BYLAW - OPA #56 - 19900604 - 3195901~03 {08/88) ,® Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affaires municipales June 4, 1991 Colleen E. Gowan Clerk Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora · ontardso L4G 6Jl '':~:: ;c,,,,,,, Dear Mr. Gowan 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Re: Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora File No: 19-0P-0025-056 On May 31, 1991 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. Yours truly, ~Q~ Laura la~otta Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c.c. Region LSRCA MOE MNR CN OMAF ,, '"" 0/[ t6 tCifilf/~SUe .90'7 / , -/11;fit:S. ().o( 777, rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 ;-. ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 56 BY-LAW NUMBER 3195-90 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE 'IDWN OF AURORA 'Ihe Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, under Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 56 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. 'Ihe Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 56 for the Town of Aurora. 3. This By-law shall cane into fo=e and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 16th DAY OF __,_Ma""""-y ____ , 1990. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS --'-4 t-"'h"---DAY OF __ JUN_E ______ , 1990. / 9 Certified that the above J..S a true copy of By-law No • ., 21 9J -/0 as , enacted~~sed on~ ~ ----~--··--~----- ·-· of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora , 1990. AMENDMENT NO. 56 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA PLANNING AREA This Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date: /1qt--o5----%1 Diana L. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. ~= ---------------------SIGNATURE: ----------------------- .-: -, 1\MENDMENT NO. 56 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA 1\MENJ:MENT NO. 56 'IO THE OFFICil\L PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TCmN OF AURORA Index The Statement of CCillpOnents PARI' I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Amendment Location Basis of the Amendment PARI' II -THE 1\MENJ:MENT Introductory Statement Details of the Arrendment Implementation and Interpretation Page 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 - 1 - STATEMENT OF CCMPONENTS PART I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment. PART II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text amd Schedules constitutes Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. - 2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purp<?se of the Amendment The purpose of this amendment is to change the land use designation on the subject lands shown on Schedule "A" and "A-1" attached hereto and fonning part of this arrendment from "Rural" to "General Industrial" and "Major Open Space Specific" to pennit industrial use of the table lands and open space use of the floodplain lands. IDeation The lands affected by this amendment comprise Part of Lots 83, 84 and 85, Concession 1 E.Y.S. and are located to the south of St. John's Sideroad between the CNR tracks and the Holland River. Basis of the Amendment Council has enacted this amendment in response to the following: 1. The proposed redesignation of the subject lands is in keeping with the Town's anticipated use of the table lands for industrial purposes and would be compatible with the existing industrial land use to the south and the proposed industrial land uses to the east approved in the Secondary Plan for the Aurora East Industrial Estates (Official Plan Amendment No. 52). 2. The proposed amendment will penni t the intended extension of Industrial Parkway northward to St. John's Sideroad to proceed. 3. Details concerning the extent of the floodplain lands and the road alignment for the extension of Industrial Parkway have been resolved through consultation involving the applicant's consulting engineers, Town representatives and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. 4. The proposed amendment provides for an administrative change concerning the inte:rpretation of the location of the easterly boundaries of the lands affected by Official Plan Amendment No. 52, approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on October 6, 1989. •' -3- PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement All of this part of the docurrent entitled PART II -The Amendment, consisting of the following text and attached Maps designated Schedule "A" (Land Use Plan) and Schedule "A-1" constitutes Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Details of the Amendment The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby aJ!Ended as follows: Item (1) : Item (2) : The area indicated on Schedules 1 A 1 and 1 A-1 1 attached hereto and forming part of this aJ~Endment is hereby redesignated from "Rural" to "General Industrial" and "Major Open Space Specific". Section 4 (Land Use Plan and Policies) is hereby amended by adding Section 4 .13 as follows: "Section 4.13 Policies Applying to Part of Lots 83, 84 and 85, Concession 1 E.Y.S." The following policies shall apply to those lands shown on Schedule 1 A-1 1 : 1. General Industrial The lands designated as "General Industrial" shall be governed by the policies contained in Section 2. 2. 2 of the Secondary Plan for the Aurora East Industrial Estates (Official Plan Amendment No. 52). 2. Major Open SPace Specific The lands designated as "Major Open SPace Specific" shall be governed by the policies contained in Section 2. 2 • 6 of the Secondary Plan for the Aurora East Industrial Estates (Official Plan Amendment No. 52) • . ) ) -4- Implementation and Inte:rpretation The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be m accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan, Zoning By-law and Site Plan Agreements . AMENDMENT NO. 56 TO THE OFFlClAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNlNG AREA SCHEDULE 'A-1' · .. ! --... ' ·!'I -' ' '• . . ... NTS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , Explanatory Note 1<6: Official Plan Arnendrrent No. 56 Official Plan Arnendrrent No. 56 redesignates the lands shown below, being Part of IDts 83, 84 and 85, Concession 1 E.Y.S. from "Rural" to "General Industrial" and "Maj= Open Space Specific" in accordance with the policies contained in the Secondary Plan for the Aurora East Industrial Estates (Official Plan Amendment No. 52) for these designations. TOWN OF NEWMARKET APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUBJECf LANDS I /------~·~--------------1------C~O~N~C~E~S~S~I~O~N~----~I~W~--~----~C~O~N~C~E~S~S~I~O~N~ __ ~I=E~~====~C~O~N~C~E~S~S~I~O~N~~~~~--------~C~O~N~C~E~S~S~I~O~N~~I~II ____ ~~~ ::::: .. >'""' -"' 0 "' "' ,_ "' ,_ 0 z ,_ I REFERRED OMS N~ OPA N~ 30 ·---jfj NOT£ Till$ map •as aJn>Pif~ from corrected 04"~0 1 phDfol}l'apny and should ncl IH :Jcolllo . ' / I "'" ~ (\1:, ::!I I --1 I ... I "' "' "' ----! "' i "' I I ____ , ' -i "' i ' ----~i 0 "' "' I -I ---1 I "' ! -i ,_ i -I "' ! - "' ... ' ----i "'' Nl _, -i di z-; 0 ~----------------~~~~~~---- L['~ -8£RIItG OIFFERS ~ ,, C 0 N C E S S I 0 N -1 W----------cC--cO:-:N---c-CccE--cS-:S-:I-:O--cNc--~I-::Ec-------::C-::0-::N-:cC::cE=s-=s-:-I-::O-:-N:-----:-:I ~-------::C:-:0::-N:c-::C-::E:-:S::-S::-:-:1 0::-Nc:---:-1 :-:II _________ ~ :1 AMENDMENT No. 56 LEGEND r 1 1----1 URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOf\ PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY OR! NOTES DATED MAY 24, 197S THIS MLI.P MUST 9£ READ IN CONJUNCTIOr>! W•T..; T'-'£ TEXT :::-;:-T'-1£ INTERIM OFFICiAL PLAN 2 .O:.REAS AND LOCATIONS o• MAJOR INSTITUTION.:.~ A"'9 OPE"' SPACE D!:':SIGNATIONS WITHIN UNOEVELO?E: ,:.:;£;.5 ARE SYMBOLIC ONLY AND WILL SE DETERMINE: N .:. MORE PRECISE MANNER WHEN THE AREAS AR~ C•E'.'!::LOP!::V "OFFICE CONSOLIDATION'· SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF n AURORA PLANNING AREA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK PLANNING DEPt