BYLAW - Dedicate Land as Highway - 19890510 - 310389, . ·--~ BY-LAW NUMBER 3103-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to dedicate certain lands for the purposes of public highways, WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provide that Council may enact By-laws for establishing the laying of highways; AND WHEREAS, the Corporation of the 65M-2395; 1 ands hereinafter described were acquired by the Town of Aurora by virtue of the registration of Plan AND WHEREAS, it is now deemed expedient to dedicate a portion of the said reserve as a public highway; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as By-law Number 3103-89, the following: 1. That the land described as Part of Block 32, Plan 65M-2395, being Part 4, Plan 65R-13099, be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway forming part of Wellington Heights Court in the Town of Aurora. 2, THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof and when the registration of the By-law in the proper Land Registry Office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 24th DAY OF May ' 1989, READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF June ' 1989. ~~ I-ll t .·~ -· CXJ PART 1 PLAN 65R-1533 In st. No. 182018 PART No. ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ "' I-~ 0 PLAN _j 5U1JO N 7rtJ'25' £ LOT 1 z 0 (f) (f) w u z 2 413126 PART g 65R-1533 P & W F 52./JO ~ \ r I N7tr!8W£ s.t 2.566----.._,_ I I I 2 \ IP (0/U) ~ t SIS (1370) 1 ..... F. 0.40W'. 0.42H N7S~'JO"E / -------(J..JQO P6 .k """-I I I (f) I- I C) -w I PART SIB (1370) z 0 I- C) z d _j t -· 1 Q) u 3: 0 0 0 0 N 4 L() m I") N I 2 L() ill c 0 Q_