BYLAW - Quit Claim Deed - 19900613 - 320290• BY-LAW NUMBER 3202-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to approve the execution of a Quit Claim Deed in favour of CEBY Management limited. WHEREAS by virtue of the Agreement of Purchase and Sa 1 e entered into by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, as Vendor, and Park P1 ace Manor limited, as Purchaser, pursuant to Section 193(1) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 19BO, Chapter 302, as amended, the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has agreed to convey part of those 1 ands 1 oca 11y known as the "waterworks property" described as Part of lots 6, 7, and 8, Part of Reserve P1 an 1B, designated as Parts 1 and 3 on Reference P1 an 65R-6062, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (hereinafter ca11ed the "lands"); AND WHEREAS in consideration of the afor~said transfer of lands, Park P1 ace Manor limited has agreed to pay to the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the Purchase Price of One Hundred and Five Thousand ($105,000.00) Do 11 ars. AND WHEREAS by virtue of the sa 1 e of the lands The Corporation has agreed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed with respect to those lands 1ega11y described as Part of lots 4 and 5 east side of Yonge Street and Part of Reserve a11 on Plan 1B designated as Part 1 on Reference Plan 65R-10233 together with a11 rights of way appurtenant thereto (the "Quit Claim lands"); NOW THEREFORE THE Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as fo11ows: 1. This Quit Claim is given to correct previous 1ega1 misdescriptions and - the Quit Claim lands are no longer required by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora for municipal purposes. 2. That the Quit Claim lands be deeded to CEBY Management limited for the consideration of Two ($2.00) Do11ars and in accordance with the terms of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. 3. The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the Quit C1 aim lands in the proper registry office. 4. The Town Clerk and the Mayor are hereby authorized to sign and execute under seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora a Quit Claim Deed of the Quit Claim lands. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 13th DAY OF June • 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th DAY OF June • 1990. i ' . ' THts INDBN"rURB ®~do induplicate the 17th day otMay,t!>!lO. 8 ETWEE N: CEBY • MANAGEMENT LIMITED, ' a rorporadon l.n90fp0ratcd under lhc Iaws of the Pi'<wlno6 cf Ontario • 11 . (heroinafter call~ the "Party of the Ftirst Part") ' ----! - ' . OF 'l'HE Fli\ST PART .. ·and· THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, {hereinafter called thf "Party of the Second Part") OP'THESBCONDPART ( /_ . . ... . · Wl.'rNBSSETH that in Qonsidmtion or the sum of TWO ($2.00) DOLLARS now l!ald by the .·---· Pany or the Second Pan to the Party or the Plrst Part, the receipt wheroof i$ he~ by him · aclaiowlcdgoct, he Ute aald P~ of the Flr$t Pan t~~ted, releMed. and. 9,\!ittocl claiin and by these presents DOTH ORANT, RELEA$B AND QUIT CLAIM unto the satd Party of the Second Pan, lils heJrs, executOrs, admlnls!rators, ~~~sora and usips f~et: · , All tho .estate, right, title, i~terest, olaim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equitj'or · otherwise howsotve: and whether In possession or expi!Qrancy of him the said Party of the FirSt Panor,in,tooroutof . -' ·• ·. 'lliOSE)Wids and ptomlsos located in the foUowtng municipality, namely, \; .· in the Town ofAuto!:'at i.n the Regional Mllnl~ipalll:)' of York , ~,~ and ~lns <:OinpQRd of Pan ofl.qt,.Ci. out side of Yonac Street ~d pan of R.,cscrve, all on P\rui .' '~/t • .. I 'i ,._ .. -. /~''. dtsl~rtat«t as Parts 2, 9 and 10 on lct'ttcn!le l>lan 6SR·~· "!_· .. ~· · · _1_ ·"""""''' ; __ , BTimR WlTH Ult appurtenances thereunto bc:!C>nams ot appei'taining. . · fu HAVE AND TO HOLD tho aforesaid land$ and premises with 'he appuncnam;es thereto 'belonglng or appol"'&&nlng unto and to the usc of tho said flany of the Sooond Pan; hts heirs, l executors, admmlstta!Ot$, successors and us!gns forever, · · · ' SUBJECT NEVBR1EEI...aSS to tho reservations,llmimfions, ptO\'lsoo~ and QOndidons expressed ~·~ ln tho ori!Pillll Orant thereof from tho crown. SIGNBD, SBAl..ED AND DEUV£RED In the presence of '\ ) ) ) FRlR: ) ) ) ) ?SR: ) ) ' I !I ..