BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Fruit Market) - 19900926 - 321990(Aurora Fruit Market) BY-LAW NUMBER 3219-90 OF THE CORPORATIOO OF THE 'lXH'I OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law No. 2213-78 ~ it is deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78. NON THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'lbwn of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule 1 A 1 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category on the lands shown in shading on Schedule 1 A 1 attached hereto and fonning part of this By-law from "Service Cormercial (C3) Zone (Urban)" and "Holding (H) Zone" to "Shopping Centre Corrlrercial (C4-7) Exception ZOne." 2. That Section 23 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 23.7 "Shopping Centre Corrlrercial (C4-7) Exception Zone": 23.7 Uses Pennitted In accordance with Section 23 .1. 23.7.2 Zone Requirements Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 23.2.1 except that the minimum lot area shall be 3,130 square rretres. Siting Specifications In accordance with Section 23.2.2 except that the minimum side yard adjacent to the south property line shall be 0.8 rretres and the minimum rear yard shall be 5. 2 rretres. Building specifications In accordance with Section 23.2.3. Buffer Strip Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.31, the minimum required planting strip along the eastern property line shall be nil. Accessory Structures Notwithstanding the pronswns of Section 6. 2, a padrnount transformer may be located in the required side yard. 3. No part of this By-law will ca:ne into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been canplied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect fran the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SEXniD TIME THIS .9.th DAY OF AUGUST 1 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26th DAY OF September 1 1990. TOV'/N OF AURORA c THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION : PART LOT 90, REGISTERED PLAN 246 AND BLOCK 9, REGISTERED PLAN 65M-2298 @] SUBJECT LANDS REZONED FROM C3 AND H TO C4-7 C3 lU {!) 2 0 >- . .·-~·'-···--··---. ...• "" THIS IS SCHEDULE " A" TO BY-LAW No. 3,) If_ -Jo SCHEDULE .. A .. TO BY -LAW No. Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-law By-law 3:7-./9-qo has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213-78, the Zoning By-law in effect in the 'Ibwn of Aurora to rezone the subject lands being Part Lot 90, Registered Plan 246 and Block 9, Registered Plan 65M-2298 municipally kn= as 151, 157 and 159 Yonge Street North, frcrn "Service Ccmrercial (C3) Zone Urban" and "Holding (H) Zone" to "Shopping Centre Cctrmercial (C4-7) Exception Zone". The amendment is to permit an integrated commercial development on these lands by means of renovations to the existing commercial building on the southern portion of the site and the addition of a two storey structure to the north for office and retail uses. A total of 45 parking spaces are provided having access frcrn Yonge Street. Site specific exceptions to the standard by-law prov1s1ons include reductions of the minimum site area fran 5,000 to 3,130 square metres (1.24 to o. 77 acres), the minimum rear yard setback for the main wall of the building fran 7. 5 to 5. 2 metres (24. 6 to 17.1 feet) and the minimum side yard setback for the main wall adjacent to the south property line fran 7.5 to 0.8 metres (24.6 to 2.6 feet). The amending by-law also deletes the requirement for a planting strip along the eastern property line and allows a pad rounted transfonner to locate in the required side yard. Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Tel: (416) 727-1375 (416) 889-3109 Fax: (416) 841-3483 AFFIDAVIT UNDER SECTION 34(20) OF THE PLANNING ACT (1983) I, Lawrence A 11 i son, hereby certify that the notice for By-1 aw 3219-90 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Council of the Corporation on 26 September 1990 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by Ontario Regulation 404/83, made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act (1983). I also certify that the twenty day objection period expired on 22 October 1990 and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1990. Municipal Clerk