BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highway - 19890111 - 304988BY-LAW NUMBER 3049-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands as a public highway forming part of Old Blooming~on Road in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 278 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 302, as amended, permit Council to pass By-laws for laying out and establishing highways; AND WHEREAS, by a deed dated March 12th, transferred to the Township of Whitchurch Elizabeth Strootman for road widening purposes; 1958 certain lands were by Richard Strootman and AND WHEREAS, these lands are now owned by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to dedicate the said lands as a public highway forming part of Old Bloomington Road; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS ~S FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the 1 ands comprised of Part of Lot 71, Concessi on 1, in the former Township of Whitchurch now in the Town of Aurora more particularly described as follows:- ALL and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and prem1ses, situate, lying and being in the Township of Whitchurch, in the County of York and Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot 71, Concession 1, in the said Township and may be more particularly described as follows:- COMMENCING at a point in the southerly limit of the said Lot 71, where the same is intersected by a wire fence marking the existing easterly limit of Lot 1 according to a Plan filed in the Registry Office for the North Riding of the County of York as No. 166; THENCE easterly along the said southerly 1 imit of Lot 71 being the northerly 1 imi t of road a 11 owance between Lots 70 and 71, 150 feet to an iron pipe; THENCE northerly along a line parallel to the aforementioned wire fence marking the existing easterly 1 imit of Lot 1, registered Plan No. 166, to a point of intersection with a line drawn parallel to the southerly limit of said Lot 71 and distant 10 feet therefrom; THENCE westerly along the last mentioned parallel line a distance of 150 feet more or less to its point of intersection with the wire fence marking the existing easterly limit of Lot 1 Registered Plan No. 166; and THENCE southerly along the said easterly limit of Lot 1 Plan No. 166 to the point of commencement; be and are hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. i . .. -<t ii / i - 2 - 2. THAT the prov1s1ons of this By-law shall come into force and effect upon final passage thereof and when registration of the By-law in the proper Land Registry Office has been effected. . . 1,,n-t "'o vREAD A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS I DAY OF 0£CJc/v/i)~r-_ ' 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 11th DAY OF January ' 1989. DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 Province of Ontario Document General 0 Form 4 -land Registration Refonn Act, 1984 546404 Number ............. .u................ ..,.. CERTIFICATE Of REGISTRATION 1qqo JUN 2q A 10: 12 YORK REGION~ No. 65 NEWMARKET Land Registrat New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See Schedule Additional: See Schedule D D . (1) Registry EJ / Land Titles 0 l (2) Page 1 of 3 pages (3) Property Block ldentlfler(s) (4)NatureofDocument BY-LAW Municipal Act) (5) Consideration NIL (6) Description Property (Section 278 of The Dollars$ Part of Lot 71, Concession 1, in the . (I)J Additional: See 0 Schedule Town of Aurora (formerly the Township of Whitechurch) Regional Municipality of York (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch D (b) Schedule for: Additional Description ~ Parties D Other [!§ A certified copy of By-Law No. 3049-88 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora is attached. Continued on Schedule D ( (9) This Document" relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) _ Date of S1gnature /"· . Y M 0 .. ~~~ i.~.~R~~~1.~~~~r.~.F -~~E .. ~OWN .. OF .A~RO.RA. P.e.r.:....... . . ~y-~ .... y:_g_o 06 .i.~7 Jame C. Willoughby i i GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON i ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... ' ........ : .. . .. . . . .. . ... ............ ... ... . . . . . . .. . .. . ........ ··············· .... ! ..... ! ... ! .. . ' ' ' ' ' ' ! : (11) Address · for Service 81 Industrial Parkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of P~operty NOT ASSIGNED 10174 (12/84) Signature(s) i Date of Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . ··································r····· (15) Document Prepared by: James C. Willoughby Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers and Solicitors 3800 Commerce Court W~st Toronto; Ontario MSL lJ3 ~ Fees and Tax -' ~ Registration Fee w rJ) ~lr----------r-----------; w () ~~~----------~------------1 u.. ~IF=========+=========~ 0 L~ Total