BYLAW - Amend 2613 83 (Parking) - 19890208 - 305989, .. ( ~;4./ I BY-LAW NUMBER 3059-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law 2613-83 as amended, a By-law to govern and control the parking of vehicles in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Aurora enacted By-law 2613-83 on the 7th day of November 1983 to regulate parking within the municipality; AND WHEREAS, it is now deemed expedient to amend By-law 2613-83 to prohibit overnight parking between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00a.m.; NOW THEREFORE, THE Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the prov1s1ons of Section 2(1)(o) of By-law 2613-83, Parking Prohibited be and are hereby repea 1 ed and the following substituted therefore: 2(1)(o) On any highway, between the hours of one o'clock a.m. and six o'clock a.m. For the purpose of the clause "highway" shall mean the travelled portion of the roadway including the gravelled or unpaved shoulder of the roadway upon which a vehicle could be parked. This clause shall be in force and effect between November 15th and April 15th of the following year. 2. THAT the prov1 s1 ons of this By-1 aw sha 11 be effective upon fi na 1 passage thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 25th DAY OF JANUARY • 1989 • READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF February • 1989.