BYLAW - Insurance of Debentures (Hydro) - 19890308 - 307489.·_) BY-LAW NUMBER 3074-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to Authorize the Issuance of Debentures. WHEREAS the Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission has requested the approval of debenture financing for capital projects in 1989; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora is required to authorize the debenture financing of the Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. THAT those works set out in the Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission's 1989 Capital Expenditures Budget be and are hereby authorized and the issuance of a debenture in the amount of $2,700,000 repayable over a period not to exceed 15 years out of the utility rates of the Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission be and is hereby authorized. 2. THAT the Regional Municipality of York be requested to issue debentures in an amount not to exceed $2,700,000 on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora repayab 1 e over a term not to exceed 15 years. 3. THAT this by-1 aw shall come into effect only upon the approval of Ontario Hydro and the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 8th DAY OF M3rch ' 1989. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 8tj; DAY OF March ' 1989. ~ E 890894 ..... ,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario B E F 0 R E : D.S. COLBOURNE Vice-Chairman -and - D.H. McROBB Vice-Chairman IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 347 as amended) -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for an order approving: (a) the undertaking by the hydro electric commission of the said corporation of extensions and improvements to the hydro- electric distribution system at an estimated cost of $2,700,000.00, and the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances not exceeding in the aggregate such estimated cost pending the sale of debentures, and (b) the issuance of the necessary debentures to a maximum of $2,700,000.00 for a term not to exceed fifteen years by The Regional Municipality of York, chargeable to the applicant corporation ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 23rd day of August, 1989 THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be granted and that the hydro- electric commission of the applicant corporation may proceed with the undertaking and The Regional Municipality of York may issue debentures therefor for a sum not exceeding the lesser of $2,700,000.00 or the net cost of such undertaking for a term not exceeding fifteen years, provided that the Councils of the applicant corporation and The Regional Municipality of York in exercising any '\ -" - 2 - E 890894 power approved by this order shall comply and conform with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto and the provisions of the assent of Ontario Hydro given under Seciton 94 of the Power Corporation Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 384) for the borrowing of money and the issuance of debentures. SECRETARY ENTERED O.B. No .•• ~.~:1,;;,9, ...... Folio ~c:/f·~·19'8'9...... i ~ 94t~ SWlEfAR\', ONr. MUNICIPAL BOARD