BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Coscan) - 19890525 - 310889• 1",._.,,-. l' -''·', c " ' !tj "'I_,. Ontario -~~ --~ '. t u ~~~: ri ! ! • R 890386 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario '90 JilN 15 p 1 :25 B E F 0 R E : K.D. BINDHARDT Member IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal by Nick Cortellucci against Zoning By-law 3108-89 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora ) ) ) ) Monday, the 11th day of September, 1989 THIS MATTER having come on for public hearing on this day and after the hearing; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal against By-law 3108-89 is hereby dismissed. ENTERED (! _Q I G.B. NJ ... .&:?.S .. ::.!... ... . '-------l>"B~~$&8"-~_.,....-----'...f Fclio ~~N .. l~~i~~ ...... · ~~~ SECREI"ARY, ONT. MUNICIPAL BOARD ~~~~ =-~'~ '1!lllDlml'" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal by Nick Cortellucci against Zoning By-law 3108-89 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora O.M.B. File No. R 890386 -and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 50 ( 15) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Regional Municipality of York on a request by Nick Cortellucci for consideration of a proposed Plan of Subdivision on lands comprising Part Lots 73, 74, and 75 Concession 1 W.Y.S. in the Town of Aurora ~ Region's File No. 19T-83038 O.M.B. File No. S 890038 qg COUNSEL: ()) 0 N R 890386 s 890038 j~.':;:: ::~!:Jl :::2·-~ f"-'"1 1:·::·.: ;;·::~~::; ,,x'. / ., ,. -, K.D. Jaffary, Q.C. and P. Greco for CoscanDevelopment Corporation K.T. Rosenberg B.A. Moloney c. Tatangelo for for for Town of Aurora Region of York Nick Cortellucci DISPOSITION as noted on Hearing Sheet dated September 11, 1989 Counsel for all parties filed Exhibit 2, a consent requesting the Board to dismiss the appeal against By-law 3108-89 and approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision subject to the conditions attached to the consent. No one appeared in opposition to such dismissal and approval. The Town's Planning Director gave evidence which satisfied the Board that the proposed development conforms to Official Plan Amendment No. 36, which contains the applicable policies, that the criteria of Section 50(4) of the Planning Act are met, that By-law ;-.3-3 - 2 - R 890386 s 890038 3108-89 implements the proposed Plan of Subdivision and that the proposal represents good planning. The appeal against By-law 3108-89 is dismissed. The Draft Plan of Subdivision as identified by Exhibit 3 is approved subject to the condition identified in Exhibit 2 and adopted by Council of the Regional Municipality of York on April 13th, 1989 as identified in Exhibit 5. ~1\ K.D. BINDHARDT MEMBER ~· ; i . ' Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6J1 Tel: (416) 727-1375 (416) 889-3109 Fax: (416) 841-3483 AFFIDAVIT UNDER SECTION 34(20) OF THE PLANNING ACT (1983} I, Colleen E. Gowan, hereby certify that the notice for By-law 3108-89 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, passed by the Council of the Corporation on the 25th day of May , 19 89 was given in the manner and form and to the persons prescribed by Ontario Regulation 404/83, made by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Counci 1 under subsection 17 of section 34 of The Planning Act (1983). I also certify that the 35 day objection period expired on June 29, 1989 and to this date no notice of objection to the by-law has been filed by any person in the office of the Clerk. Dated this _....:4.::thc:....__ day of __ _:J....:u=ly'------' 19 ~· CLERK \ r ,')' \ BY-LAW NUMBER 3108-89 OF THE OORPORATION OF THE 'lOiVN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend By-law 2213-78 WHEREAS it ~s deemed advisable to amend By-law number 2213-78; NCW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'lbwn of Aurora enacts as follows: 1) THAT the zonmg category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is hereby amended from "Rural General (RU) Zone" to "Institutional (I) Zone", "Institutional (I-3) Exception Zone", "Institutional (I-4) Exception Zone", "IDeal Corrnercial (C1-1) Exception Zone", "Major Open Space (0) Zone", "Major Open Space (0-8) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-15) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-16) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-9) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-23) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-29) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-33) Exception Zone", "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-34) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-4) Exception Zone", nRow Dwelling Residential (R6-5) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-6) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-7) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-8) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-9) Exception Zone", "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-10) Exception Zone", and "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-ll) Exception Zone". 2) THAT Section 28 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 28.3.3: "Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 28.1 and 28.2, the lands shown zoned 1 I-3 1 on Schedule 1 A 1 may be used for a water tower. " 3) THAT Section 28 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 28.3.4: "Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 28.1 and 28.2, the lands shown zoned 1 I -4 1 on Schedule 1 A 1 may be used for a hydro substation." 4) THAT Section 20 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 20.3 "IDeal Comnercial (C1-1) Exception Zone": 20.3.1 20.3.2 USES PERMITTED -retail stores -personal service shops -bake shop, special -library, public -professional offices -business offices -banks or other financial establishments -one apartment dwelling unit in accordance with the provisions of Section 7. 4 herein. ZONE REJ;:JUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) 5000 square metres 90 metres 20.3.3 - 2 Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Side Yards (minimum) Building Specifications Lot Coverage (maximum) Floor Area (maximum) : -Total Complex -Each Commercial Unit Height (maximum) Buffer Strip 7.5 metres 7.5 metres 7.5 metres 30 percent ll20 square metres 225 square metres 1 storey Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.31.1, a buffer strip shall be provided adjacent to the western property line in accordance with Section 6.31.2. A landscaping strip of not less than 3 metres in width shall be provided along the property frontage. Where ingress and egress driveways or walkways extend through the landscaping strip, it shall be permissible to interrupt the strip within 1.5 metres of the edge of such walkway or driveway. 5) THAT Section 3 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 3.12(i): 6) "3.12(i) Bake Shop, Special means a retail store or shop where products of a bakery are sold or offered for sale by retail, and where products are baked on the premises for sale cy retail on the premises and may include an area for consumption on the premises provided that such area be no greater than 20% of the gross floor area of the building or unit in which the use is located." THAT Section ll is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 11.33 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-31) Exception Zone": 11.33.1 USES PERMI'ITED In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. 11.33.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) 370 square metres 12 metres Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) 6 metres Rear Yard (minimum) 7. 5 metres Except that where lots abut the C.N.R. right-of-way the minimum required rear yard shall be 30 metres. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.138 respecting the definition of rear yard, for the purposes of this category, the minimum rear yard will be calculated from the westerly boundary of the original C.N.R. right-of-way. Interior Side Yard (minimum) -one side -the other side Exterior Side Yard (minimum) one or two storeys: 0.6 metres 1.2 metres 4.5 metres -3- Building Specifications In accordance with Section 11.2.3 except that the ~ lot coverage shall be 37.5 percent. 7) THAT Section ll is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 11.35 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-33) Exception Zone": 8) 9) 11.35.1 USES PERMI'ITED In accordance with Section 11.1 hereof. 11.35.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (mininrum) Lot Frontage (mininrum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (mininrum) Rear Yard (mininrum) Interior Side Yard (mininrum) -one side -the other side Exterior Side Yard (mininrum) Building Specifications Floor Area: -mininrum -rnaxinrum Lot Coverage (rnaxinrum) 325 square metres 10.9 metres 6 metres 7.5 metres one or two storeys: 0.6 metres 1.2 metres 4.5 metres 95 square metres 160 square metres 35 percent Height (main building)(~) 10 metres .. THAT Section 11 is hereby· amended by adding the following as Section 11.36 "Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-34) Exception Zone": "In accordance with sections 11.1 and 11.2 except that no building or accessory structure shall be located closer to the eastern boundary of the Bathurst Street Road allowance than 50 metres. " THAT Section 10 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 10.17 "Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-15) Exception Zone": 10.17.1 USES PERMI'ITED In accordance with Section 10.1 hereof. 10.17.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (mininrum) Lot Frontage (mininrum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (mininrum) Rear Yard (mininrum) Interior Side Yard (mininrum) : -one storey -two storeys Exterior Side Yard (mininrum) 2000 square metres 21.3 metres 7.5 metres 7.5 metres 1.2 metres 1.5 metres 4.5 metres Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, no building or accessory structure shall be located closer to the eastern boundary of the Bathurst Street road allowance than 60 metres. . ,. ··: - 4 - Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) : -one (1) storey -two (2) storeys Lot Coverage (maximum) Height (main building) (maximum) 120 square metres 130 square metres 35 percent 10 metres 10) THAT Section 10 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 10.18 "Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-16) Exception Zone": 10.18.1 USES PERMITI'ED In accordance with Section 10.1 hereof. 10.18.2 .-ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area (minimum) Lot Frontage (minimum) Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) Rear Yard (minimum) Interior Side Yard (minimum) : -one storey -two storeys Exterior Side Yard (minimum) 2000 square metres 21.3 metres 7.5 metres 7.5 metres 1.2 metres 1.5 metres 4.5 metres Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, no building or accessory structure shall be located closer to the eastern boundary of the Bathurst Street road allowance than 50 metres. Building Specifications Floor Area (minimum) : -one (1) storey -two (2) storeys Lot Coverage (maximum) Height (main building) (maximum) 120 square metres 130 square metres 35 percent 10 metres ll) THAT Section 6 is hereby amended by adding the following to the end of Section 6.2.2: "In the case of the 'Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-15) Exception Zone' an accessory building or structure shall not be located closer to the eastern boundary of the Bathurst Street road allowance than 60 metres. In the case of the 'Detached Dwelling First Density Residential (Rl-16) Exception Zone' and the 'Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential (R2-34) Exception Zone' an accessory building or structure shall not be located closer to the eastern boundary of the Bathurst Street road allowance than 50 metres.'' 12) THAT Section 15 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 15.8 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-4) Exception Zone": "The lands shown zoned R6-4 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of not IOC>re than 13 link house units. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section. 15. 2. 3, the maximum lot coverage shall be 35 percent. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.2, the minirnirnum front yard on the sidewalk side shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7.5 metres for the garage; on the non-sidewalk side, the minimum front yard ·shall be 6 metres. All other provisions of Sections 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 shall apply." ',.J ' 13) - 5 - THAT Section 15 is hereby arrended by adding the following as Section 15.9 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-5) Exception Zone": "The lands shown zoned R6-5 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of not more than 10 link house units. N:::rtwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.3, the rnaxirrrum lot coverage shall be 35 percent. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15. 2. 2, the minimimum front yard on the sidewalk side shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7.5 metres for the garage; on the non-sidewalk side, the minirrrum front yard shall be 6 metres. All other provisions of Sections 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 shall apply." 14) THAT Section 15 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 15.10 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-6) Exception Zone": "The lands shown zoned R6-6 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of not more than ll link house units. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.3, the maxirrrum lot coverage shall be 35 percent. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.2, the minimimum front yard on the sidewalk side shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7.5 metres for the garage; on the non-sidewalk side, the minirrrum front yard shall be 6 metres. All other provisions of Sections 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 shall apply." 15) THAT Section 15 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 15.ll "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-7) Exception Zone": 16) "The lands shown zoned R6-7 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of not more than 14 link house units. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15. 2. 3, the rnaxirrrum lot coverage shall be 35 percent. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.2, the minimimum front yard on the sidewalk side shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7. 5 metres for the garage; on the non-sidewalk side, the minirrrum front yard shall be 6 metres. All other provisions of Sections 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 shall apply." THAT Section 15 is hereby arrended by adding the following as Section 15.12 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-8) Exception Zone": "The lands shown zoned R6-8 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of not more than 7 link house units. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15. 2. 3, the max:Um.nn lot coverage shall be 35 percent. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 15.2.2, the minimimum front yard on the sidewalk side shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7.5 metres for the garage; on the non-sidewalk side, the minirrrum front yard shall be 6 metres. All other provisions of Sections 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4 shall apply." 17) THAT Section 3 is hereby arrended by adding the following as Section 3.42.12: "Dwelling, Quadraplex: means a building that is divided vertically or horizontally into four (4) dwelling units each of which has a commo:n or independent entrance directly to the outside area adjacent to the said dwelling." 18) THAT Section 15 is hereby arrended by adding the following as Section 15.13 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-9) Exception Zone": 15 .13 .1 The lands shown zoned R6-9 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of maisonettes and/or quadraplexes, provided the number of dwelling units does not exceed 28, and in accordance with the following provisions: . - 6 - 15.13.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area per Dwelling Unit (minimum) 185 square metres Lot Frontage Total Parcel -Maisonette -Quadraplex Siting Specifications (minimum) 36 metres 19 metres Maisonettes: in accordance with section 15.2.2 Quadraplexes: in accordance with section 15.2.2 except that the minimum front yard shall be 6 metres on the non-sidewalk side; on the sidewalk side, the minimum front yard shall be 6 metres for the main building and 7.5 metres for the garage. Building Specifications Lot coverage (maximum) Floor area (minimum) Height (maximum) 15.13.3 Private Outdoor Living Area 35 percent 55 square metres 10 metres Notwithstanding the provisions of Section, private outdoor living areas shall be a minimum of 15 square metres in area having no dimension less than 3 metres. All other provisions of Section 15.3 shall apply. 15.13.4 General In accordance with section 15.4. 15.13.5 Parking Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the minimum perking requirement for a quadraplex shall be 1 space per unit where a garage is provided and 1.5 spaces per unit where no garage is provided. · Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6. 27. 7, parking may be permitted in the front yard provided that such parking is screened by a landscaping strip of a minimum depth of 3 metres along the property frontage. 19) THAT Section 15 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 15.14 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-10) Exception Zone": 15.14.1 The lands shown zoned R6-10 on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of row houses, maisonettes, link houses and quadraplexes, provided the number of dwelling units does not exceed 62, and in accordance with the following provisions: 15.14.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS Lot Specifications Lot Area per Dwelling Unit (minimum) - Lot Frontage (total parcel) : Maisonette (minimum) Link House (minimum) Row House (minimum) Quadraplex (minimum) 185 square metres 36 metres 36 metres 36 metres 19 metres '. - 7 - Siting Specifications Front Yard (minimum) : Sidewalk Side -main building -garage Non-sidewalk Side Rear Yard (minimum) Side Yards (minimum) : -windowed wall -non-windowed wall Unobstructed Distance Between Buildings on The Same IDt (minimum) 6 metres 7.5 metres 6 metres 6 metres 7.5 metres 3 metres 3 metres Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, for the purposes of the R6-10 zone, yards abutting the "Major Open Space (D-8) Exception Zone" shall be calculated from the boundary of the D-8 zone rrore particularly described on Schedule "J" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. Building Specifications Floor area (minimum) IDt coverage (maximum) Height (max:Um.nn) 15.14.3 Private Outdoor Living Area 55 square metres 35 percent 10 metres Notwithstanding the provisions of Section, private outdoor living areas shall be a minimum of 15 square metres in area having no dimension less than 3 metres. All other provisions of Section 15.3 shall apply. 15.14.4 General In accordance with section 15.4. 15.14.5 Parking Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the minimum parking requirement for a quadraplex shall be 1 space per unit where a garage is provided and 1. 5 spaces per unit where no garage is provided. 20) THAT Section 31 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 31.5 "Major Open Space (0-8) Exception Zone": Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 31.1 respecting pennitted uses, the lands shown zoned D-8 on Schedule 'A' and rrore particularly described on Schedule 'J' attached hereto and forming part of this By-law shall not be used except for the following uses: -conservation -wildlife areas -private park i) Zone Requirements No buildings or structures other than those associated with a private park shall be erected in this zone and the lands within this zone shall be maintained in their natural state or landscaped in accordance with approved plans. 21) THAT Section 15 is hereby amended by adding the following as Section 15.15 "Row Dwelling Residential (R6-ll) Exception Zone": 15.15.1 The lands shown zoned R6-ll on Schedule 'A' may be used for the construction of row houses, maisonettes, link houses and quadraplexes, provided the number of dwelling units does not exceed 36, and in accordance with the following provisions: 15.15.2 ZONE REQUIREMENTS ,,, .. '., - 8 - Lot Specifications Lot Area per Dwelling Unit (rninllm.nn) 185 square metres Lot Frontage (total parcel): Maisonette (rninllm.nn) Link House (rninllm.nn) Row House (minllnum) Quadraplex (minllnum) Siting Specifications Maisonette: Front Yard (rninllm.nnl Rear Yard (rninlinum) Side Yards (rninlinum) Link House, Row House and Quadraplex: Front Yard (rninlinum) : Sidewalk Side -main building -garage Non-sidewalk Side Rear Yard (rninllm.nn) Side Yards (minllnum) Unobstructed Distance Between Buildings on The Same Lot (minllnum) Building Specifications Floor area (rninlinum) Lot coverage (maxllm.nn) Height (maxllm.nn) 15.15.3 Private Outdoor Living Area 36 metres 36 metres 36 metres 19 metres 6 metres 6 metres 6 metres 6 metres 7.5 metres 6 metres 6 metres 1.5 metres 3 metres 55 square metres 35 percent 10 metres Notwithstanding the provisions of Section, private outdoor living areas shall be a rninllm.nn of 15 square metres in area having no dimension less than 3 metres. 15.14.4 General In accordance with section 15.4. 15.14.5 Parking Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary, the rninllm.nn parking requirement for a quadraplex shall be 1 space per unit where a garage is provided and 1.5 spaces per unit where no garage is provided. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.27. 7, parking may be pennitted in the front yard of a quadraplex provided that such parking is screened by a landscaping strip of a rninllm.nn depth of 3 metres along the property frontage. 22) No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been canplied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 24thDAY OF May , 1989. ~ ;, ' . . . ' - 9 - READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS J.< DAY OF fVI .*'( 1 1989. ''· •. . ' ' ) Explanatory Note to By-Law JM-f1 continued. Uses Per1itted lone Require1ents Lot specifications Lot Area (1ini1u1l Lot Frontage (1ini1u1) Siting Specifications Front yard (1ini1U1I Rear yard (1ini1u1) Side lards (liniiUI) Exterior Side lard (1ini1u1) Building Specifications Lot coverage (1axi1nll Floor Area (1axi1u1) for each co11ercia! unit ",HaxiiUI floor area for 'each conercial co1plex Height (mimi Landscape Strip (along frontage) Cl ·convenience retail stores -personal service shops -one apart1ent dwel· ling in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.4 650 sq 1 (6997 sq ftl 18 I (59 ft) 1.5 I (24,6 ft) 7,5 I (24,6 ft) 4.5 I (14,8 ft) 1.5 I (24,6 ft) 30 percent 185 sq 1 (1991 sq ft) 555 sq 1 (5974 sq ft) ! Up to 20 percent of gross floor area of Bake Shop 1ay be used for consu1ption of products on the pre1ises 1-3 To allow for p!ace1ent of iater Tower 1·4 To allow for place1ent of Hydro Substation Cl-1 ·retail stores ·personal service shops -bake shop special~ ·library, public ·professional offices ·business offices ·banks or other financial establishlents -one apart1ent dwelling in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.4 5000 sq 1 (53,821 sq ftl 90 I (295 ft) 1.5 I (24.6 ft) 7,5 I (24.6 ft) 7,5 I (24.6 ft) 1.5 I (24,6 ft) 30 percent 225 sq 1 (2422 sq It) 1120 sq 1 (12,056 sq ft) I storey J I (9,8 ft) ... . ·, ... Zone Requireoents Rl Rl-15 Ri-16 ··--------------------------------------------------------Lot Specifications Lot Area (1ini1u1} 2,000 sq 1 2,000 sq 1 2,000 sq 1 (21,529 sq ft} (21,529 sq ft} (21,529 sq ft} Lot frontage (1ini1u1} 30 I (98,4 ft} 21.3 I (69,86 ft} 21.3 I (69,86 ft} Siting Specifications · •. front Yard (1ini1u1} 9 I (29.12 ft} 7,5 I (24.6 ft} 7.5 I (24.6 ft} Rear Yard (1ini1u1} 9 I (29.52 ft} 7.5 I (24.6 ft} 7,5 I (24.6 ft} H " .. Interior Side Yard (1ini1u1} -(I} storey 4.5 I (14,7 ft} J.2 I (J.9 ft} 1.2 I (3.9 ft} -(2} storeys 4,5 I (J4.J·ft} 1.5 I (4,9 ft} 1.5 I (4.9 ft} Exterior Side Yard (1iniau1} 9 I (29.\ ft} . 4,5 I (14.8 ft} 4.5 • (14.8 ft} Building Specifications floor Area (1ini1u1} -(I} storey 120 sq 1 120 sq 1 120 sq 1 (1,292 sq ft} (1,292 sq ft} (1,292 sq ft} -(2) storeys 140 sq 1 130 sq 1 130 sq 1 (I ,507 sq ft) (1,399 sq ft} (1,399 sq ft) Lot Coverage (laXiiUI} 35 percent 35 percent 35 percent Height (lain building)(laXiiUI)IO 1 (32,8 It) 10 I (32.8 It) 10 I (32,8 ft} * Accesory structures not per1itted within Rear Yard setback **No building or accesory structure shall be per1itted within 50 1 in the Rl-16 zone, within 60 1 in the Rl-15 zone, of the easterly li1its of the Bathurst St. road allowance. Uses Penitted 0 0-8 -agriculture -conservation -athletic fields • wildlife areas -conservation -private park -forestry -horticultural nurseries -golf courses -parks, public and private -wildlife areas -buildings accesory to the noted uses Zone Require1ents Lot Specifications With iithout Vith*' llithout Buildings Buildings Buildings Buildings Lot Area !•ini1u1) 2,000 sq 1 Iii 2,000 sq 1 Ni 1 (21,520 sq It) 8il (21,520 sq ft) Iii Lot frontage (linilul) 30 I (98.4 It) Nil 30 1 (98.4 It) iil Siting Specifications front Yard (1ini1u1) 7.5 I (24,6 It) !il 7,5 I (24.6 ft) Iii Rear Yard (1ini1n1) 7,5 I (24,6 ft) Iii 7.5 I (24.6 It) Iii Side Yard (1ini1n1) 3 I (9,84 ft} Iii 3 I (9,84 ft) Iii Lot Coverage (laxiiUI} 20 percent Iii 20 percent Iii Height (mim) 10 I (32.8 ft) Nil 10 I (32.8 ft) Nil ** No structures other than those associated with a private park " ... "• . N 1'34'$)" W ..... 0 0 lHIS IS SOI£DliiE 'I!_ TO BY-LAW No. :rfi;t:-2 J PASSED THIS~DAY OF '? 19 & MAYOR PART of LOT 73,74 & 75 CONCESSION 1, W.Y.S. TOWN . of AURORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY of YORK S~'· ~DULE 'A' TO BY-LAW No. -, Explanatory !ote to Ry-Law3r•ft1continued. The zone require1ents of the standard R2 zone and the R2-9, R2-23, R2-29, R2-31, R2-33 and R2-34 zones are as indicated below. Zone Require1ents R2 RH R2-23 R2-29 R2-31 R2-J3 R2-34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot Specifications Lot Area ( liOiiUI) 460 sq 1 325 sq 1 6l0 sq 1 460 sq 1 370 sq 1 32l sq 1 460 sq 1 (49l0 sq ft) (3498 sq ft) (6.9.97 sq.ft). . (4950 sq ft) (3983 sq ft) (3498 s.q.ft) ,,A,,,(.4.95.2-,sq ft) Lot frontage (1ini1n1) II 1 (49,2 ft) 10 I (32,8 ft) 18 I (19.1 It) ll I (49.2 It) 12 1 (39.37 It) 10,9 1 (31.76 It) II 1 (49.2 It) Siting Specifications u front yard (1ini1u1) -aain building 6 I (19.7 It) 6 1 (19.7 It) 6 1 (19,7 It) 4,l I {J4;8 ft) 6 I (19.7 It) 6 I (19,7 It) 6 I {19.7 It) -garage 6 I (19.7 It) 6 I (19,7 It) 6 1 {19,7 It) 6 1 {19,7 It) 6 I (19.7 It) 6 1 (19,7 It) 6 I (19,7 ft) Rear yard {1ini1u1) 7.1 I {24.6 ft) 7.l I {24.6 ft) 7.l 1 {24.6 It) 7 .l 1 {24.6 It) 7.l 1 {24.6 It)! 7 .I I (24.6 It) 7.l • {24.6 It) :; " Interior Side Yard {1ini1u1) :j One storey: I :: -on one side 1.2 I {3,9 It) 0.6 1 {1.97 It) 1.2 I (3,9 It) u I {1.97 It) 0.6 1 {1.97 It) 0.6 I {1.97 It) 1.2 I (3,9 It) I -on other side 1.2 1 (3.9 It) 1.2 I {3,9 ft) 1.2. (3.9 ft) 1.2. (3.9 ft) 1.2 • (3,9 It) 1.2. (3.9 ft) 1.2. (3.9 ft) Two storeys ·1 -on one side 1.1 • {4.9 ft) 0.6 • (1.97 ft) J.l I {4,9 ft) 0.6 • {1.97 It) 0.6. {1.97 ft) 0,6 I (1,97 ft) J.l I {4,9 ft) ~~ 1 -on other side J.l I {4,9 ft) 1.2. {3.9 ft) 1.1 • {4.9 ft) J.2 I (3,9 ft) 1.2 1 (3.9 It) 1.2. (3.9 ft) J.l I {4,9 ft) Exterior Side Yard {1ini1u1) 6 I {19,7 ft) 6 I (19,7 ft) u • (14.8 ft) 4,1 I (14,8 ft) 4,l I (14,8 ft) 4.l I (14.8 ft) 6 1 {!9,7 It) '" ;1 ,"< Building Specifications J floor Area (aini1u1) J -one (I) storey 120 sq 1 120 sq • 120 sq 1 120 sq 1 120 sq 1 91 sq 1 120 sq 1 (1292 sq ft) {1292 sq It) {1292 sq ft) {1292 sq ft) (1292 sq ft) {1023 sq It) {1292 sq ft) -two (2) storeys 130 sq 1 130 sq 1 130 sq 1 130 sq 1 130 sq 1 9l sq 1 I 30 sq 1 I {1399 sq ft) {1399 sq ft) {1399 sq It) {1399 sq ft) {1399 sq ft) {1023 sq ft) (1399 sq It) I floor Area {laxi•n•l ! -one {I) or two {2) storeys 160 sq 1 (1722,3 sq It) Lot coverage (1aXi1u1) -one (!) storey 31 percent ll percent 31 percent 40 percent 3 7.l percent 31 percent 31 percent -two {2) storeys 31 percent 3l percent 31 percent ll percent 37.l percent 31 percent ll percent Height Hain Building {laXiiUI) JO I {32,8 ft) JO I (32,8 ft) 10 I (32.8 It) 10 • (32.8 ft) 10 I (32.8 It) JO I (32,8 ft) JO I (32,8 ft) 'Except that where lots abut the CHR right-of-way the 1ini1u1 required rear yard shall be 30 1 calculated fro• the westerly boundary of the original CHR right-of-way. "Ho building or accesory structure shall be penitted wHhin lO 1 of the easterly lilits of the Bathurst St. road allowance. Explanatory Rote to By-Law71of-~1 continued. Zone Require1ents R6 R6-4 thru R6-8 R6-9 RHO R6-ll (See Note I) (See Note 2) (See Note 3) (See Note 4) Lot Specifications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot Area per Dwelling Unit (1ini1u1) Row Housing 230 sq 1 185 sq 1 185 sq 1 (2475.8 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) Link House or Maisonette 280 sq 1 280 sq 1 185 sq 1 185 sq 1 185 sq 1 (3014 sq It) (3014 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) Quad rap lex (See Note 51 185 sq 1 185 sq 1 185 sq 1 (1991 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) (1991 sq ft) Lot Frontage (1ini1u1) Row Housing -total parcel (liniiUI) 30 I (98,4 ft) 36 I (IJ8.J ft) 36 I (118.1 ft) NOTES: -per unit (liniiUI) 6 I (19,7 ft) Link House I. Only the following nu1ber of -total parcel (1ini1u1) 36 I (118.1 ft) 36 I (IJ8.J ft) 36 I (118,1 ft) 36 I (118,1 ft) Link Houses will be per1itted -per unit (liniiUI) 9 I (29.5 ft) 9 I (29.5 ft) per zone category Maisonettes R6-4 13 units R6-5 10 units -total parcel (1ini1u1) 36 I (118,1 ft) 36 I (118,1 ft) 36 I (118,1 ft) 36 I (JJ8,J ft) R6-6 II units R6-7 14 units -per unit (1ini1u1) 6 1 (19,7 It) R6-8 7 units Quadraplex -total parcel 19 I (62.3 It) 19 I (62.3 It) 19 I (62.] ft) 2. Per1its 28 Maisonettes and/or Quadraplexes Siting Specifications Front lard (1ini1u1) (See Also Note 7) 3. Per1its Row Houses, Maison- -Jain building 7.5 1 (24.6 It) 6 I (19.7 It) (See Note 6) 6 I (19,7 It) 6 I (19.7 It) ettes, Link Houses and Quadra- -garage non-sidewalk side 6 I (19,7 It) 6 I (19,7 ft) 6 I (19.7 It) 6 I (19.7 It) plexes to a 1axi1u1 of 62 units -garage sidewalk side 7.5 1 (24,6 It) 7.5 1 (24.6 It) 7,5 I (24,6 ft) 7.5 I (24.6 It) Rear lard (1ini1u1) 7.5 I (24.6 It) 7.5 I (24,6 ft) 7.5 I (24.6 It) 6 1 (19,7 It) 6 1 (19,7 It) 4. Per1its Row Houses, Maison- Side lards (1ini1u1) ettes, Link Houses and Quadra- -Exterior 6 I (19,7 ft) 6 I (19,7 ft) 6 I (19,7 ft) 1.5 I (4, 9 ft) plexes to a 1axi1u1 of 36 units -Interior 1,5 I (4,9 ft) 1.5 • (4.9 ft) 1.5 I (4,9 ft) 1.5 a (4.9 It) -windowed wall 7.5 • (24.6 ft) 5. A Definition for Quadraplex -non-windowed wall 3 I (9,8 ft) will be added to the Zoning Unobstructed Distance Between Buildings on Saae Lot (ainiJUI) 3 1 (9.8 It) By-Law. Building Specifications 6. Main building setback Floor Area (liniaua) 71 sq 1 75 sq 1 55 sq 1 55 sq 1 55 sq 1 Maisonettes -7.5. (24.6 ft) (807 sq ft) (807 sq ft) (592 sq ft) (592 sq ft) (592 sq ft) Quadraplexes - 6 • (19.7 ft) -. Lot Coverage (1axi1n1) 25 percent 35 percent 35 percent 35 percent 35 percent ..... ,!. Heigbt (mimi 10 • (32.8 ft) 10 a (32.8 It) 10 I (32,8 It) 10 • (32.8 ft) 10 I (32,8 ft) 7, Hiniaua Front, Side and Rear ~~. ' ' lards for Maisonettes shall -Private Outdoor Living Area o; Hh(lf unit and 1ini1u1 Depth of 15 sq 1 (161.5 sq ft) and r' Di•···i·• '•,ss than 3 1 (9.8 ft) be 6 aetres (19,7 feet). -~ 6 • (19.7 ft) Explanatory Note Re: Zoning By-Law By-La.;jro&-8~ has the following purpose and effect To amend By-Law 2213-78, the Zoning By-Law in effect in the Town of Aurora to rezone the subject lands being part of lots 73, 74 and 75, Con 1, W.Y.S., from "Rural General (RU) Zone" to "Institutional (I) Zone, "Institutional (I-3) and ( I-4) Exception Zones", "Local Commercial (Cl-1) Exception Zone", Major Open Space (0) Zone, "Major Open Space (0-8) Exception Zone", "Detached ~Melling First Density Residential (Rl-15 and Rl-16) Exception Zones"' "Detached ~Melling Second Density Residential (R2-9), (R2-23), (R2-29), (R2-31), (R2-33), and (R2-34) Exception Zones" ,and "Row ~Melling Residential (R6-4), (R6-5), (R6-6), (R6-7), (R6-8), (R6-9), (R6-10) and (R6-II) Exception Zones", to permit development of the lands as a plan of Subdivision comprised of 441 residential lots with minimum frontages ranging from 10.9 metres to 21.3 metres (35 .8 ft. to 69.9 ft.); 8 multiple family residential blocks in total comprising 181 units; 6 open space blocks; 3 institutional blocks; and I commercial block. The zone provisions are exhibited on the attached. KEY PLAN sutJ!:CT L1diDS " " H I< .. 0 "' H "' " " "' 0 .. ' ' ' 0 / REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY of YORK PART of LOT 73,74 & 75 CONCESSION 1, W. Y.S. f 'Al- l N 73"15'50" E 94.369 ;z ,_ ftJ QJ a: 0 N ~ cO QJ C/) "" R6-10 "" ,_ ' 0 0 f2 ·" "' U'l "' .::;, ;z -1 0-8 ~ ~ C1-1 0-8 co I (0. cr 0) I co cr THIS IS SCHEDULE "J" TO BY-LAW No . .:J</'{7 ~ -.fy PASSED THIS .;l.:f DAY OF di§:;l -w~ ~AYOR I SCHEDULE 'J' TO BY-LAW No. 3;o f-51