BYLAW - Levy Interim Tax Rate - 20000125 - 414700F,, THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA By-law Number 4147-00.F BEING A BY-LAW to levy an interim tax rate for the year 2000. WHEREAS Section 370 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass a by-law, before the adoption of the estimates for the year, to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class in the municipality; AND WHEREAS Section 370 (3) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended states that the total amount raised, when the tax rate is levied on the applicable assessment does not exceed 50 per cent of the total amount raised for all purposes for the previous year by the levying of tax rates on all the properties that, in the current year, are in the property class; AND WHEREAS Ontario Regulation 602/99 provides the legal foundation for issuing interim bills for the commercial, industrial and multi-residential (capped) classes, provided that the levy does not exceed 50% of the property's fmal adjusted taxes, under the 10-5-5 capping program, contained in Bill 79; NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCll.. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT an interim tax levy is hereby imposed and levied on the whole assessment for real property, according to the last revised assessment roll in every property class at the rates as listed: Residential/ Farm Farmland I Managed Forest Multi-Residential Commercial Occupied Commercial Vacant Units I Excess Land Industrial Occupied Industrial Vacant Units I Excess Land Farmland Awaiting Development Shopping Centre Occupied Shopping Centre Vacant Units I Excess Land Large Industrial Occupied Large Industrial Vacant Units I Excess Land Pipelines Utility Transmission Railway Right-of-ways RT FT&TT MT CT CU&CX IT IU &IX I1 ST SU&SX LT LU&LX PT UF WT 0.661223% 0.165306% 1.155190% 1.695055% 1.186554% 2.105917% 1.368847% 0.165305% 1.695055% 1.186554% 2.105917% 1.368847% 1.390880% 0.839250% 1.665450% 2. THAT for the purposes of calculating the total1999 taxes, if any taxes were levied in 1999 for ouly part of the year because assessment was added to the assessment roll during 1999, an amount shall be added equal to the additional taxes that would have been levied if the taxes had been levied for the entire year. 3. THAT taxes may be levied under this by-law on a property that is rateable for the current year, even if the property was not rateable for the prior year, including assessment of property that is added to the assessment roll after the by-law is passed. By-law No. 4147-00.F Page 4. THAT the said interim tax levy shall become due and payable in two installments as follows: First Installment Second Installment February 29, 2000 April28, 2000 5. THAT on all taxes which remain unpaid on the due date, a penalty of one and one quarter per cent (11/4 %)(15% per annum) of the taxes remaining unpaid shall be levied on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which the default continues until December 31, 2000. 6. THAT on all taxes levied pursuant to this by-law remaining unpaid as at December 31, 2000, interest at the rate of one and one quarter per cent (1 114 %)(15% per annum) of the unpaid taxes shall be levied from December 31, 2000 and for each month or fraction thereof until such taxes are paid. 7. THAT penalties and interest added on all taxes of the interim tax levy in default shall become due and payable and shall be collected forthwith as if the same had originally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid interim tax levy. 8. THAT all taxes payable under the Tax Payment Plans, shall be due and payable on the last business day of each calendar month, starting in January and continuing until September in the year 2000. 9. THAT the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora be authorized to extend the Tax Payment Plan beyond September 2000, should the need arise. 10. THAT the Treasurer of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora mail or cause to be mailed to the residence or place of business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, a written or printed notice specifying the amount of taxes payable. 11. THAT the Treasurer of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora be authorized to adjust the billing schedule and tax rate set out herewith, if required, in order to comply with Provincial legislation or regulations which may be received subsequent to the passing of this by-law. 12. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and take effect upon third reading thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 25th DAY OF January, 2000. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25th DAY OF January, 2000.