"""' "'"'"" ...... ~:;;; _ .... ...;.., ""' - WT""' 00~ liD~ ~~ 00~ WIO. ---~ 3 • .:::» _":-.: .. __ .... .. ---· ..... _ .... _ o~~".::;::::o;."r.."' -~I'';:==~~ ~-... .:..."'t.'::' .. .t-..=:: _ ... :-··· ---~,---. I~ ~: ,. ,. :·' . .: .. Jm q '' ' iii" iii!!iiii i II Ill lf'll r 1r l i .~ I i I I I ti ll il sl i I g i I I • ~ ij "' n • 'I' . f1111 I · 1m • i fill Hi ,~ HUi • ~ ~nn continue 001 -m I ~ ' ~ • m " .. ~ ~~~~n:tJ~ ~ ~ ~&!~~~~~s ~ p ~~" ~~ '$ I J. ll!liiil ~ ., ~~s 1· Ill~ • ' I 11!1.1 II 1111 ! ~ m ~~1\ ~. f1! ~ 1 a ~5 ~ !J2.s ~~ s s ~ ~ i ~ii ~§ ii ~ I j,. ~;~ ~ m 1\ ·"h ~ • • -~~ ~if liil ' ! D ment General ' aj; " ocu p """"' O.•t.•Uo r·:·:~.:.;rt: ·: ... ' ··-· Form 4 -~nd Roglilr~IIOII Rolorm ~~ -·:-··-·::--;:·vr-.::·: " '· ' (11 Roglstry Wnd Tilles :~~~ l (2) Pago 1 or 2 pages / ~ (3) Propol'!y Block Property i.:!'uon<&l _ . if 1!1470791 ldanti!ler(s) Q3<o.-ll, o"e;'t~ (<-.T) r SCI'I<.'<!Uit!- ~ ·~ ............... "'""_".....:...,.._ (4~r}l~Wf ~ot:urnont . . . CERTIFICATE OF RECEIF'T • ( ursuant to SectJon 297 of theMunJclpal Act R.S.O. 1990 c.M.45 as amended) > 00 hi'.: ?.9 08 5?. (5) Consideration zero--00/1 00 5 ~~AEOION ~; ~ Dollars S 0.00 ~ ~ """"""KET " ~ (6) Oe~(:rip\ion . ~ Part of Lot 63 0 Concession ~, E.Y.S. " designated as Pan 5 ~ on Reference Plan 65R·17716 Town of Aurora Nuw Propt:n~ lacnhl•ers I Regtonal Municipality of York l-\ 11.\-1019 ;.auo~oon.ol {in the geographic Township of Whitchurch) s~~· S~ll<..'<lulu · Executions AC!<l•l.anal 171 This (lll RedescuptJOrt ; (ti)SchedulC! fo1: s., O<lcumont New E.::~semcnt · ) ·· · MdiliOil:ll ~g: ' Scn ... ~o.olu Cont:tins: P13n/Sketch OeSCflPiion ... Pames -Olller (8) ThiS Oocumnnt provides ~s follows: THE CORPORAiiON OF THE iOWN OF AURORA hereby applies to amend the register for the lands described in Box (6) herein, by the registration of By·l3w 4170-00.T. a certified copy of which is attached hereto. ! . ~ ' Con!inuua on SchO<Iule ·-· (91 This Oocument rOiiltos to instrument numbor(s) //; (10) P::al'ly(l&s) IS~t CUI S\.3\us or Interest) Sog:o::t<~ 031e of Sign.Jture N::lmC{S) y M 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA 2000 0~ i .1.~. " ''' . ' By_it~ .s.ot.i~t~~ . -~-~-K.n~~· :50I~ci.t~r. ' ' ' i ' (11) Addron Town of Aurora, 10D John West Way, P.O. Box ,ODD, Aurora, Ontario, L4Q SJt ror Sorvico (12) P~rty(les) ($111 out Stonu~ or lnlcre~IJ O;;~le of Sogn;:Jtwe Nome($) $19/lJiult:{s) y M 0 " .,. .,. : . " ., ·!· ' ' ' ·: ·:· : ' ' (13) Addrou lorSorvieu (14) Municip.:JI A.a'dross ol Property {15) Oocumont Prop.:Jrod by: Foos ;,nd T:uc RegiSU.:I!oon Ft!~ .,r not available Lonny G.Knox, Solicitor Town of Aurora 100 John W&st Way P.O. Sox 1000 tl Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 r Totol so ... ~~ • !1. •: ,, ' ij '· I! ·' ,, ' ii il !i !I i! 'I i! !I li II ,, :t ,, ., !I ~.;L THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4170-00. T BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands as public highway on Reference Pum 65R-17716 forming part of l/ollandview Trail. WHEREAS, the provisions of section 297 of the Municipal Act. R.S.O. !990, c.M.45 (as amendr:=d) aUlhorizc:s the Council of a local municipality to pass by-laws to establish and lay our lands as public highways; AND WHEREAS. the municipal Council of lhe Corporation of the Town of Aurora deer.1s it necessary and expedient to dedicatt: certain lands and reserves as public highways; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the land described as Pan of Lot 83. Concession!, E.Y.S .. designated as Part Son Reference Plan 6SR-!7716. in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, (in the geographic Township of Whitchurch) be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming a part of Holl.andview Trail in lhe Town of Aurora. !i 2. THAT the provisions of this By-Jaw shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof and following registration in the appropriate Land Registry office. ,. i; ;; !I ·' ~I READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 11" DAY OF APRIL, 2000. 'I II READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS II" DAY OF APRIL, 2000. II II ' . II .,. ,, ·' ~ PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED) FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER LAND REGISTRY OFFICE #65 I 03641-0900 (LT) I PAGE 1 OF 2 PREPARED FOR scheyndel ON 2001/11/20 AT 14:31:04 Ontario MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND BUSINESS SERVICES * CERTIFIED BY LAND REGISTRAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAND TITLES ACT * SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT * PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PT LT 84 CON 1 WHITCHURCH; PT LT 85 CON 1 WHITCHURCH PT 3 65Rl4749; S/T R573627 ; S/T R573627E,WH19609, WH19624 AURORA PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/QUALIFIER: FEE SIMPLE 03641-1762 LT CONVERSION QUALIFIED OWNERS 1 NAMES CAPACITY SHARE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BENO -- REG. NUM. DATE INSTRUMENT TYPE AMOUNT PARTIES FROM **EFFECTI:12000/07/29 ~'HE NOTATION OF THE ['BLOCK IMPLEMENTA'r.riON DATE" OF 1997/09/08 ON THIS PIN** **WAS REPL ED WITH THE "PIN CREATION DATE" OF 1999/10/22** ** PRINTOU INCLUDES AL DOCUMENT TYPEs (DE ETED INSTRUMENTs! NoT INCLUDED) ** **SUBJECT, PN FIRST RE~STRATION UNDER THE fAND TITLES ACT, * * lsUBSECT ION 4~ ( 1) OF THE LAND T IT~ES ACT r EXCEPT '* '* ~ ESCHEAT~ OR FORFEITURE TO TRf CROWN. THE RIGHTS 0~ ANY PERSON WHO wouk.D, BUT FOR THE '0: PARAGRAPH 11, PARAGRAPH 14, PROVINCIAL SUCCESSION DUTIES LAND TITLES ACT, BE ENTITLED TO THE LAND OR ANY PART OF '* lrT THROUGH L[gNGTH OF ADVERSE POSSESSION, PRESCRIPtr'ION, MISDESCRIPTION OR BOUNDARIES SETTLED BY '* '* poNVENTION. ~y LEASE TOI WHICH THE SUBSECTION 70(2) OF THE **DATE OF cpNVERSION Tq LAND TITLES: 1999/lP/25 ** WH19609 WH19624 A35401A 65R1525 65Rl4749 R573627 1946/04/13 I TRANS EASMENT rA.RKS: SKETcitr ATTACHED. 1946/04/18 /TRANS EASMENT lARKS: SKETdH ATTACHED. 1959/11/20;BYLAW S: SUED ISION CONTROL AMEN NG BY-LAW 1315. ~TIONS: ' NSTRUMENT TYPE' ~~GED FROM 'BYLAW 1975/05/23 1 PLAN REFERENCE 1990/10/12 I PLAN REFERENCE 1991/07/24 1 TRANSFER $655 ~GIS TRY ACT APPLIES. ~X PT LOT' TO 'BYLAW' ON 1997/12/16 BY BARB WILLSON. ' PIN CREATION DATE: 1999/10/22 PARTIES TO THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONT~RIO THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA NOTE: ADJOINING 'ERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCON iENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPER'I NOTE: ENSURE THA'.1. _JUR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HA\ hcKED THEM ALL UP. , c c c c c c CERT/ CHI<D @) Ontario REG. NUM. R573627E MINISTRY OF CON SIJMER AND BUSINESS SERVICES DATE 199l/07/24 INSTRUMENT TYPE TRANS EASMENT LAND REGISTRY OFFICE #65 PARCEL REGISTER {ABBREVIATED) FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER I 03641-0900 (LT) I PAGE 2 OF 2 PREPARED FOR scheyndel ON 2001/11/20 AT 14:31:04 * CERTIFIED BY LAND REGISTRAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAND TITLES ACT * SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT * AMOUNT PARTIES FROM PARTIES TO ONTARIO HYDRO NOTE: ADJOINING 'ERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCON ~ENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPER'J NOTE: ENSURE THA'l ~,.)UR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HA'\J_ 2ICKED THEM ALL UP. CERT/ CIIKD c I @ PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED} FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER LAND REGISTRY OFFICE #65 I 03641-0899 (~I PAGE 1 OF 1 PREPARED FOR scheyndel ON 2001/11/20 AT 14:28:14 Ontario MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND BUSINESS SERVICES * CERTIFIED BY LAND REGISTRAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAND TITLES ACT * SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT * PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PT LT 84 CON 1 WHITCHURCH PT 4, 65R14749 ; S/T R573627E,WH19609 AURORA PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/QUALIFIER: FEE SIMPLE LT CONVERSION QUALIFIED OWNERS' NAMES THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA REG. NUM. DATE INSTRUMENT TYPE RECENTLY: RE ENTRY FROM 03641-1761 CAPACITY SHARE BENO AMOUNT PARTIES FROM **EFFECTIV{200. 0/07/2~'HE NOTATION OF THE ['BLOCK lMPLEJ11ENTA!riON DATE" OF 1997/09/08 ON THIS PIN** **WAS REPL 'ED WITH T "PIN CREATION DATE" OF 1999/10/22** ** PRINTOU INCLUDES AL DOCUMENT TYPES (DE ETED INSTRUMENTS) NOT INCLUDED) ** **SUBJECT, N FIRST RE STRATION UNDER THE AND TITLES ACT, ~0: ** '* ** FUBSECTION 4[(1) OF THE LAND TilES ACT, EXCEPT FD ESCHEATS OR FORFEITURE TO T CROWN. THE RIGHTS 0 ANY PERSON WHO WOU D, BUT FOR THE PARAGRAPH 11, PARAGRAPH 14, PROVINCIAL SUCCESSION DUTIES * LAND TITLES ACT, BE-ENTITLED TO THE LAND OR ANY PART OF ** ** T THROUGH LfNGTH OF ADVERSE POSfESSION, PRESCRIPriON, MISDESCRIPTION OR BOUNDARIES SETTLED BY ~O~NTION. ** rwy LEASE T~ WHICH THE SUBSECTIO~ 70 (2) OF THE **DATE OF cPNVERSION T~ LAND TITLES: 1999/1b/25 ** fEGISTRY ACT APPLIES. WH19609 I 1946/04/13 I TRANS EASMENT ~: SKETdff ATTACHED. S: SUED ISION CONTROL AMEND NG BY-LAW 1315. A35401A ~959/11/20~BYLAW C RECTIONS: ' NSTRUMENT TYPE' C~GED FROM 'BYLAW $X PT LOT' TO 'BYLAW' ON 1997/12/16 BY BARB WILLSON. 65Rl4749 1990/10/12 I PLAN REFERENCE R573627 1991/07/24 I TRANSFER $655 R573627E 1991/07/24 ) TRANS EASMENT PIN CREATION DATE: 1999/10/22 PARTIES TO THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ONTARIO HYDRO NOTE: ADJOINING )ERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCON ~ENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPER~ NOTE: ENSURE THA-~ .-JUR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HA\ i'ICKED THEM ALL UP. c c c c c CERT/ CBI<D 100 John West Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Tel: (905) 727-1375 Web: www.town.aurora.on.ca December 4, 2000 St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. Attention: Brian Corbett 320 Harry Walker Parkway North, Suite 13 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 8L3 Dear Mr. Corbett: Re: Turning Circle on Isaacson Crescent Legal Services Tel. No. (905) 727-1375, ext. 229 Fax No. (905) 841-3483 Part of Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, being Part 6 on Plan 65R-15577, Aurora As you know, the Town acquired the above-noted lands from St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. for the purposes of completing a turning circle at the end of Isaacson Crescent in Aurora on May 26, 2000. A stipulation in the Offer to Purchase Agreement relating to the transaction states that the property is to be dedicated as an open highway under the provisions ofthe Municipal Act within a reasonable period of time following the closing date and, in any event, not later than December 31, 2000. Unfortunately, Staff have not had the opportunity to have the tender for the works to complete the turning circle approved by our Council due to the lack of regularly scheduled meetings held during the Municipal election process. As well, we are currently in a "lame duck Council" situation wherein our current members of Council are prohibited from approving any substantial requests before the new incoming members of Council, consisting of less than half of the existing members, have been formally inaugurated on December 5, 2000. In consideration of the tender approval and the fact that we are entering into an off-peak construction season, we anticipate having the turning circle completed by the Spring o.f 200 I. Upon its completion we will ensure that the lands are formally dedicated as public highway as promised. Please advise the u this regard. We at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or concerns in cc: D. Stewart, Bayview Wellington Management Inc. Town of Aurora 100 John West Way Box No. 1000 Aurora, Ontario l4G 6)1 Tel: (905) 727-1375 May26, 2000 St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. and Chafam Premiere Inc. c/o Penelope E. Bryan Barrister and Solicitor 130 Mulock Drive, Unit 1 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y7C5 Dear Ms. Bryan: Re: Permission for Access Legal Services Tel. No. (905) 727-1375, ext. 229 Fax No. (905) 841-3483 TRANSMITTED BY FACSIMILE (905) 830-1451 Part Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, designated as Part 6 on Plan 65R-15577 . Further to the attached request, please be advised that the by-law to dedicate Part 6 on Plan 65R-15577 as public highway forming part oflsaacson Crescent is expected to be considered by the Council once the turning circle has been constructed. For your information the Town has agreed to complete the construction by December 31, 2000. In the meantime, permission is hereby granted to the owners of the remainder ofthe property described as Part Lot 7 on Plan 65M-2873, Aurora, for unrestricted and unlimited access of the lands until such time as the dedication by-law has been registered Notification of Council's decision in this regard will be provided to your firm as soon as the by-law is adopted and subsequently registered. · Yours truly, Arts. Van Scheyndel, Janet From: Sent: To: Subject: Van Scheyndel, Janet November 30, 2000 2:48 PM Atkins, David Precedent Agreement As per our discussion earlier regarding Bayview Wellington North's completion of Earl Stewart Drive and Pederson Drive to their new subdivision to the west over the Hydro Corridor, please find an agreement we used for Amberhill for them to complete road construction on our lands. Let me know if you require anything else. Amberhill (turning circle).doc ... 1 .------------------------------------------·--··--·--··-·· 100 John Wes1 Way Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Tel: (905) 727-1375 Web: www.town.aurora.on.ca December 4, 2000 St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. Attention: Brian ·Corbett 320 Harry Walker Parkway North, Suite 13 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 8L3 Dear Mr. Corbett: Legal Services Tel. No. (905) 727-1375, ext. 229 Fax No. (905) 841-3483 Re: Turning Circle on Isaacson Crescent ;o Part of Lot 7, Plan 65M-2873, bein~t 6 on Plan 65R-15~Aurora As you know, the Town acquired the above-noted lands from St. John's Bay Land Company Ltd. for the purposes of completing a turning circle at the end oflsaacson Crescent in Aurora on May 26, 2000. A stipulation in the Offer to Purchase Agreement relating to the transaction states that the property is to be dedicated as an open highway under the provisions of the Municipal Act within a reasonable period of time following the closing date and, in any event, not later than December 31, 2000. Unfortunately, Staff have not had the opportunity to have the tender for the works to complete the turning circle approved by our Council due to the lack of regularly scheduled meetings held during the Municipal election process. As well, we are currently in a "lame duck Council" situation wherein our current members of Council are prohibited from approving any substantial requests before the new incoming members of Council, consisting of less than half of the existing members, have been formally inaugurated on December 5, 2000. In consideration of the tender approval and the fact that we are entering into an off-peak construction season, we anticipate having the turning circle completed by the Spring o.f 2001. Upon its completion we will ensure that the lands are formally dedicated as public highway as promised, Please advise the u this regard. We at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or concerns in ,/V,-u<r patience. cc: D. Stewart, Bayview Wellington Management Inc. ® MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND BUSINESS Ontario SERVICES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY REMARKS: ESTATE/QUALIFIER: FEE SIMPLE ABSOLUTE OWNERS I NAJv!ES LAND REGISTRY OFFICE #65 PARCEL REGISTER (ABBREVIATED) FOR PROPERTY IDENTIFIER I 03641-1885 (LT) I SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS IN CROWN GRANT PAGE 1 OF 1 PREPARED FOR scheyndel ON 2001/11/20 AT 14:40:23 PT LT 7, PL 65M2873, PT 6, 65Rl5577, AURORA. T/W PT LT 84 & 85,. CON 1 , PTS 2 & 3, 65Rl4776 AS IN 8417638; S/T LT797096. RECENTLY: DIVISION FROM 03641-0388 PIN CREATION DATE: 2000/06/14 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA CAPACITY SHARE BENO REG. NUM. DATE INSTRUMENT TYPE AMOUNT PARTIES FROM PARTIES TO **EFFECTIVE 2000/07/29 THE NO TAT ION OF THE "BLOCK IMPLEMENT A ION DATE" OF 1997/09/08 ON THIS PIN** **WAS REPLI': FED WITH THE 11 PIN CREATION DATE" OF 2000/06/14** ** PRINTOU'l INCLUDES AL DOCUMENT TYPES (DE ETED INSTRUMENTS NOT INCLUDED) '* LT793525 1991/10/21 NTCE SUBD AGR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA LT797096 1991/11/04 TRANS EASMENT AURORA HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION LT797113Z 1991/11/04 APPL ANNEX R C 65R15577 1991/11/04 PLAN REFERENCE LT1080772 1996/01/17 NOTICE ru f'<ARKs, MULT AFFECTS ALL/PART VA ~uous LANDS (ADDE 98/01/07 BY DEB WALLEN) LT1180279 1997/05/30 NOTICE S: PART ftu. RELEASE, LT793525 LT1482024 2000/05/26 TRANSFER $36,015 ST. JOHN 1 S BAY LAND COMPANY LTD. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA NOTE: ADJOINING )ERTIES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED TO ASCERTAIN DESCRIPTIVE INCON 'ENCIES, IF ANY, WITH DESCRIPTION REPRESENTED FOR THIS PROPER1 NOTE: ENSURE THA~ ~OUR PRINTOUT STATES THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES AND THAT YOU HK~ i'ICKED THEM ALL UP. CERT/ CBKD c c c c c c c