BYLAW - Renumber Certain Properties - 19880203 - 2965881. • BY-LAW NUMBER 2965-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to renumber certain properties on Vata Court in the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS Section 210(106) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, as amended, permits Counci 1 to pass By-1 aws numbering the bui 1 dings and 1 ots a 1 ong any highway, or any other property within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to assign a numbering system to the buildings erected on Vata Court; NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT effective February 1st, 1988 the following properties listed in Column "A" and now known as shown in Column "B" shall become properly known by the Municipal number as indicated in Column "C" as further shown and detailed on the attached Schedule "A" to this By-law. 2. THAT copies of this By-law shall be sent to the Owners and Tenants of all properties affected by this renumbering action and a 11 muni cipa 1 and public authorities and to the Post Office. 3. THAT the pro visions of this By-1 aw shall come into force and be effective upon the final passage thereof. • 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ).rll" DAY OF~ , 1988. MAYOR SCHEDULE "A" to BY-LAW NO. 2965-88 VATA COURT COLUMN "A" COLUMN "B" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PRESENT ASSIGNED OR USED MUNICIPAL NUMBER i ) Lot 27 Compiled Plan 10328 2 Vata Court Being Part 6 Plan 65R-3453 ii) Lot 28 Compiled Plan 10328 Being Part 5 Plan 65R-3453 iii) Lot 29 Compiled Plan 10328 Being Part 4 Plan 65R-3453 4 Vata Court iv) Lot 31 Compiled Plan 10328 5 Vata Court Being Part 3 Plan 65R-3453 v) Lot 32 Compiled Plan 10328 10 Vata Court Being Part 2 Plan 65R-3453 vi) Lot 33 Compiled Plan 10328 Being Part 1 Plan 65R-3453 COLUMN "C" MUNICIPAL NO. EFFECTIVE FEB./88 2 Vata Court 4 Vata Court 6 Vata Court 5 Vata Court 3 Vata Court 1 Vata Court