BYLAW - OPA #54 - 19891025 - 314189', --·------·--"--·-·~·-- ./ Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministere des Affaires municipales January 25, 1994 Mr. L. Allison Clerk Tnl "., .... J\1: i\J ! ; :" 'V. ~\ I.! d ~ 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Town of Aurora P.O. Box 1000 '94 FEV -2 A10 :17 100 John West Way Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl Dear Mr. Allison: ·o\iiT.'iENT Re: Further Approval/Referral of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora M.M.A. file : 19 OP 0026 I am pleased to enclose a certificate page for the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, dated January 21, 1994. This certificate page removes a number of deferrals to the original March 26, 1993 approval by approving with modifications certain portions of the Plan (namely those policies related to OPA No. 54 to the former Plan) or by referring to the Ontario Municipal Board other portions of the Plan. The certificate page also confirms. those matters which. still remain deferred. Please consolidate this original copy of the further certificate page with the March 1993 decision. The original Official Plan documents will remain in this office until the Plan is fully and finally approved. Should you wish to clarify any of the above information, please call me at 585-6155. Yours truly, 1}0 WLc~l2cJ+ Diane McArthur-Rodgers Senior Planner Official Plans Team Plans Administration Branch Attachments 777, rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 c.c. Ms Sue Seibert, Planning Dept. MOEE, Central MNR, Maple Region of York, Planning Dept. Mr. Roger Beaman, Thompson Rogers Mr. Murray Chusid, Macauley, Chusid, Friedman Mr. Ron Webb South Lake Simcoe C.i\. OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA 1 This Official Plan for the Town of Aurora which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora is hereby further approved as modified under the provisions of Section 17(9) of the Planning Act, as follows: 147. PAGE 1, PART ONE, A VISION, MODIFICATION NO. 1, is hereby further modified by adding the following phrase to the 6th sentence, 2nd paragraph after the words "limits of the Town" ", save and except Special Policy Area No. 1 (as defined within Official Plan Amendment No. 54)"; 148. DEFERRAL NO. 2 -PAGE 24, SECTION 3.1.4 c), is hereby approved as modified by adding the following sentence to the end of the section: "Lands now shown on Schedule "Au as private open space or urban residential may be conveyed to the municipality for public open space purposes and indicated as such on Schedule "A", without an amendment to this plari." 149. DEFERRAL NO. 3 ~PAGE 24, SECTION 3.1.4 d), is hereby approved as modified by adding the following sentence to .the end of the section: "Lands now shown on Schedule "A" as private open space or urban residential may be conveyed to the municipality for public open space purposes and indicated as such on Schedule "A", without an amendment to this plan." 150. DEFERRAL NO. 4 -PAGE 24, SECTION 3.1.4 e), is hereby approved as modified by adding the following sentence to the end of the section: "Lands now shown on Schedule "A" as private open · space or urban residential may be conveyed to the municipality for public open space purposes and indicated as such on Schedule "A", without an amendment to this plan." /2 DEFERRAL NO. 9-Section 3.2.7 bon page 43 is hereby approved. DEFERRAL NO. 16 -Portion of Schedules A and H identified as Deferral No. 16 is hereby approved. 2 As thus modified, the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora is further approved pursuant to Sections 17' and 21 of the Planning Act, save and except the following which is referred to the Ontario Municipal Board for a hearing pursuant to Section 17(11) of the Planning Act: 13. DEFERRAL NO. 1 -Part One, on page 1 (reference to the regional shopping centre in the last sentence of the third paragraph. 14. DEFERRAL NO.'s 5, 6, 7, 8 and 20 -Section 3.2 Commercial Centres on page 27 in its entirety. 15. DEFERRAL NO. 15 -specific portion of Schedule A, identified as REFERRAL NO. 15 and portion of Schedule B identified as REFERRAL NO. 15 relating to the Wellington East Street Corridor Study Area and land use designations for lands located at the northwest corner of Wellington Street and Bayview Avenue, 16. DEFERRAL NO. 15 -specific portion of Schedule A, identified as REFERRAL NO. 16 and portion of · Schedule B identified as REFERRAL NO. 16 relating to the Wellington East.Street Corridor Study Area and land use designations for lands located in the north east quadrant of Wellington Street East and Highway No.· 404. 17. DEFERRAL NO. 21-referral of final remaining portion of Deferral No. 21 including a portion of Schedule A and B and certain policies of the Plan as they relate to REFERRAL NO. 17 including: . Section 3.1 Residential on page 8; . Section 4.1 a) and b) Phasing Growth on page 115; . Section 4.2.1 a) ii) Official Plan Amendment on page 117; and, . Section 4.2.4 a) .ii) Interim Control By-law on page 122. /3 The following portions of the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora remain deferred: DEFERRAL NO. 10-Section 3.2.7 c) on page 43. DEFERRAL NO. 12 -sections 3.12.1 and 3.12.2 are deferred only in so far as policies do not address communal servicing. 3 DEFERRAL NO. 13 -Section 3.1.4 and the lands identified on Schedule A are deferred only in so far as they .do not address OPA 65. DEFERRAL NO. 14 -The land use designation for those lands located at 220 Kennedy Avenue as identified as Deferral 14 on Schedule "A". DEFERRAL NO. 15 -specific portions of Schedule A, identified as Referral No. 15 and portions of Schedule B identified as Referral No. 15 relating to the Wellington East Street Corridor Study Area and land use designations. DEFERRAL NO. 17 -The land use designation on Schedule A and urban area boundary as it relates to those lands identified as Deferral 17. DE.FERRAL NO. 18 -The land use designation on Schedule A and urban area boundary as it relates to those lands identified as Deferral 18. DEFERRAL NO. 19 -The land use designation on Schedule A and urban area boundary as it relates to those lands identified as Deferral 19. Date Brian D. Riddell Assistant Deputy Minister Municipal Operations Division Ministry of Municipal Affairs * ' Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest ADMINISTRATION: File No: 19 OP 0026 Municipality: Town of Aurora Related File: N/A STAFF REPORT . OFFICIAL PLANS AND AMENDMENTS MBR Category: D Recommendation No: 3 Zoning By-law Amendment: N/A SUBJECT: Further approval/referral of Town of Aurora Official Plan KEY DATES: Application Rec'd: Circulated: Last Reply AGENCIES: Modifications: No Objections: n/a n/a n/a No Reply Necessary: .Not Taken Into Account: Town n/a n/a n/a · Post eire/Status Letter n/a Final Negotiations: 94/01/19 This Appraisal: 94/01/21 Referral Request: R, Beaman, M. Chusid, R. Webb RECOMMENDATION: Further approval with modifications and referral of portions of the Aurora Official Plan. SIGNATURES: Planner Date Deferral Flag (Y/N) N Provincial Policies (Y/N) N Comments'---'-------------------------~--------- -Perro: ~4>Cfr2 ~~ ~ Director q!fotth I Date Group Admin. ~ ~Ck.--? /VJtJ'V('(. t Cf{j-ot~ :Jl Date Date Administration BRANCH COMMENTS/PLANNING ANALYSIS: BACKGROUND: Date Date The Aurora Official Plan was partially approved on March 26, 1993 with a· ·number of deferrals and referrals. Several deferrals related to OPA 54 (to the former Plan) since the OPA was still in process. Other deferrals -3 - The referents are most concerned with that the land use designations on their client's properties get before the Board. As such we recommend the land use designation within the Study Corridor on the following properties be referred to the OMB: .lands located at northwest corner of Wellington Street East and Bayview Avenue, owned by BAYVIEW-WELLINGTON GROUP represented by R. Beaman, of Thomson Rogers (REFERRAL NO. 15). · . lands located at the northwest quadrant of Wellington Street East and Highway 404, owned by WHITWELL DEVELOPMENTS represented by M. Chusid, of Macaulay, Chusid & Friedman (REFERRAL No. 16). . lands located at southeast quadrant of Bayview Avenue and Wellington Street East, owned by MARKBOROUGH PROPERTIES INC. represented by R. Webb of Davis, Webb and Schultz (REFERRAL No. 17). The land use designation on the remaining properties within the Wellington Street East Corridor study area will be deferred until otherwise directed by the Town or the landowners. We note that the Secondary Plan Process for the "community commercial facility" has a public meeting scheduled for early March of 1994. Mr. Beaman states tha.t his referral request of the parent Official Plan will in no way detract from his client's commitment to pursue. to completion the secondary plan review. It is highly probable that once. the Secondary Plan is adopted there will be requests to have it referred to the OMB also. We .would suggest there may be some merit in hearing all related matters at the same time. RECOMMENDATIONS: Deferral No.'s 2, 3, 4, 9 and 16 be further approved. -·Deferral No. 's 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20 and portions of Deferral No .. 15 and a final_ portion of Deferral No. 21 be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board; Referral No. 13, 14, are policies which were Deferrals No.'s 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 20 . Referral No's. 15 and 16 relate to specific portions of Schedule A, identified as Referral No. 15 and No. 16 and portions of Schedule B identified as Referral No. 15 and No. 16 relating to the Wellington East Street Corridor Study Area and land use designations that were previously part of Deferral No. 15 . . Referral No. 17 relates to the portion of Deferral No. 21 which remained after the Magna International lands were referred in July 1993. The remaining area is owned by Markborough and are now referred within the context of the Wellington Street East Corridor Study Area. PART ONE -AURORA 2011, A VISION This vision outlines the main features of the community as this Plan foresees it twenty years from now. It has guided the preparation of this plan and is intended to continue to direct Council, community and staff as they implement and amend . the plan. Unpredictable economic, social, environmental and political events may limit the degree to which the vision can be achieved. The Plan, therefore, aims to provide a 20-year framework for Aurora's growth, while specific policies address only the frrst decade of growth. A further review is recommended after 10 years to meet the needs of the second decade. Aurora will continue to grow over the next 20 years. In 2011, the population may come close to 50,000. Most of the new development in Aurora will occur east of MODIFICATiC the presently developed area. Urban growth will proceed in a systematic proces Jo. It., 7 to prevent urban sprawl. Careful staging of additional municipal services w· NDERSEGT]QN assist such orderly growth. · , · • · JHE PlANNiNG A Careful phasing of urban expansion will allow farming to continue and protect the rural character of the easterly half of Aurora. Deliberately conceived gateways will welcome travellers along the major access routes to the town. By 2011, some development will have occurred east of Bayview Avenue. The urban envelope will, however, be contained until this Official Plan has been reviewed or amended. The historic heart of the Town around the Yonge and Wellington Streets intersection, will flourish as mature neighbourhoods. Local stores will provide the area with everyday and specialty shopping, and a service, cultural and social focus. Aurora will protect and enhance its rich heritage in this area. Some residential intensification will occur while maintaining the prevailing human scale. Court yards, an attractive streetscape and other intimate urban open spaces will attract pedestrians to safe, small-town outdoor settings. Walkways and trails along the creek valleys will link the older neighbourhoods with this historic core. Landscaping improvements to the pedestrian environment and residential intensification, will make the commercial areas north and south of the old town centre more pleasant, lively and viable. The hub of Aurora will extend in defmed . nodes along the Wellington Street East Corridor. · By 2001, a new neighb Avenue. Others will co urhood · 1 have developed just west of the Bayview plete their velopment. ra's neighbourhoods will 0}\ . MODIFICATION 1 REFERRED MODIFICATION To 0 No. ~='~-;:;;;;;-n, a-No---~~==~~~~ UNDER SECTION 17(9) Of ......__,c: 01 AtJtJif.J~ ACT .M.B. UNDER SECTION 17(9) 0' nu: PLANNING ACT ., .. •, PART THREE -PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.1 Residential, Housing: Urban, Suburban, Estate Residential, Supply INTRODUCTION Residential and Jwusing areas evolve with a community. As a town grows, so . does the range of Jwusing densities, tenures, forms, designs and costs. More individuals and families depend on specialized housing, temporarily and permanently. Diversified residential neighbour/wads can help families and individuals at different stages in life and of different backgrounds grow into supportive, healthy and cohesive communities. Residential policies, in the context of this plan, designate sites for housing. residence provides shelter and housekeeping facilities for its occupants. Accessory uses include compatible home occupations, nanny flats, gardens and garages. Services which directly support a residential community are accepted as part of a residential environment. Such support services shall include child care centres, churches, schools and parks. Secondary Plans, Site Plans, ·the Zoning By-Law and Plans of Subdivision will interpret, refine and ·regulate such aspects as specific densities, parking, landscaping, height, setbacks and support servir;es __ without requiring an amendment to this plan. <' ,. GOAL This Plan aims to designate residential lands and guide development to house all segments of the anticipated population of Aurora in a healthy · environment. . OBJECTIVES A Maintain,. protect and enhance the quality of existing residential areas. B Encourage diversified residential communities which contain a broad range of housing sizes, densities, designs, tenures and price As individuals and families mature or experience the ups and downs of life, such residential communities enable people to remain in a familiar neighbourhood, develop and benefit from a community support network. 8 MODIFICATION No. 5 UNDER SECTION 17( THE PLANNING ACT PART THREE-PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.1 Residential, Housing: Urban. Suburban. Estate Residential. Supply area. No additional residential development shall be approved without amendment to this plan. The original approval provided that not more than 82 dwelling units be constructed on the lands which are shown designated Estate Residential. The policies of Sections 3.1.2 Suburban and Estate Residential and 3.5.4(a) Open Space shall also apply to these lands. · b The land in Part Lot 86, Concession 1, E.Y.S. is designated as Urban Residential to permit a maximum of 143 dwellings in two four storey structures further specified by a site plan. c Lands Located on Lot 86 Concession 1, E.Y.S.: West of the HEPC right-of-way and east of the Holland River shall permit residential development not exceeding 25 units per hectare not higher than 2.storeys with adequate buffering from the ongoing use of a golf course; lmmediately west of Bayview Avenue, and north of St. John' MODIFICATJOt• Sideroad shall permit residential development at low to mediuRb. 14-R .< density. UNDER s:::c·noN:7(iiJ0 ~:tt===tiiiiiiiit,i;ilminl THE PLANNING ACT . ~ n Part Lot 85, Concession I E. Y .S. on the southeast side of St. John's Sideroad and Old Yonge Street may be used for 20 row house units provided that the buildings are not more than three storeys in MODIFICATION height. . · . No. 14-f · UND::::E:::::R:-:S:::E:-:C':::T:':!O""N,-1-7-(9-) -0-F an ocat on Part Lot 85, Concession 1 E.Y.S., south of St. JoJMIIS PLANNING ACT Sideroad, west of Old Yonge Street, shall permit development for medium density residential. Design concepts for the site shall include: i the preservation of the integrity and structure of the historic building; setbacks as required by the Ministry of Transportation; './MODIFICATION No. I S"O ii limitation .of 3 storeys.---------~ ..__ ____ _ iii UNDER SECTION 1710) OF THE PLANNING ACT . Lands .located on Lots 78,79 and 80, Concession I, E.Y.S. shall permit comprehensive urban residential development according to a Secondary Plan. Part of the Secondary Plan is an environmental study, to be 24 I I I I I I li I I I I I I • PART THREE -PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, Service, Regional ~-~REF~~~D Regional Commercial Centre, serve a radius of 10 to 20 kilometres, including Aurora and adjacent municipalities . TO O.M.B. ' ' ..;;_., ____ _, B Ensure the economic and functional viability and appropriate design of commercial centres. Council may require proponents of commercial development to undertake supporting studies such as transportation, market, social, environmental or design studies. C Enhance the accessibility, diversity, uniqueness and the sense.of vitality, safety and community of commercial centres through public and private · development policies. This applies to the traditional and pedestrian oriented community commercial centre in .the Historic Core and the newer centres to the north and south along Yonge Street. D Encourage both commercial and residential intensification in Commercial RCf#E-R''tR!:'i1 ' Centres. c • >-~ E Allow for commercial services which support industrial uses. F Allocate areas for automotive large scale and otherwise less attractive commercial functions. · · G Ensure that the location and design of a regional commercial facility strengthens Aurora's economy and sense of community. H Ensure that all commercial developments: are designed to function as effective centres or nodes within the commercial hierarchy. 'This includes coordinated design, pedestrian, transit, cycling and vehicular access and parking components, meet the highest standards of conceptual building design, siting, massing and public access and off street loading, do not encroach or negatively impact adjacent neighbourhoods, are subject to site plan approval. · I Prevent strip commercial development in rural areas. 28 TO OJvtB. t I PART THREE. PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, Service, Regional J ii the degree to which the site lends itself to physical separation from adjoining buildings or properties, iii secondary plans which further may determine the building height of Convenience . Commercial Centres based on overall analysis of the site and its surroundings. .1 1 . e MODifiCATION· Council shall encourage residential units over Convenience Commercial f C . · .• J_' No ?>'3 · UNOERSECT\ON 17l~l OF< THE PLANNING ACT entres.r ' f -. .p: I Jt / REFERRED 'rO O.M.B. 3.2.2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL CENTRES POLICffiS a This plan recognizes three predominant community commercial areas or nodes located along Yonge Street .The northern area comprises the lands north o{ Orchard Heights south to and including those on the south side of Aurora Heights. The Historic Core functions as another distinct Community Commercial Centre. The third Community Commercial Centre extends on Yonge Street South from south of Henderson north to i Kennedy Street on the east side of Y onge and Ransom Street on the west 4 side. These areas are defined in greater detail on Schedule B. Most of these areas were not planned as coordinated community shopping areas. , ·Over time they have evolved to function in this way. This plan attempts ·· to strengthen the connections .and cohesion among the smaller plazas or 1 strips. Council shall encourage in:fill and intensification, including ~ residential aboVe the first storey. When development or redevelopment ; occurs, coordination of pedestrian and vehicular access and parking, ! setbacks from the street, landscaping, lighting, and signage, shall be encouraged. b Community Commercial Centres shall provide a range of retail and service establishments to meet the regular weekly needs of residential communities. This may include full size supermarkets, drug, specialty stores, a junior department store, offices, hotels, places of entertainment, studios, personal services, recreational and health establishments, churches · and other public institutional uses catering to the needs of the adjacent 31 j ! • • PART THREE-PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, ,, Service. Regional . ' i~c.. t{9,~Ju)ION •tL~Ii~~J'I17(9) OF ( Ln . "i 'ii'{V\~~~'ACT community addition to the above, residential uses on floors above 1:. •• . • . . • commercial uses shall be permitted. I I I I I I I .. • "\;, • • • •• • - c Community Commercial Centres shall: i ii iii serve the community within a 10-minute driving distance, whil ' ' . ' also providing safe and convenient pedestrian, bicycle and tm.nsi. . · .,. · t:f: I t.r access; locate on arterial roads at or near major intersections; be placed central to the mature community they are intended to serve; REFERRE[ TO O.M.B. iv encourage coo~dinated design, landscaping, pedestrian, transit and vehicular access, ·and parking amongst the various plazas and developments which form the centre; v support a full size supennarket, drugstore and/or junior department store as anchor; vi not require Official Plan Amendments. for institutional, utility or open space uses. d To strengthen the economic viability of Community Commercial Centres, Council shall: i require that any commercial development proposal for more than · 2,800 square meters (30,000 square feet) of commercial floor space, and/or a supermarket, warehouse drug or junior department store, submit a market feasibility and impact study to ensure that there is a market for the proposed development within the mature community it is intended to serve. Council may also require · planning, transportation, design, or other impact studies where scale or context of the development warrant; 32 ) R l PART THREE· PLANNING COMPONENTS . 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus: Service. Regional · ' .. :, '. ~. .'; . REF~~~D TO O.M.B. e ii iii -. not designate additional Community Commercial Centre~:·\;~~ the need for such an addition is supported through a Secondary 1 Plan Study; ' ~ . I require that such centres avoid overlapping the service area of' another Community Commercial Centre; 1 iv not extend the boundaries of existing Community Commercial · Centres until 75%· of the available and vacant commercial sites have been utilized; ~ v encourage assembly, infill, intensification and consolidation of vi vii · existing centres; permit residential uses above the first floor; ensure high urban design, buildlng and maintenance standards through the policies in Sections 3.9 Urban Design, 4.4 Site Plan Control and Section 4.8 Maintenance and Occupancy By-Law; viii ensure high standards of construction and maintenance of public components such as sidewalks, roadways, landscaped median strips ' and public street furniture and signage; ix consider reduced parking requirements for residential units above . commercial uses and/or a cash-in-lieu contribution for parking · where conditions such as alternative parking and transit service warrant. Development Agreements for sites within Community Commercial Centres shall encourage comprehensive design schemes, which have regard for: i a height limitation of 5 storeys, including bonusing; ii co-ordinated design of the development within the context of the Centre including: 33 I I , •• I I I I I PART THREE· PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, Service. Regional iii iv v setbacks from the street, facade treatment, signage, street furniture, lighting, landscaping, "' · off-street parking and loading, and pedestrian, cycling, transit and vehicular access; maximum display window space along facades; burying overhead wiring, where feasible; continuous and convenient pedestrian access throughout the centre, including protection fro!l\ inclement weather with canopies or an:ades. at entrances and along storefront facades; • MODIFICATION No. ~ standards ( UNDER S.ECTION 17(9) OF . ~ ,THE PLANNING ACT • • • • •• • ' \ . MODIFICATION.. No. \.\-~ .. excluded; vii residential and office uses above the first floor; viii screening of unsightly site el~ments such . as loading, parking, refuse storage areas, transformers and roof mechanical equipment or gaps in development, as specified in municipal standards; ix provision of a landscaped buffer such as grass strips, trees or shrubs and or decorative screens, walls or fences, along arterial and collector road frontages and between adjacent residential uses; x below grade parking only for employees and residential tenants . UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THF PI ANNIN(l A!':T 34. Ul PART THREE-PLANNINGCOMPONENTS 3.2 Commercial Centres: Convenience, Community, Historic Core, Campus, ii have strictly controlled vehicular access points onto arterial and i collector streets; iii have uniform setbacks from the street; iv indicate coordinated design of signage, street furniture, lighting and landscaping; · vi provide convenient, attractive and safe pedestrian and transit access; vii provide display areas where such centres routes. t,\OOIFICAiiO~ e Where Service Commercial Centres border on residential tlo 1.\. "1 Of residential use.s on upper floors shall be pennitted......, uNoEA sECi10t117l9) < . ......! THE pV,tltlltiG ACi f Council will ensure high standards of maintenance as outlined in Scition 4.8 Maintenance and Occupancy By-Law. 3.2.6 REGIONAL COMMERCIAL CENTRE POLICffiS a A Regional Mall shall consist of a multi-functional, mixed use COIIIlpll~ which includes ~t least one first line department store as anchor, and widest range of complementary retail, personal, recreational, culturlil, b office, entertainment, institutional and hospitality services. Based on commercial studies, which indicate that: i ii iii a Regional Mall is economically viable in Aurora, such facilities contain approximately 50,000 square (540,000 square feet) of commercial floor space, and require locations at arterial or highway intersections, such as along the Wellington St E. Corridor; · 41 '-~·--! PART THREE-PLANNING COMPONENTS 3.2 · Commercial Centres: Convenience, Conimunity, Historic Core, Campus, ~~cS~lQ~L COMMERCIAL CENTRE POLICIES (cont'd) c Council shall conduct a Secondary Planning Study of the Wellington St E. Corridor, outlined on Schedules A and B, to determine: i the most appropriate size of site for such a facility, ii the most appropriate location for such a facility along the Wellington St E. Corridor, iii appropriate urban and conceptual building design standards. A Secondary Plan shall comply with the goals. and objectives of the following sections of this Plan: Section 3.7 Community Identity, Section 3.8 Heritage, Section 3.9 Urban Design, Section 3.10 Transportation, Section 3.11 Environment, Section 3.12 Utilities, The relevant sections of Part 4, on Implementation. i RE1~R~EO 1 TO OMB rill . • a. . • 'i I ' Jj! i! ~-,3.2.7 SITE SPECIFIC POLICY AREAS ONDE~R ER Of. ~17(10) Locations of Site Specific Policy Ateas are indicated on Schedule H of this ~~al.LAN G ACT a ' MOOIFIC~ON d Lots 1 and 2 of Registered Plan M-51 were based on p~±Le!r!Si-1!4 . Jt~ · A substantial ·DER SECTION 17(9) OF landscaped buffer area is required adjacent to Old Y onge Street and along E PLANNING ACT Yonge Street averaging 5 metres in width but. nowhere less then 2 metres. Along the northern boundary of the campus property in Lot 84, Concession 1, E.Y.S. the buffer area shall not be less than 10 metres wide. The use of these sites will be limited to the automobile sales campus comprising several dealerships in Lot 84, Concession 1, E. Y .S and 2 dealerships on Lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan M-51. 42 I \;.j l'i p !I. li I; I' ,I I· !t !' .. PART FOUR -IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN ~4-~1-"P!....!Ho!..!A:!;S~IN~G...!G~R~O,t_WT!.!...!..!..!H _______________ .. , · ' .. ;.,. . Q t\· ~ •-= .. -:: .. : : •. 'i INTRODUCTION The proper phasing of growth is as important as growth itself. Urban sprawl, leapfrogging or scattered growth with inadequate services, inappropriate densities or land uses make inefficient use of land and municipal resources. This places undue tax burdens on the municipality. While this plan provides a 20-year policy framework, land uses are allocated only for the next 10-12 years ofgr_o()wth "' .\ . _: ' to prevent premature or scattered growth. ·. ' ' · .. .. · ' The population projections underlying this Plan estimate that Aurora will have approximately 40,000 residents in 2001-3 and may come close to 50,000 in 2011. The first 10 to 12 years of this growth can be accommodated within an urban residential servicing boundary west of Bayview Avenue. The Housing· Policy Statement of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing requires a constant 10-year supply of residentially designated land. This means that a few years after passing this P lim ,further lands will need to be designated to accommodate the residential growth of the 2nd decade. Most of the 2nd decade growth will take place east of BayviewAvenue. The Planning Act requires that Council consider every jive years whether and to what extent to review the Official Plan. . 1.1 ~- POLICIES UND;ie 17{10) OFTH NG ACl ----~ Council shall base major additional land redesignation which · will accommodate growth beyond the first 10 years, on the five-year Official Plan review process. t:fl1 FEARED ......,..Ilh•n Study of the Wellington Street East Corridor may precede thesL,!;f-O.....,.M.B. rlel"&D.rl respond to relevant trends and experiences i the surrounding regions o reater Toronto Area and the Provine on matters such as i sustainable development concepts, • MODIFICATION ·-- LJ· PART FOUR -IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN 4.2 Officiai·Pian Amendments, Special Study or Secondary Planning Areas, Official Plan Reviews · 4.2.1. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS INTRODUCTION Changes in policy or land use designation require an amendment to the text and/or Schedules of this Plan. The process is outlined in Sections 21 to 23 of the Planning Act. POLICIES a When considering a change to the Official Plan, Council will apply ttie following criteria: ·.·· ... 1v the extent to which the proposed change will affect policies, objectives and goals of the Planning Components, as outlined in Part Three of this Plan: v planning goals and objectives shall not be changed outside of the context of a full review of the Plan, ,. ·· ' . ·· planning policies may be changed as long as the objectives • ; are met; =~~=~ MODIFICATION No. 10] UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF 'TlJ;" !")I All.l .. llaJ~ &f"'"f" 117 . ·····-._ N l 1 PART FOUR -IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN 4.2 Official Plan Amendments, Special Study or Secondary Planning Areas Official Plan Reviews .g-\1 . ii ~-~E ERREDI( TO O.M.B .. \ iii · gton Street East Corridor designated as a SecondaiJ Planning a on Schedule A. A planning study is to detennim the most appr riate location for a regional shopping malL other areas Counc · ay deem appropriate for special plannin! studies which should b temporarily protected .from premature o: _ unsuitable development. > ... --•.b • Council can apply for an initial Interim Control By-Law to be in force fo: up to one year. Council may extend such a by-law for an additional year ' ·. ..,,_ .. · .. ·-;~. -_,. ~IFICATIOH 1M. tty . . UNDER SECnoN 17(!1) Ol THE fV.NNWG ACT · ----. .. \. . ' .. -_i :. ·: .. ' .• ; .... 122 Ontm'io 1603{01/90) Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ministiire des Affaires municipales February 10, 1994 Lawr.ence Allison, Municipal Clerk ·Town of Aurora 100 John West Way P.O. Box 1000 Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 A.M.c:~. FEB 14 All :IO CLERK'' ·u·. , ... ;:, Lr AI\ ir!t/'iT Dear Sir: 777 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 Subject: Proposed Official Plan Amendment 54 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area Ministry File No. 19-0P-0025-054 Further to Council resolution #710 of December 15, 1993, wherein the adopting by-law for Official Plan Amendment 54 was repealed, please be advised that this Ministry's file has been closed. If you have any questions in this regard, please call Mark Bales of this office at (416)585-7603. Yours truly, Milena Avramovic Senior Planner Plans Administration Branch Central & Southwest c.c. Regional Municipality of York 777~ rue Bay Toronto (Oritario) M5G 2E5 ---------.---·-·---------···-----·-·- • ADOPTION BY-LAW FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO . BY-LAW NUMBER 3141-89 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA The Council of the Corporation of the'Town of Aurora, under Section 17 (6) of the Planning Act, 1983, hereby enacts as follows: 1. Official Plan Amendment No. 54 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the attached maps and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of Official Plan Amendment No. 54 for the Town of Aurora. ·- 3. This By-law shall c"ome into force and take effect on the day of the final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 27th DAY OF __ s_EPIEM __ B_ER ____ , 1989. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 25 __ t __ h ____ DAY OF ----"'OC"-'TO=B'='ER'"-------I 19 8 9. J. West Certified that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 3141-89 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on OCTOBER 25th 1 19 89 • C.E. Gowan ' \ CLERK _( IF • t(f { ( _ _',/ , __ ( I-".._ __ /' ! i,(:",' : ., _ _' ( Ir.·· ~ -~ ,This Amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Tbwn of Aurora, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, 1983 as Amendment No. 54 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. DATE: --------------------SI~: ------------------------- DATE: SIGNATURE: ---------------------- ---~-~---------------------·--·--- AMENDMENT NO. 54 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA '·,--~, ~ NO. 54 ID THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TaVN OF AURORA Index The Statement of Components PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the Arrenclnent Location Basis of the Arrenclnent PART II -THE ~ Introductory Statement Details of the Arrenclnent Inplementation and Interpretation PART III -THE APPENDIX Page 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 7 8 -----··--·~~--------~------~------------------------- - 1 - STATEMENT OF c:am?ONENTS PARI' I -THE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Arnendirent. PARI' II -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text anrl Schedules constitutes Arnendirent No. 54 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. PARI' III -THE APPENDIX does not constitute part of this Arnendirent. - 2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE Purpose of the AnEndment The purpose of this amendrrent is to change the land use designation on the subject lands shown on Schedules 'A' and 'E' attached hereto and fonning part of this amendrrent fran "Rural", "Urban Separator" and "Environmental Protection" to Special Study Areas 1 to 4, "Rural", "Camercial Special", "Urban Residential (Specific)" and "Envirorurental Protection" to establish policies for the future developrent of the area. IDeation The lands affected by this amendrrent are located on IDt 86 and Part IDt 85, Concession I W. Y. S. and Concession I E. Y. S. as shown on Schedule 'A' and !lOre particularly shown on Schedule 'E'. Basis of the AnEndment Council has enacted this amendrrent in response to the following: 1. A number of developrent applications have been received on the subject lands over an approx.imate tw year tine period. Council has been reviewing existing and proposed land uses within the subject lands with the various land owners over at least part of that tine period to develop a carprehensive plan for the area. It seems clear given developrent pressures particularly along Yonge Street, that Council's previous position that an area of no urban scale developrent should be established between the urban area of the Town and the Town' s northern boundary can not be achieved at least adjacent to Yonge Street. In having reviewed the developoont proposals in connection with the physical constraints and attributes of the lands, it is appropriate that these aspects can be utilized to fo:rm an appropriate northern entrance to the Town which will serve to reinforce its identity as distinct fran the ccmmmi.ty to the north. 2. This amendrrent has established Special Policy Areas to apply to those lands on which no specific proposal has been put fo:rward but concepts have been discussed. This dOCUIIEilt is intended to provide guidance to developers and/or landowners as well as owners and residents of surrounding lands while allowing both Council and the public further examination of developrent concepts prior to official plan amendrrents actually being enacted. 3. Establish!rent of the broad pattern of land uses in the area will help to detennine servicing needs and appropriate sharing of costs to inplernent the installation of such services. 4. Two cCl!lllercial sites on the east and west side of Yonge Street at St. John's Sideroad are being redesignated fran Rural to Camercial Special by this amendrrent. -3- ·Individual Official Plan Amendment applications were sul:rnitted and public hearings were held concerning these applications. After giving consideration to the overall area, it has been deemad appropriate to proceed with designation of these lands. 5. Following the initial public hearings and consideration of the lands on the southeast side of St. John's Sideroad and Old Yonge Street, an application was submitted for an Official Plan Amendment to permit 20 townhouses on these lands. A public hearing was held dealing specifically with that proposal where it was determined that provision to permit the proposed townhouses should be included within this anendment. - 4 - PARI' II -THE .1\MENOOENT Introductory Statement All of this part of the dOCI.nteilt entitled PARI' II -The Amendrrent, consisting of the following text and attached Maps designated Schedules "A" and "E" (Land Use Plans) constitutes 1\mendment No. 54 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora. Details of the Amendrrent The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: Item (1): The area indicated on Schedules 'A' and 'E' attached hereto and forming part of this amendment is hereby redesignated fran "Rural Environmental Protection" and "Urban Residential (Specific)" to Special Study Areas 1 to 4, "Rural", "Ccmnercial Special", "Urban Residential (Specific)" and "Environmental Protection". Item (2): The Official Plan is hereby amended by adding Schedule 'E'. Item (3): Section 3 Basis of the Plan Subsection 3 Goals and Objectives is hereby amended by amending objective 3 to read as follows: "Urban boundaries be defined to prevent urban sprawl into the countryside and along Highway 11. An area of no urban scale developrent be established between the urban area of Aurora and the southern boundary of the Town. At the northern boundary of the Town, natural features such as floodplain areas and differences in topographic elevations shall be incorporated into developnent designs so that the appearance of green space adjacent to Yonge Street can be maintained." Item (4): Section 4 is hereby amended by adding Section 4.12 "Policies Applying to Iot 86 and Part IDt 85, Concession I E.Y.S. and Concession I W.Y.S.": "Section 4.12 'Policies Applying to IDt 86 and Part IDt 85, Concession I E.Y.S. and Concession I W.Y.S.' The following policies shall apply to those lands shown on Schedule 'E'. Special Policy Area #1 The lands identified as Special Policy Area #1 . are intended to be developed in the long tenn for 'Estate Residential' • An Official Plan 1\mendment will be required prior to any developnent of the lands taking place. It is intended that the area be developed for very low density uses with a variety of lot sizes ranging between one and two acres in area. Prior to the enactmant of an Official Plan 1\mendment within any part of the Special Policy Area the following shall be subnitted: -5- Spe<;:ial Policy Area #1 (continued) 1. 2. 3. A concept plan establishing the road pattern and lotting pattern for the overall area. A detailed engineering report and servicing plan relating to the proposed water supply, sewage disposal and sto:rm water facilities. A plan detailing existing and proposed landscape elements. special Policy Area #2 The lands identified as Special Policy Area #2 have two canponents: floodplain lands which are proposed to be developed in conjunction with the lands to the north as a golf course; and table lands which are proposed for residential. Residential developieiJ.t will be pe:rmitted on those lands in accordance with the following criteria and by further anendnent to this plan: 1. 2. Developnent shall be low rise in nature, although densities up to medii.Ril density not exceeding 25 units per hectare may be pe:rmitted provided that developieiJ.t does not exceed two storeys in height and adequate distance separation fran adjoining land uses can be achieved. Prior to enacting any anendnent in this area availability of servicing capacity Illllst be confi:rmed and allocated by Council. 8pecial Policy Area #3 The lands identified as Special Policy Area #3 have tw:> canponents: floodplain and table lands. It is intended that the table lands be developed for urban residential at low to medii.Ril density with a variety of lot sizes. Special attention should be paid to abutting lands so as to ensure that resulting developnent is carq;>atible with adjoining developieiJ.t either existing or proposed in both Aurora and Nm.market. An Official Plan Amendnent will be required prior to any developnent of the lands taking place. Prior to enacting any anendnent in this area availability of servicing capacity IllllSt be confi:rmed and allocated by Council. 8pecial Policy Area #4 The lands identified as Special Policy Area #4 may be used for medii.Ril density residential uses provided that the developieiJ.t adjacent to Yonge Street is set well back fran the street and the developnent is not 110re than three storeys in height. An Official Plan Amendment will be required prior to any developieiJ.t of the lands taking place. Prior to an Official Plan Amendnent being considered on the site the following information IllllSt be sul:mitted: 1. 2. Conceptual layout plans which include grading information. Building elevations or perspective drawings. -6- It is intended that the lands will be developed as one block. Prior to enacting any arrendment in this area availability of servicing capacity ImlSt be confirmed and allocated by Council. Oamrnercial Spesial The lands designated as 'Oamrnercial Special' on the east side of Yonge Street may be used for a carmercial canplex having the following uses: a restaurant occupying not less than 50% of the overall floor area; convenience retail stores; professional offices; and personal service shops; and not more than one apartment unit for a caretaker living on the site. The following policies will apply to these lands: i) Developnent shall be canpatible in both scale and massing with the low rise apartment canplex which surrounds the site. ii) The areas adjacent to Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad shall be heavily landscaped. Parking shall be screened to ensure as far as possible that it is not visible fran Yonge Street. iii) The building shall be setback a minimum of 14 metres fran the property line adjacent to Yonge Street. iv) Access to the site shall be by means of St. John 's Sideroad by means of a joint access with the adjoining apartment lands north and east of the site. v) The overall floor area of the building shall not exceed BOO square metres. The lands designated as 'Oamrnercial Special' on the west side of Yonge Street may be used for office carmercial uses and accessory retail uses hmited to a phannacy, bank or other financial institution which may not exceed a total of 20% of the total floor area. The following policies will apply to these lands: i) The building shall be low rise, not exceeding two storeys = height. ii) The areas adjacent to Yonge Street and St. John's Sideroad shall be heavily landscaped so as to reduce the visual inpact of the developnent on the streetscape. Parking areas adjacent to Yonge Street or St. John's Sideroad shall be screened using substantial landscape strips which may include benns. Prior to enacting an :i.nplementing zoning by-law the owner shall subnit landscape drawings sui table to the Town of Aurora denonstrating how the required landscape s=eens can be achieved. ·····----··~--- - 7 - iii) Since the lands are in mre than one ownership a CCiliPrehensive design concept for all the property which is not subject to flooding under a Regional Stonn condition shall be undertaken prior to site plan approval or enactment of an irrplementing by-law permitting any developtent on the site. The design concept will address access, landscaping, conceptual massing and design of buildings, parking areas and building locations. Because of constraints irrposed by the floodplain, access to the site shall be subject to the approval of the Ministries of Transportation and Natural Resources, the lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority and the Town of Aurora." Urban Residential (Specific) The lands designated as Urban Residential (Specific) on the southeast side of St. John's Sideroad and Old Yonge Street may be used for 20 row house units provided that the buildings are not =re than three storeys in height. Implementation and Interpretation The irrplementation and interpretation of this .1\mendnent shall be m accordance with the respective policies of the Aurora Official Plan, Zoning By-law and Site Plan Agreemants. -8- PARr III -THE APPENDIX : . . 0 . r / j ! I· REfERAfO Til 0111 "' J i cONCiss10N ow CONCESSION " CONCESSION •• :.1: " I " CONCESSION Ill "' ,, I " ' / 0 . . 0 AMENDMENT No. 54 LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL -ESTATE RESIDENTIAL .. COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL IF:··h! tU INSTITUTIONAL ~ ~~~nRSPACE ~RURAL • [:::==J ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA F=] PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY -AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORDER NOT£$ DATED MAY 24, 1979 ',,:·~~ 0M100,."'\':.. '!.~~·.:. ~~.~~·.~; ;;•• Oo 0 H ~~I~~~:~~¥..:?.4: :~·f:f:t}~~:!·r§ .. 'OFFICE CONSOliDATION SCHEDULE A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA I I CONCESSION I W . -.:1 !D ,' i CD ( --1 I i I • I ' 10 No.1 I I I CD I i ' ! ' ' l I I I I I Special Policy Area .I I I Commercial Special J I Environmental Protection I -e I ~ Urban Residential Specific I I I I c::J O.P.A.: ,, I r 48-Urban Residential and l I ' '-Urban Separator " 53-Jnsti,utional Specific