BYLAW - Lease Agreement Priestly Holding - 19890222 - 306589. . .. BY-LAW NUMBER 3065-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to authorize the entering into of a Lease Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Priestly Holding Corporation and Mooncrest Investments Limited to carry on business in partnership as the ALVI Group. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Section 193 (2) permits Council, subject to the Ontario Municipal Board Act, to pass by-laws for acquiring/leasing land for the purpose of the Corporation; AND WHEREAS Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 348 requires the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board of by-laws passed by Municipal Councils undertaking commitments extending beyond the term of_ Counci 1; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board the exec uti on of an Agreement to 1 ease premises 1 ocated at 81 Industria 1 Parkway North, Aurora,is hereby authorized by this Corporation; 2. The term of the agreement sha 11 be for a three ( 3) year period; with two additional one year renewal options; 3. The terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement shall be as contained in Schedule "A"; 4. The Mayor and Clerk shall be authorized to sign and execute under the Seal of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora all necessary documents; and 5. The provisions of this By-1 aw sha 11 come into force and be effective upon the final passage thereof, and when the required approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained in accordance with Section 64 (4) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 8th DAY OF February • 1989. READ A SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22 DAY OF Februarw ,1989. R BEFORE: P.M. BROOKS Vice-Chairman -and - S.R. COLE Member Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 347 as amended) -and - IN THE MI\TTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for an order approving the entering into a proposed agreement between the applicant and Priestly Holding Corporation and Mooncrest Investments Limited to carry on business in partnership of the ALVI Group with respect to the easterly two floor areas of the premises 1 ocated at 81 Industria 1 Parkway North in the Town of Aurora for the use of a muni ci pa 1 administrative office for a period of three years commencing on the 1st day of Apri 1 , 1989, with an option to renew for a further term of two years subject to the approva 1 of the Ontario Municipal Board and the disbursement of sums of money payable thereunder Monday, the 6th day of March, 1989 E 890150 THE BOARD ORDERS that this app 1 i cation be granted and that the applicant may enter into such proposed agreement in the form filed with the Board on the 1st day of March, 1989, and identified by the Secretary's signature, with an option to renew for a further term of two years, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, provided that the Council of the applicant corporation in rercising any power approved by this order shall comply and conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto. SECRETARY ENTERED [!7<5?-1 0.8. No .•.•..................... Folio No. o .. f.~ .............. · MAR 1 6 1989 94tL SECRETARY, ONT. MUNICIPAL BOARD THIS INDENTURE made this day of 1989. BETWEEN: THE PRIESTLY HOLDING CORPORATION a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Ontario and MOONCREST INVESTMENTS LIMITED, a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Ontario, carrying on business in partnership as THE ALVI GROUP, Chereinafter called the "Landlord") of the First Part -and- THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, (hereinafter called the "Tenant") of the Second Part Whereas the landlord is the owner of the lands and premises described in Schedule "A-1" hereto attached (hereinafter called the "premises"). THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Demise The Landlord, in consideration of the . rents and covenants hereinafter stipulated to be paid and performed by the Tenant, does hereby demise, let and lease unto the Tenant the easterly 2 floor area of approximately 14,400 square feet as outlined in red on the Plan attached hereto as Schedule "A-2" (the leased premises), and shall at all times have free ingress and egress to and from said area. The rentable area of the demised premi"ses is subject to adjustment by Architects Certificate. Rentable Area of the demised premises means the Area Cexpressed in square feet) of tl1e demised premises as determined by the Certificate of the Landlord's Architect and as approved by the Tenant and measured from the interior glass face of all exterior walls, doors and windows and from the center line of all interior walls separating the demised premises from adjoining premises. Provided that for the purpose of calculating Base or Net Rent during the term and any renewals the area of the demised premises shall be known as 14,400 square feet. 2. Term The Tenant, its successors, and assigns, to hold the same, with alL privileges pertaining thereto, for a full term of conunencing the 1st day of April, 1989. 2. Ci) Renewal Options shall and THREE have the right appurtenances C3) years, Provided that the Tenant is not in default of any of the terms of the lease at the time of exercising the within option and the Tenant has given written notice to the Landlord at least six (6) months prior to the expiry of the lease or any renewals thereof, of its intention to exercise the within option to renew, the Landlord will grant to the Tenant the option to extend the term of the lease for a further period of ONE (1) year Cthe "First Renewal Term") on the same terms and conditions. page - 1 Ciil Provided that the Tenant is not in default of any of the terms of the lease at the time of exercising the within option and the Tenant has given written notice to the Landlord at least six C6l months prior to the expiry of the First Renew.al Term of its intention to exercise the within option to renew, the Landlord will grant to the Tenant the opt ion to extend the term of the lease for a further period of ONE ( 1) year Cthe "Second Renewal Term") on the same terms and conditions save and except any further right of renewal. 3. Base or Net Rent The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord yearly in monthly instalments without set off or deduction except as provided for in U1e lease, net rental equal to $10.75 per square foot per annum being ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS C$154,800.00) per annum payable in advance in monthly instalments of TWELVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS C$12,900.00), the first of such payments to become due and payable on or before the first day of April, 1989. 4. Fixturing Period The Tenant shall be permitted to install its leasehold Improvements to the leased premi'ses as of the date the leased premises are given up to the Tenant for completion of the Tenant 's worl< and it is agreed and understood that the fixturing period to the commencement date ·will be totally rent free, pr·ovided that the Tenant shall be responsible for the payment of all utilities used by it in the demised premises during the Fixturing Period and further provided that the Tenant shall have executed this lease and paid to the Landlord the first month's rent of the term hereby granted. 5. Additional Rent It is intended that this lease shall be completely net to the Landlord except for the obligations set. out as being the responsibility of the Landlord. Without limiting the foregoing the Tenant shall pay as addi tiona! rent in equal monthly instalments in advance on the basis of the Landlord's reasonable estimates for a period no greater than 12 months, Cto be adjusted on an annual basis on the basis of the Landlord's statement) the following: Taxes The Tenant agrees to pay to the Landlord or the taxing authorities if the Landlord so directs and discharge in each leasing year during the term and any renewals thereof within the time provided for by the taxing authorities all Municipal and other real property taxes (including school, sewer and all local improvement taxes, rates and levies) that are levied, rated, charged or assessed from time to time respectively against the leased premises or any part thereof on the basis of a separate tax bill rendered by any lawful taxing authority. If there are not separate tax bills for the leased premises the Tenant shall promptly pay its proportionate share of all such taxes which are levied, rated, charged or assessed from time to time by any lawful authority against or in relation to the lands, buildings and improvements. In either event the Tenant shall also pay its proportionate share of all such taxes levied, rated, charged or assessed from time to time against the common areas and facilities, if any, of the lands and page - 2 bui lclings to the extent only that such tED{es have not been inc 1 uded in the charges otherwise made hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing in no event tenant be responsible for the payment of the business, income or capital taxes or for the a tax on rental income. shall the Landlord's payment of If any lease year is less than 12 calendar months the Tenant's share of the taxes as so allocated pursuant to this paragraph shall be subject to a per diem pro rata edj ustment. It is hereby agreed that should the Tenant be assessed for taxes at a rate other than the rate at which the other tenants in the building are assessed and there is not a separate tax· bi 11 for the 1 eased premises, the Tenant's proportionate share of taxes shall be adjusted to properly reflect the difference in the rate of assessment. Utilities The Tenant shall pay all charges for water, gas, electricity, telephone or other utility used or consumed in respect to the leased premises including the cost of heating and air-conditioning the leased premises as the same are metered and billed separately or its proportionate share of the cost of the utilities if not separately metered. Operating Costs The Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of the costs and expenses incurred by the Landlord in insuring, repa1r1ng, (except where specifically provided elsewhere herein that the repairs are to be at the expense of the Landlord), operating, managing Con site), maintaining and administering the building and the Common Areas and Facilities of the building, together will an administration charge in an amount equal to 15% of all such costs and expenses excluding only taxes and depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such costs shall not include the Landlord's original acquisition expense, finance and/or mortgage costs, structural repairs, debt expense, interest on depreciation. Amounts collectable from other tenants, from parking charges, insurance companies or warranties, or repairs which are the responsibi 1 i ty of the Land lord shall be deducted. The Tenant shall be responsible to pay its proportionate share of subsequent capital costs for replacement provided that the replacement is necessitated by normal wear and tear and that the replacement item is not one for which the Tenant is required to pay its proportionate share of depreciation. Within 90 days of the end of the period for which such estimated payments have been made the Landlord shall deliver to the Tenant its statement signed by an Officer of the Landlord of the actual amounts and costs referred to herein together with the statement of the Tenant's proportionate share of such amounts and costs showing in reasonable detail the method by which the same are calculated and if necessary an adjustment will be made between the parties. If the Tenant shall have paid in excess of such actual amount the excess shall be refunded by the Landlord together with the delivery of the statement. If the amount the Tenant has paid is less than the page - 3 actual amount the Tenant agrees to pay any extra amount or amounts with the next fixed minimum rental payment due. If any rental year dut·ing the term or any renewals thereof is greater or less than any such period determined by the Landlord the Tenant's proportionate share shall.be subject to a per diem pro rata adjustment. Notwithstanding that the Tenant may have paid the amounts claimed by the Landlord the Tenant shall be entitled to contest and adjust payments· made pursuant to the Landlord's statement for a period of one year following its receipt. Whenever referred to in this lease, the term, "proportionate share" shall mean the quotient obtained by dividing the total Rentable Area of the Leased Premises by the total Rentable Area of the Building. THE LANDLORD COVENANTS AS FOLLOWS; 6. Quiet Enj ovment The Tenant shall and may peacefully and quietly have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the demised premises for the term hereinabove provided, and during any renewals or extensions thereof, provided the Tenant pays the rent as set forth above, and keeps, observes and performs all of the other covenants and provisions as required in this lease, and the Landlord covenants it will pay all taxess and assessments on the lands and premises described in Schedule "A-1" hereto. THE TENANT COVENANTS AS FOLLOWS 7. Use of Premises Subject to the Tenant .'s right to assign or sublet the Tenant shall use the leased premises for the purpose of carrying on its business which is municipal administrative offices. It is agreed and understood that this restriction shall not apply to any proposed assignee or sublessee. 8. Continuous Use The Landlord shall have no control over the operating hours of the Tenant nor may it insist upon the. continuous operation of the Tenant in the leased premises. It is understood and agreed that vacancy shall not constitute a breach of any provisions contained in the lease. 9. Assignment and Subletting The Tenant shall not assign this lease in whole or in part nor sub! et all or any part of the I eased premises without the prior written consent of the Landlord which consent may not be unreasonably withheld, and will not be withheld solely because the proposed sublessee or assignee is not a carrying on an identical business to the Tenant or because the net rent payable by the' assignee or sublessee is other than the net rent payable by the Tenant under the lease as at the effective date of the assignment or sublet. If the net rent received by the Tenant exceeds the net rent payable hereunder the amount of such excess shall be paid by the Tenant to the Landlord. Notwithstanding any permitted assignment or sublet the Tenant shall remain liable under the lease. The Landlord shall within 30 days after having received the Tenant's written request to assign or sublet, notify the Tenant page - 4 in writing either that Cal it consents to the assignment or sublet or (b) it is withholding consent setting out its reasons or Cc) it elects to cancel this lease in preference to the giving of consent. If the Landlord elects to cancel this lease as aforesaid the Tenant shall notify the Landlord in writing within 15 days thereafter of the Tenant's intention to refrain from such assignment or sublet or to accept the cancellation of this lease. If the Tenant fails to deliver such notice within such period of 15 days or accept cancellation of this lease, this lease will thereby be terminated on the expiration of 90 days from the Landlord's election to cancel this lease. If the Tenant advises the Landlord it intends to refrain from puch assignment or sublet then the Landlord's election to cancel this lease as aforesaid shall become null and void in such instance. 10. Insurance From the date of con®encement of the fixturing period the Landlord shall carry normal Landlord's insurance including fire Call risl< 80% replacement value policy for the building and foundations, including by-law extension and removal of debris), third party liability, boiler and rental loss insurance for the loss of revenue during rebuilding after damage and destruction only. The Tenant agrees to maintain, at its own expense, normal Tenant insurance under its blanket policy having limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury or property damage and, if required by the Landlord, will provide evidence of the same. The Tenant will be responsible for replacement of broken glass unless broken due to structural or design defect or the negligence of the Landlord, its agents and employees. The Tenant will not be required to insure against this. The Landlord and Tenant agree that they will use their best efforts to obtain from their respective insurance companies a waiver of subrogation releasing the other from all liability and responsibility to the other or any one claiming through or under them by way of subrogation or otherwise for any loss or damage or injury caused by fire or other casualty or liability even if such fire or other casualty or liability is as a result of the negligence of the other party or any one for whom such party may be responsible in law. The Tenant agrees that the cost to the Landlord, if any, shall be included in operating costs. 11. Damage and Destruction If the leased premises are damaged or destroyed in whole or in part by any cause whatsoever to such an extent that the same, in the reasonable opinion of a qualified Architect, are incapable of being repaired within 180 days, the Landlord and Tenant shall each have the option to terminate the lease within 30 days of the occurrence of such damage and destruction. · If more than 50% of the building shall be destroyed damaged by any cause whatsoever to such an extent that, in reasonable opinion of a qualified Architect, the same incapable·of being repaired within 180 days Cprovided that leased premises are affected), the Landlord and Tenant shall have the option to terminate the lease within 30 days of occurrence of such damage and destruction. or the is the each the In the event of lesser damage or destruction to either the leased premises and/or the building or in the event that neither party exercises its right to terminate the lease in the circumstances set out above, then the Landlord shall forthwith and with due diligence repair, restore and rebuild the leased premises. page - 5 /"" In the event that the leased premises are damaged or destroyed, in whole or in part, and the lease shall not be terminated in accordance with the provisions set out above, all rent payable by the Tenant shall abate from the date of damage or destruction unti 1 the earlier of 21 days after the Landlord has completed its work and the reopening for business of the leased premises, in the same proportion as the unusable space of the leased premises bears to the total rentable area of the leased premises. 12. Arbitration Any arbitration provided for in the lease shall be in accordance with the Arbitration Act (Ontario) or its successor. 13. Maintenance and Repair The Landlord covenants to maintain and repair the structure, foundation and structural portion of the roof at its own expense and to maintain and repair at the Tenant's proportionate expense the nonstructural portions of the roof, plumbing and all common areas inc 1 uding without 1 imitation the parking lot, roadways and sidewalks. The Tenant agrees to remove ice and snow from all sidewalks, entrances, exits, parking areas, roadways and common areas used in connect ion with all of the lands and building. The Tenant shall bill to the Landlord a portion of the cost of the snow removal, such portion being equal to the product obtained when multiplying a fraction, the denominator of which is equal to the total rentable area of the building in square feet and the numerator of which is equal to the difference between the total rentable area of the building in square feet and the area of the demised premises in square feet occupied by the Tenant, times the total cost of snow removal. The Tenant agrees to keep the leased premises in good and tenantable repair, reasonable wear and tear, damage by fire, lightning, tempest, Acts of God or the Queen's enemies, riots, insurrection, civil commotions and damage resulting from negligence or omission of the Landlord, its agents, assigns, invitees or employees, maintenance and repairs which are the responsibility of the Landlord and structural defects only excepted and to leave the leased premises in good repair saving only the aforementioned exceptions. The Tenant shall be responsible for providing Janitorial services for the leased premises at its own expense. The Landlord agrees to assign any warranties to the Tenant. 14. Additions and Alterations The Tenant may place or install any and all fixtures, alteration artie les and improvements in or to the leased _premises including but not limiting the generality of the foregoing: counters, partitions, lighting fixtures installed by it, and other fixtures and fittings (including trade and electrical fixtures installed by it) and the Tenant may at its sole option remove from the leased premises at any time during the term of the lease or any renewal thereof, provided that the tenant is not then in default or in breach of any of the covenants contained in the lease, any or all such fixtures, articles and improvements brought upon or affixed to the leased premises doing no damage by such removal or making good any damage so caused except reasonable wear and tear, damage by fire, lightning, tempest, Acts of God, and the Queen's enemies, structural defects, repairs and work which are the responsibility of the Landlord and damage resulting from the negligence or omission of the Landlord, its agents, assigns, invitees or employees. page - 6 --·---~-~---"--·--~---. ·~--·-'-·---·-· --------'--~:_,_,___:__.:..:_ ____ .;,.,...,.~-~"'·'·"""~'~'~=~=~~,=-~=~'''"''"""'~"'-,;.,..~-·-~---~~"~· ·~~~-~ ---'--------------~-----··--··';.. .. , .. _______ _ • 15. Signage It is understood and agreed that the Tenant may e 1 ect not to erect any sign(s) on the outside of the building and such election shall not constitute a breach of any provisions contained in the lease. At its option, the Tenant may erect and maintain such lighted business signage on the outside of the building windows of the leased premises in locations agreed to by Landlord and Tenant. The Tenant shall be permitted to erect install exterior type fascia signs. Such signage to adhere the Landlord's reasonable sign specification. back and the and to The Tenant's standard logo and corporate colours may be used on all permitted signage. The Landlord will not obstruct or, save and except circumstances beyond its control, permit the obstruction of the visibility of the Tenant's signage in any way. The Tenant shall have the right to use advertising from time to time on the windows of the leased premises without the Landlord's consent provided that they meet the Landlord's standards. The Tenant will have the right to positioning on any Tenant pylon sign if installed by the landlord. It is understood and agreed that the said pylon signs location and size are subject to Municipal approval. In addition to the signage as described above the Tenant will be entitled to sign identification on the building's main directory but such identification shall not be a requirement of the lease. 15. A. Flag Pole Subject to the conditions herein, the Landlord gives its consent to the Tenant to erect a flag pole on the lands described in Schedule A-1 hereto provided, that all costs associated with the supply and erection of the flag pole are paid by the Tenant. The erection of the flag pole shall be in compliance with all Municipal, Provincial or Federal regulations. The consent of the Landlord herein is condi tiona! upon the Landlord and Tenant mutually agreeing as to the location of the flag pole. The Tenant shall be responsible for all costs of maintenance of the flag po 1 e and hereby agrees to indemnify the Landlord with respect to any claims that might arise as a result of damage caused by the flag pole during the term of this lease or any renewals thereof. At the end of the term of this 1 ease, or any renewals thereof, the flag pole shall become the property of the Landlord. 16. Parking Facility The Tenant shall have the exclusive use of all parking spaces on the lands described in Schedule A-1 hereto free of charge, save and except the most westerly 12 parking spaces which are reserved for the exclusive use of the other tenants of the building. 17. Access and Visibility The Landlord shall not make any a! terations or additions to the Building in which the leased premises are contained or erect buildings on the lands comprising the project or make alterations or additions to or erect signage and landscaping in such a way that it or they will diminish access or exposure to the leased premises or the Tenant's sign visibility without the written consent of the Tenant which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. page - 7 18. Subordination The Landlord covenants to obtain consents nondisturbance agreements with repect to the Tenant's all present mortgagees and use its best efforts nondisturbance agreements from future mortgagees. to and Lease from to obtain Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Tenant agrees to execute any acknowl<edgement and subordination agreements reasonably required by the Landlord provided that the same are in a form acceptable to the Tenant's solicitors and provided further that the Landlord first obtains a consent and a nondisturbance agreement with respect to the Tenant's lease from every party requesting or requiring a subordination agreement from the Tenant. 19. Landlord's Entry Except in the case of emergency the Landlord shall not enter the leased premises except upon prior written notice to the Tenant in which event arrangements will be made for entry by the Landlord in the presence of one of the Tenant's employees at a mutually convenient time. 20. Planning Act This lease is subject to the condition that the Landlord will obtain any consents required pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act and it is to be effective only if the provisions of the Planning Act are complied with. If consent is. required but the Landlord is unable to obtain same and if the term including renewals is in excess of 21 years the lease shall not exceed a term of 21 years less 1 day from and including the lease commencement date without any right of renewal. 21. Indemnities Except in the event of the negligence of the Landlord or of those for whom it is in law responsible, the Tenant covenants to indemnify the Landlord against all manner of claims, damages, loss, costs and charges, whatsoever, suffered by the Landlord or its property, either directly or indirectly, in respect of any matter of thing ari-sing from the Tenant's occupancy or use of the demised premises or out of any operation in connection therewith. 22. Compliance with Legislation The Tenant covenants with the Landlord to observe and fulfill the lawful provisions and requirements of all statutes, by-laws, rules and regulations, municipal, provincial or federal, relating to the demised premises and in particular and without limiting the generality of the foregoing to maintain all equipment and apparatus not installed or required to be installed from time to time by any authority on the demised premises. PROVIDED that the Tenant's obligations under this shall be limited to those items which are the Tenant's under this ·lease. 23. Rules and Regulations section 22 1 iability The Tenant covenants with the Landlord that the Tenant his employees and all persons visiting or doing business and with page -8 them on the demised premises shall be bound by and will observe and perform the reasonable rules and regulations made by the Landlord of which notice in writing shall be given to the Tenant and that all such rules and regulations shall be deemed to be incorporated in and form part of this lease. 24. Default If the term or any of the goods or chattels of the Tenant shall be at any time seized or taken in execution or in attachment by any creditor of the Tenant, or if a writ of execution shall issue against the goods and chattels of the Tenant and remain unsatisfied for ten days, or if the Tenant shall execute any chattel mortgage or bill of sale of any of its goods and chattels, other than a bill of sale of any of its goods in the ordinary course of the Tenant's business, or if the Tenant shall make any assignment for the benefit of creditors or any bulk sale or shall be adjudged banl(rupt or insolvent by any court of competent jurisdiction under any legislation then in force of shall take the benefit of any Act that may be in force for bankrupt or insolvent debtors then the current month's rent together with the rent for the said three months next ensuing and taxes payable hereunder by the Tenant for the then current year, including local improvement rates, to be reckoned on the rate for the next preceding year, shall immediately become due and payable, and the term shall, at the option of the Landlord, forthwith be terminated and in each of the above cases such accelerated rent, additional rent and ta~es shall be recoverable by the Landlord as if it were in arrears. 25. Re-entry A. Proviso for re-entry by the Landlord on non-payment of rent or non-performance of covenants, subject to the provisions of this lease. B. Failure to pay rent or observe covenants If the Tenant shall fai 1 to pay an instalment of any rent payable hereunder when due and shall allow such default to continue for five days, or shall fail to perform any of the other covenants, conditions or agreements herein contained and shall allow any such default to continue for fifteen days, after 15 days' notice in the case of arrears of rent or 20 days• notice in the case of any other default if the default is not cured or cure has not been commenced within the notice period, the estate hereby vested in the Tenant and any other rights of the Tenant hereunder shall thereupon, at the option of the Landlord, immediately cease and expire. 26. Right of Entry to Perform Covenants If the Tenant shall default in the performance of any covenant in this lease (except a covenant to pay rent) and if such default shall continue after the notice period provided for in section 25B, the Landlord may perform that covenant on the Tenant's behalf and may enter the demised premises for the purpose and shall not be liable to the Tenant for any loss or darnage to the Tenant's stock or business so caused. If the Landlord at any time is compelled or elects to incur any expense including legal fees in instituting, prosecuting or defending any action or proceeding based upon any default of the Tenant under this lease (including any action or proceeding against the Tenant) any reasonable sum including solicitor-and-client costs so paid by the Landlord, together with all interest and damages, shall be payable by the Tenant on demand as additional rent. page - 9 I 1 •• i l l • i ,, l • ------------~--·--~~~~-------. .,·-·---~------~ . 27. Default Cured by Diligence If any default by the Tenant can only be cured by the performance of work or the furnishing of materials, and if such work cannot reasonably be completed or such materials reasonably obtained and utilized within 20 days, such default shall not be deemed to continue if the Tenant proceeds promptly with such work as may be necessary to cure the default and continues diligently to complete such worlc. 28. Removal of Tenant or Occupant If any default by the Tenant is not cured pursuant to the provisions of this lease, or if this lease shall be terminated for any cause, the Landlord may re-enter and remove or procure the removal from the demised premises of the Tenant or any other occupant of the demised premises. 29. Landlord's Rights on Re-entry or Termination If the Landlord shall re-enter or if this lease shall be terminated: Ci) Rent shall immediately become due and be paid up to the time of such re-entry or termination together with the reasonable expenses of the Landlord as hereinafter defined; CiU The Landlord may re-let the demised premises or any part thereof either in the name of the Landlord or otherwise for a term or terms which may if the Landlord chooses be less or greater than the period which would otherwise have constituted the balance of the term of this lease and may grant reasonable concessions in connection therewith; Ciii) The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord on demand such reasonable expenses as the Landlord may incur in re-letting the demised premises, including legal costs, solicitor's fees and brokerage and the expenses of keeping the demised premises in good order and of preparing the demised premises for re-letting. The making of any alterations or decorations in the demised premises which the Landlord considers advisable and necessary for the purpose of re-letting them shall not operate or be construed to release the Tenant from liability hereunder. In the event of breach or threatened breach by the Tenant of any of the covenants or provisions hereof, the Landlord shall have the right to invoke any remedy allowed at law or in equity, including injunction, as if re-entry, summary proceedings and other remedies were not herein provided for, and mention in this lease of any particular remedy shall not preclude the Landlord from using any other remedy at law or in equity. 30. Nuisance and Garbage The Tenant shall not cause, permit or suffer any unusual or objectionable noises or odours to emanate from the demised premises or its use of the common area. The Tenant shall deposit all garbage, debris, trash and refuse in the areas and manner designated by the Landlord. If garbage, debris, trash and refuse is not collected and picked up by the appropriate municipal authorities, such collection and pick-up shall be at the expense of the Tenant. page -10 31. Registration Upon the written request of the Tenant and subject to the consent of the Landlord which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld the Landlord and the Tenant will join in the execution of a notice of the lease or other memorandum for the purpose of registration in the proper land registry office. The notice of lease or memorandum will be prepared by the Tenant at its sole cost and will be in registerable form acceptable to both the Landlord and the Tenant. 32. Notice Any notice demand, request or other instruments which may or are required to be given under this lease shall be delivered in person or sent by registered mail postage prepaid and shall be addressed to the Tenant at the demised premises, and to the landlord at -THE ALVI GROUP P.o. Box 83 Aurora, Ontario L4G 3H1 or at such other address or addresses as the Landlord or Tenant shall designate by written notice. Any such notice demand request or consent shall be conclusively deemed to have been given or made on the day upon which such notice demand request or consent is de I i vered or if mailed as the case may be and either ·party may at any time give no~ice in writing to the other of any change of address for the party giving such notice and from and after giving or-such notice the address therein specified shall be deemed to be the address of such party for the giving of not ices hereunder. 33. Partial Invalidity If any part of this lease or the application of any part to any person or circumstances is invalid or illegal the remainder of this lease or the application to person or circumstance other than those with respect to which it is invalid or illegal is not affected and continues to be applicable and enforceable to the extent permitted by law. 34. Landlord's Work The Landlord shall at its cost and expense leased premises for the Tenant's use and occupancy with plans and specifications prepared by the Landlord's Architect and the Tenant's Architects have been amended and agreed to from time to time hereto. 35. Arrears construct the in accordance Landlord, the as such plans by the Parties The Tenant shall pay interest on all rent or additional rent in arrears at the prime rate of interest offered by The Royal Ban!< of Canada from the date when the same became due unt i 1 paid. In any action or proceeding which the Landlord may be required to prosecute to enforce its rights hereunder, and particularly in any action to collect rent hereunder, the Tenant agrees to pay all costs incurred by the Landlord therein, including reasonable solicitor's fees. page -11 36. Damage to Persons and Property EXCEPT to the extent that such loss caused by the negligence of the Landlord whom it is in law responsible: or damage or injury or another person is for Ci) Neither the Landlord nor its agents shall be liable for any damage to property entrusted to its or their employees nor for the loss of any property by theft or otherwise. All property kept or stored in the demised premises shall be at the sole risk of the Tenant. (ii) Neither the Landlord nor its agents shall be liable for any injury or damage to persons or property in the demised premises or in the premises resulting from fire, steam, waterworks, falling plaster, electricity, water, rain or snow which may leak into, issue, or flow from any part of the premises or from the pipes, appliances or plumbing works or from any other place or quarter or from dampness or from any other cases whatsoever, nor shall the Landlord ot· its agents be I iable for any loss or damage caused by acts or omissions of other occupants, their employees ~r agents or of any person not the employee or agent of the Landlord, or for damage caused by the construction of any public or quasi-public works. 37. Alterations by Landlord Subject to the provisions of Section 17 hereof, the Landlord shall be entitled to alter the building services or facilities, .~·. the location of driveways, sidewalks, or other common areas and facilities, and to extend existing buildings or erect new buildings or extend existing buildings above the demised premises or other rentable premises or common areas and facilities, or add new cormnon areas and facilities to or on the premises. 38. Holdover Any holdover after the end of the term any extensions or renewals thereof, shall be tenancy from month to month upon the same above and commencing with a monthly rental month's rent of the expired term. 39. No Waiver herein conveyed or construed to be a terms as specified equal to the last No waiver of a breach of any of the covenants of this lease shall be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or any other covenant. 40. Interpretation The words "Landlord" or "Tenant" as used herein shall include the plural as well as the singular. Words used in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter. If there be more than on Tenant, the obligations hereunder imposed upon the Tenant shall be joint and several. 41. Enure for Successors All of the provisions of this lease are to be construed as covenants and agreements as though words importing such covenants and agreements were used in separate paragraph hereof, and all page -12 ---~---·-~-"-~-~-~-~-~.:...:·"~~---·~·-----......:_.....:..;__:.~,_...:.:._·. -· --~-·--..,.,.;..,."~=~'="--~~~.,...,.~-. "-~~·~'·'~~~-~~·-··--· ... ··--. ~-------·~----·' . . such prov1s1ons shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Parties, duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf, or hereto duly signed, sealed and delivered by the appropriate party or parties. WITNESS ) THE ALVI GROUP ) ) Per: ) ) THE PRIESTLY HOLDING CORPORATION ) ) Per: ) ) ) ) MOONCREST INVESTMENTS LIMITED ) ) Per: ) ) ) ) ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ) OF AURORA ) ) Per: ) ) ) ) ) ) page -13 • • '--- SCHEDULE A-1 to a Lease entered into between THE ALVI GROUP and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA Part of Lot 105, Plan 246, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York designated as Part 1 on Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as Number 65R-3262. Page -14 ---~--_..<-<,.~-----~-..:.;..; •.• ~-~---~-~--~---'-.~-'---·__:_:__,_._. -- ' SCHEDULE A-2 ' ' " i' '·- ~i . --. _,,.,.:o. 1 -4 . - I~; ------ !- I! I·· -F-- -\h; ~~---·----· • -~~- "'I ~-. . 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