BYLAW - Historical Designation 74 Wellington - 19890222 - 306489' . , l • BY-LAW NUMBER 3064-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to designate the George Morrison House located on the property known municipally as 74 Wellington Street East in the Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York as being of architectural and/or historic value or interest. WHEREAS Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R. S .0. 1980, authorizes the Counci 1 of a muni ci pa 1 i ty to enact by-1 aws to designate rea 1 property, including all buildings and structures thereon, to be of architectural and/or historic value or interest; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has caused to be served on the owners of the 1 ands and premises known as the George Morrsion House, 74 Wellington Street East, Aurora, being Lot 13, Plan 107, First Range, in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, and upon the Ontario Heritage Foundation, notice of intention to designate the aforesaid rea 1 property and has caused such notice of intention to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality once for each of three consecutive weeks; and WHEREAS no notice of objection to the proposed designation has been served on the Clerk of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. There is designated as being of architectural and/or historic value or interest the building known as the George Morrison House, 74 Wellington Street East, Aurora, being Lot 13, Plan 107, First Range, in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. The reasons for designation are set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto. 3. The Town Solicitor is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be registered against the property described in Schedule "A", attached hereto, in the proper land registry office. 4. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this By-law to be served on the Owner of the aforesaid property and on the Ontario Heritage Foundation and to cause notice of the passing of this by-law to be published in the same newspaper in which notice of intention to designate was published once for each of three consecutive weeks. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 8th DAY OF February ' 1989. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 22nd DAY OF February ' 1989. ~ • ·-:• DESCRIPTION oF-LANDS .. SCHEDULE "A •c•-;J;£qy;_~ . TO BY-LAW NO.--"'-~~- All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York in the Province of Ontario and being composed of LotNwnber·Thirteen (lJ),in-the First.(lst) Range North of Wellington Street as.shown on Registered Plan Number 107 for the Town of Aurora; · '. SCHEDULE "B" TO BY-LAW NO. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: THE GEORGE MORRISON HOUSE The property identified as the George Morrison House at 74 Wellington Street East is worthy of designation for historical and architectural reasons. The house was constructed in 1886 for George Morrison, a local carriage maker, under the direction of contractor Josiah Hall. The dwelling is more closely associated with Jessie M. Walton, a businessman and amateur historian, who purchased the property in 1919. Walton served as the mayor of Aurora for two terms. The Morrsion House is an excellent example of a late 19th century bay-and- gable dwelling incorporating a variety of picturesque elements from the ltalianate and Gothic Revival styles. The 21-storey building, constructed of wood frame and veneered with yellow brick, rests on ·a rubblestone foundation. The house is covered by a high gabled hip roof, presently clad in asphalt shingles. Single inset brick chimneys, not original to the building, are found on the east and west ends. The brick is laid in plain stretcher bond with implied quoins at the corners of the walls. The large rectangular mass is broken by twin projections on the facade (south), featuring gable roofs (extensions of the main roof) and semi-elliptical bay windows in the lower storey. The bay windows have lost their iron cresting, and the gables are currently lacking most of their· decorative vergeboard, apart from quatrefoil motifs which remain In the outer corners. Historical photographs Indicate that the missing vergeboard was identical to surviving examples in gables on the east and west elevations of the house. The principal entry, centered between the projecting sections of the facade, consists of a double leaf door with an oversized segmental transom. The wall space above contains a triple-sash window, with the sashes divided by mullions in the guise of semi-engaged columns. Other windows throughout the lower stories of the bui I ding feature segmental openings with brick voussoirs. Most of the sliding sash windows contain the original glass. The attic level is lit by tiny. eyebrow windows in the elevations, the openings surrounded by brick circlets. The original shutters have been removed. The open porch sheltering the main entry is a post-1920 replacement with classical columns supporting a flat roof which extends across the tops of the bay windows. The original porch displayed ornamental bargeboard with spool work trim. This and other original features, since missing or replaced, are known through architectural fragments in the possession of the property owner, and through historical photographs. · The dwelling retains its original appendages: a two-storey brick-veneered kitchen wing attached to the north elevation of the main body, and a single-storey wood frame tail affixed to the east end of the wing. Significant interior features Include the original doors, the wooden moulding around structural openings, and the wooden archway dividing the parlours . •.. /2 ' . Reasons for Designation The George Morrison House -2- ''(1" 'JJCz~.J~ r~- Vi..... The dwelling is the largest residential building constructed on Wellington Street East, and serves as an integral part of this important corridor. It Is highly visible in the streetscape, given its size and setback on a land- scaped lot whose dimensions remain unaffected by 20th century subdivision or infill. NORMAN 0. SEAGRAM JOHN S. GRANT JR. JOYCE HARRIS GEORGE VOKEUCH R OOUGLAS KNEEBONE EUZABirrH M WAIGHT CLARA L. KISKO MAURICE V. R. FLEMING BRUCE E. DARLINGTON lAURA E. BANKS TIIOMA.S A. FENTON ASSOCIATE COUNSEL: STRA1HY, A.RClllBALD & SEAGRAM Barristers & Solicitors JOHN S. GRANT JOEL A. ORGANEK KEVIN R. AALTO JOHN M. WHYTE ROlliN J. MACKNIGHT JONVENUI'Tl MYRNA R. ROBS PHILOMENA FRISINA LESUEJ. BATI1UCK IAN R E. BEVERLEY CHARLI!S HAIAM-ANDRHS C. ROGER ARCHIBALD T 0 fAMii;5li';1!T! I R 0 R tJ!£>f:"l;':;1" Jtt&r&tv-~ u \ WIWAMJ. WALKER ~HI!A If.l.O}{NSI"QN.f I""' D KARON c. BAlES .'VU:f-8. $qf{t i ~~ !"' l KENNETH T. ROSENBERG ii~AM.J.~-lf. 6sri!ANDER_.. .t PHIUP W. TIIOMPSON HOWARD W. WINKLER STEVE W. ROSENBAUM SHARON A. BENNETJ' RICHARD DUSOME ROBERT A. PUFFER STUAIU' A. ROEBUCK •n'lf"O':Iill\lr">i mo. :08 J'U.O.""'-'ll 0loN.otl.f:lli. o4J THOMAS P. C. COLE R. DOUGLAS S. HUNr!:R LRSUE A. WITI1.1N PAUL R BASSO WENDA VENSON JOSHUA M. BACH ANDREW D. BRANDS CHRISTOPHER]. ROPER KARYN L BRADLEY PETER C. WARDLE KIM M. BEATIY MARK. D. TAMMINGA Direct Line 862-5706 Fax No.862-7817 March 16, 1989 Mrs. Colleen E. Gowan, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Municipal Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West AURORA, Ontario L4G 3L8 Dear Mrs Gowan: Re: Ontario Heritage Act Designations Refer to File No. 91006 74 Wellington Street East •The George Morrison House• In accordance with your letter dated February 27, 1988 (received February, 1989), and on the basis that the owners and the Ontario Heritage Foundation have been served with notice of intention to designate the properties as being of architectural and historical value or interest, that the notice has been published and that there have been no appeals, we confirm that By-law No. 3064-89 has now been registered. Document General to which was attached certified copy of By-law No. 3064-89 designating the property known municipally as "The George Morrison House", 74 Wellington Street East, Aurora, as being of architectural and historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980, Chapter 337 was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region (No.65J on March 3, 1989 as Instrument Number 500192. The owners of the lands, as of the date of registration, were Douglas Gordon Werling and his wife, Vera Werling, joint tenants. Although the Transfer No. 69969B made by Kenneth I. Olsen to Douglas Gordon Worling and his wife, Vera Werling, registered September 15, 1969, has the following description:- • described as Lot Number Thirteen (13) in the First (1st) Range North of Wellington Street as shown on Registered Plan Number 107 for the Town of Aurora" ,;: -j-..<_. G ow"~ r-.1 e'Sf?tCrfl~l... P.O. Box 438, Commerce Court West, Suite 3800 • Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSL 1]3 Telephone (416) 862-7525 • Telex 05-23776 • Cable SASCLAW • TDX Box 42 2. you will note that the Land Registrar has printed the words "(First Range South of Centre St.)" in Box (6) Description of the Document General, in addition to the description shown. This should not affect the By-law or any notices given, however, these words would be required on any subsequent title transfers of this property. We enclose duplicate Instruments No. 500192. Please call if you have any questions concerning this registration. Yours very truly, STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Per: Encl. STRATHY, ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM 1-.!.-l Province 1\..V.l of ~Ontario Document General Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 (1) Registry e9 Land Titles 0 1 (2) Page 1 of 5 pages 0 ) 5001.'9'2 (3) Property ldentifier(s) Block Property Additional: O See Schedule Number · ···· · GERTIFICAlE OF Nature of ! c,19~qi'\ ~j~R-"'33 P -'.I '(li)l Consideration YORK REGION (' //. .-,;.::;; ~ ~RKEf , Lane! I '"' Description BY-LAW NUMBER 3064-89 Dollars$ / 1~.·· Lot 13 in the First Range North of Wellington Street as shown on Plan 107 Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York (Fi~"l1" ~All~ '5o14TI'\ <lf" c.ENi~e '1)1',) New Property Identifiers Additional: See Schedule 0 Additional: See Schedule (7) This Document 0 Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch ! (b) Schedule for: oi I Additional Description 0 Parties 0 Other ~ ' ('fa> This I provides as follows: Copy of By-law Number 3064-89 designating the property as being of architectural and historical value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, 1980, Chapter 337 is attached Continued on Schedule 0 (9) This t relates to i number(s) ) (10) ) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA , : • u. ' ' ... ·by· ·itrs· solic;:ito:r;s,. ;~~TH:Y:, ·A~l<;'.H!lJT~<Ltn.~D· .s AGRAM ...................... i ..... i .. ·! .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·: · · · ·ste~ri·;'-t'ra:rJ<e· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·! ~9_89 : 0 · 3·! ~~ (11) Address forService 50 Wellington Street West, Aurora, Ontario. L4G 3L8 '(12) 1 (Set out Status or Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D ' li .................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . 1 I 1131 for Service (!14) · 'of "The.~Geocr;ge Morrison House 74 Wellington Street East AURORA, Ontario. NAM004 06/88 (15) Document Preparedbf: S . R. C.Lar ke STRATHY,ARCHIBALD & SEAGRAM Barristers & Solicitors Box 438,Cornrnerce Court West TORONTO, Ontario. M5L 1J3 91006 .. !· .. [1~1 Fees and fax I·~ Registration Fee ~ ,1:;: Total