BYLAW - Sale of Block N - 19890222 - 304488' ,-.. , .. ' . ,... . . . . BY-LAW NUMBER 3044-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to stop up and to c 1 ose for all purposes and to se 11 to the abutting land owners, Block N as laid out by Plan M-57. WHEREAS, Block N, Plan M-57 was laid out, dedicated and assu.ed as a public highway in and for this Corporation; AND WHEREAS, the said Block N, Plan M-57 is no longer required for the purposes of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That Block N, Plan M-57 (hereinafter called the "Land") is hereby closed and stopped up for all purposes. That the Land is no longer required for the purposes of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora. That The Corporation of the Town of Aurora sell the Land as provided hereinafter: a) that part of the Land designated a Part 1 on a Reference Plan dated November 1, 1988 prepared by Lloyd and Purcell Ltd., Ontario Land Surveyors a copy of which is attached hereto (hereinafter called the "Survey") as Schedule "A" to be sold to the registered owners of Lot 188, Plan M-57 upon the following terms: i) i i) the purchase price at which the said Part 1 shall be conveyed shall be $2.00 plus fifty percent (50%) of the Town's legal and surveying cost; and this Corporation shall reserve for itself, its successors and assigns an unencumbered right, interest and easement necessary as a result of the underground services installed beneath the said Part 1. b) that part of the Land designated as Part 2 on the Survey to be sold to the registered owners of Lot 189, Plan M-57 upon the following terms: i) i i) the purchase price at which the said Part 1 shall be conveyed shall be $2.00 plus fifty percent (50%) of the Town's legal and surveying costs; and this Corporation shall reserve for itself, its successors and assigns an unencumbered right, interest, and easement necessary as a result of the underground services installed beneath the said Part 2. That the Mayor and the Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such documents as may be required to complete the sale of the Land as aforesaid. That there shall· be attached to this By-law as Schedule "B" the Affidavit of the Clerk of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora setting out the procedures taken for publishing of notice pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act. . ···. - 2 - 6. That Schedules "A" and "B" form part of this By-law. 7. That this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 23rd DAY OF November, 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22 DAY OF February 198#.1 TOWN OF AURORA CERTIFIED TRUE COPY , . .. ·-· \ ~ <r· ., '\.. .""" . . .. ~ _, ~ ·• \, • /f) a ··' ,. Hu•oro'"E .... N66•01' 30•£ 27.27 ••• , ?L.;/J'J / y I urn rr"' "A" sc, li.illV Lll:. L o r I ~ not 10 seale \ \ PART I -a ~ ~ , ... ' 18.9 2 !I'Qitn Mltl( DWfL&.IIG ,., ,. ------ '-----·--- !_ IJI 190 "N•"'Ir''IIIM •nd Gilbert. Lhnitled, Toi'OIIto Form Ul ]u tqr !11lattrr of By-Law No. 1988 -Q!anaba PROVINCE OF ONTARIO being a By-law to stop up and to close for all purposes and to sell to the abutting land owners a portion of Block N as laid out by Plan M-57 To Wit: ]I Colleen Gowan .:n. ofthe Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of York io ~olrmuly ilrtlarr. that 1. I am the Clerk of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora and as such have knowledge of the matters herein deposed to. 2. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 301 of the Municipal Act RSO 1980 I did cause the Notice annexed hereto as Exhibit "A", to be published under Legal Notices for FOUR (4) consecutive weeks, in the Aurora Banner newspaper having general circulation in the area on May 20, 1987, May 22, 1987; June 3, 1987 and on June 10, 1987. 3. Annexed hereto now shown to me and marked as Exhibit "A" to this my Declaration is a true copy of the Notice published as aforesaid. 4. The proposed By-law for the closure of the said Block came before the Council of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora on the 23rd day of November , 1988 and for first and second reading consideration. 5. The proposed By-Law for the closure of the said Block came before the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora on the 22nd day of February, 1989 for third and final reading consideration. 6. No one, either in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent appeared before council, ,from the time of first publication through to third and final reading·. indicating his lands will be prejudicially affected by the By-Law. AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. Declared before me at the Town of Aurora in the Regional Municipality of this day of ;,-;-'} .. ;' ( · ~ ''r 190 /I /~ --!,)'/A_/ .____ ........ , LYf. A Commissioner, etc . . . .. ··•·····•·•·•·•·•••·• LAWREt-jCE VI. R ALLISON A COMMISSIONER FOR I'AK,ING AFFIDAVITS FOR THE IOWN OF AUiiOflA, JUDICIAl. DloTR:CT OF YOR1\. •••.<-•M-.c·-.-··· -, Colleen Gowan : '· ..... ····· Exhibit "A" --• TOWN·OF AURORA PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE IIOTICE THAT: I. The Coon:ilal The Corporation oliN T-a1 Aarara P1f410S0S 111 paso a ily·laW.......,. ID SectiGn 291 al IN Municipal Act RS0 1910 1D slop up and 10 cloSe for all - and IO seiiiO IN-..g land ...... I -ay loadlnQ tcon Keystone Courlwllich is clesiQnaltd as Blocl< N CM1 Plan M-57 as IN~ is no~ required fa< INIMJIIIOSt aiTht~aiiNT-aiAonra. 2. Pursua1t 10 Section 301 al IN ~ Act RSO 1980 belen passing this lly-faw, C4oncil or a c.mmmee ""'""' d fu'tn """"" or by bis counsel. -oriQifll. any""""" who clalmslhll Ns landS d be prejiJCflcidy afftcted by file By-taw, who ac>Pfies to be fiNnf, provided lfllt sucll f111S00 makesliiiiJIICatiollln writing to file -· siQnedCMI or betcniN17ffldoyal Junt. 1917. 3. A copy olflle Plan sllowlng IN portion oliN walkway leading from Keyst,.,. CouriiO be stOIJfled up and closed !oral f101110S1S and sold is availabfl for ~tioll at file Office ol ; ~io::.::.-s--dcmg--floln. -TIIITewuiA- HW..,...InoiWitl Ana,llolaolt uuu . ..... ______________ .... ~--- '' (r This is E:x\1ibit <] mc:.,tioned and referred to in til(! affic!<Jvit of . ( c-c~ c/)~ , .. :f.rv' ~ Swon1 before me this "7-. .f/ day of r::;-;; / ~.-hu; A.D., 19 ('f · I . . -~~Commission~[ &c / / . ; . ! ! ' ·> ., ... ---. CANADA ) ) ) ) ) ) PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) ) ) "SCHEDULE "B" IN THE MATTER OF Block N, Plan M-57 and the closure and sale thereof by The Corporation of The Town of Aurora to the abutting landowners I, Colleen Gowan, of the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, do solemnly declare that: 1. I am the Clerk of The corporation of The Town of Aurora ("Aurora") and as such have knowledge of the matters herein deposed; 2. The lands described as Part of Parcel I-1, Section M-57 being Block N, Plan M-57, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (the "Lands") was dedicated as public highway upon the registration of Plan M-57 and that the Lands have been assumed by Aurora by By-law ~. 3. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 301 of the Municipal Act R.s.o. 1980, I did cause the Notice annexed hereto as Exhibit "A" to be published for four (4) consecutive weeks under Legal Notices in the Aurora Banner, being a newspaper having general circulation in Aurora on the following dates: May 20, 1987 May 22, 1987 June 3, 1987 June 10, 1987 4. The proposed By-law for the closure and sale of the Lands came a public meeting of the council of Aurora on February 22, 1989 for third and final reading. 5. On February 22, 1989, By-law No. 3044-88 was passed by Aurora authorizing the closure and sale of the Lands. 6. No objections to the closure and sale of the Lands was received by Aurora prior to the passage of the said By-law No. 30~~-8~and no such objections have been received as at the date hereof. 7. The registered owners of the lands abutting the Lands are: Lot 189, Plan M-57 Lot 188, Plan M-57 John Sehn and Gail Sehn, as joint tenants Robert Henry stretch and Anita Anne Garber Stretch, as joint tenants 8. Aurora has agreed to sell that part of the Lands which are designated as Part 2, Plan 12566 to John Sehn and Gail Sehn, as joint tenants. 9. Aurora has agreed to sell that part of the Lands which are designated as Part 1, Plan 65R-12566 to Robert Henry stretch and Anita Anne Garber stretch, as joint tenants. 10. Upon the closure and sale of the Lands, there will be access to Lots 188 and 189, Plan M-57 from Keystone Court. 11. The Regional Municipality of York has been notified of and has no objection to the proposed closure and sale of the Lands as indicated in the letter of the Clerk of The Regional Municipality of York dated February 8, 1989, a true copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". - 2 - 12. Based on the foregoing, all of the statutory requirements to close and sell the Lands, as hereinbefore provided have been fulfilled. AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence Act." DECLARED BEFORE ME at the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, this €_; day of /~>t'-' , 1989 Aco=is~'~h/~ 7-J/Lr-~- ) ) ) ) ) Colleen Gowan " ' ·····- .... Exhibit "A" --• TOWN·OF AURORA PUBUC NOTICE. T.uEIICiliCITHAT: 1. ThoCGon:iaiTho~ai .. TownaiAIIIn-topossaBy.Jaw......,. to Sectian 291al .. lllllcipll Ac1 RS0 1910 to stop up and to -lor al - and to soliD tllllbul1inQ land _.a .-ay leading fran Keystono Ccul-II desiQnllld as-Nan Plan M-57 as till........, is nolongor noquired lor 1111 ...,_ oCllle~oCIIIITownaiAIIoll. 2. Plnud to Sectian 301 a1 1111 lloncipll Act RSO 1910 llllortliiSSino this By-taw. Coo.nciiCI'. Committla-.. '-In-Cl'lly Ills ........ -...... any-wflo claims IIIII Ills Iandi willla prejUIIIcllly ·-by 1111 By.Jaw, wflo a1J11110S to Ill -· provided lhllsudl-,....lllllblian In writing to till-· siQnOd .. ll'llalora 1111 17111 dly ........ 1917. 3. A C11VY al 1111 Plan s11oWin11 till por1ian al 1111 walkway leading from Keys-Ccul to Ill st..,.,..S up and closed Ill' a1-and said .is -lor ins!IIC1ion at 1111 Offici a1 . 1111 Town aort< at .. ---dllinQ...,... DusiiiiSs heMS. ' C..L ..... A.ILC.T. . Clllll TlloT_II_ sow ...... -w ... A...__ UIIU This Is Exhibit" of (,_.U.u... A "to tho affidavit 6_._,._,c~ Sworn before me this£ day of /,.; · ~ t9.1t. ~~-=-···--_, --- A commissiooor. etc. • ' (,• ' "'{.-~ ... _.~;... DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITE:D Form No. 995 ,, ' i Nl;: ~tS ~J.J g~ ..,3LJ.J ~d~ ~i= 'Q) n:: ..C<.t.J EU :> 2: J..-~---l Province !l_'!IP'.ll of ~Ontario ~ ·o;;, ~ In "' ~ ...... c ~ M 0. w 0 Q. tl ~ ""' 4 3 :c: .... !""' -. 0 ·~ .,.,, a "' t::J"",' "' "' g:·: O::tn::S ~ 1.0 .2: 0:: • 5: Q 0 L\J' :>-ZZ New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Document General Form 4 -Land Registration Refonn Act, 1984 D (1) Registry 0 land Titles IRJ T (2) Page 1 of 9 pages Additional: See 0 Schedule Additional: See Schedule 0 (3) Property ldentlfler(s) Block Property (4) Nature of Document BY-LAW 3044-88 (5) Consideration NIL DollatS $ (6) Description Part of Parcel I-1, Section M-57 being Block N, Plan M-57 Town of Aurora Regional Municipality of York (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch 0 (b) Schedule for: Description D Additional Additional: Sea 0 Schedule Parties O Other ~ SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHEn (9) This Document relates to Instrument (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or lnteresl_ Name(s) 4-ivfvJ 3 ott r; ~v/~if~ S""""'""""'-"'""'"'IT"'-'"=''"'~"'<'"'''"'""-"'~·'"'""'""-'~'"'-"»"c'""''""- TRA11JY, ARCHIBAlD & SEAGRAM Telephone (416) 862-7525 Fax (416) 862-7661 Continued on Schedule 0 l Date of Signature Y M D ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA GOWLING, ST THY & ND SONl .. :By· ·r'i's. so:L:tcr'rORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. Z.. . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . "~" .. , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ~er. :_jamr:s· · ·: · iffilou~by · · · · · · \ 1-~~9 _121:'1~<( ............................ ! .... ·:· .. [ ... ! : 1 ! (11) Address . _jC lorServlce 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6Jl (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) ,-- (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED 10174 (12/84) Signature(s) I Date of Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . I -. . . . (15) Document Prepared ~y: I!-----F"'-ee_s_arn_d_T_ax_..,------j JAMES C. WILLOUGHBY ~ Registration Fee GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON ~lr----------r------------1 Barristers and Solicitors ~lt------t--------1 3800 Commerce Court West ~ 1 TORONTO, ONTARIO ~lr------t-------~ M5L 1J3 ~IF=========+=========== [t Total I