BYLAW - Waste Management Agreement - 19900425 - 319190' . BY -LAW NUMBER 3191~90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the entering into of a waste management agreement between the Town of Aurora and York Sanitation WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Section 210 (83) permits Council, subject to the Ontario Municipal Board Act, to pass by-laws for establishing and maintaining a system for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse, and for contracting with any person for the collection, remova 1 and di sposa 1 by him of ashes, garbage and other refuse upon such terms and conditions as may be considered expedient; AND WHEREAS Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 348 requires the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board of by-laws passed by muni cipa 1 counci 1 s undertaking commitments extending beyond the term of Council; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: I. That subject to the approval of the Ontario Muni ci pa 1 Board, the execution of a waste management agreement is hereby authorized by this Corporation; 2. The term of this agreement shall be for a five (5) year period; 3. The terms and conditions of the agreement shall be as contained in Schedule "A"; 4. The Mayor and Clerk shall be authorized to sign and execute under the Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all necessary documents; and 5. The provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon the final passage thereof, and when the required approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained in accordance with Section 64 (41 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ) ~ DAY OF~ ' 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS j( 5 DAY OF r ' 1990. J. ( / .. ,, THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 25th day of April, 1990. B E '1' W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA (hereinafter called the "Corporation"} OF THE FIRST PART -and - YORK SANITATION DIVISION OF WMI WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CANADA INC. (hereinafter called the "Contractor"} WHEREAS the Corporation agreement with the Contractor to garbage and recyclable waste within Town of Aurora; OF THE SECOND PART wishes to enter into an provide for collection of the municipal limits of the AND WHEREAS the Contractor has agreed with the Corpor- ation to collect garbage and recyclable waste in the Town of Aurora for a period of five years commencing May 8, 1990 on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in con- sideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. Definitions 1. 01 In addition to any terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, and unless otherwise specified or modified herein, the following terms shall have the following meanings for the purposes of this Agreement: (a) "Agreement• amendments, means this Agreement, including any modifications, extensions or other - 2 - alterations thereof to which the parties may agree in writing from time to time; {b) •By-law• means By-law number 3030-88 of the Cor- poration, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Schedule "A"; (c) •collection location• means each single-family residential dwelling, each multiple-unit residen- tial dwelling, and each commercial establishment, located within the municipal boundaries of the Town, except for multiple unit residential dwellings and commercial establishments the owners/operators of which contract independently for containerized collection of garbage; (d) •commercial establishment• means each distinct, identifiable premises containing one or more re- tail businesses or offices for the conduct of a business or profession, but does not include industrial or manufacturing facilities; (e) •contractor• means WMI Waste Management of Canada Inc., its successors and assigns; (f) •corporation• means the Corporation of the Town of Aurora; (g) •garbage• means •garbage•, other than recyclable waste, as defined in Section 1.3 of the By-law; {h) •household• means each: (i) single-family residential dwelling, (ii) dwelling unit within a multiple-unit resi- dential dwelling, (iii) individual retail business or office that is or is a unit of a commercial establish- ment, located at a collection location within the municipal boundaries of the Town; (i) •multiple-unit residential dwelling• means pre- mises designed and zoned for occupancy by more than one family; - 3 - (j) •non-collectible waste• includes "non-collectible waste" as defined in the By-law and in Schedule "C" hereto, and also includes any hazardous waste or other form of waste which from time to time in accordance with applicable law or reasonable po- licies established by the Contractor is not cap- able of being disposed of in an ordinary sanitary landfill without special handling or arrangements; (k) •recyclable waste• means empty glass bottles and containers, empty metal cans and similar metal containers, empty "PET" containers and newsprint deposited by occupants of collection locations in "blue boxes" made available by the Town to such occupants. (1) _•single-family mises designed family; and residential dwelling• means pre- and zoned for occupancy by one (m) •Town• means the Town of Aurora, Ontario. 1.02 For the purposes of this Agreement the terms "residen- dential premises" and "commercial premises" as used in the By-law shall be deemed to have the same meaning therein as the term "collection location" herein. 2. Term of Agreement 2.01 This Agreement shall be effective as of the Bth day of May, 1990 and shall remain in effect until and including the 7th day of May, 1995. 3. Collection of Garbage and Recyclable Waste 3.01 Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, during the term of this Agreement the Corporation grants to the Contractor the exclusive right to collect and dispose of garbage and recyclable waste from collection locations in the Town and the Contractor agrees to collect and dispose of all such garbage and recyclable waste. 3.02 The Contractor covenants and agrees that garbage and recyclable waste shall be collected from each collection location once each week during the term of this Agreement. The schedule of days and locations of 3.04 3.04 - 4 - such collections shall be as set out in Schedule "B" hereto. The schedule may be altered from time to time by agreement between the Contractor and the appropriate officials of the Corporation, but no change shall be made in the schedule until adequate notice has been given by the party initiating the change to all persons affected by such change. 3.03 The Contractor shall not be required to make any collections on the following holidays, namely: New Year • s Day Good Friday Victoria Day Dominion Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day or any other statutory holiday so declared during the term of this Agreement, provided however that if a holiday occurs on a collection day, the Contractor shall arrange for collection from those' collection locations where collection would have occurred but for such holiday on an alternate day falling on the business day next preceding or following such holiday. During the term of this Agreement, the Corporation shall be responsible for providing and licencing at least two appropriate collection vehicles for the use of the Contractor in collecting recyclable waste. Except for licencing fees, the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs of operation and maintenance of such vehicles and for insuring such vehicles in accordance with the terms of paragraph 6. 01 hereof. Moreover, responsibility for and costs of advertising and printed materials associated with the initiation and ongoing operation of the "blue box" recyclable waste programme in the Town shall be the responsibility of the Corporation. In addition to the regular collection services contemplated by paragraph 3. 02, the Contractor shall also provide the following special collection services to all collection locations: (a) on the last Monday of each month, the Contractor shall collect any "white goods" (such as refrigerators, stoves and hot water heaters) placed for disposal at collection locations and shall deliver such white goods to the Town Works Yard; (b) on one Monday in the autumn of each year (on a date to be determined by the Corporation in consultation with and upon at least two months' prior notice to the Contractor), the Contractor shall collect all leaves properly bagged and placed for disposal at collection locations on -5 - such date; and (c) on one Monday in January of each year (on a date to be determined by the Corporation in consul tat ion with and upon at least two months • prior notice to the Contractor), the Contractor shall collect all Christmas trees placed for disposal at collection locations on such date. 4. Contractor's Fees 4. 01 During the period commencing May 8, 1990 and ending December 31, 1990, the Corporation shall pay to the Contractor a garbage collection fee of $63.56 per year per household and a recyclable waste collection fee of $20.47 per year per household. As of January 1 of each of 1991 through 1995, the garbage collection and recyclable waste collection fees per year per household shall be adjusted to equal such fees as pertained at December 31 of the immediately preceding year plus a percentage increase equal to the year to year percentage increase, if any, in the Statistics Canada Consumer Price Index under the heading •All Items Toronto Area• (•C.P.I.•) as indicated by a comparison of the monthly publication of C.P.I. occurring most recently prior to January 1 of each relevant year with the monthly publication of C. P. I. for the same month of the immediately preceding year. 4. 02 The Contractor and the Corporation agree that until December 31, 1990 the number of households to which this Agreement relates shall be deemed to be 8, 208. In respect of each subsequent calendar year or portion thereof during the term of this Agreement, the Contractor and the Corporation shall mutually determine during the immediately preceding December the number of households then existing in the Town which number shall be deemed to be the number of households to which this Agreement relates for such subsequent year or portion thereof. 4.03 The Corporation acknowledges that the garbage collection fee per year per household herein has been established on the assumption that the Contractor will be able to continue to utilize the Keele Valley Landfill Site for garbage disposal and that the recyclable waste collection fee has been established on the assumption that the Contractor will be able to deliver recyclable waste to the Town of Markham - 6 - recycling depot. At any time and from time to time during the term of this Agreement, if the Contractor should be required to dispose of garbage to which this Agreement relates at a landfill site located further from the municipal boundaries of the Town than the Keele Valley Landfill Site, or to dispose of recyclable waste at a recycling location further from the municipal boundaries of the Town than the Town of Markham depot, the then pertaining fee per year per household for garbage collection or recyclable waste collection, as the case may be, shall be increased immediately by an amount sufficient to ensure that the Contractor is in no worse position than it would have been in had the Keele Valley Landfill Site or the Town of Markham recycling depot, as the case may be, continued to be available. 4.04 The Corporation and the Contractor further acknowledge and agree that the Corporation shall be solely responsible for payment of all tippage and similar disposal fees and charges imposed at any landfill or other disposal site with respect to any garbage, recyclable waste or other waste material to be collected and disposed of by the Contractor under this Agreement. 4. 05 The Contractor shall invoice the Corporation monthly, in advance, as of the first day of each month, on the basis of 1/12 of the annual fees then pertinent, in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing para- graphs 4.01 through 4.03, and the Corporation shall pay the amount of each such invoice within 10 days of receipt of such invoice. 5. Standards of Service 5.01 The Contractor shall collect on each relevant collec- tion date all of the garbage and recyclable waste placed for collection at each collection location, provided that the Contractor shall not be required to collect at any collection location any garbage or recyclable waste that does not conform in respect of timing of placement, location of placement, content, receptable, number of receptacles, size, weight, or any other characteristic, with the terms of the By-law or of this Agreement. 5.02 In rendering its services under this Agreement, the Contractor shall: (a) maintain and operate a sufficient number of garbage collection vehicles in proper working order so as to efficiently carry out its garbage collection obligations hereunder; - 7 - (b) use only modern, all-steel packer bodies on its garbage collection vehicles; (c) place on garbage collection vehicles such non-commercial signs and identification as may be reasonably requested by the Corporation; and (d) ensure that its employees and agents exercise reasonable care and diligence in carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. 5.03 Should any person employed by Contractor in connec- tion with this Agreement give the Corporation any just cause for complaint about the performance of his duties in connection with this Agreement and the Corporation so notifies the Contractor in writing, stating the cause for complaint, the Contractor shall thereupon take such steps as may be necessary to rectify the com- plaint and shall. advise the Corporation in writing of the disposition of such complaint. 6. Insurance and Bonding 6.01 The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Corporation from all actions, causes of action, suits, claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in re- spect of the Contractor's negligent acts in the per- formance of its activities in collecting and disposing of garbage and recyclable waste as herein contemplated, and it shall file with the Treasurer of the Corporation proof that it has insured itself under a contract or contracts of insurance: (a) against motor vehicle liability in the amount of not less than $1,000,000 inclusive, which policy shall be cancellable only upon 30 days prior written notice to the Corporation; and (b) against liability arising out of causes other than the operation of a motor vehicle in the amount of not less than $2,000,000 which policy shall include the Corporation as an additional insured, shall contain a cross-liability clause, and shall be cancellable only upon 30 days prior written notice to the Corporation. 6. 02 The Contractor agrees to post a $50,000 performance bond with the Corporation, such bond to remain in effect during the term of this Agreement. 7. 8. 9. - 8 - Ownership 7.01 The Contractor acknowledges that when collected by it pursuant to the terms Agreement has been placed in its collection the Contractor becomes the sole owner of such Non-Collectible Waste garbage of this vehicles, garbage. 8.01 The Contractor shall not be required to collect or dispose of any non-collectible waste or to collect waste from any "blue box" that contains anything other. than recyclable waste, and shall not collect any materials placed for collection which appear upon visual inspection to constitute non-collectible waste, provided, however, that the Contractor shall not be required· to open for inspection any bags or other closed containers of any sort to ascertain whether the contents may constitute or include non-collectible waste. The Corporation shall be responsible for requiring that all persons who avail themselves of the services to which this Agreement relates refrain from submitting any non-collectible waste for disposal hereunder and, subject to the provisions of the first sentence of this paragraph 8. 01, hereby covenants to indemnify and save harmless the Contractor, its successors and assigns, from all actions, causes of action, suits, claims and demands arising out of or in respect of the failure of the Corporation or such persons to comply with the foregoing. Default, Remedies 9.01 If any of the events hereafter referred to shall occur, then the Corporation may at its option· and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may have, including realization under the performance bond referred to in paragraph 6. 02 hereof, terminate this Agreement upon notice: (a) if the Contractor shall commit an act of bank- ruptcy, become bankrupt or insolvent or be sub- jected to the provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, or any other act for the benefit of creditors, or go into liquidation either voluntarily or under an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or otherwise acknowledge its insol- - 9 - vency, or if proceedings shall be commenced to petition the Contractor into bankruptcy, or if proceedings are commenced for the appointment of a receiver of the Contractor's property, unless the Contractor shall provide reasonable evidence that such proceedings are without merit; (b) if the Contractor, or any of its agents, shall be formally charged and convicted of giving or offer- ing any illegal gratuity or bribe to any official of the Corporation relating to this Agreement or any other existing or proposed relationship be- tween the Contractor and the Corporation; (c) if the Contractor shall be in material breach of any of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement ·or persistently fail to carry out such obligations in an efficient, workmanlike and skillful manner, and shall fail to rectify such deficiency within seven days after notice thereof shall have been given to the Contractor by the Corporation; or (d) if the Contractor shall persistently disregard the laws, by-laws, rules, regulations, standards, directives or requirements of any of the authori- ties having jurisdiction over its activities here- under, including without restricting the gener- ality of the foregoing, directives of the Corpora- tion that are not inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. 9.02 Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement pursuant to paragraph 9.01, the Contractor shall remain liable for all damag~s, losses, costs and expenses the Corporation may suffer or incur in consequence of such termination including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any additional costs the Corporation may incur to cause the services to be performed during the balance of the period that this Agreement would have been in force but for its early termination. 10. Notice 10.01 Any notice, demand, acceptance or request given here- under shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently given if personally delivered, or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid (at any time other than during a general discontinuance of postal ser- vices due to strike, lockout, or otherwise}, addressed to the party to whom it is given as follows: -10 - Corporation: Corporation of the Town of Aurora 81 Industrial Parkway North P.O. Box 8100 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl Contractor: WMI Waste Management of Canada Inc. 2700 Matheson Blvd. East East Tower, Suite 803 Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4V9 Any notice shall be deemed to have been given to and received by the party to whom it is addressed, if de- livered, when delivered, and, if mailed, on the fourth bank business day after the mailing thereof. Any party may by notice given as aforesaid designate a changed address to which a notice to such party shall be given and any notice to such party shall thereafter be deliv- ered or sent to such address. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation and the Con- tractor have duly executed this Agreement. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 01!' AURORA c/s WMI WASTE c/s 1134G/l-9 SCHEDULE • A • BY-LAW 3030-88 BY-LAW NUMBER 3030~8B OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to establish and maintain a system for the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse In the Town of Aurora and to repeal By-law 1227-55. WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 210 of the Municipal Act pe"'lt Council to pass By-laws for establishing and .. 1nta1n1ng a system for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage or of other refuse ard for contracting with any person for the collection removal and disposal by him of ashes, garbage and other refuse •pon SkCh terms and conditions as may be considered expedient; AND IIHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacted By-law 1227-55 on the 13th day of June 1955 to provide for a system of garbage collection in the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to enact a new by-law establishing and •a1nta1n1ng a system for garbage collection pursuant to said Section 210 and to prescribe terms for the placement of garbage and other refuse •von P"bllc road allowances in certain areas of the Town of Aurora. HOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this by-law 1.1 "Ashes• shall Include the residue of any wood or coal fuel after combustion. 1.2 •contractor• tn.:-:'.11;5 . any person, COft\pany or corporation 1.1r.der contract with the Town to remove ashes, garbage or other refuse throughout the Town including the workmen c11d employees of 1 contractor. 1.3 •Garbage•• shall 11ean all refiJse, ashes, or waste, animal or. vegetable or metal, from any home~· ho~.rsehold, store, office or premises, bu.t shall not include •non-collectible waste'. 1.4 •Person• 1ncl1.1des any owner, occt~pant, lessee, tenant, or other person in charge of any home, household, store, office or premise. 1.5 "Non-collectible waste• shall mean any waste other than garbage or ashes and shall include -bandage, dressings or other pathological material • the carcass of any animal or bird • celluloid cuttings or movie picture film • concrete • construction waste generated by a building contractor or professional tradesman including broken plaster, lumber or other material resulting from the construction, elteration, repair, demolition, or removal of any building or struct•re -any explosive or highly colllbustible 111ateriels • hay. straw or man~re • any hazardo•s 111aterlal • liquids • manufacturer's waste or refuse • any .aterial of 1 size or weight in excess of the limits for receptacles as set o.t in this by-law ·oil • oil or gasoline soaked regs • sawdu•t, or wood shavings • tho stock of any wholesaler • swill or other organic material not drained or wrapped as her~in provided .. .lt.'i.UI•lOtivc t·"ri:s and accessoties t ( ( 10.2 10.~ 11.1 11.2 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. In no case sha11 receptacles or other garbage be pliced on any roadway, lane, driveway or other area used by vehicles. Unless special arrangements are 110de between the contractor and 1 property owner, the contractor shall not enter on private property for the purpose of garbage collection. The nu~er of receptacles put out for collection from any residential premises shall not exceed ten (10) for each collection day. The n~r of receptacles put out for collection from any c011111ercial premises shall not exceed twenty (20) for each collection day. Ho person shall deposit or penait the deposit for garbage, ashes or other refuse upon or any lands occupied by him or under his control which .ay endanger public health. Notwithstanding .anything herein contained, non-collectible waste . ..ay be collected by specla' arrangement with a contractor. Where the quantity of garbage, ashn or other refuse exceeds the amount ~eferred to In this by-law, the owner of any premise 111y contract with contractors for the nmoval of same by special contract at the owner's expense. Ho person shall carry or convey garbage, ashes or other refuse except In securely covered container& or In a· cart, wagon or a vehicle totally enclosed to prevent any of the contents escaping therefrom. In the event that any garbage, ashes or other refuse Is not placed in receptacles or as otherwise provided herein, the Town or the contractor may refuse to collect such garbage, ashes or other refuse. Any person convicted of a breach of the provlsiOilS of the By-law shall be guilty of Iii offence and every person who Is convicted of an offence under lhi:; By-law by a Provlrodal Court Presiding Justice shall be subject to a fine for not more than two thousand dollars ($2 ,000.00) for each offence. Such fines to be recoverable under the Provincial Offences Act. The By-law Ho. 1227-55 and any other by-laws Inconsistent with this by-law be and the same are hereby repealed. That the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 5th DAY OF October , 19SS. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th IIAY OF October • 1988. SCHEDULE • B • COLLECTION DAYS AND LOCATIONS TOWN OF AURORA Tuesday Collection Area between Wellington St. Concession). Yonge Street and south of & Bathurst Storrington north of Gate (24th Wednesday Collection Area west of Yonge Street, South of Murray Drive up to and including Seaton Drive. Factory run of Edward Street to Dunning Avenue plus Allaura Blvd. * Note: Country Run. Thursday Collection Area east of Yonge Street, North of Dunning Avenue and west of Yonge Street, north of Storrington Gate (24th Concession). * Note: Country Run. Friday Collection Area south of Wellington Street west of Yonge Street to Murray Drive including Trillium Drive. * Thursday Country Run -Bathurst from Wellington to St. John's East on St. John's to Hwy. 404. From st. John's to Wellington on Bayview & Leslie Street. Wellington St. from Bayview Avenue to Hwy 404. * Wednesday Country Run Vandorf Bloomington Sideroad from Yonge to Bayview and Leslie Street. Bathurst Bloomington Sideroad to Henderson. Sideroad and 404 including St. north of SCHEDULE "C" EXTENDED DEFINITION OF NON-COLLECTIBLE WASTE 1. "Non-collectible Waste• shall include any waste meeting any of the following descriptions: (a) A containerized waste (e.g., a drum, barrel, portable tank, box, pail, etc.). (b) A waste transported in a bulk tanker. (c) A liquid waste. (d) A sludge waste. (e) A waste from an industrial process. (f) A waste from a pollution control process. (g) Residue and debris from the cleanup of a spill or re- lease of chemical substances, commercial products or wastes listed in (a) through (f) or (h). (h) Contaminated soil, water, residue, debris and articles from the cleanup of a site or facility formerly used for the generation, storage, treatment, recycling, re- clamation or disposal of wastes listed in (a) through (g). (i) "Miscellaneous Special Waste• as defined in paragraph 2. ~2. "Miscellaneous Special Waste•. Any waste meeting the de- , .. scriptions which follow is a "non-collectible waste", but is referred to as "miscellanous special waste": (a) Chemical waste from a laboratory. (This is limited to discarded containers of laboratory chemicals, lab equipment, lab clothing, debris from lab spills or cleanup and floor sweepings). (b) Articles, equipment and clothing containing or conta- minated with poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB'S). (Ex- amples are: PCB capacitors or transformers, gloves or aprons from draining operations, empty drums that for- merly held PCB's, etc. Note: PCB solids, semi-solids (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) - 2 - or liquids delivered in bulk or laneous special waste", but waste). drums are not "miscel- are "non-collectible" •Empty• containers of waste commercial products or chemicals. (This applies to a portable container which has been emptied, but which may hold residuals of the product or chemical. Examples of containers are: portable tanks, drums, barrels, cans, bags, liners, etc.) Asbestos containing waste from building demolition or cleaning. (This applies to asbestos-bearing waste insulation materials, such as wall board, wall spray coverings, pipe insulation, etc. Note: asbestos- bearing industrial process waste is a "special waste•, but not a "miscellaneous special waste"). Commercial products or chemicals: off-specification, outdated, contaminated or banned. (This also includes products voluntarily removed from the market place by a manufacturer or distributor, in response to allegations of adverse health effects associated with product use). Residue and debris from cleanup of spills or releases of a single chemical substance or commercial product or a single waste which would otherwise qualify as a mis- cellaneous special waste. (Note: residue and debris from spills or releases not meeting this definition are "special waste" not "miscellaneous special waste"). Waste from a medical practitioner, hospital, nursing home, medical testing laboratory, mortuary, taxider- mist, veterinarian, veterinary hospital or animal test- ing laboratory. (This includes any waste produced at these facilities, except residue from incinerators, septic tank pumpings or waste water treatment sludges which are all •non-collectible wastes•, but not "mis- cellaneous special wastes•. Note: discarded chem- icals from the above facilities should be treated as "chemical waste from a laboratory•, as provided in subsection 2(a) above). Animal waste and parts from slaughterhouses or render- ing plants. (This includes wastes from fur or leather products manufacturers, which are •special wastes"). -3 - (i) Waste produced by the mechanical processing of fruit, vegetables or grain. (This includes such wastes as rinds, hulls, husks, pods, shells, and chaff. Food processing wastes which are aqueous· or sludges, or which have been contaminated with dyes, additives or preservatives are "special waste•, but not "miscella- neous special waste"). (j) Pumpings from septic tanks used exclusively by dwelling units. (Single family homes, duplexes, apartment buildings, hotels or motels). (k) Sludge from a publicly owned sewage treatment plant serving primarily domestic users. (i.e., with no substantial industrial or chemical influent). (1) Grease trap wastes from residences, restaurants, or cafeterias not located at industrial facilities. (m) Washwater wastes from commercial car washes. (Note: this does not include facilities used for washing the exterior of bulk chemical or waste tank trucks or for washing out the interior of any truck). (n) Washwater wastes from commercial laundries or laundro- mats. (Note: this does not include waste from a dry- cleaning facility or waste from a commercial laundry used by an industry to wash chemical-contaminated clothing from its workers; but such wastes are "non- collectible wastes"). (o) Chemical-containing equipment (Example: cathode ray tubes, light tubes, etc). removed from service. batteries, fluorescent (p) Waste produced from the demolition or dismantling of industrial process equipment or facilities contaminated with chemicals from the process. (Note: chemicals or wastes removed or drained from such equipment or facil- ity are "non-collectible wastes"). (q) Closed cartridge filters from dry-cleaning establish- ments. (Such fi 1 ters being used to fi 1 ter used dry- cleaning fluids or solids). 1134G/15