BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Monreith) - 19890927 - 313689r t -~-~ ,) BY-LAW NUMBER 3136-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE 'KMN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law No. 2213-78 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law ntmlber 2213-78. NeW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule 'A' is hereby amended by changing the zoning category on the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached hereto and fonning part of this By-law from "Envirorurental Protection (E.P.) ZOne" and "Third Density Apartment Residential (RA3) Zone" to "Envirorurental Protection (EP-5) Exception Zone" and "Central Carrmarcial (C2-6) Exception Zone". 2. That Section 21 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 21.8 "Central Ccmr!8rcial (C2-6) Exception Zone". "The lands shown zoned C2-6 on Schedule 'A' shall be used in acc6rdance with the provisions of Sections 21.1 and 21.2 with the exception that parking shall be pennitted in the side and rear yards. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.26, the minimum required parking shall be 53 spaces. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.31, along the southern property line, the required planting strip shall be nil and a 1.5 metre high close board fence shall extend westward from the rear property line a minimum distance of 27 metres. " 3. That Section 30 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 30.3.6 "Envirorurental Protection (EP-5) Exception Zone". "The land shown · zoned EP-5 on Schedule 'A' may be used for parking ill addition to the uses pennitted in Section. 30.1 hereof." 4. No part of this By-law will came into force until the prov~swns of the Planning Act have been corrplied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SEalND TIME THIS 13thDAY OF September 1 1989, READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 27th DAY OF Septerriber 1 1989, ,...---· - 2 - Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-law By-law 3J3!,-'A1 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213-78, the Zoning By-law in effect in the TOwn of Aurora to rezone the subject lands being Part Lot 17, Plan 68, Part Lots 163 and 165 and Lot 164, Plan 246, nrunicipally known as 99 Yonge Street South, from "Third Density Apartment Residential (RA3) Zone" and "Envirornnental Protection (E.P.) Zone" to "Central Corrrnercial (C2-6) Exception Zone" and "Envirornnental Protection (EP-5) Exception Zone". The amendment is to penmit the development of the lands for a 2 storey commercial building with approximately 1,197 square metres (12,885 square feet) of floor area. A rnin:imum of 53 parking spaces are to be provided in the rear and side yards, with an exception to the E.P. zone provisions created to penmit parking on the portion zoned EP-5. The area adjacent to Tannery Creek is to be retained as an amenity area. An exception to the buffer strip provisions has been granted to eliminate the planting strip along the southern property line; a 1.5 metre high close board fence shall be provided along the eastern boundary extending along the southern property line to the rear of the building to screen the parking area. . ·n·OWINI Of' AlUIR<OIRA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK LOCATION I PART LOT 17, PLAN 68 LOT 164, PT. LOT 163 & & 165, PLAN 246 99 YONGE STREET SOUTH WELLINGTON STREET EAST _j 1.-C2-1r242B-BtJ lR 5 -18 ~ M1 ;1 / 1/ r~ I H7J '-I 1 [TIJW -i-!"-~ ~ rfiillii 1}f6 : fF . ' ~ ___j ... .. 'PI lJ ~r-1 II 'gt IM1 -J. " • o· Jt ,.;;..;;; V: r£ 1-;{ E C2- RA ~ .I 1 R~ PE~H!ji:/J 7J H'\ ~I 6 .. 1=!:d kif== I ~~fl EP ,-..;.. f--I ~ I~ 3~ r;-'Q ,:~ IT ~ r.r-( . I loll h N I F=t~t= II R -" d:UI f--rr-.. 'R """'-"\~ w ~ r:~~Et ! o: IJl CF) ~ \..( , r--- ----1 ~---.. i I o M2 ~. '----II~ . I ; 1·, t= 1T i w I• J " --Q l 1~/~ (.!) 2 J_;;:s ~~ .. Ri I~ " '·--I~ §? QL lf_,'l ~' ~-'~ hl ~I I II I\J I -, I IIIII fill r ( '\ SCHEDULE "a_'' TO BY· LAW N~ 3i 3le -~q B E F 0 R E : D.H. McROBB Vice-Chairman -and - N. KATARY Member Nj "'11111111~ Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario90 IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF appeals by Edelstein Construction Limited and William Patrick against Zoning By-law 2213-78 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora s1 sL.-?1 ( 1'1\ol.ll?x '-r 1,\ ) R 890669 ; '·; ,' ... ,, i ': >,; ,IAN 15 A11 :56 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 13th day of December, 1989 THE APPEALS having been withdrawn; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeals against Zoning are hereby dismissed. ENTERED O.B. NJ .•••• R:?.::t.::.! .... .. Folio No ....... !:3.?..~ ....... , JAN 1 1 1990 ~(~ SECRETARY, DNT. MUNICIPAL BOARD ~ ./;~ 4~ oA(r/?: £ /11~ /#~~ I)_ 7