BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highway - 19901205 - 324490BY-LAW NUMBER n44-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A . BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands for the purposes of a public highway. WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, permit Council to pass by-laws for establishing and laying out highways; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to dedicate certain lands as a public highway; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the lands comprised of parts of Lots 71 and 72, Concession 1, in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Whitchurch, County of York, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south-east angle of the said Lot 72; THENCE N 08° 24' 10" W, along the easterly limit of Lot 72, 61.18 feet; THENCE S 72° 55' 10" W, 467.96 feet; THENCE S 08° 24' 10'' E, 66.76 feet; THENCE N 72° 55' 10" E, 467.96 feet to a point in the easterly limit of Lot 71, distant 5.58 feet measured southerly thereon from the north-east angle of the lot; THENCE N 08° 24' 10" W, along the easterly limit of Lot 71, 5. 58 feet to the Point of Commencement. AS MOST RECENTLY DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 122121 be and are hereby dedicated as a public highway, forming part of Skyview Lane, in the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the lands comprised of Block E, Registered Plan M-1582, in the Town of Aurora, Region of York be and are hereby dedicated as a public highway, forming part of Skyvi~w Lane, in the Town of Aurora. 3. THAT the lands comprised of Block B, Registered Plan M-1582, in the Town of Aurora, Region of York be and are hereby dedicated as a public highway, forming part of Skyview Lane, in the Town of Aurora.· 4. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof, and when registration of the By-law jn the proper Land Registry Office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th DAY OF Decembe'r' ~;t····· . J. WETMAYOR \ \ • 1990. • 1990. ' " l~J Pro.,r . .:e ~ ~~~ ot ~ Or.tar:o ('J - New Property Identifiers I Executions ' I .I (8) This pocument provides as follows: L0\{-15'8a ~.,.,,, "'' ~e~ Document General Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 D ~-Additional: See Schedule Additional: See Schedule 0 0 (1) Registry [) (3) Property ldentlfler(s) (4} Nature of Document Land Titles ~ T (2) Page Block Property BY-LAW (Section 298 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 c302 (as amended) ) • (5) Consideration "--"· AddLtional: See 0 Schedule NIL Dollars $ 1 · r(~6')nD~e.~c~ri~p"-tio~n~~-----------------------------------------------< Firstly: .SJ:tlvl! -3 PARCEL Rt: ' SECTION M-1582 being Block E, Registered Plan!(!1582, Secondly: PARCEL B ·I , SECTION M-1582 being Parcel B, Registered Planll'\1582 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch i (b) Schedule for: 0 i Description 0 . I Additional Parties O Other [!(; BY-LAW NO. 3244-90 of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA IS ATTACHED. Continued on Schedule IKJ 9} This Document relates to instrument nur 10} Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest} Name(s) Name(s) Sig.nature(s) Date ot Signatu(e y M D ; : / .. 3) Address for Service 14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: ' Fees and Tax ) Gordon J. Whicher :>. I iZ Reg1stration Fee ,~.<)c:O Barrister and Solicitor :o i NOT ASSIGNED Town of Aurora jUJ ' ~~ I P.O. Box 8100 'w 81 Industrial Parkway North 1<:? I~' ~· Aurora, Ontario Oi '"'- L4G 6J1 ·a:' ""-~-~-· O· --\ ;-I .--, ~-L. (:, -Total 1::/-::.:.; .:-·----...j • t ~ . '-' ' :::::X " " \ ·. ~~··..,,.,l,.j ~"' -'.!. ~- " ' . Document General Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 ~Oim No 985 D , ._, 'U~: ~,~~· . -vf5\'-'-(1) Registry :KJ land Tilles [J T (2) Page 1 of 3 pages wJ v~~ci.~i, . ~'i). -(3) Property Block Property 560997 Identifier(•) Additional: See 0 Schedule Number -·"·"~· (4) Nature of Document CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION BY-LAW (Section 298 of the Municipal I Act R.S.O. 1980 c302 (as amended)). >-lqqJ JAN 28 A <1: 52 (5) Consideration --' z 0 NIL Dollars$ w . - !<3 YORK REGION~ (6) Descriptio~ w No. 65 Parts of Lots 71 and 72, Concession 1, (.) . NEWMARKEr und Registrar u: Town of Aurora "--0 Regional Municipality of York a: ,.., (formerly in the Townsh'l.p of Whit::~ur=b; ~~L~ ,! County oi York) I . 1 New Property Identifiers Additional: as described on page 2 See 0 Schedule I Executions 7/ .... 7:L CoN I ! /.. OiS: (7) This (a) Redescription ! (b) Schedule for: f\c,~{vJ) Additional: Document New Easement Additional See 0 Contains: Plan/Sketch O! D!*icriptlon !Xi Parties O Other KJ I S-t· LA: ,.j ::r ,..J e:.c; ,.. .... Schedule (8) This Document 'provides as follows: BY-LAW NO. 3244-90 of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA IS ATTACHED. - ' --. Continued on Schedule I]! \. {9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) r{10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) N () s· •'"1· 0·,_ ames . 1gnature(s) •._ i-v·--· ~ :~ ,.Pate of Signature . · ~-. . .. ·~{>.-\~_;. ~-~~ .. , ·~M ' D THE CORPORATION OF THE PER· ' 1 '' -.: ;,~ :.:~'J9'9-J :or i 3 . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... ·M~y· ;G· .. ·"f!·· .. ·\.·~./~[~~~\~~{···!·?.-- .. .TOWN .OF. AURORA........................ . . . . . . '. . ·. ! :/'(li;\~'! :;~~,.:1-', i Deputy Clerk 'c .. : ... :J.~-;r-:·,"', i' 1ll"l'1! D., Ti> ·' ·.~t!~~t:. : .. < .. ;>~ ! i -.. I /. .... ~.I ... ·'· ....... ···'·.· .... , ..... . /' I 'tv.. kJ s . ;<;':~~.';l. .. '': ,~: l . ·.f..:?.~ w .... ~ ...... ·, .:,...~ ...... ·· .. "':J·~··: ...... ··~:.~ .. ·' {11) Address ' .. 1,..--• ' ' ', ' : ' -; • ... •\~ for 'Service P.O. Box 8100, 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ont-a?io. ~·f~llH'l .. ,. i • .. -·-.· ""!>" (12) Party(ies) (Set au~ Status or Interest) . ;,"' Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature y M D ' ' " .. . - .. ' : (13) Address tor Service . (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: ,,, Fees and Tax l >- Gordon J. Whicher --' / z Registration Fee :::lS - Barrister and Solicitor 0 NOT ASSIGNED w "' ,..., 1'-,u (:: Town of Aurora (J) I~' . P.O. Box 8100 Lf'tiV 03v-LA..) ::r, 81 Industrial Parkway North ,o. ~ d-itt I Aurora, Ontario ,o L4G 6JI ig: )t Total 2<: - ~ -!'.!71 '-' -., . --.. ; .