BYLAW - Sale of Lands - 19900613 - 319490' . BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO APPROVE the sale of certain lands by the corporation of the Town of Aurora to Park Place Manor Limited WHEREAS by virtue of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale entered into by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, as Vendor, and Park Place Manor Limited, as Purchaser, pursuant to Section 193(1) of The Municipal Act, R.s.o. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, (a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A") the corporation of the Town of Aurora has agreed to convey part of those lands locally known as the "waterworks property" described as Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Plan 1B, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (hereinafter called the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS, in consideration of the aforesaid transfer of lands, Park Place Manor Limited has agreed to pay to the corporation of the Town of Aurora the Purchase Price of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00); NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the Lands are no longer required by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for municipal purposes. 2. That the Lands be sold to Park Place Manor Limited for the consideration of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ~''''' ($105,000.00) and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 3. The Town Solicitor is hereby this By-law to be registered registry office. authorized to cause a copy of against the Lands in the proper ' 4. The Town Clerk and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign and execute under seal of the corporation of the Town of Aurora all documentation necessary to effect the disposition of the Lands to Park Place Manor Limited. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 16th DAY OF ]\{ay:c~; 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th DAY OF June , 1990. CLERK } t 1:::..1-:J•C.Q ll'.WI"I l..lUWI..:..li'IU!-''D-I'I':f""l-'lnl;. IU r.I:::.!D ,,_, SCHEDULE "A" NO'rWITHSTANDING anything contained to the contrary in this Agreement of PUrchase and Sale the following provisions shall apply: 1. The Purchaser hereby directs the Vendor to hold the deposit of Ten Thousand Five Hundred ($10,500.00) Dollars in connection with this transaction in trust. If reasonably possible the deposit shall be placed in an interest bearing account, with any accrued interest on same to be credited to tlle Purchaser as soon a.s reasonably possible after closing. The Vendor assumes no liability for the payment of interest and the Purchaser acknowledges that the Vendor may not be capable of placing the deposit in any interest bearing account. 2. This Offer is conditional upon the rezoning of the Property to an institutional designation permitting the construction of a multi- unit retirement residence, and upon site specific zoning By-Law No. 3182-90 dated April 25, 1990 being final and binding on or before the date of closing. All costs incurred by the Purchaser in attaining the rezoning shall be the full responsibility of the Purchaser and the Vendor agrees to cooperate with the Purchaser in its effort to obtain the rezoning at the Purchaser's sole expense. 3. On or before closing the Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees to 4. execute, deliver and register on title a duly authorized Quit Claim Deed, i.n the form attached hereto as Schedule "D", to any rights the Purchaser has with respect to those lands legally described as Part of Lot 6, Part of Reserve Registered Plan lB, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, designated as v Parts 2, 9 and 10 on Reference Plan 65R-6064. ¥-// On or before closing the Vendor covenants and agrees to execute and deliver a duly authorized Quit Claim Deed in registrable form to any rights the Vendor has with respect to those lands legally described as Part of Lots 4 and 5 east side of Yonge street and ~ .. ) -·-.:~;.JU!"''I-I::::.Ib\1~~1::::.1' I:::JJ•C:"::I lt<::UI'I LlUWL!I'ILl' --~''!t<::HIHY IU t-'.I::H .¥' • i"•·· '· - 2 - part of Reserve, all on Plan lB, designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-10233, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York together with all rights of way appurtenant thereto. 5. The Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees that the Vendor shall retain the following easements in perpetuity after the Purchaser has taken legal title to the Property: 6. I. A 1. 5 metre wide strip of land running in an ea.st to west: direction across the entire property located at or near the north limit of the Property to establish an unimpeded easement allowing for pedestrian travel. II. A 3.0 metre wide strip of land in, over, through and on the Property to access and maintain the existing watermai.n located on the Property. The said easements shall be in a form satisfactory to t.he Vendor's solicitors, and shall be in a location in, over, thrm1qh and on the Property suitable to the vendor in its absolute discretion. The Purchaser shall at its sole expense pay any and all costs relating to the execution, delivery and reg:i.stration on title of the said easements, including, but not limited to, the costs associated with the preparation and deposit of a Refere.nce Plan prepared by a duly qualified Ontario Land Surveyor which sets out the legal description of the said easements in registrable form. This obligation shall survive closing. The Purchaser hereby covenants and agrees that the Vendor shall exercise, or caused to be exercised, architectural control over the design and construction of any buildings on the Property. Prior to the construction of any buildings on the Property and prior to the issuance of any building permit the Purchaser agrees to submit to the Vendor for review a site plan drawing containing a sufficiently detailed depiction of the exterior of any proposed buildings for the Vendor to the determine that the proposed · JUN--'06"'1990' 09: 30 FROM GOWLI NG, STRATHY TO 7274993 P.08 i .• -3 - buildings will be of an architectural standard which is satisfactory to the Vendor in its sole discretion. The Purchaser agrees not to construct any buildings without the express prior written confirmation and consent of the Vendor and any controlling architect that all architectural standards have been met, such confirmation and consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 7. The Property shall remain at the risk of the Vendor and the Vendor shall hold all insurance policies until closing as it deems advisable in its absolute discretion. S. On closing of this Agreement of Purchase and Sale, the Purchaser hereby further covenants and agrees to deliver a duly authorized Full and Final Release in the form annexed hereto as Schedule "B", and any other documentation which the Vendor may reasonably require to establish that the legal action of I.E.M. Management Limited, {now CEBY Management Limited), against the Vendor commenced under Supreme Court of Ontario file no. RE 1992/88 will be dismissed on consent without costs, to whl.ch order the Vendor undertakes to consent in writing. 9. The Vendor hereby further covenants and agrees to direct the sum of $5,000.oo to Gerry Copley on closing and successful completion of this Agreement of Purchase and Sale in consideration for Mr. Copley's agency services. Upon receipt of the said $5,000.00 payment Mr. Copley shall execute a release of all claims he may have against the vendor and the Property. The said release shall be the form annexed hereto as Schedule "C". if'"'' ·~~ I . :~ ) '"'\,,,) 10. The Vendor agrees to provide the following documents on closing: 1. Transfer/Deed of Land in registrable formr 2. Undertaking to readjust; 3. Statement of Adjustmentsr 4. Appropriate authorizing by-laws in registrable form; n IU '12'(433.3 P.03 - 4 - ' s. Quit Claim Deed in registrable form to the lands abutting the Property owned by CEBY Management Limited (fo~~erly the I. E.M. Management Limited) in the form annexed hereto as Schedule "D". • t . New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: O'fE & DURHAM CO. I..IMITEO Form No. 985 Document General D Form 4-Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See Schedule D (1) Registry ~ (3) Property ldentlfter(s) Land Titles 0 ~ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Block Property ) Additional: See 0 Schedule (4) Nature of Document BY-LAW (Section 193 of The Municipal Act) (5) Consldaratlon NIL Dollars$ (6) Description Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Registered Plan lB, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York (b) Schedule for: Additional (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch D Description D Parties D Other ~ BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA is attached. ( (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) . Signature(s) Continued on Schedule 0 Date of Signature Y M D ' THE CORPORATIO~. OF THE TOWN OF AURORA COWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON i : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. : ..... ! ... r .. BY ITS SOLICITORS: Per: tl990 :03 i ................................................. :r·a·.;~~. e:·." wi'ii~{,gh.by ........ i ....... "!'. '1 ' ' ' ' . • • • • •'' • •' '• •''' • •'' • •''' • •'''''' • • • • • • •' • •' •' • • • • • • • • • •' • • • • •' • • • • • • • • • ~ •' •' 'l' • ·\· • • I l l l I ' ' ' ' ' ' (11) Address for Service 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) , •. Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D . . • • . • . . . . . • . . • . . . • • . . . . . . • . • . • • . • r . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED 10174 (12/84) ' (15) Document Prepared by: JAMES C. WILLOUGHBY COWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON Barristers and Solicitors 3800 Commerce Court West Toronto, Ontario M5L lJ3 111 --------~Fe=e=s~arn=d~T~ax~--------­>it ..J z Registration Fee 01-.::....._ ___ 1------- w "' ~~~------~---------­w () ~1~----------~------------- ~~~========F========== ~ Total I . ' • f ' BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO APPROVE the sale of certain lands by the corporation of the Town of Aurora to Park Place Manor Limited WHEREAS by virtue of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale entered into by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, as Vendor, and Park Place Manor Limited, as Purchaser, pursuant to Section 193(1) of The Municipal Act, R.s.o. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, (a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A") the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has agreed to convey part of those lands locally known as the "waterworks property" described as Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Plan 1B, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (hereinafter called the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS, in consideration of the aforesaid transfer of lands, Park Place Manor Limited has agreed to pay to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the Purchase Price of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00); NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the Lands are no longer required by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for municipal purposes. 2. That the Lands be sold to Park Place Manor Limited for the consideration of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00) and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 3. The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the Lands in the proper registry office. 4. The Town Clerk and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign and execute under seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documentation necessary to effect the disposition of the Lands to Park Place Manor Limited. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS DAY OF MARCH, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF ' 1990. J. WEST, MAYOR C. E. GOWAN, CLERK l ---~, ' . ~ii ~;ovmce ~ Ontano >--' z 0 w {f) :::l '9 .. .... ::l a: 0 .. New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: OYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 Document General D Foi'ITI 4-land Registration Retonn Act, 1984 Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See Schedule D (1) Registry E9 (3) Property ldentlller(s) Land Titles 0 ~ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Block Property ) Additional: See 0 Schedule (4) Nature of Document BY-LAW (Section 193 of The Municipal Act) (5) Consideration NIL Dollars$ (6) Description Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Registered Plan lB, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York (b) Schedule for: Additional (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch D Description 0 Parties 0 Other ~ BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA is attached. (9) This Document relates to instrument number( a) (10) Party(les) (Set oul Slatus or lnlerest) Name(s) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY ITS SOLICITORS: Signature(s) Continued on Schedule 0 Date of Signature Y M D ' l : •.... 1 •• ·:· •. l 1990 ·o 3 i ..... : .. ·i·. "I . : : . . . . . : . . ' \ . . . ~ Per: James c. Willoughby : i : ' ~~~--------------------------------------------------~~~· ' <11 lAddress 81 Industrial Parkway North, for Service (12) Party(les) (Set oul Slatus or lnlerest) Name(s) Aurora, Signature(s) Ontario L4G 6Jl Date at Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i .. (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED ' (15) Document Prepared by: JAMES C. WILLOUGHBY 111 Fees and Tax ~-~~~~--~~~~--------5 Registration Fee GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON Il----------l------- Barristers and Solicitors ~ll-------i'-------- 3800 Commerce Court West w (J it Toronto, Ontario MSL 1J3 ~IF==========F=========== 0 Tollll ~--------------------~----------------------/ l~ 10174 (12/84) . ' .. -: BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO APPROVE the sale of certain lands by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora to Park Place Manor Limited WHEREAS by virtue of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale entered into by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, as Vendor, and Park Place Manor Limited, as Purchaser, pursuant to Section 193(1) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, (a copy of which Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A") the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has agreed to convey part of those lands locally known as the "waterworks property" described as Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Plan 1B, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (hereinafter called the "Lands"); AND WHEREAS, in consideration of the aforesaid transfer of lands, Park Place Manor Limited has agreed to pay to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the Purchase Price of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00); NOW THEREFORE the Council of the corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That the Lands are no longer required by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for municipal purposes. 2. That the Lands be sold to Park Place Manor Limited for the consideration of One Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($105,000.00) and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 3. The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the Lands in the proper registry office. 4. The Town Clerk and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign and execute under seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora all documentation necessary to effect the disposition of the Lands to Park Place Manor Limited. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS DAY OF MARCH, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS DAY OF , 1990. J. WEST, MAYOR C. E. GOWAN, CLERK ! ' I. - / >--' z 0 w Ill p " ' - j a: 0 u. New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: OY€ !. OUFIHAM CO. LIMIT€0 Form No 985 Document General D FonY! 4 -land Registration Reform Ac~ 1984 Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See Schedule 0 (1) Registry ~ (3) Property Identifier( a) (4) Nature of Document land Titles 0 I (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Block Property BY-LAW (Section 193 of The Municipal Act) (5) Consideration NIL Dollars$ (6) Description J Additional: See 0 Schedule Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Reserve Registered Plan lB, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference Plan 65R-6062 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York (b) Schedule lor: Additional (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch 0 Description 0 Parties 0 Other ~ BY-LAW NO. 3194-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA is attached. . Continued on Schedule 0 (9) This Document relates to Instrument number( a) l (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) THE CORPORATIO~OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY ITS SOLICITORS: .............. P~~! .............................. . James c. Willoughby <11 )Address 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl for Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M 0 ' ' ' ' "" 'o; i 1 ..... ! .. ·\·. Date of Signature Y M 0 /'''c, i --~·. '\, .......................... . (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED 10174 (12/84} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' (15) Document Prepared by: JAMES C. WILLOUGHBY _ 1111 Fees and Tax ,::'1---....:..:::::.::...:;.:::....:.:::.... __ _ -' z Registration Fee GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON ~lf------+------- Barristers and Solicitors oo 3800 Commerce Court West Toronto, Ontario MSL 1J3 '---------------------~ ~1~---------f---------­w () tt 0 :siF======+====== l~ Total New Property Identifiers WWWI-11~W·. W 11-...0111 II Document General 0 Form 4 -~-11(1 Rtglstrouon Refonn Act, 1fl84 Additional: s.. 0 Schedule (1) Reglttl)' ij!J (3) Properiy lderitlfhlrjs) (4) Nalllro of Document Land THies Q r (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Block Property BY-LAW (Section ]93 of The MunicipDl Act) Additional: ... 0 Scho<lulo ~====---·-----~---------~--------1 (5) Conolde,..llon NIL Dollars$ (6) Doi!Crlpllon Part of Lot 6, Eastside of Yonge Street and Part of Reserve all on Plan tB designated as Parts 2, 9 and ro on Reference Plan 65R-6064 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York lllf<E=x~~.,,~~n~.~---------------------------­~~----~~~==--~~~~~------------~ (7) This (a) Redescription i (b) Schedule for: Adc:titlonal: Document Ngw Easement Additional See 0 Contains: Plan!Skeleh O Deoerlptlon 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:--~S~c-ha~d~u~I• _____ _L __________________________ _ (8) Thto Document provides •• follow•: Portles O Other lZJ ----------< I BY-LAW NO . OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA is attached. .-·""'-"'"'\ l i ! I •• "·'~"" Continued on SctiedUle 0 ~===::-.-::::;~==::-::::-===:-:---------~--------~­l (9) Thlo Doeumt>nt Mlatos to lnttrumt>nt numoor(s) ~ ;>;;;;::-;;-:=;::;-=-=-;::~~~=:::--------------------------·---~---<_ (10) Party(leo) (Set ovt Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(S) Date CJf $iQnature v M \.1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA GoWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON! .. ' .. '' ... '''. ' ...... '-....... '. i-.. '.: Per: ............ . . ; . . - James c. Willoughby 990 03 : t...~=~----------------------------'---------....._--1 (11) A<ld.-..o . forSorviC<I 8! Industrlal l?arkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6JI >(~1~2)~P=a-rty(~I~K~)~(~S~~~o-u~t~S~ta~tu_s_o_r~ln~t-er-e~~~)----------------------------------------,--------------------------------------~ Name(s) (13) Add"'"" for S@rvlce (14) Municipal Addrnss of PrOJ)(!rty NOT ASSIGNED Signa~ure(s) (15) Doeu"""'t Pr<!pare~ by: JAMES C. WILLOUGHBY GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON Barrist@rs and Solicitors 3800 Commerce Court W@st Toronto, Ontario MSL ]J3 Fees and Tax~'---------:; - z Registration Fee olr-~------~------------311~----------+-------------w 0 ~If-----------~------------- ~~~====~~~===-~====== 0 "-Tol81 ' 0 IU r .. 11-.:J ,<Jr.._ ~ <h ~\ ~· f" ~· SCREPULE "B" FULL AND FINAL REI.El\SE IN CONSIDERATION of the closing of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale dated the day of , 1990, (the "Agreement") by The Corporation Of the Town of Aurora (the "Corporation") relating to those lands legally described as Part of Lots 6, 7 and s, Part of Reserve Registered Plan lB, designated as Part 1 and 3 on Plan 65R- 6062 in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the "Property"), at a stipulated purchase price of ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE THOUSAND ($105,000.00) DOLLARS the undersigned hereby releases the Corporation from any and all claims, actions, causes or demands the undersigned may have against the corporation arising from the submission of a tender and proposal to the Corporation dated November 21, 1986. DATED at this day of , 1990. CEBY MANAGEMENT LIMITED Per: Name: Title: • IU l . .l.L SCHEDULE "C" FULL AND FINAL RELEASE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment to the undersigned of the sum of FIVE ($5 1 000.00} DOLLARS (Cdn.} the undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges The Corporation of the Town of Aurora and those lands legally described as Part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Part of Registered Reserve Plan lB, being Parts 1 and 3 on Plan 65R-6020 (the "Property"} from any and all claims, actions, causes of action or demands the undersigned may have against the Corporation of the Town of Aurora arising from the sale of the Property to Park Place Manor Limited. DATED at this day of ' 1990. ---·····-·-~----------~-------- Gerry Copley } I 09=27 "'! ) ' FRCIM , LiUWLl Nli , ~ I ~H I HY ILl OFFER TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE "llwe PARK PLACE MANOR LIMITED OVE 6 01JA)ojAM GO liMIT(!;"· t<;><..., Nc., ~·t ~~ x.,:,oo'. (as F'vrcMas~r) MviPI) inspected the Proo~rty hereby .JgrM to and with THE CORPORATION OP THt TOWN OF AURORA is<;~ V~t\dOf). ~-. . . . . . . land situate on :o P""""" '" ano Singular tno ,11,1i,MS'it'J:rlPoo1'th'i,.":'·. th.e ... e a.s t s;oe o1 ,'l Qn9e S t re.e,t , .··("''\'"'""Town ,.,f Aurora, Regional.llunicipality of 01 York,. legally described as !'art · .. !J ..•. 1., \6, 7 andSl?art of Reserve Plr,n. lB, being Parts 1 and 3, Plan 6SR-6062 (herein ':! t-"':;,. c:alled. :'.the Property') lilelliiil'<ll.illoll''l~¥>.15,;>~~" . '.,,jJral$iil!o~~!l"l&~lO~ l\,JS.f!"~l!'~il'.lfaboul lil~1i!.li'X lfelf,a' X X l\./!i 'lli., X . ~~il!l~-111<1( X York Re9ion (No. 65) at the prlc~.t Of ~urn Qf ONE HUNDRED AND fiVE THOUSAND------------------105,000.00 Oollars ($ . . 1 TEN THOUSAND, FI~~~---------------------------10 500 on ::$:~~::~ti.liM cheque 10 ~he slf~O\Mo/o~ this dat~ ~s ~ ~~posll ~o ~e held In trvst ~~~~·i~~ co~~~~;i~~ or othe~ t~r~in~;ion of th~s0::;:~~~n~. ~~; ~·~ ~e cr~dite: on accoun( Of (':wchase mon~y on cloSing, 3M COvenant, ptOmi$€ and agr~~ ',o p a y t h. e b a 1 an C e 0 f t h e p U r c h a S .e )? r i C e of to the V~ndor by certified chequ~ on closing subject to the usual adjustments. S.ee Sehedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreem,.nt of Purchase and Sale. Also see Schedule "B" Purchase and Sale. attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement of / f PROVIDeO !M title rs. goOd and free from a!l enCUM'IbrMc~s. ex(:e~t as afores~iCI. ar'ld exceptloeal fates anc:' minot ;oasements for Mydro. g~~. tei~~MM! or lr!-:e .services to tM Property: sa1d trtfe to be examined by the Purchaser 31 his own expti"'S9. and the P'orchaser no\ to eatl tor the prQdi,telion of any !ille C!Md. abstract of t1\IG". surveY. proof or e-videnCB of til hi!. otMf than those 11"l Yemdor's p!)SM·ssion or vnde-r his conlfol: aM provrded tM s~Me hav;; beel"' COrilDired wit~. tM Purchaser 10 <ICC.,.PI the Pr>:~pe-r\y 'f'i!~\~~o fvl,M_'ncCfa' 'e~~g'~~-il'l~rglil1~b,t~i~f2f'~ij'in¥c;l~w'!lllf~~"~~4f!f;nts 3.!; above-mantiOMd. and to restrictions and r;:oven-ll'>t:; that rwn w1\h !"lS lan-~ Thirty (30) The Pvr<:;l"las~r to be :allowed : . . days from the date of aec~otance ol thiS Offer lo inve.s1igoue the title at hiS own expens-e . .a!'ld i! w1thrn (h3\ irl'l1e he snan furnish the V(I:MOr m Wtlhl"'g with any vahct ObJSc!IQn to ;he title, or to any outs!.;mding MuniCip~;~l work ~rders or detlc;iel"lCY.I'lOtlces aHeetil'lg :he Propel'\y. 01 ;'lon-cornoil.;mr;:~ wtth 1,01'111'!9 'Oy-taws. or tMt the preStl"'t use of the Property maY 1'101 be 1awluny contmueQ, or that the b1,11ldings M the !)rop~rty may not oe in.sured a~a:nst r1Sk of f~re. Wh1Ch !he '(enoor :;hall be UMble or unwilling 1~ remove or ct~rrect, and Wh1Ch th~ I='_U!Cha:;er will not warve. thl~ Agreement shall, notwith::otandtng '·"'"'Y •r'll'='medr.'i'.P .~c!s or nego\1aMr'ls. be null and votd and th~deposrl mon~y returnee!\¢ the Pt.JrcMser without inte~st o~ oeouction. ana the Vttl"lOOr and the AgMI r;;hail not oe i·Mf~ tor ar<y COSISOr damagH. Save as to My v«<idobJetti¢t'l so m.r;~f;!e-withm such l1me. !he Purchaser s!'IM be coneti.JStv~!y deemOO lo have a~\'f:PIM iM title of lhe '.'<?r'H:JOr ;c :""~e Pro:;o'>r:y c!.<.·:r, . . . I. if any .. ,.<, ·\Vendor herttDy Consents to the mun!CIDality rl;.'!eMing tO ihli! purc!"iaser details ot all ou!St!ilnding Mun1c1pal wor~ crders or deliC;IO,Cy r.oL•ces,af!0Cionlj :'1e Pr·:JOf.r:y \Aareemel'lt s.MU be comp!oted on ar QefOf~ the ~ 14th day Of June 19 9 O on w~rch date vacar"~t possess enol it\" }~rty 1S •o be g1Y~rt \o the PurcMser unless ¢t/'t~rwr~e prov1ded lor heren"', \~~~""'\ t:tlltt1 ~~~ e.f ~ <&~l<titf'll!!ftnt~~"'!'r.teftt"'&~~..,~poel'4y~llJ::Ie..aodJQI'Itili.C. a.t. tbGJie;k..Q~ ~~Pitit-t~~~I!M~~ItT'Idoo"""""t+to+ct-e.t~·'O'!~ trl'tf'l""-'~l"ret"' e~~t'l!'d-on tt~~r-af'lct-~~,l'ti'C.'el;!'l!l~~~ef tA .ff~.HJ\4oF.t~at~s;.I'IOr~a. as...&l"'$t-.t~~)"'~~M.-ITT;~ 'e'Jefl'l" M d'am~~i¢' fl'l6-s~~rt'l:lr~~ .lT'Id"~al'p'tilr=nt' !::eft.~ lf'!e-e~h!ol~fo;~~!t(ie'l~tf~M?.PI!Ifei'IMI/!.I'f' ~~~e-~~~t-t~~ te o$alr!oe~~~~~-..o.~WJ. j;j;,~ehM&.-&r-E!eA&el4h+$-A."'9e-~t~~t'le,.._ tl'l~~~l'rti;H--~ '@~f.lelifoto-r.biJ.loor~ll:ii'AT wimooH-~M er-EI~i:iel!io4."9f..e~~~Jotel'et-&f~i~ .;n-e.~~~ "'~~~'"~ if any UM.ltMd l1re •n&1.1rance prem1\Jms. fuet. ta:.:es. il'l\er~:lit. rJi!n\a!s and allloca.l im,rovem4i!nts al"ld water rl:'liJ.'/to r;;.e proportioned and dllawed to the cL~I"' 'Jf ·:ornc'~ll0'1 Q( S;J.I.;o acting reasonably iransfer 1 Dee<;~ to M prepared 3! tM expense Olt!'te Vo:>nQor 11'1 a fc>rm acceotable to the Purchaser's Solicitor. ari~·t-a-€1oioa~r!o¥M""I~s-to-be -got~r'l"'b!!ct.~<'!'tl""!'!' ~~'i!""­ Pf~3-C9'i <at~ WIJo&MO Q1~ ~~Gfi-a-'o~~&l""'&o~ASI),I'&-$(}~~ TM tfansl~r I 0Md to be given to tile PureMser sh@ll cof'ltain Iii $\"'tement corn~l9ted by thii' Vel"lc:tOr and the Vendor'!; SoliCitor pursual"'t to Seclion 49(21a) ol tM Pia.nn~r':g Act 1983. Purchaser Th1S A9r~ement $h!J.I1 be e1feci1Ye 10 create ,;~n rnt~J-rest ir'l the rea! prot:~erty only rf !he ~pphcable lal"!d division provisions ot tM P'!Mning Act ~r~ cemphe-[1 w1th. and \1"~,;-n~ a9rees. a! hiS expense. \0 COrr'lply With Sl.l~h OrOvisions anO 10 proc:eed d1ligsntty With :M ~ppl!catlon fer SI.,ICI"l COmplidnCe. The V~nd9r, or-or beiQr' ~¢mpletran. w1!1 prOduce evrdence tha.! l)e IS !10\ !"OW. and voon cott'lPietlol"' wrtl not oe. a ''I"!OI"'·'~Sident person·· w~t!'l•l'l ~he-"l"l'l'a.::-or~g ~nc: 'OI ~~~ Durpo~es Qf $e-<:;il0r, T1e Ol 11'\e lr'tCome TJ.ll AC! Of CanaOa or •f he·~ .;1 "r,()n•r<!&tdel'l! D~~Mt'l ., WI I! lv!ly com~ly W1lh lhe OfOYISIOn$ vi S!}ct·OI"l 1 16 -~I ~h"' s.a•d Ac: 8r·~r :o o::c:•rT·~''!!•or I / 3 ;''fUNc;06"'1990 09: 28 FROM GOWL ING, .. .STRRTHY TO 7274333 P.05 ' . . Jif:?J*?--:/· .. /"~ · w~,/-~--<: f . "" . . -~j~f~·8estdene0 and or Value of 11'19 considerstlon reqvlr~ vndfi'r the Land transf~r Tax Act shall be pre~arM by the Purchaser rt is agr_eeo that thm"' is :1() r~~~:-?:Mf\\<111\.lrl, warral"lty. collateral "~reement or condit•OI"l atfe<::tmg thiS Agreem~nt or th{l: r>roDerty or svpportM n~reby other thM dS expressea here1r'l 11'l wn11ng Any t{lll'ld9r of doc~.Jment~ or mor~ey her~under m\ii.Y !)~ MM9 uDon the-Y~!ldor or P'urel'laser or upon the Sotieitor acting fof the party on whom \~l'lder il:l desired. and it gh(-(!1 ~~ ~ufflcll;'~t th~t Cl t1egot1abte certified ch!;'(11,1~ be it:ndered m:::teM of cash. ~~en C8rty \o pay :he costs of r~istration an(l IM~~ on his own o'oeum~nts. ., IN WITNESS WHeREOF SIGNED. SeALSC AND OJ;:L,IVeFtE:O m the pr~~~nce o 1 this M:ve her~ut"Jto Ml . day of and se:!!l. PARK PLACE MANOR LIMlTED PUrchaser r :we. MrMy accept the ;;~bov~ Offer a!"ld it<;~. term~. ~rid covenant promise and agree to and with the abovr-nam"'~f,!M~~~;u:r \Q Qvly carry out ;h~ :S3.r:'l~ on the terms and coMitiOns above ,...,eNionM. and we Mreby accept\he o~posit.of $. 10 r SOO • 0.0 .. ~:a~ad~~ .. ~~~»¥ ~.}!:.XXX~~J~~X,~~ "'";)( lllt~OIPK »lXX XX X Wol' l!ol<i'll?' IW"~"'"""~i!' '!<.!' ~ ~oHIY~ ~&lti'!Wll~lfol'~~ ~~ lS;;><,J&~~dh~ ~ ~»J; ~ii<l;,iHiillm"~iliii!OX X -'f'he Sooos~ o! the Vendor M'et>y COI'lsents to the 'S~ItS of the Property 3.M agrees to Join iM IM~ conveyenc~ thereof. (Sf11~~ <JUI ~/J:N<' i "'" ~P.'''' I!·'Yt·! . oAreo AT AURORA this O~y Of 19 90 . have nereul"\to ::>81 dnd seal. SIGN EO THE CORPORATION Of THE TOWN OF AURORA In the !~10·· :?er~ ,,,;,!]<;< ·),:.' I Mrgby t~cknow!edge ~t;tceipt Cl a signed copy of tl'li~ accepted Agree-mttl"lt of Purch.~;~se ano S"J~ Addres:s: il!llephOna No GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON Vendor's Solicitor i Barrilters and Solie tors 3900 Commerce Court West, \'eM(.'r T 1 t 1 ,;-. Vendor (f~if1x Se;;l; Title I hereby aei<.MwiM~H~ rooeipt of ~ !:iqnM COD>' d ~hi~ ~ccept~tl Agre,?m~•>t ,:J1 Purchas~ ;;~nd S~.l~. Dctl-B Addr!OISS:. Purcha~~f'~ Solicitor Tordftto, Ofttario MSL 1 J3 Jamee c. Wl J.lough}.iY No. (416) ~ ...... '{"'''\ l.tt1 l t -~~~( 862-3519 :> "o CJ "' ;:l: 8 " "' 0 0 t-< g ~ ,_. '" "" " w 0 () . "' !? g "" " OJ " " r1" ..... 0 ~ "' "" " )" ::1:1 "' m 7< m !!!: 'U m 0 t-< z "'11 )" ..... "TI () 0 m t" ::1:1 "TI d :>:: , I, :> z d c:: , II 0 ::1:1 (') c:: "' % ::1:1 'I t-< > (') II H en % :.: m > ., H > Ill .., rn t" ;;!: t:! 0 ~ • a • I ii ~ 0 I 0 • • a . ' ' :;:: . i 1: 'i ~ a. •I I ~ "" " n ::.;" 1! ii ., ! ~ (f) d :> ., "" •fJ r m