BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Highway - 19881005 - 303188\ ,_/ ) < l BY-LAW NUMBER 3031-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to certain lands as a highway forming part John's Sideroad. dedicate public of St. WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 298 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provide that Council may enact By-laws for establishing the laying of highways; AND WHEREAS, The Regional Municipality of York has by virtue of a Transfer/Deed of Land dated April 11, 1988 and registered on June 17, 1988 transferred to the Town of Aurora lands acquired by the Regional Corporation to facilitate the realignment of St. John's Sideroad and Bayview Avenue intersection; AND WHEREAS, The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to dedicate those lands as public road allowance; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora enacts as By-law No. 3031-88, the following: 1. THAT the 1 ands situate lying and being in the Town of Aurora and being comprised of Part of Lot 86, Concession 1 designated as Parts 3 and 7 on Plan 65R-6419 be and are hereby dedicated as public highways in the Town of Aurora. 2. THAT the land situate lying and being in the Town of Aurora and being comprised of Part Lot 26 Concession 2 designated as Part 5 on a plan for expropriation registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region as No. 325784 be and is hereby dedicated as a public highway in the Town of Aurora. 3. THAT the provisions of this By-law shall come into force and be effective upon final passage thereof and when the registration of the By-law in the proper Land Registry Office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 21ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1988. GoWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS • PATENT & TRADE MARK AGENTS . ,..., ' January 3, 1990 DELIVERED BY OVERNIGHT COURIER Mr. Larry Allison Deputy Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway North Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl Re: Town of Aurora -General By-Law No. 3031-88 ; ; ~ Suite 3800, Commerce Court West Toronto, Ontario, Canada, MSL 1J3 Tel: (416) 862-7525 Fax: (416) 862-7661 Direct Line: 862·3519 Secretary Line:862-3524 Fax Number: 862·8271 File Number: T90345 Further to your instructions, we enclose the duplicate registered copy of Document General Instrument No. 526985 being the above- captioned By-Law which was registered on November 17, 1989. We trust this is satisfactory. Yours very truly, Ja s c. CWjgpc Encl. /:Ji zr1 2 First Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSX 1 A4 Tel: (416) 862-8484 HENDERSON 50 Queen Street North Kltchener, Ontario, canada N2H 6M1 Tel: (519) 576-6910 19 Thome Street Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1 R 5W1 Tel: (519) 621-6910 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1 N 8S3 Tel: (613) 232-1781 ·' .. , Document General DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 J:-.!=:1. Province 1\..V~ of ~ Ontano Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 D SZ698S Number -·--····· ... , ...................... .. CERTIACATE OF REGISTRATION l~aq ·NOV. I 1 p f: l!O !c,ol; P'l\1 1 ... , • ~~~ I ;\'& . ' [ YORK REGION.~ No. 65 NEWMARK&:[ !.and Reslltral: New Property Identifiers Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See Schedule Additional: See Schedule (1) Registry KJ (3) Property tdentttter(s) (4} Nature of Document Land Titles 0 ~ (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Block Property BY-LAW (SECTION 298 OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT) (5) Consideration Dollars$ Additional: See 0 Schedule (6) Description FIRSTLY: Part of lDt 86, Concession 1, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, designated as Parts 3 and 7 on Plan 65R-6419, f'<9R.M¢L"( lJ.'i+<T~tH SECONDLY: Part Lot 26, Concession 2, Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York, designated as Part 5 on a plan for expropriation registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York O Region as No. 325784 t.9R..tiEf1..L'{ tJ.>-i+rf{.Hu.l2.-t.•<-. 0 (7) This Document Contains: (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch [ (b) Schedule for: 0 ! Description 0 Additional Parties O Other IXJ ' By-Law Number 3031-88 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora is attached. Conlin ued on Schedule 0 ( (9) This Document relates to instrument number( a) (10) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D . i~~O~~~.ORATIO.N .oF. T.HE. TOW.~ .oF .......... GOWLIN~ T!{ . ~ V~c 7 • i ..... ! ... j .. . . by::its:s:olicit:ors::::::::::.:::::::::·.·.P~~;l'·j4""~~.t'S9~'1'~ lr ... , , , : : : (11 l~!d~:~ice P.O. Box 8100, 81 Industrial ~arkway North, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) ] Date of Signature Y M 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,·, ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . · ............................................... . (13) Address tor Service (14) Municipal Address of Property NOT ASSIGNED 10174 (12/84) (15) Document Prepared by: Toronto, Ontario M5L 1J3 w (.) it ~IF=~~~~=F~~~~~=9 :! Total I J • ' t • LEGAL DEPARTMENT 615 Davis Drive Suite202 Newmarket, Ontario I.3Y 2R2 Telephone:(416)895-1231 • 362·2464 887·5188 • 731.0201 Telecopier: 895-3768 Edward Oakes, Solic"or TOWN o~ RECEIVED Mailing Address: Box 59 Barbara Moloney, Assistant Solicilor Newmarket, Ontario I.3Y iiW3 '89 MAR 16 AlO :25 File Nos. 34-13.5(c) 34-13.17B 15th March, 1989 The Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street West Aurora, Ontario L4G 3L8 Attention: Mrs. Colleen E. Gowan Clerk Dear Madame: Re: Part of Lot 21, Concession 3 Town of Aurora formerly Whitchurch Instrument Nos. 26508 and 106868 Regional Road Nos. 12 and 15 Further to your letter dated the 23rd February, 1989 this is to advise the following: 1. By-Law Number 3066-89 dedicating-the lands described in Instrument No. 106868 as part of Leslie Street (YR 12) was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 7th March, 1989 as Instrument No. 500326. 2. By-Law Number 3067-89 dedicating the lands described in Instrument No. 26508 as part of Leslie Street ( YR 12) and part of Wellington Street East ( YR 15) was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 7th March, 1989 as Instrument No. 500322. Thank you for your kind co-operation in connection with this matter. EO:sc 1-'i-l) ~&ic) Yours truly, ~wvvV\_ ()~~ Regional Solicitor .... ~--. -~~"'"~~----~~~---·-------------·------... ,,,<',Ml'~, --~ 615 Davis Drive Suile202 LEGAL DEPARTMENT Newmarket, Ontario l3l' 2R2 Telephona:(416)895-1231 • 362-2464 667-5166 ' 731-1)201 TOWN RECEIVED Telecopier: 895-3766 Edward Oakes. Solicitor Mailing Address: Box 59 Barbara Moloney, Assislanl Solicitor File Nos. 34-13.17B 34-13.10B '89 HAR 16 AlO :25 15th March, 1989 The Town of Aurora 50 Wellington Street Aurora, Ontario West L4G 3L8 Attention: Mrs. Colleen E. Gowan Clerk Dear Madame: Re: Part Lots 80 and 81, Concession 1 and Part Lot 20, Concession 2 Town of Aurora, formerly Whitchurch Instrument Nos. 11924, 11927 and 24036A Regional Road Nos. 15 and 34 Newmarl<et, Ontario l3l' IN/3 Receipt is acknowledged of 2 certified copies of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora By-Law Number 3037-88 received in our office on the 6th March, 1989. This is to advise that the said By-Law Number 3037-88 dedicating the lands described in Instrument No. 24036A as part of Bayview Avenue (YR 34) and Instrument Nos. 11924 and 11927 as part of Wellington Street' East (YR 15) was registered in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of York Region on the 7th March, 1989 as Instrument No. 500341. · Thank you for your kind co-operation in connection with this matter. Yours truly, EO:sc ~ o~ Region~ tor