BYLAW - Change Road Name (Vandorf) - 19880824 - 300388BY-LAW NUMBER 3003-B8 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to change the name of part of Vandorf Road within the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS the prov1s1ons of Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provides that Council may by By-law change the names of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Vandorf Road from Yonge Street to the present intersection of Vandorf Road and Industrial Parkway South, within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 210 (105b) of the said Municipal Act have been complied with and notice of the proposed change has been published at least once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS no person has submitted in writing a notice indicating they will be adversely affected by the proposed change; NOW, THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the name of the portion of Vandorf Road from Yonge Street to the present Intersection of Vandorf Road and Industrial Parkway South be and is hereby changed so that same sha 11 now be known as Industrial Parkway South; 2. THAT staff shall be directed to erect appropriate signage to properly identify the new segment of Industrial Parkway South; and 3. THAT the provisions of the By-1 aw sha 11 not come into force and be effective until final passage thereof and until registration of the By-law in the proper land registry office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS C)l TJoAy OF ~ · ' 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24 DAY OF August ' 1988. MAYOR 'l.-'ffiJ Province Document General ~ii:'il of ~ Ontano Form 4-Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 D I New Property Identifiers Additional: (1) Registry D (3) Property ldentifier(s) Land Titles 'X Block (4) Nature of Document (2) Page 1 of 2 pages Property BY-LAW (Section 210(105) of the Municipal Act) (5) Consideration Dollars$ (6) Description Part of Parcel Streets 1, Section M-2012 being Vandorf Road, Plan M-2012 Town of Aurora Regional Munici~ality of York Additional: See 0 Schedule See Schedule 0 Executions (8) This Document provides as follows: Additional: See Schedule (7) This Document 0 Contains (a) Redescription New Easement Plan/Sketch D (b) Schedule for: Additional Description 0 Parties 0 Other 0 1. Certified copy 0 f By-Law 3003-88 of The Corporation of The Town of Aurora attached. :-' (9) This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Continued on Schedule 0 Date of Signature Y M D , . , , .. ,by .its .solic.itor.s ... , . , , , , .. , . , , , , , , . , . , '' Gowl,i,ng,, st~. .& ,H' .e . . I ..... i' .. ! ... ' , 'I ... Perr· . . .. , . , j H89 Hi. b. Jam s . Wi ou ! ! . , , .. Gowling,.Strathy ,& Henderson. , ... , . ' ' . ' . . '' ' . ' .... l ..... i .. '!' .. (11) Address _/ tor service 81 Industrial Parkway North, Box 8100, ls1: Floor Rear, Aur, Ont. L4G 6Jl (12) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) (13) Address for Senoice (14) Municlpsl Address of Property Vandorf Road (now Industrial Parkway Aurora, Ontario South) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . \ (15) Document Prepared by: Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Barristers and Solicitors 3800 Commerce Court west Toronto, Ontario MSL 1J3 I~ Fees and Tax -' z Registration Fee or---------+---------~ UJ "'' ~::~ --------~------------4 UJ' u ~lr-----------~------------1 ~IF=========~==========~ ~ Total -···-··· --·--·-·-- BY-LAW NUMBER 3003-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to change the name of part of Vandorf Road within the Town of Aurora. WHEREAS the prov1s1ons of Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, provides that Council may by By-law change the names of highways under its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS the Muni ci pa 1 Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to change the name of Vandorf Road from Yonge Street to the present intersection of Vandorf Road and Industrial Parkway South, within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 210 (105b) of the said Municipal Act have been complied with and notice of the proposed change has been published at least once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation within the Town of Aurora; AND WHEREAS no person has submitted in writing a notice indicating they will be adversely affected by the proposed change; NOW, THEREFORE, the Muni ci pa 1 Council of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: on Plan M-2012 1. THAT the name of the portion of Vandorf Road/ from Yonge Street to the present Intersection of Vandorf Road and Industrial Parkway South be and is hereby changed so that same shall now be known as Industrial Parkway South; 2. THAT staff shall be directed to erect appropriate signage to properly identify the new segment of Industrial Parkway South; and 3. THAT the provisions of the By-1 aw shall not come into force and be effective unti 1 fi na 1 passage thereof and until registration of the By-law in the proper land registry office has been effected. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS Qll1JAy OF ~ · • 1988. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 24 DAY OF August • 1988. MAYOR . ______ .,_ __ November 28, 1989 DELIVERED Mr. Lawrence Allison, Deputy Clerk Town of Aurora P.O. Box 8100 81 Industrial Parkway Aurora, ontario L4G 6Jl Dear Larry: A.M.C.T. North Re: Town of Aurora -Road Names GoWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS • PATENT & TRADE MARK AGENTS r n 1::: _''-_;: ,-·~ ~-"· _., ..... fs~Jet~. ¢Jr11-metri~:9~~,rt!~~st. _ Torontq';"'ntaJ"!o; Canac;la.-.tv15L '1J3 Tel: (41f5\ ~~-_762~ \/ )'-· { i Fax: (416) 86~-7661 " '•··· '.7 Direct Line: 862·3519 s~s~etarrxvL~:862·3524 7 Nu t:.';;l P12 :o5 Further to your instructions, we enclose herewith the following documentation with respect to the above-noted transaction. 1. Document General Instrument No. LT 632071 being Registered By- Law 3004-88; 2. Document General Instrument No. LT 632073 being Registered By- Law 3003-88; 3. Document General Instrument No. LT 625331 being Registered By- Law 3002-88; 4. Document General Instrument NO. LT 632070 being Affidavit in Support of the Registration of By-Law 3004-88. JCW:jb Encs 2 Rrst Canadian Place Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSX 1 A4 Tel: (416) 862-8484 50 Queen Street North Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2H 6M1 Tel: (519) 576-691 a Yours very truly, GO~NG, ~HENDERSON -~ J es c. W1lloughby 19 Thorne Street cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1 R 5W1 Tel: (519) 621-6910 160 Elgin Street Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1 N 8S3 Tel: (613) 232-1781 ... p 1--::,-1 Province ~v~ of Document General DYE & DURHAM CO. LIMITED Form No. 985 ~Ontario Form 4 -Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 D i! (1) Registry 0 Land Tilles ~ I (2) Page 1 of 2 pages "--: 1-:~ : c.. rot~ "' (3) Property Block Property Additional: 11--; i:Li t:() ~ I dentiller( s) c See 0 (:::) 1 f:d 6'" !l Schedule d. \'-( 1 c:: ,!g (4) Nature of Document . \1): ....... <( ... :o 00 ~Y-IAW (Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act) ~lLLJN ~ \ lf-N (5) Consideration >------l c:s E; -' z '---..( : w:: :z: z ~ Dollars$ 0 0 J i=; g;: 15 Q) 0::: g: "' "' (6) Description .0 LLJ a::.,< EC "'"'::;; 0:: • s: of Parcel Streets 1, Section 65M-2247 being :::1 cow Part ' z >-ZZ Abl:ott Avenue, Plan 65M-2247 0 u. Town of Aurora, Regional Municipality of York New Property Identifiers Additional: See 0 Schedule Executions (7) This (a) Redescription j (b) Schedule for: Additional Additional: Document New Easement See 0 Contains: Plan/Sketch O! Description 0 Parties O Other ~ Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: 1. Certified oopy of By-Law 3004-88 of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora attached. Continued on Schedule 0 ( (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) -,_. Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature y M D . . ' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA GOWLING, S ~~ J J J · by its· solicitors: · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · j · · · · · i · · '!' : · Per: .. ·. !1989 '11 :16 . . .... ·········· ¥.'/ ....... 1····· '''I''' ........................ " ........ " .. .. .. .. · Jaires Wi.lloughby / 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... ' ..... ' ': ....... ·:· .. ' ' : : ' ' I ' (11) Address for Service 81 Industrial Parkway North, Box 8100, 1st Floor Rear, Aurora, Ontario L4G 6Jl (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) y M D . . . . . . . . ' ........... ' ....... '' ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L ... . . . . '''.'' ............... ' .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . ' ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .. ''.'.' ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . ,--· (13) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: ~ Fees and Tax -' Abl:xltt Avenue Gowling, Strathy & Henderson z Registration Fee 0 (now Gilbank Drive) Barristers and Solicitors w Suite 3800, (J) Aurora, Ontario Commerce Court West :::> Tbronto, Ontario w () MSL 1J3 u. u. 0 !Attention: a: Jarres c. Willoughby 0 Total ~ 10174 (12/84)