BYLAW - Aquisition of Lands - 19901220 - 324890BY-LAW NUMBER 3248-90 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the acquisition of certain lands by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora from Mannington Developments (St. John's) Inc. WHEREAS Mannington Developments (St. John's) Inc. has agreed to transfer to The Corporation of the Town of Aurora those lands legally described as Parcel 86-1, Section W-1, Part of Lot 86, Concession 1 of the Geographic Township of Whitchurch designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan 65R-14440, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the "Lands") for a consideration of TW0--($2.00)--DOLLARS, pursuant to Section 193 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 as amended; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Aurora has agreed to accept the Lands for municipal purposes. NOW THEREFORE the Counci 1 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That t~ands are required by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora municipal purposes. 2. That the Lands shall be acquired from Mannington Developments (St. for John's) Inc. for the consideration of TW0--($2.00)--DOLLARS for the reconstruction of St. John's Sideroad and widening of St. John's Sideroad. 3. Council hereby authorize the Town's solicitors to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the Lands in the proper Registry Office. 4. The Town Clerk and the Mayor are hereby authorized to sign and execute under seal of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora any documentation to effect the acquisition of the Lands from Mannington Developments (St. John's) Inc. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER , 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF DECEMBER , 1990.