BYLAW - ZBA Administrative 2C Lands recognizetext - 20150210 - 568515THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA
By-law Number 5685-15
BEING A BY-LAW to amend Zoning
By-law Number 2213-78, as amended
(Mattamy (Aurora) Limited, TACC
Developments (Aurora) Inc., Brookfield
Homes (Ontario) Limited, St. John's
Road Development Corp. and
Shimvest Investments Limited, Files
ZBA-2011-02, ZBA-2011-03, ZBA-2011-
04, ZBA-2012-01 and ZBA-2012-02).
WHEREAS section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended,
provides that the councils of local municipalities may pass zoning by-laws;
AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora (the "Town")
enacted By-law Number 2213-78, including amendments thereto (the "Zoning By-
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town enacted By-law Numbers 5522-13, 5523-
13, 5524-13, 5525-13 and 5526-13, being by-laws to amend the Zoning By-law with
respect to certain lands shown on Schedule "A" therein;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town deems it necessary and expedient to
further amend the Zoning By-law to add further provisions to the zoning categories
contained within By-law Numbers 5522-13, 5523-13, 5524-13, 5525-13 and 5526-13;
1. THAT Section 11.96 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-94)
Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the
following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
2. THAT Section 11.97 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-95)
Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the
following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
By-law Number 5685-15 Page2 of5
3. THAT Section 11.98 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-96)
Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the
following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
4. THAT Section 11.99 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-97)
Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the
following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be· deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
5. THAT Section 11.1 00 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-
98) Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add
the following provision:
"11.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
6. THAT Section 11.101 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-
99) Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add
the following provision:
"11.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
corner lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
By-law Number 5685-15 Page3 of5
7. THAT Section 12.22-Semi-Detached and Duplex Third Density Residential
(R3-20) Exception Zone of the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to
add the following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
corner lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
8. THAT Section 15.62 -Row Dwelling Residential (R6-58) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
9. THAT Section 15.63 -Row Dwelling Residential (R6-59) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
10. THAT Section 15.64 -Row Dwelling Residential (R6-60) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
comer rounding."
11. THAT Section 15.65-Row Dwelling Residential (R6-61) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
By-law Number 5685-15 Page 4 of5
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisio~Js to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
12. THAT Section 15.66 -Row Dwelling Residential (R6-62) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
" Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
comer lot where a daylighting triangle or corner rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
13. THAT Section 15.67 -Row Dwelling Residential (R6-63) Exception Zone of
the Zoning By-law be and is hereby amended to add the following provision:
"15.67 .2.3.5 Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, on a
corner lot where a daylighting triangle or comer rounding has
been conveyed to a public authority, the flankage lot line and
the front lot line shall be deemed to be the continued projection
of the flankage lot line and the front lot line to a point of
intersection, for the purposes of calculating the required
minimum front yard and the required minimum exterior side
yard requirements. Notwithstanding the provisions above, and
any other provisions to the contrary, no building or structure
shall be permitted to encroach within the daylighting triangle or
corner rounding."
14. THAT this By-law shall come into full force subject to compliance with tf:le
provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, and
subject to compliance with such provisions, this By-law will take effect from the
date of final passage hereof.
~YDAWE,MAYOR a..' to !fo rm
tJJy £ega{ Services
Signature _~ A--
lJJatt: _Jr.. W!\ ~ 9tJ • 2J f
By-law Number 5685-15 Page 5 of5
Explanatory Note
Re: Zoning By-law Number 5685-15
By-law Number 5685-15 has the following purpose and effect:
To amend By-law Number 2213-78, as amended, being the Zoning By-law in effect in
the Town of Aurora, to add further provisions to the zoning categories contained in
By-law Number 5522-13, 5523-13, 5524-13, 5525-13 and 5526-13.