BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (General By law - 19910828 - 331091)B E F 0 R E : T.F. BAINES Vice-Chairman ~~~ ~-~ .,._,. R 910502 Ontario TO;VJtJ Of AURORA . . Ontario Municipal Board , R'J;"CEI\1'~:~ Comm1ss1on des affa1res mun1c1pales de I tM!ano IN THE MATTER OF Section 3 4 {'9,) IJGff29 All :34 the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal by Paolo . DelPlavignano and Anna DelPlavignano against Zoning By-law 3310-91 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora ) ) ) Wednesday, the 23rd day of October, 1991 THE APPEAL having been withdrawn; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal against Zoning By-law 3310-91 is hereby dismissed. ~~-v~, :c:EtA:; ENTERED 0.8. No ... l?:.'i!.::.L ........ .. Folio No. ...ll.-?1 ............ .. ocr '2 s 1991 S<CRITARY, ONT.IIIJNICIPAI.IIOAIID ' (General By-law) BY-LAW NUMBER 3310-91 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law No. 2213-78 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended to rezone Lots 70, 135 and 145 Registered Plan 65M-2376 from "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-7) Exception Zone" to "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-9) Exception Zone". 2. That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended to rezone Lots 64 and 148 Registered Plan 65M-2376 from "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-8) Exception Zone" to "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-7) Exception Zone". 3. That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended to rezone Lot 45 and Lots 95 to 101 inclusive Registered Plan 65M-2247 from "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2- 8) Exception Zone" to "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-7) Exception Zone". 4. That Section 10.7 "Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-5) Exception Zone" is hereby amended by: i) Deleting the last sentence of subsection as follows: "On a lot having a 'Rl-5' and a '0-6' zone no dwellings or accessory buildings may be constructed closer than 9 metres to the 0-6 zone as defined on Schedule 'G'." ii) Adding the following to the final sentence of subsection "Accessory buildings and/or structures including swimming pools shall be permitted to locate in the minimum rear yard in accordance with the general provisions regulating such structures and provided that the minimum required setback from the rear lot line be calculated from the boundary between the Rl-5 and 0-6 zones." 5. That Section 11.11 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-9) Exception Zone" is hereby amended by adding the following to the end of subsection "Notwithstanding the above, the minimum required floor area for a two storey dwelling on Lots 121 and 122 Registered Plan 65M-2803, shall be 112 square metres. The minimum required floor area for a two storey dwelling on Lots 38, 45, 46,\ 48, 131 and 133, Registered Plan 65M-2805 and Lot 119 Registered Plan 65M-2803, shall be 124 square metres. 6. That Section 11.33 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone" is hereby amended by adding the following to the end of subsection "Notwithstanding the above, the minimum required floor area for a two storey dwelling on Lot 100 Registered Plan 65M-2803 and Lots 1, 17, and 59 Registered Plan 65M-2805, shall be 112 square metres. The minimum required floor area for a two storey dwelling on Lot 85 Registered Plan 65M-2803, shall be 124 square metres. 7. That Section 11.35 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-33) Exception Zone" is hereby amended by adding the following to the end of subsection By-law No. 3310-91 "Notwithstanding the above, the maximum permitted floor area on Lots 126, 128, 129 and 131 Registered Plan 65M-2803, and Lots 24 and 30 Registered Plan 65M-2805, shall be 177 square metres. The maximum permitted floor area on Lot 127 Registered Plan 65M-2803 and Lot 134 Registered Plan 65M-2805 shall be 180 square metres. The maximum permitted floor area on Lot 136 Registered Plan 65M-2805 shall be 183 square metres. 8. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 24 DAY OF JULY , 1991. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28 DAY OF AUGUST , 1991. L. ALLISON, CLERK . TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: LOTS64AND 148 REGISTERED PLAN SSM-2376 [] SUBJECT LANDS REZONED FROM R2-8 TO R2-7 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. 3310-91 'f-C£1-d_-DAY OF JL:f:.~~=--19 tL SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. _.....;~:.._~_;..;;;.{)_-...:'1.....;1_ TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: LOTS70, 135,145 REGISTERED PLAN 65M-2376 [ill SUBJECT LANDS REZONED FROM R2-7 TO R2-9 THIS IS SCHEDULE " A" TO BY-LAW No. 3310-91 HJfA~-d(_DAY OF ~~[,./} rl---19 !iL SCHEDULE .. A .. TO BY-LAW No. :5'> rD -q 1 -~--....:....;- . TOWN OF AURORA l THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION: LOT 45AND LOTS95TO 1011NCLUSIVE REGISTERED PLAN 65M-2247 Ell SUBJECT LANDS REZONED FROM R2-B TO R2-7 R2-7 THIS IS SCHEDULE " A" TO BY-LAW No. 3310-91 ·n-...u..-tfl_ DAY OF LA~~:_ 19 Jj_ MAYOR I SCHEDULE .. A .. TO BY-LAW No. 3 "510-9/ By-law 3310-91 Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-law By-law 3310-91 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213-78 the Zoning By-law in effect in the Town of Aurora to: 1. rezone the following lots to reflect existing lot frontages and areas: o Lots 70, 135 and 145 R.P. 65M-2376 (Revlis): from R2-7 to R2-9; o Lots 64 and 148 R.P. 65M-2376 (Revlis): from R2-8 to R2-7; o Lots 45 and 95-101 inclusive R.P. 65M-2247 (Southold): from R2-8 to R2-7. 2. revise the provisions of the R1-5 zone pertaining to the Willow Farm subdivision (R.P. 65M-2685, 65M-2686 and 65M-2687) to permit structures in the rear yard subject to the setback requirements of the general provisions; all buildings and structures will continue to be prohibited in the 0-6 zone. 3. amend the floor area requirements for a two storey dwelling on the following lots in the Coscan/Landford subdivision to reflect the size of dwelling units currently under construction: o to reduce the minimum required from 130 square metres to: 112 square metres on Lots 100, 121 and 122 R.P. 65M-2803 and Lots 1, 17 and 59 R.P. 65M- 2805; and, to 124 square metres on Lots 85 and 119 R.P. 65M-2803 and Lots 38, 45, 46, 48, 131 and 133 R.P. 65M-2805. o to increase the maximum permitted from 160 square metres to: 177 square metres on Lots 126, 128, 129 and 131 R.P. 65M-2803 and Lots 24 and 30 R.P. 65M-2805; to 180 square metres on Lot 127 R.P. 65M-2803 and Lot 134 R.P. 65M-2805; and, to 183 square metres on Lot 136 R.P. 65M-2805. KEY MAPS: The provisions of this By-law pertain to specific lots in the Registered Lots shown below. More detailed mapping is available for review at the Town Offices. ITEM 1 By-law 3310-91 SOUTHOLD REGISTERED PLAN 65M-2247 REVLIS REGISTERED PLAN 65M-2376 J ITEM2 WILLOW FARM ~ REGISTERED PLAN 65M·2376 REGISTERED PLANS 65M-2685, 65M-2686, 65M-2687 ITEM 3 COSCAN/LANDFORD REGISTERED PLANS GSM-2685, 65M-2686 & 65M-2687 REGISTERED PLANS 65M-2803, 65M-2805 REGISTERED PLANS 65M-2803 & 65M-2805