BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Darkwood) - 19890412 - 307689BY-LAW NUMBER 3076-89 OF THE CX)RPORATION OF THE 'l'CmN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law 2213-78 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78; NCM THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'Ibwn of Aurora enacts as follows: 1) THAT the zom.ng cat!"go:ry applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and fanning part of this By-law is hereby amended from "Rural General (RU) Zone" to "Institutional (I) Zone", "Major Open Space (0) Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone" and "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-32) Exception Zone". 2) THAT Section 11 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 11. 33 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone": 11.33.1 11.33.2 USES PERMITI'ED In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 370 square metres 12 metres Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Except that where lots abut 6 metres 7.5 metres the C.N.R. right-of-way the minimum required rear yard shall be 30 metres. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.138 respecting the definition of rear yard, for the purposes of this catego:ry, the minimum rear yard will be calculated from the westerly bounda:ry of the original C.N.R. right-of-way. Interior Side Yard (minimum) one or two storeys: -one side 0.6 metres -the other side 1.2 metres Exterior Side Yard (minimum) Building Specifications 4.5 metres In accordance with Section 11.2.3 except that the rnaxlllll.lin lot coverage shall be 37.5 percent. 3) THAT Section 11 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 11.34 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-32) Exception Zone": 11.34.1 \ \ USES PERMITI'ED In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. - 2 - 11.34.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.1 hereof. Siting Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.2 hereof except that the minimum exterior sideyard shall be 4. 5 metres. Building Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.3 hereof. 4) No part of this By-law will came into force until the prov~swns of the Planning Act have been carrplied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 8th DAY OF March , 1989. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12th DAY OF April , 1989. - 3 - Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-law By-law 3076-89 has the following purpose and effect: To amend By-law 2213-78 the Zoning By-law in effect in the Town of Aurora to rezone the subject 1 ands from "Rura 1 Genera 1 ( RU) Zone" to "Institution a 1 (I) Zone", "Major Open Space (0) Zone", "Detached Dwe 11 i ng Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone" and "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-32) Exception Zone" to permit development of the lands as a Plan of Subdivision comprised of 360 residential lots, open space blocks, an elementary school block, and two residential blocks to be developed in conjunction with the lands to the south. The zone requirements of the standard R2 zone, and the R2-31 and R2-32 zones are as indicated below: Zone Reguirements R2 Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 460 square metres (4,951.6 square feet) Lot Frontage 15 metres (minimum) (49.2 feet) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) 6 metres (19.7 feet) Rear Yard (minimum) 7.5 metres (24.6 feet) Interior Side Yard (minimum) one storey: -on one side 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) -on the other side 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) two storeys: -on one side 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) -on the other side 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) Exterior Side Yard (minimum) 6 metres ( 19.7 feet) Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) -one storey -two storeys 120 square metres (1292 square feet) 130 square metres (1399 square feet) Lot Coverage (maximum) -one storey 35 percent -two storeys 35 percent Height Main Building (maximum): 10 metres (32.8 feet) R2-32 R2-31 460 square metres 370 square metres (4,951.6 square feet) (3,982.8 square feet) 15 metres 12 metres (49.2 feet) (39.37 feet) 6 metres 6 metres (19.7 feet) (19.7 feet) 7.5 metres 7.5 metres* (24.6 feet) (24.6 feet) 1.2 metres 0.6 metres (3.9 feet) (1.97 feet) 1.2 metres 1.2 metres (3.9 feet) (3.9 feet) 1.5 metres 0.6 metres (4.9 feet) (1.97 feet) 1.5 metres 1.2 metres (4.9 feet) (3.9 feet) 4.5 metres 4.5 metres (14.8 feet) (14 .8 feet) 120 square metres 120 square metres (1292 square feet) (1292 square feet) 130 square metres 130 square metres (1399 square feet)(1399 square feet) 35 percent 35 percent 10 metres (32.8 feet) 37.5 percent 37.5 percent 10 metres (32.8 feet) * Except that where lots abut the CNR right-of-way the minimum required rear yard shall be 30 metres calculated from the westerly boundary of the original.CNR right-of-way. - - --- jT Part of Lot 74 Concession I West TOWN OF AURORA THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK R2-32 SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. 3D]fo-~j '/l_ J( THIS IS SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW No. :JoJ~ -f'{ PASSED THIS /,?d: DAY OF l I I ! ' r ,, ~ '' '. ' ~ : KEY MAP ., l COHC(SSION I W.Y. $ SUBJECT LANDS ( B E F 0 R E : D.H. McROBB Vice-Chairman -and -. C.G. CHARRON Member· 4 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal by Leo DiPaola against Zoning By-law 3076-89 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora R 890305 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the 29th day of June, 1989 THE APPEAL having been withdrawn; THE .BOARD ORDERS that the appeal against Zoning By-law 3076-89 is hereby .dislnissed. "'"-.. ,~· c::-.:i :~::::.·) t.~.,J } -3 3 ORr c, r 111 A-L ·b JU~ -I.@~ "f. SECRETARY ENTERED -_, o. a. No .... F.;.¢:'f.~f Folio No ••• _lcr, ··· .• ............ ~ .............. . JUL 2 o 198:J ~-. , I'~'~ ACTING S(CRETMY ONT ' ' · MUNICIPAl ElOARo