BYLAW - OPA #49 - 19881017 - 305088BY-LAW NUMBER 3050-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 49. By Order of the Ontario Municipal Board the following is hereby enacted: 1. That the Offi cia 1 Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended by Official Plan Amendment No. 49 for the Town of Aurora, consisting of the maps and explanatory text attached hereto as Schedule "C"; 2. This By-law came into force and took effect on the day of the Ontario Municipal Board decision dated June 17, 1988. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS BY-LAW WERE NOT ENACTED BY COUNCIL BUT WERE ORDERED BY ORDER OF THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD DATED JUNE 17, 1988, AMENDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1988 AND AMENDED OCTOBER 17, 1988. t-... ·-'\ ~ "'1_,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario '" ;,,_ .. IN THE MATTER OF Section ~3JoCCfF2~hep_jQ :51 Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by Corridor Enterprises Inc. for an order directing an amendment to By-law 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density Residential and "R2" Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential the permitted use of lands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concessi on 1 WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision O.M.B. File No. Z 860159 -and - IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A. W. Boland and Jean Boland for an order directing an amendment to By-law 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density, "Rl-1" Detached Density Exception, "R2" Detached Dwelling Second Density and "0" Major Open Space the permitted use of lands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision O.M.B. File No. Z 870048 -and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 22(1) of the Planning Act, 1983 -and - IN THE MATTER OF referral to this Board by the Honourab 1 e Bernard Grandmaitre, by Corridor Enterprises Inc., Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland for consideration of a proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora to redesignate lands described as Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 WYS, in the Town of Aurora, from "Major Open Space," and "Urban and Suburban Resi denti a 1" to "Urban Residential" to permit the extension of the existing Phase 1 residential developments O.M.B. File NO. 0 870046 z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 ··~~-·-·----·--... -·-·~-·····--··----------·--·-·---- BEFORE: C. G. CHARRON Member -and - G. I. THOMSON Member - 2 - Friday, the 17th day of June, 1988 z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 THE BOARD ORDERS that its previous order made herein on the 17th day of June, 1988, and entered in Order Book No. Z86-2, on Folio No. 140 on the 11th day of August, 1988, and amended on the 19th day of September, 1988, and entered in Order Book No. Z86-1, on Folio No. 143 on the 20th day of September, 1988, is hereby further amended by deleting any mention of "Schedule "A'"' from the Amending Order and substituting ""Schedule "C"" therefor; DATED AT TORONTO this 17th day of October, 1988 SECRETARY ENlERE~~ 0 B. No. • •• ~?.'.~ .......... . . H.~ ...... . Fono No ............. . OCT 1 81988 ~teA... ET •~ ONT MUNICIPAL BOARD sECft ""'' • .. ~ .. ... ,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 35(3) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF an appea 1 to this Board by Corridor Enterprises Inc. for an order directing an amendment to By-law 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density Residential and "R2" Detached Dwe 11 i ng Second Density Residential the permitted use of 1 ands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concessi on 1 WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision O.M.B. File No. Z 860159 -and - IN THE MATTER OF an appea 1 to this Board by Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A. W. Boland and Jean Boland for an order directing an amendment to By-law 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density, "Rl-1" Detached Density Exception, · "R2" Detached Dwelling Second Density and "0" Major Open Space the permitted use of 1 ands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision O.M.B. File No. Z 870048 -and - IN THE MATTER OF Section 22(1) of the Planning Act, 1983 -and - IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourab 1 e Bernard Grandmaitre, by Corridor Enterprises Inc., Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland for consideration of a proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora to redesignate lands described as Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession 1 WYS, in the Town of Aurora, from "Major Open Space" and "Urban and Suburban Resi denti a 1" to "Urban z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 BEFORE: C.G. CHARRON Member -and - G.I. THOMSON Member - 2 -z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 Residential" to permit the extension of the existing Phase 1 residential developments ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Friday, the 17th day of June, 1988 THE BOARD ORDERS that the Board order made on the 17th day of June, 1988, and entered in order book No. Z86-2 at Fo 1 i o No. 140 on the 11th day of August, 1988, is hereby amended by deleting the following: "AND THE BOARD ORDERS that Amendment No. 49 to the official plan for the Town of Aurora is hereby approved"; and substituting therefore; "AND THE BOARD ORDERS that the proposed amendment to the official plan for the Town of Aurora is hereby allowed and said official plan is amended as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this order, and is hereby assigned Number 49." DATED at Toronto this 19th day of September, 1988. ~.e~ SECRETARY ENTERED o. B. No ..... ~.f.~r::.f.. ... . Folio No .......... /.::r.3 ...... . - SEP 201988 BEFORE: C.G. CHARRON Member -and - G. I. THOMSON Member - 2 -z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 Residential" to pennit the extension of the existing Phase 1 residential developments Friday, the 17th day of June, 1988 THE BOARD ORDERS that the Board order made on the 17th day of June, 1988, and entered in order book No. Z86-2 at Folio No. 140 on the 11th day of August, 1988, is hereby amended by deleting the following: "AND THE BOARD ORDERS that Amendment No. 49 to the official plan for the Town of Aurora is hereby approved"; and substituting therefore; "AND THE BOARD ORDERS that the proposed amendment to the official plan for the Town of Aurora is hereby allowed and said official plan is amended as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and fonning part of this order, and is hereby assigned Number 49." DATED at Toronto this 19th day of September, 1988. ENTERED 0. B. No ... :?..~f:..:::f... ..... . -,. N ;r • .S ro 10 o ......... ,. ............... .. SECRETARY SEP 2 01988 --... , !i I· q ; i I J : ~~~ ~li~ ~-" Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario SCHEDULE "JV' c to the order of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 17th day of June, 1988 - SECRETARY z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 Schedule "C" AMl::NDMENT NO. -/ / TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE AURORA PLANNING AREA May l2, 1988 I PART I PART I I -1 - STATEMENT OF CO:.IPONENTS -'l'HE PREAMBLE does not constitute part of this Amendment -THE AMENDMENT, consisting of tbe following text and maps (designated ScheQule "A" ancl "Al") constitutes Amendment No, to the Of1ic1al Plan for the Town of Aurora. -2 - PART I -THE PREAMBLE kurpose of the Amendment The purpose of "this amendment is to change the land use designation on the subject lands shown on Schedule "A'' and more specifically shown on Schedule "Al", attached hereto and forming part of this amendment, from "Suburban Residential" to "Urban Residential" and "Major Open-Space" to permit the site to be used for low density residential purposes and to be developed by plan of subdivision, The Amendment is also intended to rationalize current land use designations relating to the existing first phase of a residential subdivision. Location The lands affected by this a.mendm•nt are :Part of Lots 7S and 77, Concession 1, W,Y.S., Town of Aurora. Basis Qf the Amendment This amendment has been enacted in response to the following: a, 1'here 11.ppears to be a need for the proposed use, b. The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding land uses and Will comprise the balance of an existing residential plan of subdivision. c. The existing and proposed road system can adequately accommodate the minimal traffic increase. d. The proposal can be supplied with adequate municipal services such as potable water, sewage dispoeal facilities, storm drainage, solid waste disposal, etc, e. Tbe land is physically suited for the proposed u10e. - 3 - PART II -THE AMENDMENT Introductory Statement All of th1s part of the document entitled PA~T II -The Amendment, consisting of 'the following text and attached maps designated Schedule "A" (Land Use Plan) and "Schedule Al" constitutes Amendment No. to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora, Details of the Amendment The Official Plan of the Town of Aurora is hereby amended as follows: Iten1 (1): The area indicated on Schedule "A" and more particularly in detail on Schedule "Al" attached hereto and forming pal:'t of this amendment is hereby redesignated :t'rom "Suburban Residential" to "Urban Residential'' and "Major Open-Space". Impl~mentation and Interpretation The implementation and interpretation of this Amendment shall be in accordance with the respective policies of tne Aurora Official Plan. .------,lf---~CO~N.f E.S S 10 N I ......... I Major Open Space From Suburban Residential To Urban Residential M()T{ r1111 .... ..,. to11f11i11H ,,_, C,.I-~IH •• ,#1 l/lfiOV-1' .U IMifM IIIII N MW. IW IW CONCESS~I~O~N ____ ~I~E==::t:::~C~ "" IE I --1 ~-- ·-- CONCE_S S 10 .. ~CES '>N II CONCESSION '-"" ) • ·- \ I I I I Ill "' N ., N ... N "' N N ... .. ---· ' 0 .. , ... ... LEGEND URBAN RESIDENTIAL I,. ' .. ,.j SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ~J ESTATE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL I F~·;;<.',;{'S I INSTITUTIONAL r·-;~.1 1---1 MAJOR OPEN SPACE RURAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLANNING AREA BOUNDARY AREA REFERRED TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPROVED IN FORM SHOWN BY ORO NOT£$.· DATED MAY 24' 1979 I f+41$ MAP kUST It£ II'G.AO IN C'ON~!;T!OH WITM TH£ Y(J:'f OF tH£ IHTfJIIIIII Ol!'fle.IA~ fll.j,frl t ARE.IS ANO ~OC.lTIONS 0"' .. AJO!It' INStiTUTIO~III.I. a..w Ol"[t~ paC( CU1CNAT•ON$ wnttfll' Vf(D£Vti.~Eo ,U:fA5 U£ S"''ldO~o.IC ONLY j,NO W11.!,. Bi: DrtERMIIrr([D IN A a.I0Rt ll'flliCISC WANNER WMtN T ~ &AUS Alit[ Ol Vt'LOPIO. "OFFICE CONSOLIOATION" SCHEDULE" A LAND USE PLAN INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA .... -. - THE REG10NA\.. MUNIC.IPA.'..ITY or YO~K PLANN'~'l. ro,.-c-... ~· Area of Amendment ' ; : ··--- . t 4 -l II . i LEGEND Suburban Residential Urban Residential £-i/J Major Open Space SCHEDULE A I LAND . USE PLAN . Official Plan Amendment No. The Town of Aurora Plz : Area