BYLAW - Amend 2620 83 (Fouling Highways) - 19890614 - 310089BY-LAW NUMBER 3100-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURO BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-1 aw 2620-3, a By-law to prohibit the fouling of highways and to regulate ve cles servicing building sites. / WHEREAS, the Municipal Council of the Town o Aurora enacted By-law No. 2620-83, pursuant to Section 315 of the Municip Act; AND WHEREAS, it is now deemed expedient t amend the provisions of the said By-law to alter the manner in which securities are collected when vehicles are required to cross public roperty to access lands for construction purposes; NOW THERE FORE, FOLLOWS: THE Municipal Council the town of Aurora ENACTS AS 1. THAT Section 2 of By-1 aw 2620-8 be and is hereby repea 1 ed and the following substituted therefore: 2. Wherever vehicles cro s curbs, sidewalks or paved boulevards to eliver materials to or remove materials fro abutting lands on which any building is eing erected, altered repaired or demoli hed, the owners of such abutting lands, up n any application for the issuing of a permi certifying to the approval of plans of buil ngs to be erected, altered, repaired or demo ished thereon, shall pay to the municipality the sum of $1000.00 for each lot abutting directly on such sidewalk, curbing or pa ed boulevard as a deposit to meet the cost of repairing any damage to the sidewalk, cur ing or paved boulevard or to any water servi e box or other service therein caused by the crossing thereof by such vehicles. The said deposit to be paid following the applicati n and prior to the issuing of a permit c rtifying to the approval of plans of be erected, altered, repaired or 2. THAT the pr v1 s 1 ons of the By-1 aw shall come into force and effect upon final p ssage thereof. READ A FIRST ND SECOND TIME THIS 24th DAY OF May • 1989. READ A T RD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 14th DAY OF June • 1989. _ .. · / I