BYLAW - Adopt Sum Estimates, And Strike Rate of Taxation - 19890524 - 310789BY-LAW NUMBER 3107-89 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1989. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, has in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and its local boards for general purposes in a taxation amount of $6,047,811. AND WHEREAS the York Region Board of Education has submitted its requisition for Public School purposes in an amount of $13,398,428. AND WHEREAS the York Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board .has submitted its requisition for Separate School purposes in an amount of $2,137,408. AND WHEREAS the Region of York requirements deemed warranted to be raised by the Town of Aurora has been received in an amount of $3,875,503 including a sewer service charge of $1,307,094. AND WHEREAS the assessment roll as returned is deemed to be the last revised assessment roll for 1989 taxation purposes as detailed on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law: AND WHEREAS the 1989 rates of taxation have been struck in accordance with stipulated provisions of the appropriate statute. AND THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the 1989 estimates for general purposes, regional purposes and educational purposes in a total taxation amount of $25,510,554 be and the same hereby adopted. 2. THAT the amounts and rates; specifically detailed on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; shall be levied in the manner as set out hereinafter. 3. THAT the said Public School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as Public School Supporters. 4. THAT the said Separate School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessments, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as Separate School Supporters. 5. THAT the balance of the said rates; due and levied, in addition to the provisions of the interim Levy under By-Law 3042-88 shall be payable in three instalments due on the following dates; on or before the 30th day of June, the 31st day of July and the 29th day of September, 1989. 6. THAT there be imposed as a penalty, a percentage charge of one and one quarter percentum on non-payment of any instalment of the taxes or any portion thereof on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the 31st day of December, 1989. - 2 - 7. THAT the Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by section 379 of the Municipal Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. 8. THAT the Collector shall, if any instalment of the taxes remain unpaid for more than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the Act all such taxes so in default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 24th DAY OF MAY, 1989. READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24th DAY OF MAY, 1989. MAYOR PUBLIC SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS 183,685,308 41,745,470 19,894,305 * Assessment value of properties with TOWN OF AURORA -1989 TAXABLE ASSESSMENT PARTICULARS SCHEDULE "A" In Reference to By-Law 3107-89 SEPARATE SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS 34,323,553 3,182,090 1,207,020 sewer service. TAXATION LEVIES MILL RATES TOTAL TOTAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL BUSINESS ASSESSMENT ;.;;21"8;.::., ;;,;oo<;;8'"", 8""6;.:;:1--7'4 4"'","'"9 2~7r-,.;;;5 6,;.;;o:--"""2:T1 ;:;.;,1""o'"'1 ::..;;, 3"'"2 5' 284 , o 3 7 , 7 46 192,958,354* 44,681,977* 21,024,565* 258,664,896* RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TAXATION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TOTAL TAXATION LEVIES SCHOOL BOARD PURPOSES Public School Levy E1 ementary Share of Tel & Tel Tax Secondary Share of Tel & Tel Tax Separate School Levy Elementary Secondary TOTAL EDUCATION LEVY REGION OF YORK PURPOSES Region Levy Region Levy -sewer service Share of Tel & Tel Tax TOTAL REGION LEVY GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES General (evy Share of Tel & Tel Tax TOTAL GENERAL LEVY TOTAL TAXATION LEVY TOTAL MILL RATES Public School Supports Public School Supporters - Non Serviced Separate School Supporters Separate School Supporters - Non Serviced & FARM INDUSTRIAL 29.175 22.159 29.974 24.100 8.455 4.836 20.453 85.078 80.242 87.818 82.982 34.324 26.069 35.263 28.353 9.947 5.690 24.063 100.093 94.403 103.316 97.626 & FARM INDUSTRIAL $5,359,019 4,070,283 1,028,814 827,198 1,843,265 933,147 4,458,935 $1,432,872 123,096 1,088,263 89,926 112,210 90,222 446,894 254,240 60,442 1,081,092 95,087 BUSINESS $682,852 518,625 4;?,,563 34,223 209,895 119,630 507,761 $ 7,474,743 123,096 5,677,171 89,926 1,183,587 951,643 15,500,166 2,500,054 1,307,017 60,442 . 3,867,513 6,047,788 95,087 6,142,875 .$25,510,554