BYLAW - Amend 2213 78 (Zoning) - 19880617 - 305288BY-LAW NUMBER 3052-88 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW to amend Zoning By-law No. 2213-78. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1) That Schedule "A", Map 4, is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By:law from "H" Holding and "R2-6 Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception Zone" to "R1 -Detached Dwelling First Density Residential" and "R2 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential" and "0 -Major Open Space" as shown on Schedule "A"; and 2) No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS BY-LAW WERE NOT PASSED BY COUNCIL BUT WERE ORDERED BY THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ORDER DATED JUNE 17, 1988. ., \ ' PART OF lOTS 76AND77 COt\K:ESSION I W .._ TO\\'N Of~... I' REG~ OF V()Rt; tU\'JS[D APRil b. F.!!le .. • •t•• . . . . , . ·-.. - ·.•· '· --~1- • ,. -s -' _;. ____ -.~ -· -·----• , • l r • --I ,...:_i ~--·I • I • ~-:----; • ' -• . .!HZ • . •·. • • I • f • I • • ; • • I • ' ., ,.,. , .. ; .,-~·~· ,.,. , -;.:;~·-=- SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW No. t ! ---- , ... '·' '''· ... ! • I t • • Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario IN THE ~TTER OF Section 35(3} of the ~liJ.nni (lg Act, 1983 '"88 '· -I I i-,·J • l I -and - IN THE ~TTER OF an appeal to this Board by Corridor Enterprises Inc. for an order directing an amendment to' By-1 aw 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density Residential and "R2" Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential the ~rmitted use of lands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession l WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of a plan of subdivision O.M.B. File No. Z 860159 -and - IN THE MATTER OF an appeal to this Board by Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A. W. Boland and Jean Boland for an order directing an amendment to By-law 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora to rezone from "H" Holding Zone to "Rl" Detached Dwelling First Density, "Rl-1" Detached Dwelling First Density Exception, "R2" Detached Dwe 11 i ng Second Density and "0" Major Open Space the permitted use of lands comprising of Part of Lots 76 and 77, Concession l WYS in the Town of Aurora to permit the development of ~ plan of subdivison O.M.B. File No. Z 870048 -and - IN THE ~TTER OF Section 22(1} of the Planning Act, 1983 -and - IN THE ~TTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourable Bernard Grandmaitre, by Corridor Enterprises Inc., Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland for consideration of a proposed amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora to redesi gate lands described as Part of Lots 76 ·and 77, Concession l WYS, in the Town of Aurora, from "Major Open Space" and "Urban and Suburban ·-Residential" to "Urban Residential" to permit the extension of the existing Phase l residential developments . ' J. '). kdGv ·" / 1 .1 ~ • ,/(N 1 j { iA,,;-" /-;C~ ~ -::· ~-I ) 0 (_'7c ;·I-11, z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 V v' \ I('} r;;.r;'-'_ (/\./~'- ~ .1-Y q).<.v(t .g{_ -,9 , ,;,; _ fr--ro <If lf>"ffNII.V.I ~,()'OK. -~l6,-N/<!... ' ' BEFORE: C.G. CHARRON Member - 2 - Minister's File No. 19-0P-0025-A02 O.M.B. File No. 0 870046 . z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 -and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Friday, the 17th day of June, 1988 G.I. THOMSON Member THESE MATTERS having come on for public hearing and after the hearing the Board having reserved its decision until this day; THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal for an order amending By-law 2213-78, made by Corridor Enterprises Inc., is allowed and said by-law is hereby amended in accordance with Schedule 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this order, The Muni ci pa 1 ity is hereby authorized to assign a by-1 aw or other number to this document for record keeping purposes AND THE BOARD ORDERS that the appeal for an order amending By-law 2213-78, made by Peter Avery, Jean Avery, A.W. Boland and Jean Boland, is allowed and said -by-1 aw is hereby amended in accordance with Schedule 'B' attached hereto and forming part of this order. The Municipality is hereby authorized to assign a by-law or other number to this document for record keeping purposes AND THE BOARD FURTHER ORDERS that Amendment No. 49 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora is hereby approved. ENTERED o. s. No ..... ~.a~.-L Folio N 1 LL •• •••••••• 0 .... .,. .'3..0. .......... . AU6111988 Acr~ •• ~ . ONT. MUNICI.:OA.t COARO ,J Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario SCHEDULE 'A' to the order of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 17th day of June, 1988 z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule 'A' Map 4 is hereby amended by changing the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outline on Schedule 'A' attached here to and forming part of this By-law from 'H' Holding,and ''R2-6 Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential Exception Zone" to "Rl-Detached Dwelling First Density Residential" and "R2-Detached 1lwelling Second Density Residential" and "0-Major Open-Space" as shown on Schedule "A". 2. No part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. PART OF lOTS 76AND77 CQ\JCESSI~ I W .._ TOWN Of Ai...JDR A. I' REGICN Or YORK 5C.A!! , 1()(Y\ • Kf\'ISED APr.ll b. 1991! ; . -.rc ..,. , ....,_, • ~~·· ·' '~ ... ~ •.r ,. ~-' .... ,. ,.. ,.. . -· . . -~-· --~r------.... -.;;;;.;, r;----------. J -, 1: .... ' -- . .. .. . . .. ~·· I· -r -· I .• I I' ~:--_~·u· -£0.:!1-' •.•• ., . _,...,.. --.. -~, ' ·- • • • I • • • I • • I • • f ·• ' ·-., ~-..-,. . ,· .,,.,. .· -.·-·· \ ·• I •• > .,., . ~· -----_______ ., "-----::..: .... ----~ , ... '·'· ,_, ........ SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW No.----- l • c • • i ' :..0 LOT 79 I ~ t \ : ------~~~u_r---~-----,t·~~L------------- I , • 0 "' ... i IOC:'IE! -----_____ ....:..__ ---------rl::__ ____________ ..J...:;:.J.. -------~ LCT 78 LOT 77 KEY MAP BY-LAW ___ _ AURORA GOLF' 0 a: HIGHLAND~ CLUB I . ' 1[] .. 0 ~ o .. 19 • .. '' ' 11r.mc: Tn Hll-llf':H THE BY LAlY APPLIES ! .• ~ ..... , Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de !'Ontario SCHEDULE '8' to the order of the Ontario Municipal Board made on the 17th day·of June, 1988 1 BY•LAW IRJKBBR OJ' 'I'D artJJi'ICIPAL CORPORA'l'IOJi.~O""J':-='l'D~"""'J'OWJi OJ' AURORA z 860159 z 870048 0 870046 WBBRBAB it is deemed advisable to amend By-law Number 2213-78 of the Town of Aurora: lfOW 'l'DUI'OU the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule •A• Map No. 4 of By-law 2213-78 is hereby amended to change the zoning category applying to the lands shown in dark outlined on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law from "H -Holding• to •R1·8 -Detached Dwelling First Density Residential Exception•, "R1-9-Detached Dwelling First Density Residential Exception•, R1-10 -Detached Dwelling First Density Residential Exception, -R2 -Detached Dwelling Second Density Residential" and •o -Major Open Space• in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. That By-law 2213-78 is hereby amended by adding the following Sections 10.10, 10.11 and 10.12 after Section 10.9 in the text of By-law 2213-78: · •SECTION 10.10 -DB'l'ACBED DWELLING J'IRS'l' DENSITY USIDBN'l'IAL (R1•8) BJ:CBP'l'ION IONB Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 10.2.1 and 10.2.2 respecting Lot Frontage (minimum), Interior Side Yard (minimum) and Front Yard (minimum), the lands zoned R1·8 shall have a minimum Lot Frontage requirement of 18 metres, a minimum Interior Side Yard Requirement (one and two storeys) of 1.5 aetres,-and a minimum Front Yard requirement of 7.5 aetres. All other provisions of sections 10.1 and 10.2 shall apply to the sUbject lands. 8BC'l'ION 10.11 -DB'l'ACBED DWELLING J'IRS'l' DBNSI'l'Y USIDBN'l'IAL (R1•t) BJ:CBP'l'~ON IONB ~ Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.78 respecting Front Lot Lines, the Front Lot Line for the lot zoned R1-9 in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto shall not be the lot line abutting Bathurst Street, but rather shall be the lot line abutting the local ot collector road to the southeast of such lot. -Notwithstanding the provisions of Sect;on.J.0.2.1 respecting J,ot Frontage (minimum), the lot zoned R1·9 shall have a'minimum Lot Frontage ~· A - 2 - requirement of 20 •etres. All other provisions of Sections 10.1 and 10.2 shall apply to the subject lot. 8ECTION 10.12 -DETACHED DWELLING PIRBT DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R1•10) BXCEPTION SONE Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.78 respecting Front Lot Lines, the Front Lot Line for the lot zoned Rl-10 in accordance with Schedule •A• attached hereto shall~not l,)e 1:1te lot line abutting Bathurst Street, but rather shllll be the lot line abuttin9cthe local or collector road to_the east of such lo~ , Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10.2.1 respecting Lot Frontage (minimum), the lot zoned Rl-10 shall have a minimum.Lot Frontage requ1rement of 8 •etres; All other provisions of Sections-10.1 and 10.2 shall apply to the subject lot.• 3. That all provisions of the text of By-law 2213-78, as amended, shall apply to the subject lands: 4. That no part of this By-law will come into force until the provisions of the Planning Act have been complied with, but subject to such provisions the By-law will take effect from the day of passing thereof. - BLOCK A ·G) - BLOCK C e~ ._ 17 1& 1S 114 11 11 1' 10 u '·' ., 28 ... KEY BY-LAW LANDS • ,-, \, I I t I I - 1 I I •----I ~ ..... -I MAP • i •. • -ANDS TO WHICH THE BY-LAW APPLIES ---···-·· .. --.... --~--~------.