BYLAW - Ceby Management Rezoning - 20011018 - 430201D1. i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 4302-0l.D A By-law to Amend By-law No. 2213-78 of the Corporation of the· Town of Aurora SEE DECISION/ORDER NO. 1688 OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD (as attached) DATED OCTOBER 18,2001 ISSUE DATE: Oct. 18, 2001 DECISION/ORDER NO: 1688 PL010199 Ceby Management Limited has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board under subsection 34(11) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, from Council's refusal or neglect to enact a proposed amendment to By-law 2213-78, as amended, of the Town of Aurora to rezone lands respecting 32 Mills Street and 33, 37, 41 and 45 George Street from Institutional (1-1) and Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2) to Institutional (1-1) to facilitate the · expansion of the existing nursing home O.M.B. File No. 2010041 Ceby Management Limited has referred to the Ontario Municipal Board Linder subsection 41 (12) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, determination and settlement of details of a site plan for lands municipally known as 32 Mill Street and 33, 37, 41 and 45 George Street in the Town of Aurora O.M.B. File No. M010051 APPEARANCES: Parties Counsel Ceby Management Limited K.C. Hill Town of Aurora I.J. Lord Ms Leona Rod all represented herself and her husband, Gordon Kyle. MEMORANDUM OF ORAL DECISION DELIVERED BY B.W. KRUSHELNICKI ON OCTOBER 9, 2001 AND ORDER OF THE BOARD This matter has settled among the parties. Ceby Management had applied to th~ Town of Aurora to amend the Town's by-law to permit the expansion of an existing long term care facility in a residential area of the Town. According to the application as first filed the permission sought would be for a four storey structure. However, they have funding approvals for an additional 64 beds, which, when added to the present facility, would result in a total of 241 beds. This can be accommodated in a two storey building, which they say, is all they had planned to build. Accordingly, when the application aroused considerable opposition from the local neighbours, the applicant scaled back the request so that only a two storey structure would be sought, with maximum height limits of 11 and 13 metres for various components of the complex. -2-PL010199 In addition to the reduction in the height request and some further amendments to the by-law application, several other matters of concern to the neighbours and the Town staff-arising from the by-law application -were addressed when the detailed site plan was prepared by Mr. Larkin and submitted for approval to the Town. These included the organization of the uses on the site, the arrangements for vehicular movement over the site, access and egress, lighting, sigriage, plantation and landscaping, and elevation treatment. In the enc,l·, both the Town and the remaining objecting party accepted the revised application and the site plan. As a result of the agreement among the parties, the Board conducted a much shorter heari[lg than planned, in which it was necessary only to hear a review of the progress of the application, including the matters that had been agreed, and a summary of the issues addressed by the planning process. The Board had set a public session of the hearing to hear from area residents who were not party to the matter. With the settlement between the parties to the matter, the Board was asked to cancel the public session and the Board agreed to do so. The site in question comprises nearly a hectare with frontage on both Mill Street and George Street. .The original facility fronted only on Mill Street. The acquisition of four residential properties to the rear of the existing property on George Street together with the existing property now results in a · 'through' site. This permits vehicular movemef'!t, especially for delivery and emergency vehicles, through the entire site without ttie need to reverse vehicles. The original part of the site on Mill Street had been zoned I-Institutional and the by-law amends this slightly and amends the zoning on the newly acquired portion of the site from residential to a similar Institutional zone. The zoning permits altogether 9,320 square feet of floor area with a maximum height of 11 -13 metres, and parking for between 77 and 84 cars. The Official Plan designation for this site is "Urban Residential" which is an inclusive use that permits a wide array of residential uses including long term care facilities. The Official Plan specifically permits some institutional uses in the Urban Residential designation without an Official Plan Amendment. In addition, the Official Plan contains a number of policies that promote the establishment of residential -3-. ·PL010199 facilities that broadly serve the needs of the community. The Board is satisfied by Mr. Larkin's review of the Official Plan policies that the proposed expansion does serve a community need and is consistent with the Provisions of the Official Plan. One of the concerns that had been held about the proposal was the effect on the character of the neighbourhood, including especially the physical character. Some of this concern may have arisen due to the initial proposal for four storeys in what is essentially a low rise residential area .. The reduction in permitted height to an absolute maximum of 13 metres may have addressed some of this concern. Still, the planner for the. applicant conducted an elevation analysis in which the. elevation of the proposal, especially on the George Street frontage, is inserted using computer graphics in the photographic elevation of the street. The analysis reveals a frontage which fits in with the prevailing streetscape without imposing or ov.erwhelming. In addition, the designer has incorporated additional ornamentation and fac;:ade treatment to reduce the institutional effect and imply a more residential feel. The site has been generously landscaped to provide ample buffering and screening from the existing uses. The signage has been altered at the request of the residents. A proposed backlit sign has been replaced by a more traditional, less ostentatious sign. And finally, the lighting plan for the site has been given special . attention to ensure that the orientation and brightness of the lighting will have minimal effect on the adjacent residential uses. On the strength of all this evidence, the Board concludes that there has been a successful and sincere effort to create a long term care facility that is compatible with its residential surroundings in all respects. The Board does note however, that the process that has been followed in this instance has not met with the approval of all involved. Ms Shanks-Skinner, a resident of the area. appeared before the Board and explained that this settlement has been reached with little or no satisfactory consultation with the neighbourhood. She described her efforts to enquire of the Town, and especially of the Town's lawyer, about the process and the progress of the negotiations. Her enquiries were not satisfactorily answered. There had not been a lot of communication of the settlement reached in recent days and she suggests that the cancellation of the scheduled public sessi0n of ' ' j ! -4-PL010199 . the Board's hearing will prevent some remaining dissenting views, including her own, from being heard. It is the practice of the Board, as explained in the pre-hearing conference held in preparation for the hearing in this matter, that when the parties to a matter reach an agreement and where the Board is satisfied that the terms of the agreement constitute a satisfactory resolution of the dispute between the parties -one that complies with the Town's policy, addresses the concerns that were raised, and generally constitutes good planning -the matter is considered to be settled. That is the case in this instance and the Board so finds. In summary, the Board is satisfied that the agreement that has been reached by the Town, the applicant and the remaining objecting party, Ms Rodall and Mr. Kyle, satisfactorily addresses the concerns held by the parties. The proposal represents good planning that complies with the local Official Plan. For these reasons, the Board orders as follows: 1. the appeal of Zoning By-law by Ceby Managements Limited is allowed and the By-law, attached to this decision as Attachment 1, is hereby approved; 2. the site plan is approved in accordance with plans and drawings filed as Exhibit 6 to these proceedings -"Site Plan and Elevations" and Exhibit 7- "Landscaping Plan, Legend and Details"; and 3. the site plan is approved subject to the conditions of site plan approval as set out in Appendix "C" of the Minutes of Settlement, being Exhibit 1 to these proceedings, which are approved by the Board. B.W. KRUSHELNICKI MEMBER ATTACHMENT1 ··---APPENPIX "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4302·01.0 BEING A BY-LAW to amend By·law 2213-78, as amended WHEREAS the municipal Council of !he Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it necessary and expediant to amend By-law 22f3-78, as amended; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT tho zoning category applying to the lands shown in shading on Schedule "A" aUached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "Institutional {1-1) Exception Zone' and "Detsched Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2) Zone' to 'Institutional (1-1) Ex·:eption Zone.' 2. THAT Section 28.3.1 "Institutional 0-1) Exception Zone," be amended by deleting Section 28.3.1 and replacing it with the following: Section ZB.3.1 Institutional (1-1) Exception Zone 111e lands zoned 1-1 on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this By- . law shall only be used for a nursing home located in Buildings "K and 'B' as identified on Schedule 'AB' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law and an accessory building or structure used for offices In association therewith located in Building "C' on Schedule 'AB' in accordance with the following specifications: Section Building Siting Specifications In accordance with Schedule 'AB" attached hereto and fonnlng part of this By- law and subject to such minimum building set backs es exist on the date of possing hereof and as are specified on Selledule "AB". Section Subject to Section, expansions or enlargements to Buildings "A' and 'C' on Schedule 'AB' are not penmitted. Section 28.3,1.2 Building Specifications First Storey Floor Area for Buildings 'A' & ·s• on Schedule : AEl' (maximum) Total Floor Area All Storeys for Buildings -A-& ·s· an Schedul!' "AB' (maximum) Number of Beds for Buildings 'A" & '8" on Schedule "AB' (maximum) 2,720 square metres 9,3?.0 square metres 241 PL010199 Section Building Hoight Notwithstanding any provisi·Jn to the cont!ary, the maximum building heights for Building 'B' on Schedule "AB" are as follows: South Elevation No11h Elevation West Elevatlon East Elevation 11.0 metres 13.0 metres 13.0 metres 11.0 metres Sec\icn Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, no changes to the Bulldillg Height ofB~ildings 'A' and •c• on Schedule • AB' are pennitted. Section Building Height Definition · Notwithstanding Sections 3.17 and 6.20, for the purpose of this By-law, Building Height for Building '6' on Schedule "AB' shall be calculated from the lowest . finished grade adjacent to tl1e building, to the highest point and shall inClude all parapets and decorative features. Section Landscaping Specificatic•ns Open Space, including par't<ing, driveways and aisles shall be a minimum of 6,82.0 square metres. Scclion Parking Specifications Number or Panting Spacet (minimum} 77 (maximum} 84 3. 1his By-law conms into ferro upon compliance Wilh the provisions ofU1e Planning Act f<EAD A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME THIS DAY OF '2001. T. JONES, MAYOR B. I'ANIZZA, TOWN CLERK .· ----------- TOWN OF AURORA THE REGlONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATlON: Lots 1, B; 7, 8 & 9, Rsgistersd Plan 30 32 Mill St. &. 33, 37, 41 & 45 George St. - rzl SUBJECT LAN'DS REZONED mOM l-1 TO 1·1 ~ SUBJECT LANDS REZONED Fl'IOM i'l2 TO 1-1 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 4-302-01.0 PASSED THIS DAY OF ____ 2001 Cl.ERK MAYOR -------&.\2..:.Lcle;-~-rJ~N~-~-?. ................ ./. .... 9..~~1.~ ! .............. . ' I . I I ' J fA I I ~ I I II~ I 7, I I II • I -I I J I I I I I I ~~'3=r IN I I ./ RA3-4/ I I ' I I I • I I I I I 17 I I I I I I ,... /// 0~//{t I I //7 ~v I Y' X I I r . XN .'/Y////7 l·g) I \ RA1 I 1" I 1-I 1/ I_: fj! I /(/) TYLER ST. lg/ I ; ~P-/1-. I I r--. LJ I '-' I I '--I -. I I I li I I • • SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 4302-01.0 TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF VORl< LOCATION: Lots 1, 6, 7, 8 & 9, Registered Plan 30 32 Mill St. & 33, 37, 41 & 45 George St. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN METRES brlc,. .1.,~,, 1 /~ f· vUmr-~ i-~~--i4-M--cJ·- wi~ fl It€ I • ; . . , . I f u! _, BUILDING •a• t2.00 ., ---------~ ~l ..t ------·- .. - ' !'·. SCHEDULE "AB" TO BY-LAW NO. 4302-01.0 TillS IS SCHEDULE "AB" TO BY-LAW tJO. 4302-01.0 PASSED TillS DA'.' OF 2001 CLERI{ MAYOil I