BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (P&S) - 19890719 - 312589. BY-LAW NUMBER 3125-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE 'l'CmN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW WHEREAS it is deerred advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78. NCW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Section 14.3.10 is amended by deleting the contents of that Section and replacing them with the following: 14.3.10 Special Mixed Density Residential (RS-11) Exception Zone. The existing building on the lands zoned "R5-ll" on Schedule 1 A 1 may be used for a supportive housing hostel for physically and emotionally abused wanen and their children, provided: i) The rnaxirrrurn number of occupants residing on the premises at any one time be no IIDre than ten; ii) That there be no additional on-site parking provided; iii) That the rear yard of the property remain in its natural state as a play area for children. 2. No part of this By-law will came into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been ccmplied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 28th DAY OF June ' 1989. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th DAY OFJuly ' 1989. .--~--<M~_..., ___ _ ', -2- Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-law d;JI3-7Z By-law3f;;;.S-8J has the following purpose and effect: To amend the prov~swns of the "Special Mixed Density Residential (RS-11) Exception Zone" applying to the subject lands, located at the north-east corner of Maple Street and Yonge Street, being Part Lot 13, Registered Plan 5. The amendment is to penni t the continued use of the existing structure for a wanen' s shelter on a pennanent basis subject to a maximum of 10 residents at anyone time; the provision of no additional on-site parking; and, the retention of the rear yard as a play area. APPROXIMATE LOCATION SUBJECT LANDS Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6JI ~~~-~ ~~-~------------- Tel: (416} 727-1375 (416} 889-3109 Fax: (416} 841-3483 AFFIDAVIT UNDER SECTION 34(20) OF THE PLANNING ACT (1983) I, Lawrence A 11 i son, hereby certify that the notice for By-1 aw 3125 - 89 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the 19th day of __ _..u.u;z ____ , 19....8.9._ was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by Ontario Regulation 404/83, made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act ( 1983). I a 1 so certify that the 35 day objection period expired on August 23 ,19 89 and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this _2_4_t_h ___ day of __ A_u_gu_s_t _________ , 19 89.