BYLAW - Development Charges - 19891120 - 315689BY-LAW NUMBER 3156-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY -LAW to prescribe Development Charges in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient by the Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora to establish a fair and reasonable policy for the application of a uniform lot levy throughout the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS the existing Municipal levy structure has been established without revision for in excess of ten years; AND WHEREAS the Town. of Aurora intends to continue assessing the need for and providing additional site specific charges for water and sewer infrastructure requirements to service new development; AND WHEREAS a comprehensive review of Municipal growth related requirements has been undertaken, resulting in a demonstrated need to adjust the current levy structure to provide adequate services to the present and future inhabitants of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT this By-1 aw may be cited as the "Lot Levy By-1 aw" of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the Levies set out in Schedule "A" appended hereto shall be adopted as the development charges applying to the various classes of development set out therein. 3. THAT Schedule "A" forms part of this By-law. 4. THAT this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20th DAY OF November ' 1989. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th DAY OF November ' 1989. - 2 - SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NUMBER 3156-89 CLASS OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICABLE DEVELOPMENT CHARGE 1.0 RESIDENTIAL LOT LEVY: (Including Subdivision Consents, and Condominium development) 1.1 1.2 Singles and Semi-detached Townhouses 1.3 Apartments 1.3.1 Bachelor and One Bedroom 1.3.2 Two or more Bedrooms 2.0 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LEVY 3.0 INFILLING LEVY: (Special Charge Where no Site Specific Levy for Water and Sewer- is applicable) 3.1 Residential Water Sanitary Sewer 3.2 Commercial/Industrial Water Sanitary Sewer 4.0 HYDRO LEVY 4.1 Residential 4.1.1 Single/Semi-detached 4.1.2 Townhouses Apartments 4.1.3 Bachelor and One Bedroom 4.1.4 Two or more Bedrooms 4.2 Industrial/Commercial $3,612 Per Unit $3,221 Per Unit $1,199 Per Unit $2,360 Per Unit $2,930 Per Acre $ 600 $ 700 $1,300 Per Unit $1,400 $1,000 $2,400 Per Acre $ 666 Per Unit $ 592 Per Unit $ 241 Per Unit $ 444 Per Unit $2,696 Per Acre