BYLAW - Dedicate Land as Highway - 19900926 - 322890BY-LAW NUMBER 3228-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands for the purposes of a public highway. WHEREAS the lands hereinafter described were acquired by the former The Corporation of the Township ·of Whitchurch for highway purposes and became vested in The Corporation of the Town of Aurora on the 1st day of January, 1971 by virtue of the Regional Municipality of York Act and the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora as follows: 1. The lands described in Schedule "A", hereto attached, are hereby dedicated as a public highway and declared to form part of Wellington Street East (YR 15). 2. The said Schedule "A", hereto attached, shall form part of this by-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 26th DAY OF September • 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF September • 1990. Page 2 of Bylaw No. 3228-90 SCHEDULE "A" Lands in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York being composed of part of Lot 20 in Concession 3 of the said Town, which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the said Lot 20, distant 32 feet measured Southerly thereon from the North-West angle of the said lot; THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly limit of Lot 20, a distance of 32 feet more or less to the North-West angle of said lot; THENCE Easterly along the Northern 1 imit of said Lot 20, a distance of 100 feet to a point; THENCE South-Westerly, a distance of 105 feet more or less to the point of commencement, containing 1/27 of an acre more or less. The above noted lands were previously described in Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch. ·.•· _"';.:." ,, . ··.-·; ".'• ..... .· .. .", · ..... .. . ISl!I.'EL nLS!! of. tbe !cnrllllbi'P of 'lbit~bvab.ill tbe 'CoutJ of Yort;rarmer,( berei:aattelo ealiet . . :·· . .:. ~;~_!·::·::"' tbe Grentor)' -···: · gr mp;rrn: lPZ ' ;m: ooaprnu ta! o1r m ;nsm 011' mmg"WJ ( bereiD&ft~r oalled. the Grantee).· . , 9' m 1 E99nP D!Z . gepm '!#D ,wife· of tbe •11· a: sntor, 01!' mE SliD PAll!~: .· .... "·/ ..... : .. ·.··· :: Jluurautly that in consideration of !btftJ-f1Te••••••••••••••••••• ·,ss·.oa .... ···~··· .~ ....... ~ .... · .· .. ·~ .. ~ ... :·~ .. ~ ~~ ~·. ·-'Dollan· of':lawfnl money. of Ciwada.'now paid _by the said G.rlntee .to the said : ~rant'11" .. (the receipt whereof is hereby by bill . 'acknowledged); · · · 'the .aid G~iot: ·. i..tb ~-•. 1iDto the saidOrant..;C· in fee simple .. M:-•. ""m!ar that : . .,;,rl.tin~···~r~L:·;~fl~nd ~P~ · .' ·situate' lying and ~ing in 'tlbe !onebi'P -of 1V~11iabarab,O_o'IIJI1:J of ror&ol ... ::_, .......... · ., . ' o:r·o~tarl.o; '"' -" ' .. ·'· of. to11 1!0 111 -::· . lot" DO• 20. a-." distance of." One . ,· .. ~~ -2- !JIEIICZ south westerl:y. a distance of one hundred and five 1'eet(l05') more or less to the point of. aommenaing,aontain- ing one-twenty-eeventh(l/27) of an sore mare or less./ ,/ / // //" // / // / // ·' ,( h •~ oucoos!ors \1111 ltatt1' anb tn llw unto the said Gl'lllltee ita -heiR and nssigns, to and for 1 ts and their sole and only use ~r ever. Hjrrt !frllftllplnll to the reeervntions, ·limitations, provisoae and conditions, expressed in the original grant thereof from the Crown. 1- I 1- 000183 ililjt said Grantor GIIIDIIUII1Is with the said Grantee lJipd be ba s the right to convey the said lands to the said Grantee · notwithstand· ing any act of the said Grantor • ~ ililjat the 'aid Grantee_ shall have quiet possession of the said Ianda free from all incumbrances. ~ the said Grantor GliJIIfllaat o with the said Grantee that be will execute such further nssnrnnees of the said l~nds ns may be requisite. !\nh the sn.id Grantor QliJIIfllaal a with the said Grantee that be ha done no net to incumber the ~aid lands. ~ the sn.id Grantor claims upon the said lands, lltlrurs to the said Grantee And SARRI::T ?TRLSH the sata 'llife of the s&id :rantol' b..:reby bars ber dower in the mid lands. the said parties hereto have hereunto set ' ' i l j l l ·j i 1 I I I " ' ' 000184 YO!Ut 'l'o Wit: t. THAT 11'P ptnonal}y. present and· did aee the within 01' annexed I'D!ItnliDent and a Duplicate thor<~>! duly signed, sealed and executed by ISRAEL WilLS !I an!l l!I.RI!Il'l! \l'ELS!I two o f the parties thereto 2. That the e&ld Jnitnunent and Dapli8te were e:~:eeuted by·the said part i&a .attho ~-of~- 3. . That 1 know the said part i BS 4. That I am a mbeeribing witn~ to the said Instrument and Duplicate ··~-·---· ·---·· --· - • ,I- 000185 1no. ----=- ItJRADL 7tE!J31! ~ '"'-"'} -.l;o: ~ qret(\3~r.t"!""'~ Q':i" ~ fli"""Ng;tr.r OF ··r::"i'mq•mgQE: j I ·. .•f /l -.') .. '} .... _,.;:..~ . .,.- f "' 1 ... ·'-.>-,_ ;tCIJt1l;ll~•·••••••1"" ............ .............,. ........... .._.........-. '' .... _ .. D E E D OF L .\. II D ; '·-; ... '· . ' 40 ~.............. • ...... ,. ............. ____ .. Edward Oakes, Solicitor Phyllis Carlyle, Assistant Solicitor Elizabeth Wilson, Assistant Solicitor LEGAL DEPARTMENT '90 MOV 27 A11 :12 File No. 34-13.17C Town of Aurora 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl Attention: Mr. Larry Allison Clerk Dear Sir: 615 Davis Drive Suite202 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 2R2 Telephone: (416) 895-1231 • 362·2464 887-5188.731-0201 Telecopier: 895-3768 Mailing Address: Box 59 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 21st November, 1990 Re: Part of Lot 20, Concession 3 Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch Regional Road No. 15 Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of the 28th September, 1990. This is to advise that a certified copy of your By- Law Number 3228-90 was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 5th November, 1990 as No. 555479. ··v Yours truly, ~~~ EO:sc Regional Solicitor cc: Neil Embree, Esq. Director, Municipal Branch Edward Oakes, Solicitor Phyllis Carlyle, Assistant Solicitor Elizabeth Wilson, Assistant Solicitor File No. 34-13.17C Town of Aurora LEGAL DEPARTMENT i ', .91 r.Pi< 12 r~o :;13 81 Industrial Parkway North P.O. Box 8100 AURORA, Ontario L4G 6J1 Attention: Ms. Michelle Davis Dear Ms. Davis: Re: Dedication-YR 15 ------· 615 Davis Drive Suite 202 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 2R2 Telephone: (416) 895-1231 • 362-2464 887-5188 ° 731-0201 Telecopier: 895-3768 Mailing Address: Box 59 11th April, 1991 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 As requested, enclosed is a copy of By-Law No. 3228-90 which was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 5th November, 1990 as Instrument No. 555479. Yours truly, :sc for Regional Solicitor Enclosure -" ................ '" ..... ~ ....... c;ll u 4 -land Reglalrallon Relonn Acl, 1984 5554'79 Number ____ _ CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 1qqo NO'/ -5 /c, 10: 38 tORK REGICII~ rio, 85 ;IIWMARUI Lionel Rtlltlrlt Naw Property ldonllflers Documenl provides aa follows: Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See 0 Schedule land Tilles 0 Municipal By-law Not Applicable Page 1 ol 3 pages Dollars$ Additional: See Schedule Part Lot 20, Concession 3 in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York as previously described in Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch. (a) New Easement Plan/Sketch (b) Schedule tor: Addillonal O Deacripllon ~ Parties O Olhor Dedicates lands as a public highway -Wellington Street East (YR 15) Continued on Schedule 0 Namo(s) Slgnaluro(s) Date of Signaluro Y M D ... ~I!F;. 99\WPJ\1\..T.I.Q~ .Qlf. 'J:'!i~ .. T.Ql'ffl .Qif . .1\URDRA. .. Successor to Registered Owner 0 ••••••• 0 •••• 0 •• 0 ••••••• 0 •••••• 0 •• I .... 0 0 •• •.• ••••• 0 •••••••• 0 •••••••• 0 0 •••••••• 0 •••••• 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 our Slalus or Interest) Namo(s) Slgnaluro(s) Dale of Signaluro Y M D . . . "I:If~. ~.GlONM .~IJNl.Cli?AL.lTY. OF .. YORK. ... Municipal corporation having .• 1:d:>P.:i.ction .over .. Wellington .Stree.t. :st (YR 15) ·f1.~l;;p:~~~~······ l7~.0 .!U ... . .. Au.thG>r.:i..zeGi. AgeHt· ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 62 Bayview Avenue, Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W9 ol Properly Not Assigned 1174 112/84) (15) Documenl Prepared Edward Oakes, Esq. Regional Solicitor Box 59 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 Rogislratlon Foe Tolal .-- BY-LAW NUMBER 3228-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain 1 ands for the purposes of a public highway. Page 2 of 3 pages WHEREAS the 1 ands hereinafter described were acquired by the former The Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch for highway purposes and became vested in The Corporation of the Town of Aurora on the 1st day of January, 1971 by virtue of the Regional Municipality of York Act and the Municipal Act, R.s.o. 1970, Chapter 284; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Co unci 1 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora as follows: 1. The lands described in Schedule "A", hereto attached, are hereby dedicated as a public highway and declared to form part of Wellington Street East (YR 15). 2. The said Schedule "A", hereto attached, shall form part of this by-law. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 26th DAY OF September ' 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th DA¥ OF September • 1990. ' .----~---- TOVJN OF AUROHA . " ~age 3 ot J pages •• . , Page 2 of Bylaw No. 3228-90 SCHEDULE "A" Lands in the Town of Aurora in The Regional Municipality of York formerly in the Township of Whitchurch in the County of York being composed of part of Lot 20 in Concession 3 of the said Town, which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the Westerly limit of the said Lot 20, distant 32 feet measured Southerly thereon from the North-West angle of the said lot; THENCE Northerly along the said Westerly limit of Lot 20, a distance of 32 feet more or less to the North-West angle of said lot; THENCE Easterly along the Northern limit of said Lot 20, a distance of 100 feet to a point; THENCE South-Westerly, a distance of 105 feet more or 1 ess to the point of commencement, containing 1/27 of an acre more or less. The above noted 1 ands were previously described in Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch. ~· --...... --- ·--~ --· -- I I '. Edward Oakes, Solicitor Barbara Moloney, Assistant Solicitor Phyllis Carlyle, Assistant Solicitor B The Regional Municipality of LEGAL DEP~R:~~NT ork ; i'. . ,, ; '~' :.· 615 Davis Drive Suite 202 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 2R2 Telephone: (416) 895·1231 • 362·2464 887-5188. 731·0201 Telecopier: 895-3768 Mailing Address: Box 59 Newmarket, Ontario L3Y4W3 File No. 34-13.17C 13th September, 1990 Town of Aurora 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl Attention: Mrs. Colleen E. Gowan Clerk Dear Mrs. Gowan: Re: Part Lot 20, Concession 3 Town of Aurora formerly Township of Whitchurch Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch Regional Road No. 15 The lands described in Instrument No. 11926 Whitchurch were acquired for road widening purposes by The Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch from Israel Welsh by a deed dated 1918 and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 7th May, 1919. The area where the lands are situated became part of the Town of Aurora as of the 1st day of January, 1971 pursuant to the Regional Municipality of York Act and the lands described in the conveyance became vested in your Municipality pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284. The lands have never been dedicated for highway purposes. It would be appreciated if you could submit the attached by-law to your Council. If you will forward two certified copies to our office after it has been enacted we will arrange to have the same registered and will furnish you with the particulars of registration in due course. ·----